Public Auction 323 Thursday, May 12, 2016

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937 1954 Red Cross 3½d LL cnr blk of 6 plate no.3, no dashes. VFU/CTO. SG 276(var), ACSC 312zj cat M $200. $50 $100

938 1955 Specimen folder (no number) with Zoological to 1/-, KGVI 7½d, Hermes 1/6, Crocodile 2/-, Aborigine 2/6, QEII 1d, 2½d, 3d, 3½d, 6½d, 1/0½ & Arms 5/- all fresh CTO & 10/-, £1, £2 Arms opt SPECIMEN MUH. Comp folders now very scarce. $300 $450

939 1957 QEII 10d LR cnr blk of 6 with base selvedge engraved "CENTRE OF WORK" in reverse. Fresh MUH. ACSC 322Az cat $120. $70 $100

940 1958 Broken Hill 4d, 1960 Girl Guides 5d, both aniline ink with full design clearly showing through the paper, appearing as a comp OFF-SET on reverse. VF fresh MUH. SG 305, 334(var). (2). (P) $50 $100

941 1959 Animal 8d LR cnr blk of 6, varieties "retouched shading right of animals head -state IV "Typhoon" (pos R9/6) & "8d weak" (pos R9/7), plus similar blk w/o varieties to compare. UL stamp 2 minor tones o/w fresh MUH. SG 317(var), ACSC cat $185 as singles. (2 blks). $50 $70

942 1960 Girl Guides 5d aniline with full design clearly visible through the paper, appearing as a comp OFF-SET on reverse. Blk of 4. VF fresh MUH. SG 334(var). (4). (P) $80 $120

943 1960 Centenary of Northern Territory Exploration 5d full sheet of 120 with error perfs misplaced 3mm left. VF fresh MUH. SG 335(var), ACSC 378bb cat $100 ea = $12,000 as singles, retail similar, & should be even more as full sheet. Extremely rare, only 3 or 4 sheets issued, this being the only known full sheet. (P) $2300 $3500

944 1961-64 5/- Cattle cream & white papers, former marginal. VF fresh MUH. SG 327 & 327a cat £104. (2). $70 $100

945 1961 Cattle 5/- White paper. Fresh MUH. SG 327a cat £90. (P) $70 $100

946 1965 Aborigine 2/6 "Emergency Printing" no wmk Authority imprint blk of 8. VF fresh MLH/MUH. SG 253b(var). ACSC 267z(var) cat $325. $160 $220

947 1965 QEII 5d Red booklet pane of 6 with variety "retouched shading dashes at left" on stamps 1, 3, 5 (most noticeable on stamp 1, LL cnr). VF fresh MUH. ACSC 403dd cat $600. $100 $150

948 1965 QEII 5d Red booklet (edition G7) with 2 panes & tropical interleaving, stamp 3 (on both panes), variety "weak shading lines on Queen's nose & left cheek". VF fresh MUH. ACSC B69Hdv cat $250, Pfr B69HT cat $330, plus premium for constant stamp variety. $100 $150

949 1965 Christmas 5d multicoloured, error blue OMITTED (missing robes etc). VFU. ACSC 435cb cat $1500, SG 381b cat £1000 -both as M, unpriced U. Very rare & spectacular. (P) $600 $1000

950 1965 Christmas 5d multicoloured, error blue OMITTED (missing robes etc). VF fresh MUH. ACSC 435cb cat $1500, SG 381b cat £1000. Very rare & spectacular. (P) $700 $1000


951 1966-71 QEII 5c Blue upper marginal strip of 20 with perfs misplaced 3mm right, into the design of adjoining stamp & bisecting value. Quite graphic as stamps appear imperf between. SG 386(var). New discovery & unlisted ACSC. (20) $300 $450

952 1966 QEII 5c Blue sheet F (no identifying marks), ACSC variety h absent, with prominent "weak shading over Queen's right shoulder" variety on pos 10/8 (ACSC 444(F)I cat $30) & also pos 10/2, 3, 4, 6, 8, R7/10 retouched, 9, 7, 6, 3 & row 6/3 retouched. 6 other varieties inc "weak shading UR cnr" (pos R3/10), "retouch above 5" (R1/2, 3, 5, 7, 9), "retouched ST of Australia" (R10/2), "retouched T of Australia" R10/4) & "abnormal T of Australia" (R10/6, 8) & possibly other constant flaws, with shading around "5c" (pos 7/1) appearing normal. ACSC est cat $1200. VF fresh MUH. $400 $600

