8271/4 Turquoise Ash imprint pr. VF fresh M/MUH. SG 104(var), ACSC 130z cat $1800 ($3000 for blk of 4) (P) $500$800
8281/4 Turquoise Ash imprint pr. Superb MLH/MUH. SG 104(var), ACSC 130z cat $1800+. Retail $1000+ as singles (P) $600$800
8291/4 Greenish-blue LL cnr blk of 4. F-VF MUH. SG 104 cat £480 as M singles, so should be at least £960 MUH. ACSC 130A cat $3000 as singles, plus premium for positional blk. (P) $700$1000
8311/4 Turquoise Ash imprint pr. VF fresh, stamps MUH. SG 104. ACSC 130z(var) cat $1800 ($3000 for blk of 4), cat $1500 as MUH singles. (P) $700$900
8321/4 Turquoise Ash imprint pr. F-VF M, darker gum. SG 104. ACSC 130z cat $1800 ($3000 for blk of 4). (P) $400$600
833Set: ½d orange to 1/4 turquoise inc 1d green Die II, 2d red, brown & 2d red Die III, 3d dies I & II, 4½d Die I & II. (CTO as always, full gum), 5d & 1/4, plus both surch. All F-VF MUH. SG 94-104 cat £400 for M, should be at least double, £800 MUH, Retail $1750. (17). (P) $750$1000
834Set: ½d orange to 1/4 turquoise inc 1d green Die II, 2d & 5d surch, 1½d golden scarlet, 2d red Dies II & III, 3d blue Dies I & II, 4½d violet & 5d brown. F-VF MUH, plus 4½d Die II CTO (as always). SG 94/104 cat £490 as M, should be at least double, £980 MUH. ACSC cat $1800. Retail $1500. (17). (P) $650$900
KGV - C of A WMK
8351d Green opt OS, wmk INVERTED. VF fresh MLH, right marginal. SG O129w cat £1300++, ACSC 82(OS)a cat $2500++, plus significant premium for the margin as is shows the wmk inverted error so well. 2012 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert. (P) $1100$1500
8361d Green opt OS wmk INVERTED. Superb U, lightly cancelled with cnr cds. SG O129w cat £800+. ACSC 82B(OS) cat $2000+. Unusually nice quality. 2015 Ceremuga AIEP photo-cert. (P) $700$1000
8371d Green opt OS, wmk REVERSED. FU appearance, sl thin. SG O129x cat £900. ACSC 82(OS)aa cat $2500. (P) $375$500
843Set: ½d orange to 1/4 turquoise. F-VF fresh MUH, almost all top, bottom or cnr marginal. SG 124-31 cat £130 for M, should be at least double, £260 MUH, retail $575. (8). (P) $180$250
844Set: ½d orange to 1/4 turquoise. F-VF fresh MUH, most top or bottom marginal. SG 124-31 cat £130 for M, should be at least double, £260 MUH, retail $575. (8). (P) $180$250
8451913 KGV 1d Engraved Die Proof printed in deep blue on Postmaster General's Christmas & New Year greetings card, a couple of minor reverse blemishes detract not at all from its VF appearance. A total of 600 cards were printed but only about 12 -15 are known to exist today. ACSC 59DP(2) cat $8000. Rare & highly desirable. RPSV photo-cert. (P) $3800$5000
8461913 KGV 1d Engraved on Express cover to Ballarat franked with 7 singles all tied by "Stawell 20 AP 14 Victoria" cds. Odd minor tones & one stamp folded over edge (torn by opening envelope). Highly attractive & an extremely rare, if not unique, usage. (P) $300$600
8481914 Kookaburra 6d Engraved variety weak inner lower frame at left, the precursor to "recut inner frame below tail", plus normal to compare. Variety VF fresh M. SG 19(var). ACSC 60d(var) cat $450 for recut. Total cat $550. (2). (P) $150$200
8491927-30 Commems perf OS comp with 1½d Canberra & Swan, 3d Kookaburra & Airmail, 1930 Sturt pr. VF CTO with UH gum. SG O112-13 & O119-22 cat £68+. (6). $80$120
