Proposal for dbt builder programme

Greenhouse/Phytotron facility

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11. Greenhouse/Phytotron facility: This facility is essential to maintain various plants/seedlings under controlled conditions- temperature, humidity, light intensity, insect proof. Rs. 50 lakhs

Requirements: Phytotron with computer controlled illuminators, water control systems, humidifiers, electrical backup facility.

12. Microbial culture facility: This facility is useful to collect, identify, culturing and maintenance of various bacterial, fungal cultures and also essential for cataloguing, barcoding of microbial cultures. Rs. 60 lakhs

Requirements: Vertical laminar flow systems, Anerobic chamber, BOD incubator, CO2 incubator, Autoclave, Hot-airoven, Cooling centrifuge, Ultrafilteration system, Vertical microscope with image analysis system, Incubator shakers, Refregitaros, -20C and -80C deep freezers, ultrapure water system.

13. Fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) facility: It is a specialized type of flow cytometry to study the cell sorting and evaluation of heterogeneous mixture of biological cells into two or more containers, one cell at a time, based upon the specific light scattering and fluorescent characteristics of each cell. It is a useful scientific instrument as it provides fast, objective and quantitative recording of fluorescent signals from individual cells as well as physical separation of cells of particular interest. Rs. 100 lakhs

Requirement: FACS machine and other accessories required to the facility.

14. Proteomics facility: Proteomics facility is essential to study the various protein analysis and their synthesizers. This facility will is useful for all the life science departments.

Reqiorements: Mass spectrophotometry, Maldi TOF, Aminoacid analyzer, Peptide synthesizer, Biochemical automated analyzer, 3D electrophoresis units, Ettan IPG Phor 3, Dalt 6 Gel caster,Dalt Six Vertical 2D Unit, SE 600 Ruby, Complete EPS 601 power supply,Image master 2D platinum software, Image scanner,Ettan Spot picker,Typhoon FLA 9000 Bio Molecular Imager. Rs. 100 lakhs

25. Declaration/Certification

It is certified that

    1. The same project has not been submitted to any other agency/agencies for financial support.

    2. The emoluments for the manpower proposed are those admissible to persons of corresponding Status employed in the institute /university or as per the Ministry of Science & Technology Guidelines.

    3. Necessary provision for the scheme/project will be made in the Institute/University/State budget. In anticipation of the sanction of the scheme/project.

    4. If the project involves the utilization of genetically engineered organism. It is agreed that we will ensure that an application will be submitted through our Institutional Biosafety Committee and we will declare that while conducting experiments, the Biosafety Guidelines of the Department of Biotechnology would be complied.

    5. If the project involves field trails/experiments/exchange of specimens, etc. we will ensure that ethical clearances would be taken from concerned ethical Committees/Competent authorities and the same would be conveyed to the Department of Biotechnology before implementing the project.

    6. The Institute/University agrees to sign detailed MOU with DBT for management of programme when approved.

    7. The Institute/University agrees that the equipment, other basic facilities and such other administrative facilities as per terms and conditions of the grant will be extended to all investigator(s) throughout the duration of the project.

    8. The Institute assumes to undertake the financial and other management responsibilities of the project.

    9. We agree to accept the terms and conditions.

Signature of Research Group Leaders of University with date:

Group 1. Prof.M.Bhaskar, Department of Zoology :
Group 2. Prof.D.V.R.Sai Gopal, Department of Virology :
Group 3. Prof. N.Yasodamma, Department of Botany :
Group 4. Prof.K.Thyagaraju, Department of Biochemistry :

Signature of Programme Co-ordinator Signature of Executive Authority

Date: Date:




Professor & Co-ordinator

Division of Animal Biotechnology,

Dept. of Zoology,

S.V. University

TIRUPATI – 517502



H.No. 5-66/6A, Sri Krishna Nagar

M.R. Palli,

TIRUPATI – 517 502

A.P., India.

4. DATE OF BIRTH : 05-05-1957


S. No Degree Year Subject College / University

1. Ph.D* 1983 Zoology S.V. University, Tirupati, India.

2. M.Sc. 1979 Zoology S.V. University, Tirupati, India.

3. B.Sc. 1977 B.Z.C. S.V. Arts College, Tirupati, India

4. B.Ed. 1986 Education / Annamalai University

Science Annamalai Nagar, T.N., India.

