Project of Carrying the Prophet’s Staff to Damascus In 50/670 Mu’awiya (Rad.A) thought of removing the as a (staff) of the Prophet (PBUH) from Medina to Damascus but he was dissuaded from doing so. Damascus being the capital of the Muslim Empire and the Syrians being victorious against the Byzantines, Syria nad become the focus of Islamic Empire. The Arab tribes specially the Ka\sites from the northern part and Kalbites from the southern part of Arabia came and settled in Syria. The-conquerors and the conquered lived peacefully as friends and the Christians were
Ameer Mil’nunya (Rud A) 363 better off in the reign of Mu’awiya (Rad.A) than under Heraclius. The Christians were employed as adv isers and the Church of Edessa destroyed b> an earthquake, was rebuilt at the order of Mu’awKa (Rad.A). B\ bringing the Prophet’s staff to Damascus the Caliph wanted not onl> to attach sanctity to the city and attract the attention of the Muslim masses but also to use it as a symbol that the city had become the citadel of Islam.8