8501928 Kooka 3d M/Sheet strip of 3 from top of the sheet, major error IMPERF between first & second M/Sheets. Very fresh M/MLH, 2 M/S hinged in margins, left M/S light crease beside perfs due to folding, central M/S small gum translucency, none of which effect the superb appearance of this amazing item. ACSC records 2 known with the comment "the third M/Sheet may also exist" (comp sheet was 15 M/S, 5 wide & 3 high, so only 3 can exist) - this is actually the missing third item. SG MS106a(var) unlisted, but should get listed in future as SG does list all other imperf between errors. ACSC 133MSba the current low cat value (2014) has remained unchanged since the 2007 edition as no examples have sold at auction in decades. (But in comparison, a fully imperf example of this M/Sheet recently sold for $300,000+, & the ACSC cat value has been increased to $350,000, while the SG cat value has increased to £200,000. A whole sheet of 15 imperf M/S existed, of which a block of 12M/S is in the Royal collection, from which 3 were sold off in the 1950s). We would estimate the imperf between to be worth at least 10% of the fully imperf sheet so would be $35,000+. An opportunity to own this magnificent variety, which is without doubt one of the key items of Australian commemorative issues. 2009 Ceremuga AIEP photo-cert. (P) $20000$30000
8511928 Kookaburra 3d blue M/Sheet, perf 3 sides. VF fresh MUH. SG MS106a cat £110 for M, should be at least double, £220 MUH, ACSC 133MS cat $275, retail similar. (P) $180$250
8521928 Kookaburra 3d blue M/Sheet, perf 4 sides. VF fresh MUH. SG MS106a cat £110 for M, should be at least double, £220 MUH, ACSC 133MS cat $275, retail similar. (P) $180$250
8531928 Kookaburra 3d blue M/Sheet, perf 4 sides. VF fresh MUH. SG MS106a cat £110 for M, should be at least double, £220 MUH, ACSC 133MS cat $275, retail similar. (P) $180$250
8541930 Lord Howe Island provisional Sturt 1½d with m/s "2d paid PM LHI", due to lack of 2d stamps after postal rates changed in August. Superb fresh MUH. ACSC 139c, SG 117(var) footnote cat £700 for M, should be at least £1400 MUH. Very rare genuine MUH. Certificate can be obtained on request. (P) $1500$2500
8551931 Kingsford Smith 3d opt OS, variety "plane dropping mailbag" VF CTO. ACSC 142(OS)d cat $600. (P) $300$400
8561931 Kingsford Smith 6d Ash imprint blk of 8 with variety "re-entry in FO of Kingsford & LD of World". VF M/MUH. SG 123a(var). ACSC 143za cat $175. $100$150
8571931 Kingsford Smith 6d (2), first with variety "re-entry to T of Australia" (pos 45). VFM. SG 123a cat £50, other with "extra Islands". Both F-VF M. ACSC 143d,e cat $150. (2). $60$80
8581931 Airmail 6d brown, plate 2 Ash imprint blk of 6 with variety "re- entry to STRALI". VF MUH/MLH. ACSC 144ze cat $250. (P) $150$200
8591931 Airmail 6d brown opt OS imprint strip of 3. F-VF fresh 1MLH/2MUH. ACSC 144(OS)zd cat $175 for blk of 6, SG 139a cat £96 as M singles, should be at least £160 as M/MUH singles. (P) $100$150
8601931 Airmail 6d brown opt OS imprint blk of 6. VF fresh MUH. ACSC 144(OS)zd, SG 139a cat £192 as M singles, should be at least double, £384 as M/MUH singles. (P) $250$350
8611932 Lyrebird 1/- Chambon printed sample stamp in bright brownish-red. VF MLH. Very rare. ACSC 145PP(I)A cat $1000 & much under-catalogued. (P) $750$1000
8621932 Lyrebird 1/- green. VF fresh W/C MUH. SG 140 cat £45 M, should be at least double, £90 MUH. ACSC 145A cat $100, retail similar (P) $60$75
8631932 Lyrebird 1/- Green UL cnr. VF MUH. SG 140 cat £45 for M, should be at least double, £90 MUH. ACSC 145A cat $100. $50$75
8641932 Lyrebird 1/- Green lwr marginal blk of 4, left vert pr perf VG reversed, right 2 stamps perf normal VG. VF fresh W/C MUH. Extremely rare multiple. ACSC 145A cat $400 as normal singles, SG 140 cat £180 as M normal singles, so £360+++ for MUH, plus premium for perf VG . (P) $200$300
8651932 Lyrebird 1/- green Ash imprint blk of 4. VF fresh w/c 2MLH/2MUH. SG 140 cat £180 for M, should be at least £360 MUH. ACSC 145za cat $375. (P) $200$250
8661932 Lyrebird 1/- yellow-green, Ash imprint blk of 4, FM/MUH. SG 140a cat £220 as M singles. ACSC 145za cat $500+ for this shade. (P) $150$200
8671932 Lyrebird 1/- opt OS. VF fresh MUH. SG O136 cat £50 for M, should be at least double, £100 MUH. ACSC 145(OS) cat $125. (P) $50$75
8681932 Lyrebird 1/- opt OS. W/C fresh MUH. SG O136 cat £50 for M, should be at least £100 MUH. ACSC 145A(OS) cat $125 (P) $60$80
