Q. & A. 711 to 1707 with solved Papers css 1971 to date

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In Pre-Islamic Arabia, each tribe had its own rulsr. There was no concept of central government like the present system. Some tribes holding the office of rulership through their numerical and seniority by strength. Socially the population of the Arabs was divided into two classes, the town people and desert-dwellers. There was a much difference in their administrative organization. Chief, was bound by thi elders of the tribe. Hence he had to take his decision in a council of the elder* of the tribe. There was no elaborative machinery of government, no officials, no office for the proper andl sound organization of justice. In Pre-Islamic Arabian society, there was no concept of permanent Qazi or the judicial officer. So in criminal irsr«s the solution, life per life and limb for limb were ”the recognurvd principles that time. When the MakkWi society civilized, the conctpt of social justice and different punishments of Persian or ’:« had adopted there. Cutting the hand of the thief wa_s introduced in Makkah by WaHd bin Mughriah.
So the development in administration improved with the establishment of city state of Makkah, Dar-un-Nadwah was the leading administrative institution in Makkah. With the migration of the Holy Prophet from Makkah to Medina, the administrative history °f Arabia Had changed. Holy Prophet built a new political and a5.82 Political and Cultural History of Islam

the fullest sense of the word for nL religious propaganda introduced itot only a complete change in the political situation but also had an equally important bearing on the social conditions”. ”The Hijrah, with which the Makkhan period ended and the Medinese period began, proved a turning point in the life of Muhammad (PBUH).
.saving the ity of his birth place as a despised Prophet he entered the city of his adoption as a honoured chief. The seer in him now recedes into the background and the practical man of politics comes
*o the fore. The Holy Prophet is gradually over shadowed by the
During the ten years Muhammad (PBUH) presided over the commonwealth of Islam, a grea. charge had came over the character of the Arab people, a congeries of warring tribes and clans were rapidly consolidated into a nation under the influence of one great idea. The work done within that short period will always remain as one of the most wonderful achievements recorded in history. On account of the revolutionary teachings of the Holy Prophet which affected the socio-economic, religio-cultural and political, moral life of the Arabs, gave death blow to their old traditions. The first task which the Holy Prophet done on reaching Medina was the construction of a mosque where he could gather together all his followers in order to preach Islam and to teach them the practical lesson of his ideological state which he intended to found in Medina, v”z. fraternity, equality, liberty, social and economic justice.
The second most important task which he undertook to accomplish was the fraternization or brotherhood of the Emigrant and the Helpers. Holy Prophet laid stress on ”Islam being a comprehensive religion of human brotherhood. Every Muhjir had an Ansari brother. This rair^d the moral prestige of the Ansar and the economic welfare of the emigrants.”
The Holy Prophet started his career in Medina at a time when the following issues required his attention.

4) The r»2\abilitation of the Muhajirs in Medina. I) Clearly mentioned the rights and duties of the Muhajirs and

the Ansars.
\ Agreements with non-Muslims especially with Jews.

• ’•> Arrangements for the defense and administration of Medfna. ’. Compensation to the Muhajirs for their losses.

Organization of Government Under the Holy Prophet, P 210.
Administration Under the Holy Prophet
The Holy Prophet made tremendous efforts to bring about the unity and integration among the disorganized Mid disunited Arabian society. Here is explained the administrative structure of ”City State of Medina” which gives the administrative ability of the Prophet (PBUH). Salient featuies of the administrative system of the ”City Staie of Medina” are given below: THE SOVEREIGN
The Holy Qur’an describes the position of the sovereign. The Qur’an, as the revealed book of God, was binding on all Muslims including the Holv Propnet. The authority of the Holy Prophet is supreme in all those matters which are not clearly mentioned in fhe Qur’an. He was the head of Islamic state. He was the sole possessor of the both spiritual and secular authority and political and judicial powers. He was the sole master of the state he was the Chief Executive and Supreme Commander of all the forces of Islam. He was the head of the state. He has all the powers relating to the legislation and in all judicial mailers. ”He was the Prophet, the lawgiver, the ruler, the commander, the Chief Jr*tice and the head of the entire adminislrat’’”? r/whhery’1 Masjad-i-Nabawi was the office ot the Holy Prophet (PBUH). He did must cf the business there. All types of correspondence and internal letters to the tribes were wrinen there. Ail this was done in the mosque. No ciTIcc was built during the life time of the Holy Prophet.3

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