953 1966 QEII 5c Deep Blue sheet F with ACSC listed varieties "recut shading around 5c" (pos 7/1), ACSC 444(F)h, "weak shading over right shoulder" (pos 10/8) ACSC 444(f)i & similar weak shading varieties on R10/2, 4, 6, 10. R9/1, 3, 5, 9. R8/2, 4, 6, 8,10. R7/7, 8, 9 & R6/2, 6, 8, 10. Other varieties seen inc "retouched ST" (R10/2), "deformed T" R10/6 & "cut in Queens throat" (R2/7), plus many other minor plate flaws. Est ACSC cat $800. Fresh VF MUH. $300 $400

954 1966-71 QEII 5c blue, with offset of design on back. VF fresh MUH. SG 386c, ACSC 444c cat $75. $30 $50

955 1966 QEII 5c blue, with offset of design on back. VF fresh MUH. SG 386c(var), ACSC 444c cat $75. (P) $30 $45

956 1966-71 QEII 5c deep blue, sheet F (no identifying marks) with listed plate varieties "re-cut shading around 5c" (pos 7/1) ACSC 44h, "weak shading over Queen's right shoulder" (pos 10/8) ACSC 44i (cat $30) & also on 8/2, 8/4, 8/6, 8/8 & 8/10, 9/3, 9/5, 10/2, 10/4 & 10/6, "weak LL cnr" on 2/1, 4/1, 8/1 & most prominent on 10/1, "retouched T of AUSTRALIA" on 2/8 & 10, row 4 nos 4, 6, 8 & 10, row 6 nos 4, 6, 8 & 10, row 8 nos 2, 4, 6, 8 & 10, & row 10 nos 2, 4, 6, 8 & 10. Fresh MUH, theoretical ACSC cat $750, plus premium for comp sheet of 100. $300 $400

957 1966-71 QEII 6c orange, with comp OFFSET on reverse, blk of 4. VF fresh MUH. SG 387a(var) ACSC 446c cat $400. (4) (P) $130 $200

958 1966 Cook 75c, vertical gutter pr. Horiz central fold as always. Fresh MUH. SG 400(var), ACSC 462ca cat $150 in 2002. $70 $100

959 1966 Cook 75c, vertical gutter blk of 4. Horiz central fold as always. Fresh MUH. SG 400(var), ACSC 462ca cat $300 in 2002. Not often seen. (P) $150 $250

960 1966 Flinders $1 perf 14¾x14 plate no.3 gutter blk of 4. VF MUH, sl uneven gum colour. SG 401c(var). ACSC 464z cat $400. (P) $120 $180

961 1966 Flinders $1 cnr blks of 6 (5) showing the original & 4 retouched states of R10/3 "left frame missing for 3mm at top" & R9/3 "left frame missing for 4-5mm at base etc", states I-IV showing retouch UL cnr on R9/3". VF fresh MUH. ACSC 463c-ga. Rare assembly. (30). (P) $300 $500

962 1966 Flinders $1 vert pr, upper stamp variety "Left frame missing for 4-5mm from base" (pos R9/3), lower with "Retouched left frame type 1" (pos R10/3). VF MUH. SG 401(var), ACSC 463e, fa cat $105. $50 $70