8691932 Lyrebird 1/- opt OS. F-VF fresh MUH. SG O136 cat £50 for M, should be at least double, £100 MUH. ACSC 145(OS) cat $125 $50$75
8711932 Bridge 5/-. VF fresh MUH, pristine original gum. SG 143 cat £425 for M, should be at least double, £850 MUH. ACSC 148 cat $1500. Retail $1500. (P) $800$1000
8721932 Bridge 5/-, upper marginal. Superb MUH, large margins & perfect centring. Retail $2000+ for so nice centering. (P) $1200$1800
8731932 Bridge 5/- green, UL cnr marginal. VF fresh MUH. SG 143 cat £425 for M, should be at least £850 MUH. ACSC 148 cat $1500 & retail at least that. (P) $700$1000
8741932 Bridge set 2d to 5/-, inc both 2d. F-VF MUH, 5/- very w/c. SG 141-4. ACSC 146-9 cat $1528. (4). (P) $500$800
8771932 Bridge 5/- postally U with neat parcel cancel. SG 143 cat £200 as CTO, scarce commercial use & commands a premium over more often seen CTO. ACSC cat $500, retail similar. (P) $150$200
8791932 KGV 2d red Postal Forgery typographed on no wmk paper, perf 11. VF fresh MLH w/o the usual M/S lines. These stamps were used to mail out "Irish Sweepstakes" tickets -which were also forgeries. SG footnote cat £350+, ACSC 103cc cat $900+. Interesting specialist item. RPS photo cert for pr it came from. Very scarce. (P) $600$800
8801932 Kookaburra 6d error INVERTED wmk. Postally FU with indistinct cancel. ACSC 150a cat $10,000. SG 146w cat £7000. Major rarity as only 3 or 4 known. 2015 Ceremuga AIEP photo-cert. (P) $6000$9000
8811934 Victorian Centenary set 2d, 3d, 1/- perf 10½. VF fresh MUH. SG 147-49 cat £55 for M, should be at least £110 MUH. ACSC 151-53 cat $118, retail similar. (3). $60$80
8821934 Macarthur set 2d-9d inc both 2d dark & light Hills. VF MUH. SG 150-52 cat £81 for M, should be double, £162 MUH. ACSC cat $150, retail similar. (4). $75$90
8831934 Hermes 1/6 no wmk. Fresh MUH. SG 153 cat M £50, should be at least double, MUH. ACSC 161 cat $125 & retail similar. $60$80
8841934 Hermes 1/6 no wmk. Fresh MUH. SG 153 cat £50 & MUH should be at least double. ACSC 161 cat $125 & retail similar. $60$80
8851934 Hermes 1/6 no wmk. Fresh MUH. SG 153 cat £50 & MUH should be at least double. ACSC 161 cat $125 & retail similar. (P) $60$80
8861935 ANZAC set 2d & 1/-. VF fresh MUH. SG 154-55 cat £53 as M. ACSC 164-5 cat $100, retail similar. $50$70
8871935 ANZAC 1/- plate no.1 UL cnr blk of 4. Stamps VF MUH. SG 155 cat £200 for M, should be at least £400 MUH. ACSC 165z cat $425. (P) $300$375
8881935 ANZAC 1/- plate no.2 UL cnr blk of 4. VF MUH. SG 155 cat £200 for M, should be at least £400 MUH. ACSC 165za cat $550. (P) $350$500
8891935 KGV Silver Jubilee set 2d, 3d, 2/- VF fresh w/c MUH. SG 156-58 cat M £42, MUH should be at least double. ACSC 166-68 cat $115, retail higher. $50$75
8901935 ANZAC set 2d & 1/-. VF fresh MUH. SG 154-55 cat £53 as M. ACSC 164-5 cat $100, retail similar. $50$70
8911935 KGV Silver Jubilee set 2d, 3d, 2/-. VF fresh w/c MUH. SG 156-58 cat £42, MUH should be at least double. ACSC 166-68 cat $115, retail higher. (3). $50$75
8921935 KGV Silver Jubilee 2d red, error "DOUBLE PRINT one ALBINO", shifted down 1.5mm, partially obscured by pmk. FU. Much scarcer than ACSC 166c (cat $100) indicates. SG 156a cat £150. Also has retouches, re-entries, weak entries below upper frame. (P) $60$80
8931936 South Aust Centenary set 2d, 3d, 1/- imprint blks of 4. VF M/MUH. ACSC 169-71 cat $175. (P) $100$140
8941937 KGVI 3d Blue set of 5 with Die I, IA, II thick & thin papers, Die lII, last 3 marginal with part Ash imprints. F-VF MUH. SG cat £380. ACSC cat $705, retail similar. (5). (P) $220$300
8951937 KGVI 3d blue Die I "white wattles". VF fresh MUH marginal. SG 168a cat £170, ACSC 190 cat $400. Retail $325. (P) $150$250
8961937 KGVI 3d Blue Die I "White Wattles". Fresh MUH. SG 168A cat £170. ACSC 190 cat $400. (P) $180$240