5. M.Ed. 1991 Zoology Annamalai University

Annamalai Nagar, T.N., India.

6. Certificate Course 1987 Introduction Oklahoma University,

in Computer Sciences to Computer Oklahoma, USA.


* Title: Tissue metabolic profiles of Tilapia mossambica (peters) acclimated to

sublethal acidic and alkaline media.


Molecular techniques (Blotting, PAGE, HPLC), Cell Culture Biochemical techniques; Enzyme Kinetics. Isolation of myofibrils, myosin, myosin isozymes and actin, Computer application, Thyroidectomy and adrenalectomy in rats. Electrical Stimulations to induce localized exercise in muscles of intact animals.


Received certificates from the Department of research and education, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, USA, for the successful completion of Computer usage and SAS courses in Computer Science, March, 1987.

Received certificate from the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation and V A Hospital USA, for the successful completion of an educational workshop in research animal care and usage, May, 1987.

Seminar given on Hormonal influence on cardiac contractile function”, Dept. of Physiology and Biophysics, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, October 27, 1987.


S. No. Position Institution and Location Year

  1. HOD of Zoology Dept. of Zoology

S.V. University, Tirupati 27th June 2012-Till date

2. Co-ordinator Animal Biotechnology July 2009 - Till date

Dept. of Zoology

S.V. University, Tirupati

3. Professor Dept. of Zoology Aug 2006 - Till date

S.V. University, Tirupati

4. Associate Professor Dept. of Zoology Sept 2001 – July, 2006

S.V. University, Tirupati

5. Executive Registrar NIMS, Hyderabad June 2004- Nov 2004

6. Registrar I/c SVIMS, Tirupati, A.P. July 2001 - May, 2004

7. HOD of Zoology S.V.U.P.G. Centre, Kavali Aug1996- April 2001

8. Assistant Professor S.V.U.P.G. Centre, Sept 1992 – Aug 2001

Dept. of Zoology, Kavali
Research Positions:

1. Visiting Scientist Department of Physiology, May, 1996–Sept, 1996

Southern Illinois University,

Carbondale, IL–62901. USA.

2. Visiting Scientist Department of Physiology, May, 1995–Aug, 1996

Southern Illinois University,

Carbondale, IL–62901.USA.

3. Visiting Scientist Department of Physiology, May, 1994–July, 1996

Southern Illinois University,

Carbondale, IL–62901.USA.

4. Pool Scientist (CSIR) S.V.U.P.G. Centre, 1989 – 1992


5. Post Doctoral Fellow Dept of Physiology, 1988 - 1989

The University of Oklahoma,

Oklahoma City,

OK – 73190. USA.

6. Post Doctoral Fellow (Ind.) Dept of Physiology, 1986 - 1988

The University of Oklahoma,

Oklahoma City, OK – 73190. USA.

7. Research Associate Dept. of Zoology, 1984-1986;

(UGC) & (CSIR) S.V. University, Tirupati 1992

8. Senior Research Fellow Dept. of Zoology, 1982-1994

(UGC) S.V. University, Tirupati

9. Junior Research Fellow Dept. of Zoology, 1979-1982

(UGC) S.V. University, Tirupati

  1. Commonwealth Academic Staff Fellowship Award. 2010-11.

  2. The Rockefeller Foundation, USA, Prestigious Biotechnology Career Award-1993.

  3. UGC Young Scientist Travel Award, 1985 (for excellent research performance and to attend an International Conference at Toronto, Canada).

  4. National Post – Doctoral Fellowship Award from Indian Govt. to study Abroad, 1986 (for Outstanding academic achievement and top in selection under Zoology subject at National level.)

  5. USA Presbyterian Health Foundation Post Doctoral Fellowship USA, 1988-1989.

  6. Post Doctoral Fellowship, by Govt. of India, 1986-1988.

  7. Research Associate ship by UGC & CSIR, 1984-1986, 1992.

  8. Senior Research Fellow by UGC, 1982-1984.

  9. Junior Research Fellow by UGC, 1979-1982.


Canada - 1985

London - 1985

USA - 1986-89; 1994, 1995 & 1996

Japan - 1989

South Korea - 1995 & 1996

Singapore - 1995 & 1996

UK (CWAF) - 2010-11


(Handled Theory and Practicals at M.Sc, level in Dept. Bio-Chemistry (1989) and Dept. of Zoology, S.V.University, Tirupati (1979-92). From 1992, onwards worked as Assistant Professor and from 1997-2001, worked as Head, Dept. of Zoology, S.V.U.P.G. Centre, Kavali – 524 202, A.P.: From 2001 onwards Associate professor, Dept.of Zoology, S.V.U. College, Tirupati.