963 1970 QEII 6c orange. Variety collection in hagners with upper marginal blk of 20 (10x2) with extra comb perf at UR cnr. Sheet A lower marginal blk of 20 with "missing left frame" (pos 9/1) & offsets on reverse (ACSC 446d/c cat $2000+), left marginal blk of 8 with "recut shading under 6c" (pos 8/3) & offsets on reverse (ACSC 446e/c cat $800+). Plus other offsets (8) inc comp rev print right marginal blk of 4. Total ACSC cat $3600 plus extra for the sheet A varieties. Very thin paper (looks like off sets from behind) blks of 4 (4) inc LL cnr, singles (6) MUH, plus used pr & a single. Varieties in 5 diff comp sheets with sheet B "weak shading LR cnr" (pos 2/10) & "missing lower frame at LR cnr" (10/9). Sheet D "re-cut over left eyebrow" (4/9), "missing part lower frame" (10/8), "heavy shading over tiara" (9/9) & "Spot in 6" (9/7). Sheet E (perf pip LL cnr) with "weak frame at left" (3/7), "missing part left frame opposite first A of Australia" (9/1) & "weak/partially missing lower frame" (row 10 pos 1, 2, 3 (at right), 4, 5 (middle) & 7-10 all very clear & unlisted ACSC. Another sheet E (w/o lower perf pip) with "smear TL cnr" (1/3) & "missing frame line left of AU re-cut" (9/1). Sheet F with "flaw in tiara" & "Weak shading left of 1st pearl" (8/2) & "weak shading right of 6" (9/4). Other flaws inc sheet E UR cnr blk of 20 with "weak frame at left" (3/7). Unplated lower part sheet of 60 (2). 1st with "breaks in lower frame" (R10/8), 2nd with "breaks in lower frame" at pos 10/2 & 10/8. Also, blks of 42 & 45 & other strips & multiples,. Noted cnr blks inc marginal dots or paper/gum variations. Est total ACSC/retail $4500. Some odd tone spots (mainly on the sheets), mostly VF MUH. Offered intact as received from deceased estate. (1080). (P) $900 $1200

964 1971QEII 7c part pane of 70, error void lines due to paper wrinkles affecting 15 stamps at right splitting Queens head! VF fresh MUH. SG 388a(var). ACSC 447(var). Spectacular. (P) $200 $300

965 1971 Desert Rose 2c & Desert Pea 7c coil stamps, plus QEII 7c on official PO Publicity Card, some tape stains. SG 465a, 468b & 388a, ACSC 477x cat $150. $30 $50

966 1971 Floral Coil 7c red & black only with all other colours omitted. Vert pr fresh MUH with normal vert pr for comparison. SG 468bc cat £160; ACSC 535cg cat $250. (P) $100 $150

967 1971 Aboriginal Art set 20c-35c on official PO Publicity Card, some tape stains. SG 494-7a, ACSC 569x cat $200. $50 $80

968 1971 Aboriginal Art 35c error MISSING black (35c Australia) & on the grave posts -a few traces still on posts. From base of sheet with blank lower margin -ACSC listed variety is from upper pane. VF fresh MUH, ACSC 570c cat $2500 (in 2002), SG 497ab cat £2250. (P) $1800 $2500

969 1971 Christmas 7c cream paper LL cnr sheet no blk of 25. VF MUH. ACSC 578za cat $125, retail similar. $35 $50

970 1971 Christmas 7c white paper LR cnr pane of 25 with red serial number & ACSC listed varieties "retouch through AUST of Australia" (R6/3), similar "retouch in AU of Australia" (R8/4) & "retouch in green above left of 7c" (R9/3). Fresh MUH. ACSC 581d/584d, f/585zb cat $325. A very scarce multiple. $100 $150

971 1971 Christmas 7c white paper LR blk of 25 with red sheet number 006141 & variety "Retouch in green through first A of Australia" (R8/4). VF unfolded MUH. ACSC 584d, 585zb cat $220. $70 $100

972 1971 Christmas 7c white paper selvedge 3 sides, red sheet No. & ACSC listed varieties. "Light retouch before 1st "A" of Australia" (7/3), "retouch around 1st "A" of Australia" (8/4). VF MUH. SG 498-504(var), ACSC 585d, 585zb cat $200+ $0 $100

973 1972 Country Women's Assoc 7c blk of 4 on official PO Publicity Card, some tape stains. SG 509, ACSC 590x cat $150. $30 $50

974 1972 Rehabilitation 12c, error partially missing green, so "AUSTRALIA 12c" totally omitted at top, but with "Rehabilitation" present at base. VFU. SG 514(var), ACSC 595cb cat $2000. Extremely rare as only 10 existed of this combination. (P) $1000 $1500

975 1972 Christmas 7c right pane upper blk of 25 with colour bars at left, variety part imperf at UL due to paper fold. VF fresh MUH. SG 530(var), Similar to ACSC 620b cat $1500. Very rare, only a couple known. (P) $700 $1000

976 1973 Marine Life 1c Shrimp error yellow OMITTED. VF fresh MUH. SG 545b cat £1250, ACSC 635cb cat $4000. Rare. (P) $900 $1300

