Chapter 12: The Fall of Makkah Events Leading to the Conquest of Makkah 152
Preparation for the Conquest of Makkah 153
The Ouravsh Taken by Surprise 154
The Conquest of Makkah 154
Exemplar. Forgiveness of the Enemies 155
Holv Prophet Enters Makkah 156
Opinion of Some Writers about the Holy Prophet’s Magnanimity I 57
The Address on the Victorv 159
Magnanimity Unparalleled in the Annals of Mankind 159
Chapter 13: The Battle of Hunain Hauazin and Thaqif 160
The Holv Prophet Starts to Meet Havvazin and Thaqif 161
Battlefield 161
Victor} 162
Effects of the Conquest of Makkah and the Victorv of Hunain 163
Siege to Ta’if 164
Generositv of the Holy Prophet 165
Historical Speech to Ansar 165