Ph.D., M.Phil.,

Guide: Awarded – 16 Awarded – 7

Submitted – 2 Working – 1

Working – 15 -

Co-Guide: Awarded- 1 -


  1. Fellow of Andhra Pradesh Akademi of Sciences (FAPAS) – 2013.

  2. Research Excellence Award- 2013 by Indus Foundation, USA.

  3. Out Standing Faculty of the Year- 2013 by Faculty Branding Awards-Education Expo TV.

  4. National Award for Teaching Excellence in Zoology-2013 by the Indus Foundation, USA.

  5. ZSI Gold Medal - B.S. Chauhan Award- 2012.

  6. Commonwealth Academic Staff Fellowship Award. 2010-11(UK).

  7. Teacher of Excellence by S.V. University- 2010.

  8. ABI’s Research Board of Advisors (USA) – 1998, 1999 & 2000.

  9. ABI’s Hall of Fame Award (USA) – 1998.

  10. ABI’s Lifetime Achievement Award (USA) – 1998.

  11. ABI’s Platinum Record for Exceptional Performance Award (USA) – 1998.

  12. ABI’s the 2000 Millennium Medal of Honor (USA) – 1998.

  13. IBC’s International Man of the year for 1997/98 (UK) – 1998.

  14. IBC’s the twentieth century Award for Achievement (UK) – 1998.

  15. Selected For Directors Honors List By ABI (USA) -1998.

  16. Distinguished Leadership Award, ABI (USA) – 1997.

  17. Man of the year Award, ABI (USA) – 1997.

  18. Prestigious Biotechnology Career Award, The Rockefeller Foundation, USA – 1993.

  19. National Post – Doctoral Fellowship Award – 1986.

  20. UGC Young Scientist Travel Award – 1985.


Anti-hypertensive drugs (USA) which are used in research with Prof. Trachewsky.


Review Articles : 03

Papers Published : 128

National : 72

International : 45

Papers Accepted : 01

Papers Communicated : 03

Abstracts Published : 121


Associate Editor for Indian Journal for Comparative Animal Physiology. 1990 - 92.

An abstract book of National Conference on Reproductive Biology and Comparative

Endocrinology, 2000.


  1. Aloe Vera and Diabetes- Anti Oxidant and Anti Diabetic Properties of Aloe Vera.

M. Bhaskar & Y.R. Radha Madhavi- LAP Lambert Academic Publisher, Germany

  1. A chapter entitled ‘’Role of Trace Elements in Medicine with special Reference to Cardiovascular Diseases” for the book entitled “CARDIOLOGY” 2012 edited by Dr. G. Subramanyam and Dr.M.Bhaskar, Avantika Printers Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi.

  2. Book: Bioresources as a tool for food security and rural livelihood: Challenges of 21ST Century. Chapter Title: Improvement of Bioresources through Biotechnological Approaches. Narendra Publishing House, New Delhi.


  1. Cadmium Toxicity- A Health Hazard and a Serious Environmental Problem -An Overview. V. Praveen Chakravarthi, JA. Pradeep Kiran, M. Bhaskar. 2012 International Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences. 2(4), 235-246.

  2. Metabolic alterations and molecular mechanism in silkworm larvae during viral infection: K. Ramesh Babu, S. Ramakrishna, Y. Harish Kumar Reddy, G. Lakshmi, N. V. Naidu, S. Sadak Basha and M. Bhaskar. A review. African Journal of Biotechnology. Vol. 8 (6), pp. 899-907, 20 March, 2009.

  3. A review on the effects of fortification agents of nutrition on growth and economy of Sericulture. Narasimha Murthy, C.V., Bharathi, D., Bhaskar, M and Govindappa, S. 1986 Sericologia, 26 (1): 35 - 42.