977 1973-74 Gemstone 10c Star Sapphire vertical blk of 18 (2x9) error missing black (all text & on gem) on top 4 stamps, only barest trace of "star sapphire" on 2nd pr, plus weak 10c Australia on 3rd pr, others normal. VF fresh MUH. SG 552ab cat £1100 for 4 "no black" plus the part "no black". ACSC 648ca(var) cat $1800 for such blk (in 2002). There were 3 error sheets discovered with only 1 of this combination, so this blk is 2 out of 10 such strips known. (P) $1300 $1800

978 1973 Radio Broadcast Anniv 7c blk of 4 on official PO Publicity Card. VF. SG 560, ACSC 658x cat $150. $100 $140

979 1973 Architecture 50c vert pr, error IMPERF between (faint perf indent as are all the examples - see cat footnote). VF fresh MUH. SG 559(var). ACSC 657b cat $2000. Extremely rare as only 1 row of 10 existed. This example is the one illustrated in ACSC. (P) $1000 $1500

980 1974 Animals 30c Possum, error missing red (value, in ears, feet etc) in horiz pr with normal. VF fresh MUH, normal vert gum crease, error perfect. SG 563a cat £1300++. ACSC 662c cat $3500+ in 2002, both for single, plus large premium for se-tenant pr. Only 20 recorded & in that only several se-tenant prs. 2016 Ceremuga photo cert. (P) $3000 $4000

981 1974 Sports 7c Tennis, error MISSING light brown (body colour). VF fresh MUH, with normal to compare. ACSC 674c cat $2500 in 2002, SG 575a cat £1800. Only 20 known. (P) $3000 $4000

982 1974 Christmas 10c, comp set of 8 plate nos (pl 2 "dot" only, as always), both left & right marginal gutter blks of 4. Odd minor tone spot mainly on "2 left", o/w VF fresh MUH. A very difficult assembly! ACSC 680z-zo cat $750. (16 blks). $200 $300

983 1975 International Women's Year 10c vert strip of 5 with margins top & bottom, variety horiz perfs shifted up 4mm so through "Australia 10". VF fresh MUH. SG 589(var). ACSC 691b cat $150 as singles (in 2002) & under-catalogued. Only 1 sheet recorded. (P) $200 $300

984 1975 Prime Ministers 10c Lyons, variety "Printed on the gummed side." VF MUH. SG 591a cat £140, ACSC 694c cat $250. (P) $80 $120

985 1975 Flower 18c error MISSING green in vertical strip of 10, totally missing on top 3 stamps & partially on 4th, others normal. Superb fresh MUH. SG 608c cat £1050++ for 3 error singles, ACSC 725ch cat $2000 for strip of 10. (P) $1000 $1500

986 1975 Flower 18c blk of 8, left 4 variety prominent paper join, visually noticeable by the uneven vertical white colour separations in middle left vert pr. Fresh MUH. SG 608(var), ACSC 725(var) (P) $100 $200

987 1975 Flower 45c vert pr with error paper join/overlap, with 1 stamp having fully double paper thickness. F-VF MUH, sl tropicalised perfs etc. SG 609(var). ACSC unlisted as a new discovery. Only 1 part sheet with 10 such errors found & all same condition. (2) (P) $40 $70

988 1976 Nationhood 18c Arms Die II variety "gold omitted" (state emblems on shield & on star). VF fresh MUH. ACSC 733c, SG 614b cat £350. (P) $300 $400

989 1977 QEII Silver Jubilee 18c marginal blk of 4, variety "black partially missing" (Australia 18c), appears grey due to dry print. VF fresh MUH, normal to compare. SG 645(var), ACSC 765ca cat $400+. (P) $100 $200

990 1977 QEII Silver Jubilee 18c top marginal gutter blk of 8, variety black partially missing (Australia 18c), appears grey due to dry print. VF fresh MUH, normal to compare. SG 645(var), ACSC 765ca cat $800+ (in 2002). (P) $200 $400

991 1977 QEII Silver Jubilee 18c variety black partially missing (Australia 18c), appears grey due to dry print. VF fresh MUH, normal to compare.SG 645(var), ACSC 765ca cat $100 (in 2002). (P) $30 $50

