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Conclusions and Recommendations

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17 Conclusions and Recommendations

17.1 Future Systems and Trends in RTD

The vast majority of the future computer-based systems will be distributed systems of various scales built on a variety of interconnection mechanisms using a wide range of development paradigms and techniques. The defining characteristics of these emerging systems are as follows:

  • Openness – the systems will be assembled and reassembled online out of component systems which are found dynamically, having been developed without precise knowledge of the context in which they would be employed

  • Pervasiveness – presence of computer systems anywhere; this is based on massive recent and future advances in technology

  • Mobility of devices, users and code

  • Adaptivity developed in order to deal with the changing environment, system and subsystem behaviour, characteristics, and requirements

  • The growing system complexity caused by new types of interdependencies between systems and their components, the growing complexity of the underlying infrastructures and number of system components and layers, and the need to build systems out of existing and often running systems

  • The ever increasing role of dependability due to the growing reliance that society, organisations and the individual place on computer-based systems

  • New types of faults, threats and vulnerabilities that systems have to deal with. There are several reasons why hardware crashes will not be the most dangerous or dominating factor. There is clearly a growing danger of malicious (intentional) faults. There are organizational, human, socio-technical, application software faults, users’ mistakes, system faults occurring during or even caused by online modifications and mismatches of components when composed. In addition to these there is a need to handle several faults happening at the same time. Besides, future systems should have means to deal with broken trust and confidence, broken safety, broken privacy, broken confidentiality, etc.

  • The growing use of COTS, legacy components, third-party code, external services

  • New application domains in which distributed systems will be employed.

Novel approaches to developing systems such as these, supporting flexible and adaptive interoperability, composability and integration, will be proposed. It is not only that the focus will be on system integration rather than on development from scratch; integration will also be of a new kind: flexible, dynamic, open and dependable. A number of challenges will have to be addressed, including

  • Development of novel software engineering solutions. Advanced development techniques covering several phases of the development process will be proposed to allow disciplined and rigorous reasoning about design models, in particular

    • Software architectural solutions that address the issues of system robustness and trustworthiness, system openness (allowing for system integration, composability, building systems of systems), system reconfiguration via openness, and accommodation of legacy elements.

    • Rigorous design methods. The focus will be on developing cost–effective compositional methods for analysing system models and developing tools and tool engines with better interfaces capable of tracking all development decisions (see, for example, Part 3, Appendix E [AMSD 2003]). It will be important to work not only on traditional fault avoidance approaches but also on the rigorous analysis of system fault tolerance measures. The concern often raised by industry that the application of existing methods usually requires specially trained people will have to be addressed.

  • Making service-oriented computing into a practical widely used and accepted solution. There are many indications that this will be the predominant paradigm. But there are still many concerns to be addressed, including service-oriented architecture applicability, ease of use (including development of various tools), engineering applications based on service-oriented computing, investigation of performance-related issues, gaining wider experience, finding better ways to use this approach in conjunction with all previous solutions, developing specialised solutions for various application domains, etc.

  • Development of systematic approaches in order to deal with the legacy components in a predictable dependable and tractable fashion

  • Finding solutions that would allow wide and flexible run time choices. To support this, exhaustive well-structured information about system and component requirements, characteristics, parameters, architecture and design decisions will have to be systematically used at run time. This will, for example, allow for run time dependable system adaptation and evolution [Jones and Randell 2004]

  • Proposing novel dependability-ensuring techniques supporting explicit dealing with system dependability characteristics through the system development process. These will allow the end-to-end characteristics to be analysed, and the dependability requirements to be met by construction

  • Developing advanced mechanisms suitable for ensuring fault tolerance in future systems which may face faults of new or even unanticipated types. These will include fault tolerance during adaptation and reconfiguration, involving users in recovery, fault tolerance during upgrading and of upgraded systems, coordinated recovery of several interdependent systems (layers, infrastructures, components), etc.

