Establishment of NCSA coordination mechanism and planning
The beginning of Project implementation shall be established by a Directorate Committee meeting, which will define the hiring of the Coordination Team (see “V. Institutional Framework for Project Implementation”). When the team and dialogue mechanisms between the Coordination Team and the Directorate Committee are established, a greater detailing on the project stages and activities regarding its main objective shall be established. Terms of Reference shall be elaborated for foreseen studies in the project scope, and the consultants hiring process shall be initiated. The Project Coordination will be in charge of the elaboration of proposals for the referred Terms of Reference, to be approved by the Directorate Committee. The main result of Activity 1 is to establish the NCSA coordination mechanism.
Description of the main programs, projects, strategies and other initiatives within thematic areas of biodiversity, climate change and combat to desertification
There is a wide range of plans, projects, programs and strategies that were produced in the scope of the Rio Conventions implementation. Many of them identified capacity issues related to the referred areas, and some proposed and implemented capacity development activities. The thematic survey study will be an informative compilation of the most relevant activities for each theme, and a brief evaluation of the quality of the results; the capacity problems will be focused. The methods can include the data collection and reading of relevant documentation, as well as consultations. The main product of this activity will be the Thematic Profiles.
Identification of the main existing initiatives and possible intersections
Based on the Thematic Profiles and, in direct consultation with main stakeholders (specially the Convention focal points), this activity aims to identify, in a non-selective way, the possible areas for intersection between the thematic areas of biodiversity, climate change and combat to desertification. This activity will preparatory for a Workshop (Activity 4). Intersection areas shall include analysis of policies, legislation, strategies, plans or concrete actions at the local level, including environmental education and research programs. The survey shall not be limited to ongoing or planned activities in different plans, but it can include new initiatives. As result of this activity, an ‘Options Paper’ or a Thematic Intersections Report must be produced. Besides exploring the intersection, the report will have to include suggestions on scientific studies that will deepen the intersections between thematic areas and potential areas for a joint activity.
Workshop aiming at the discussion and prioritization of the identified intersections and potential joint activities within the three thematic fields of NCSA
Following the previous activity, this one foresees the prioritization of identified intersection areas in the Thematic Intersections Report, through a consulting and debating process, during a Workshop. On this activity, the previous activities results shall be presented and the process conducted as an exercise for discussion and prioritization of initiatives. The identification of capacity gaps related to each thematic area and the common gaps between them shall be initiated during the Workshop. The capacity gap sketch, described at the Workshop Report, will work as subsidy for an eventual second stage for this Project. The Report must have a procedure description of the Workshop and of the applied consulting methodology.
Prepare a diagnosis on needs for capacity development to improve the national efforts on biodiversity, climate change and combat to desertification themes
The foreseen diagnosis for this activity will be divided in two distinct stages: The first shall deepen the analysis of the identification and formulation process of the main capacity gaps, at the individual, institutional or systemic levels, that may be relevant for the priority actions identified during the Workshop. In the second stage, the identified gaps shall be expressed as capacity development demands (or needs), both specific to each thematic area and common to all. The final product of this activity will be the Diagnosis on Demands for Capacity Development, which will be presented to the Directorate Committee for deliberation, by consensus, on the need to prepare a second stage for this project.
VI.Institutional Framework for Project Implementation
Project execution will be divided between Ministry of Environment and Ministry of Science and Technology. Both will compose, together with UNDP and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Project Director Committee, through representation as follows:
Focal Point on Climate Change – General Coordination on Climate Change, MCT
Focal Point on Biodiversity – Directorate on Biodiversity and Forests, MMA
Focal Point on Desertification – Secretariat on Water Resources, MMA
GEF Political Focal Point – Environment Department, MRE
UNDP/GEF Focal Point – Environment Unit, UNDP Brazil (as observer)
The Project will count with a Coordination Team, immediate responsible for the execution of activities according to the work plan, for preparation and realization of meetings and for managing the budget. The Coordination Team will be composed by a Coordinator and an Assistant. The consultants contracted for specific tasks related to foreseen studies in the work plan will report to the Coordinator. Civil servants from the referred institutions above shall be assigned for a limited period to work in the project as Governmental counterpart. Specific Terms of Reference will be developed in the initial stage of the project.
Given the different procedures for the implementation of projects in each of the Governmental institutions from the Directorate Committee, the Project will be executed under UNDP direct implementation mechanisms (DEX). UNDP shall sign Memorandums of Understanding (MOU) with each pertinent member institutions from the Committee. These MOU shall establish that expenses, hiring, procurement and other relevant actions under the Project shall be previously authorized by the above-mentioned Committee.
Besides, the Director Committee will work as a supervisor structure for the project, assisting in planning and monitoring the implementation process.
The Terms of Reference, to be created for studies of the project and the work plan shall be approved by the Director Committee.
Activities Plan
Establishment of NCSA coordination mechanism and planning
NCSA coordination mechanism established.
Description of programs, projects, strategies and other initiatives within thematic areas on biodiversity, climate change and combat to desertification
Thematic Profiles
Identification of the main existing initiatives and possible intersections
Workshop aiming at the discussion and prioritization of the identified intersections and potential joint activities within the three thematic fields of NCSA
Workshop Report
Prepare a diagnosis on needs for capacity development to improve the national efforts on biodiversity, climate change and combat to desertification themes
4 ActionPlan for Prevention and Control of Legal Amazon Desmatamento, 2004.
6 Decreto nº 4.755, of June 20th, 2003.
8 Held by researchers from ISER and mentioned at the First national Report to the Convention on Biological Diversity (1998).
9 Law nº 6.938 of August 31, 1981.
10 Action Plan for Prevention and Control of Deforestation on Legal Amazon, Casa Civil da Presidência da República, Permanent Inter-Ministerial Working Group for the Reduction of Dismastment Index on Legal Amazon, 2004.