992 1977 QEII Silver Jubilee 18c IMPERF "cross gutter" blk of 8 on normal no mesh paper. Fresh MUH, creases & wrinkles, mainly in vertical gutter. SG 645(var), ACSC 765ba cat $2400+ as 4 vertical intersheet prs. Only 1 sheet of 300 recorded, & this is the UNIQUE cross gutter blk! (P) $1000 $2000

993 1977 QEII Silver Jubilee 45c IMPERF proof on very thick shiny paper, UR cnr margin blk of 4, huge margin at right with guidelines. VF fresh UN as made. SG 646(p), ACSC 766PP(2) cat $1000+ (in 2002) as 2 prs, plus huge premium for such blk. (P) $350 $500

994 1977 QEII Silver Jubilee 45c IMPERF proof on very thick shiny paper, top marginal blk of 4. VF fresh UN as made. SG 646(p), ACSC 766PP(2) cat $1000+ (in 2002) as 2 prs. (P) $300 $450

995 1978 Australia Day 18c Flag variety full but weak, inverted OFFSET of whole design, the blue most obvious, but trace of red also visible & trace of "st" of Australia visible in large star. VF fresh MUH. SG 657(var). ACSC 789(var). (P) $200 $300

996 1978 Aviators 18c Kingsford Smith IMPERF horiz pr, right marginal. VF fresh MUH. ACSC 792b cat $150, SG 660a cat £110. (P) $80 $120

997 1978 Aviators 18c Kingsford Smith IMPERF blk of 4, UL cnr marginal. VF fresh MUH. ACSC 792b cat $300, SG 660a cat £220 -both for 2 prs. (P) $150 $250

998 1978 Aviators 18c Kingsford Smith IMPERF horiz LR cnr pr. VFU. ACSC 792b cat $150, SG 660a cat £110 -both for M. (P) $80 $120

999 1978 Aviators 18c Ulm horiz double strip of 10 with original paper join & overlap through centre pr, the overlap over 1 stamp wide. VF MUH. SG 661(var). ACSC unlisted & extremely rare. (P) $150 $250

1000 1978 Bird 20c Grebe vert strip of 5, variety partial missing black "Australia 20c & feathers", affecting top 2 stamps. VF MUH. SG 673 (var), ACSC 805cg(var) cat $2000 for sl diff combination. Very rare as only 10 such strips existed -originally cost vendor $450. (5) (P) $300 $500

1001 1978 Stamp Week 20c PROOF on non helecon paper, blk of 4 (pos 36-37 & 46-47 from only known pane of 50) with extra wide lower margin which did not exist on the issued stamps. VF fresh MUH. SG 694(p), ACSC 823PP(2) cat $1600. Rare specialist item. 2000 Ceremuga photo cert for blk, with photocopy of the comp pane before it was broken up. (4). (P) $400 $700

1002 1979 Trains 20c, error grey totally OMITTED, so missing/albino area instead of "Australia 20c", & no imprint on bottom stamp of vertical strip of 7 se-tenant with normals. VF fresh MUH. SG 715/715a cat £2,000+ as singles, plus large premium for strip. Very rare as only 1 pane recorded, which only had errors on lower 3 rows. (P) $1000 $1500

1003 1979 Train 20c, error grey totally OMITTED, so missing/albino area instead of "Australia 20c" & no imprint. VF fresh MUH. SG 715a cat £2000. Very rare as only 1 pane recorded, which only had the error on the bottom 3 rows. (P) $800 $1200

1004 1979 Train 20c, error grey totally OMITTED, so missing/albino area instead of "Australia 20c" & no imprint. VFU. SG 715a cat £2000. Very rare as only 1 pane recorded, which only had the error on the bottom 3 rows. (P) $800 $1200

1005 1980 Queen's Birthday 22c IMPERF irregularly cut/torn blk of 7 part stamps & traces of 4 others inc above horiz gutter. Printed in sheets of 300 with left & right panes & guillotined horiz for issue in sheets of 100, so horiz gutters & these gutter markings not found on issued stamps. SG 741(var). ACSC 863(var). Spectacular item. (P) $300 $500

1006 1981 Tasmanian Tiger 24c 1st printing, error totally MISSING dark green (grass at base). VF fresh MUH, normal to compare. SG 788(var), ACSC 902(var) unlisted as 1st discovered in 2004. Only 1 sheet existed with 50 error stamps. (P) $375 $500