8971937 KGVI 3d Blue Die I "White Wattles". VF MUH. SG 168a cat £170. ACSC 190 cat $400. (P) $130$180
8981937 KGVI 3d Blue Die I, variety "thinned lower frame below AU". F-VF fresh M. ACSC 191d cat $300. (P) $80$120
8991937 KGVI 3d blue Die 1A. W/C VF MUH. SG 168b cat £150, ACSC 192 cat $400. Retail $350. (P) $160$240
9001937 KGVI 3d Blue Die 1A blk of 4. W/C, upper stamps VF fresh 2M/4MUH. SG 168b cat £600, retail $900. ACSC 192 cat $1100 as singles. (P) $350$450
9011937 KGVI 3d Blue Die 1A Ash imprint blk of 4, sl perf separation at right. Minor toning in central gutter, stamps F-VF MUH. SG 168b cat £600 as single stamps, retail as singles $1400. ACSC 192z cat $2000 MUH. Very rare imprint. (P) $600$800
9021937 KGVI 3d Blue Die III, Ash imprint blk of 4. W/C fresh 2MLH/2MUH. ACSC 195z cat $200. (P) $100$150
9031937 KGVI 3d Blue Die III Ash imprint LL cnr blk of 4. LR stamp sm tone spot, o/w VF MLH/MUH. ACSC 195z cat $200. (P) $75$100
9041937 Lyrebird 1/- perf 15x14 vert cnr strip of 3 with part Ash imprint showing extra comb of perfs vertically at left resulting in partial DOUBLE horiz perfs on all units. VF fresh 1MLH/2MUH. SG 192(var). ACSC 209bb cat $1300+. Probably the only imprint with double perfs. (P) $400$600
9051937 NSW Sesquicentenary 2d, variety "Man with Tail" retouched. Lightly cancelled at left, Superb U. SG 193a(var) -tail cat £140). ACSC 175ea cat $125 (still too low). Retail $180. (P) $100$150
9241946 Mitchell 2½d IMPERF, wmk INVERTED. Superb fresh MUH, sl gum wrinkle, 4 large margins. SG 216(var), ACSC 239ba cat $750. Rare variety as wmk inverted is not recorded on the perf stamps. (P) $200$400
9251946 Mitchell 2½d IMPERF, wmk INVERTED. Superb fresh MUH, 4 large margins. SG 216(var), ACSC 239ba cat $750. Rare variety as wmk inverted is not recorded on the perf stamps. (P) $250$400
9261949 Queen 1½d green no wmk, partial plate number 13, upper marginal gutter blk of 4. Stamps fresh MUH. ACSC 227za cat $5000 with wmk. This plate number unrecorded w/o wmk. Extremely rare, if not unique. (P) $150$300
9291949 Arms set opt SPECIMEN, varying paper thickness with 10/- .105mm, £1 .09mm (much thinner than normal) & £2 .095mm. All VFM. SG 224bs-ds cat £160. ACSC cat $275 as normal opts. (3). (P) $100$150
9301950 KGVI 3d red thin paper. VF fresh MUH. SG 235(var), ACSC 251a cat $100, plus normal for comparison. Scarce. $30$50
9311951 KGVI 3d red, thin paper. VF MUH. SG 235(var), ACSC 251a cat $100, plus normal for comparison. (2) $30$50
9341951 Gold & Responsible Government Centenaries 3d se-tenant pr IMPERF Die PROOF with large margins in its original card holder with CBA Note Printing Branch cachet in violet on reverse. Only 8 made, 7 of which are numbered, 2 of which are now in the Royal collection & Australia Post archival coll'n. This proof numbered 21 was presented to Sir G Chippendall, Director General of the PMG Department. VF fresh as printed. ACSC 284/5 DP(1) cat $5000. Extremely rare specialist item. (P) $2500$3500
9351952 Aborigine 2/6, error wmk sideways INVERTED (crown pointing right from front of stamp), with normal for comparison. VF fresh MUH, pristine original gum. Only small number U are recorded & 1 mint example (which was offered for sale by a Melbourne dealer in 2011 for $15,000), plus there was a MUH cnr blk of 4 which has now been split & from which this stamp comes. ACSC 265a, SG 253aw cat £6000+. Important inverted wmk error & certificate can be obtained on request. In auction 294we sold the cnr margin example from the same blk for $8150. (P) $3000$5000
936ca.1953 Specimen folder (no number) with KGVI issues to 1/0½, Zoologicals to 1/-, Hermes 1/6, Crocodile 2/-, Aborigine 2/6, QEII 1d, 3d & 3½d, plus Arms 5/-, all VF CTO with UH gum, plus Arms 10/- to £2 opt SPECIMEN VF MUH. Comp folders very scarce. (P) $300$450