  4. Role of in vivo muscular electrical stimulations in inducing exercise training. Reddanna, P., Narasimha Murthy, C.V., Krishna Murthy, V., Bhaskar, M. and Govindappa, S. 1983. Ind. Review Life Sci. 3: 63-88.

(b) Short Research Papers:

  1. Effect of nutrients on silkworm development. Govindappa, S., Bhaskar, M. and Prasad, B. 1992. Pattu Sravanthi, 1: 24-27.

  2. Changes in protein metabolism of fresh water fish Tilapia mossambica (peters) acclimated to altered pH media. Bhaskar, M., and Govindappa, S. 1990. Proc. Second. Ind. Fish. Forum, Mangalore. pp 65-67.

  3. Bhaskar, M., 1983-84.Tissue metabolic profiles of Tilapia mossambica (peters) acclimated to sub lethal acidic and alkaline media. Mastya Vol.9&10: 213-214.

  4. Nature of acidity and alkalinity and their influence on aquatic animals. Bhaskar, M., Krishna murthy, V., Reddanna, P. and Govindappa, S. 1983 Telugu. 12(1): 51-56.

  5. Electricity in Medicine. Narasimha murthy, C.V., Bhaskar, M., Reddanna, P. and Govindappa, S. 1982. Telugu. 11(1): 30-34.

  6. Environmental acidification. Krishnamurthy, V., Bhaskar, M., Reddanna, P. and Govindappa, S. 1982. . Environ. Bull. 1: 35-37.

(d) Articles (not abstracts) published in seminars, symposia, conference volumes:

  1. Subramanyam, G. and Bhaskar, M. 1991. The role of trace elements (Cadmium) in induction of atherosclerosis. Proc. of the National Seminar on “The role of trace elements in the prevention of coronary atherosclerotic heart disease”. Tirupati. pp 4-7.

  2. Bharathi, D., Bhaskar, M., Reddanna, P. and Govindappa, S. 1983. Pattern of growth rate of larvae of Bombyx mori (L) on exposure to pituitary extract. Proc. Natl. Seminar on Silk Res. and Develop. Mysore. pp. 28-32.

  3. Bhaskar, M., Bharathi, D., Reddanna, P. and Govindappa, S. 1983. Growth and biochemical composition of Bombyx mori (L) on exposure to pituitary extract. Proc. Natl. Seminar on Silk Res. and Develop. Mysore. pp. 13-17.

  4. Bharathi, D., Bhaskar, M., Reddanna, P. and Govindappa, S. 1982. Effect of insecticides on mortality and oxygen consumption of the blister beetle, Mylabris Pustulata (thumb). Proc. Symp. Physiol. Resp. Anim. Pollutants. 1: 44-47.


  1. Fellow of Indian Association of Aquatic Biologists IAAB. 2009.

  2. UGC, National T.V. Programme, 1998, 2006

  3. Department of Sericulture, S.V. University, Tirupati, 1997.

  4. Department of Biotechnology, S.V. University, Tirupati, 1997.

  5. Department of Biotechnology, S.V. University, Tirupati, 1989-90.

  6. Department of Biotechnology, Nagarjuna University, Guntur, 1999.

  7. Department of Biotechnology, Nagarjuna University, Guntur, 2000.

  8. Department of Zoology, Nagarjuna University, Guntur, 2002.

  9. Examiner for M.Phil. Bharathi Dasan University, Tiruchirapalli.


  1. Referee for Indian Journal of Comparative Animal Physiology.

  2. Referee for Journal of Ecology and Fisheries.

  3. Referee for Journal of Aquaculture Tropics.

  4. Paper setter for Nagarjuna University, Guntur.

  5. Paper setter and examiner for Sri Krishnadevaraya University, Ananthapur.

  6. Paper setter and examiner for Kakathiya University, Warangal.

  7. Examiner for Ph.D. Viva-Voce, University of Bangalore, Bangalore.

  8. Examiner for Ph.D. Viva-Voce, Dept. of Biotechnology, JNTU, Hyderabad.

  9. Examiner for Ph.D. Viva-Voce, Dept. of Genetics, Osmania University, Hyderabad.

  10. Paper setter for M.Phil Avinashlingam Deemed University, Coimbatore.

  11. Examiner for M.Phil., Bharathi Dasan University, Tiruchirapalli.


Molecular Genetics : Worked on Transgenic mice carrying human and

Bovine growth hormone genes and dwarf mice (lacking growth hormone genes) and studied their impact on various tissue metabolic and nucleic acids.