17.2 Industry Vision33

From industry's viewpoint the main concern in RTD of future distributed and dependable systems is their complexity. The complexity of present-day systems is becoming a major obstacle to their development and maintenance. Thus, radical approaches are required to render systems that are more designable, deployable, dependable, manageable and evolvable. Integrating systems built from separate subsystems is still an open issue. Software architecture, componentisation, aspect-oriented approaches, and virtualisation are general solution spaces but there are fundamental problems to be overcome before complexity management can be considered solved. Moreover the entire software life cycle, ranging from means of empowering software designers and developers, to methodologies for flexible and autonomous fault tolerance and adaptation, should be encompassed in solutions to complexity. Unfortunately many existing programming models are too complex and error-prone to use. The challenge is in developing more clever and sophisticated solutions that are easier to use. It is a very strong industry feeling that evolution or migration from present systems to new architectures is a difficult and crucial issue.

More specifically, the industry view often is that “service-oriented architecture” (SOA) is likely to play a significant role in future systems, but that currently central Web Services technologies (e.g. SOAP, HTTP, WSDL), would not necessarily or exclusively remain at the heart of things. It is becoming clear for many industrial players that CORBA had not been as successful as was initially hoped, primarily due to its perceived complexity, brittleness and poor scalability. It is hoped that current SOA initiatives would do better.

Trust (e.g., based on reputation or third party recommendation) is also highlighted by many industrial parties as a key concept for dealing with security-related aspects of future systems. It is perceived as a more general and tractable way of viewing such concerns than present approaches.

Ensuring dependability of future systems is a serious concern for many industrial parties. Some of the issues which are often mentioned are network reliability and security, insufficient quality of the existing services and components, flexibility and adaptivity of the fault tolerance mechanisms, difficulties in using advanced dependability enabling techniques.

In the area of persistent data management, some industrial players (including MS) feel that an “active data objects” approach, whereby the structuring and grouping of data items (e.g., files structured in directories) would become an increasingly dynamic process—i.e. computed on the basis of meta-data and predicates over a flat database. But it is considered that significant research is required to enable such systems in a scaleable wide-area environment.

17.3 Recommendations

Based on this critical analysis of the current RTD of distributed and dependable systems, several recommendations can be made with respect to achieving the vision presented in the document, bearing it in mind that Europe should aim to be a leading world force in the area:

  • Industry-academia cooperation. Our analysis clearly shows that more efforts and resources should be devoted to supporting industry-academia cooperation and to fostering successful transfers of knowledge from academia to industry. These two worlds live at a different pace, obey very different rules and measure their success in different ways – and this is how it should stay. Existing research programmes and instruments do not always help to bridge them in the best possible way. Additional support should be given to industry willing to invest in application of recent research results, aware of the fact that its and society’s future prosperity lies in developing and using new technologies.

  • Young researchers. Young researchers from academia need strong links with industry, business, universities, policy makers, software developers and users, to help in building collaborations of the future. They should gain experience and skills not only in writing research papers but also in preparing short proposals and in marketing research.

  • Foundation research. Basic foundation research in the area of distributed and dependable systems should not be neglected in favour of short-term aims. Such research is investment into Europe’s future.

  • Marketing and promoting best European research. There are many areas in which European researchers, in general, and the CaberNet partners in particular, are carrying out world-class research. CaberNet has been successful in marketing and promoting best European research. But more work is needed to make the work of CaberNet partners known. More generally, future projects of a similar type should promote open project workshops, participation of leading researchers from outside Europe in project events, support for partners’ closer involvement in international standardisation bodies.

  • International research. Focused and direct support (including financial) should be given to organising world-class conferences in Europe. Future programmes should encourage participation of world-class universities from outside Europe.

The CaberNet project is coming to an end and we firmly believe that special attention should be paid to its legacy. Among other things, CaberNet has been extremely successful in:

  • supporting young researchers (particularly through its Radicals programme).

  • marketing and promoting research conducted by the project members. CaberNet has collected a unique bank of knowledge on SOTA results in RTD and established an infrastructure for disseminating this knowledge via dedicated Internet mechanisms.

The project members are determined to do their best to maintain the tradition of Radicals workshops and the Project infrastructure for as long as possible. It would be highly beneficial if these activities were supported in the future. CaberNet needs to promote its results and the individual results of its members in RTD of distributed and dependable systems more widely with a special focus on transferring them to industry and on emphasising Europe’s position and vision in the area.
Chapter 2

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