Capitol in volum Editura Academiei
Popa, D., Secara C , cap.9, On the multimobile complex structures, Research Trends in Mechanics, vol.1, pp. 271-304, Ed. Academiei (eds. D. Popa, V. Chiroiu, I. Toma), 2007.
Lucrari publicate in reviste ale Academiei Romane
Secara C., Cononovici S.B., Nitu I., Restriction Surface Avoidance by a Planar Redundant Manipulator Using a Control Strategy Based on the Pseudoinverse of the Jacobian Matrix, Proceedings of the Annual Symposium of the Institute of Solid Mechanics - May 18-20 2005, Ed. Academiei (ed. T. Sireteanu), pp.275-280, 2006.
Nitu I., Racovita W., Secara C., Detection of Singular Positions for a Planar Redundant Manipulator, Proceedings of the Annual Symposium of the Institute of Solid Mechanics - May 18-20 2005, Ed. Academiei (ed. T. Sireteanu), pp.289-296, 2006.
Nitu I., Secara C., Kinematics of a Redundant Planar Manipulator with a Ramified Structure, Proceedings of the Annual Symposium of the Institute of Solid Mechanics – May 17-19 2006, Ed. Academiei (eds. V. Chiroiu, M. Migdalovici), pp.299-305, 2007.
Secara C., Control Strategies for obstacle avoidance by redundant manipulators, Proc. of the Romanian Academy, Series A: Mathematics, Physics, Technical Sciences, Information Science, vol. 6, nr.2, 2007.
Popa, D., Chiroiu, V., Munteanu, L., Iarovici, A., Onisoru, J., Secara C., On the modeling of hybrid systems, Proc. of the Romanian Academy, Series A: Mathematics, Physics, Technical Sciences, Information Science, vol. 6, nr.1, 2007.
Munteanu, L., Popa D., Secara C., V. Chiroiu, The analysis of a system of rigid bodies's dynamics by linear equivalence method, Proc. of the Romanian Academy, Series A: Mathematics, Physics, Technical Sciences, Information Science, vol. 6, nr.3, 2007.
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