Biotechnology : Expertise and trained in various methods Like

Northern blot, Southern blots, Western blot, reverse Transcription and other techniques in biotechnology.

Cell culture : Isolated the cell lines of Sertoli cells from

Transgenic mice testis and did primary cultures to study the protein secretions, nucleic acid levels and gene expression on treatment with FSH, Testosterone, IGF-I, Growth Hormone, Prolactin and cAMP.

Fish Biology : Toxicological impact of environmental acidic

and alkaline media on various metabolisms of fish.

Kinesiology : Isolation of myosin isozymes, myosin and actin

in cardiac and skeletal muscles. Kinetic studies of Ca2+, ‘K+’ and actin activated myosin ATPases.

Exercise Physiology : Studies towards the impact of muscular exercise and training induced through electrical stimulations on the physiology of animals.

Invertebrate Physiology : Hormone treatment to improve the growth rate

organic constituents of silk gland in silk worm larvae.

Endocrinology : Experimental models to find out the changes in

ionotropic, chronotropic and biochemical functions of heart during thyroid and adrenal hormone insufficiency and replacement therapy.

Molecular Physiology : Biochemical changes studied at molecular level

in cardiac tissue of spontaneously hypertensive rats and rabbits during anti-hypertensive therapy and trace element induction respectively.


Research Projects (Completed):


S. No Funding Amount

Organisation Rs. Year Purpose


1. UGC 75,000/- 1984-86 Research (RA)

2. CSIR 1,50,000/- 1989-92 Research

3. CSIR 64,000/- 1992 Research

4. Central Silk Board,

Govt. of India

(Co-Investigator) 15,00,000/- 1991-94 Research

5. Rockefeller (16,00,000/-) 1993-97 Research

Foundation, USA $ 40,000

6. UGC 13,000/- 1997-99 Research

7. DBT, A.P. State Govt. 34,00,000/- 2003-04 Equipment

8. UGC, New Delhi 6,01,300/- 2009-12 MRP

9. DBT, New Delhi 38,58,200/- 2011-2014 MRP

For Conferences / Workshops:

1. UGC 36,000/- 1985 Conference (Travel)

2. APCOST 37,500/- 2000 National Conference

3. SVIMS 50,000/- 2002 National Technology

Day – Conference.

4. SVIMS 4,00,000/- 2002 South Zone Vice -

Chancellors Conference

5. SVIMS 75,000/- 2003 International Satellite

Conference on Biotechnology

6. WHO – ICMR 2,50,000/- 2003 Workshop on Bio-informatics

7. DBT 35,000/- 2003 Workshop on Bio-informatics

8. DBT/CSIR/ICMR/APCOST 70,000/- 2005 Workshop on Bioinformatics



1. Prof. A. Bartke, FSH and Testosterone influence on

Professor and Chairman mRNA transcription and gene

Dept. of Physiology expression in cultured Sertoli cells of

Southern Illinois University transgenic mice.

Carbondale, IL-62901, USA.

2. Prof. Y.S.Reddy Impact of adrenal hormone on

Dept. of Physiology cardiac contractile function and

Health Sciences Center, BMSB myosin ATPase activities in rat.

The University of Oklahoma,

Oklahoma. OK – 73190. USA.

3. V. Koteswara Rao

Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology,

University of Kansas,


Kansas, USA


  1. Prof. G. Subramanyam Stem cells therapy for

Professor & Director Cardiovascular diseases


  1. Dr. Sambasivaiah Breast Cancer – Identification of

Head, Dept. of Oncology Stage through Metabolic markers.

SVIMS, Tirupati

  1. Prof. Narasimha Rao Regulation of Rheumatoid Arthritis

Head, Dept. of Rheumatology through medicinal plants

NIMS, Hyderabad.

  1. Prof. P. Ramakrishna, Identification of cardiovascular

Head, Dept. of Vascular Surgery advancement through metabolic

NIMS, Hyderabad. markers

5. Dr. P.V.G.K. Sarma Drug Designing

HOD, Dept. of Biotechnology

And Bioinformatics, SVIMS,


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