1007 1981 Tasmanian Tiger 24c 1st printing, error missing dark green on top 6 stamps of strip of 10 & missing to a gradually lesser degree on next 3. VF fresh MUH. SG 788(var), ACSC 902(var) unlisted as 1st discovered in 2004. Very rare as only 1 sheet existed. (P) $2500 $4000

1008 1984 AAT South Magnetic Pole Expedition 30c, vert strip of 10, error blue almost totally OMITTED, so background looks white instead of blue on the upper 6 stamps, the lower 4 stamps being normal. VF MUH. SG 61(var). An important discovery that first came to light in 2004 from a retired PO employee. Only 1 sheet existed so only 5 such strips of this extremely rare error are possible (We previously sold another strip for $4900). 2009 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert. (10). (P) $2500 $4000

1009 1986 Americas Cup 36c Boxing Kangaroo, variety "missing grey" (Australia 36c) lwr marginal. VF fresh MUH. SG 1037a cat £180. ACSC 1173c cat $300. (P) $120 $160

1010 1986 Wildlife 36c strip lower marginal blk of 20 (10 x 2) with "MODULE 4" & colour control circles in lower selvedge. Fresh MUH. ACSC 1153z cat $150. $50 $80

1011 1986 Wildlife 36c strip lower marginal blk of 20 (10 x 2) with "MODULE 4" & colour control circles in lower selvedge. Fresh MUH. ACSC 1153z cat $150. $50 $80

1012 1989 Cycling 41c blk of 4 IMPERF between horiz from right of booklet pane. VFU with "Goulburn 23 AUG 1989" FDI cds. Previously unrecorded & unpriced U, also unrecorded on Goulburn FDC, from which this came (photo enclosed). SG 1180b cat £320++. ACSC 1377b cat $600++, both as 2 prs UN. Very rare. (P) $350 $500

1013 1993 Counter Printed Stamps "Painting with Candlestick" unissued trials in black, 1 with no imprint, 3 with "NPC1" designation & values 45c, $1 & $1.41 -all inverted (in effect inverted centres), plus stamp in red with "45c NPC1" imprint. VF, on original backing paper. Retail $1500+. Rare group. (5). (P) $200 $400

1014 1993 Counter Printed Stamps "Painting with Candlestick" unissued design trials in BLACK, totally blank w/o value or inscription, FULL ROLL of 500 sealed with "Pemara Labels / Approx. 500" violet label. VF on original backing paper, never opened & perfect condition. Retail is estimated at $100 a stamp, giving total of an amazing $50,000 retail value. An amazing opportunity for the specialist collector. (500). (P) $1000 $2000

1015 1993 Counter Printed Stamps "Painting with Candlestick" unissued design trials in black, 1 totally blank, 2 with "NPC 1" designation & values 45c & $1, both inverted (so in effect inverted centres). VF on original backing paper. Retail $900. (3) (P) $80 $150

1016 1993 Counter Printed Stamps "Painting with Candlestick" unissued design trials in black, strip of 3 from start of roll with cash register imprint on top stamp "No Stamps Value stamps..." & "Pemara Labels Approx 500" violet label, middle stamp blank & bottom with "45c NPC1", all inverted. Certainly unique strip. (3). (P) $150 $250

1017 1994-97 Kangaroos & Koala 45c self adhesive IMPERF triple width strip of 6, two being strips of 5 with "Only 25 stamps left" labels, for rolls of 100 or 200, with 1 Koala Printset Cambec reverse imprint., plus same triple strip perf, with 2 Koala Cambec imprint. Only issued as single strips in rolls. SG 1459-64(var), ACSC 1742Bc/ Cc(var) unlisted combination -imperf 4 Koala strip cat $2250 as 3 strips alone. Extremely rare. (2 triple strips). (P) $600 $1000

1018 1994-97 Kangaroos & Koalas 45c self adhesive error IMPERF strip of 6 for rolls of 100 or 200, with 1 Koala Printset Cambec reverse imprint. VF fresh MUH. SG 1459-64(var), ACSC 1742Bc(var) unlisted combination -imperf 4 Koala strip cat $750. Very rare. (P) $250 $400

1019 1995 Cinema 45c self adhesive double width strip of 5+5 error IMPERF. (Only issued as single strips in rolls). VF fresh MUH, sl wrinkle across top pr. SG 1535-9(var). Extremely rare. (P) $500 $800

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