Chapter 19: Hazrat Usman (Rad.A) Early Life 263
Acceptance of Islam 263
Usman (Rad.A) Gets the Title of 7hun Nlurain 264
His Other Services for the Cause of Islam before Caliphate 264
Hazrat Usman (Rad.A) as the Third Caliph 265
Administration of Svria 266
Roman Invasion of Alexandria 266
Administration of Egypt 267
Conquest of Anatolia 267
Administration of Iraq 267
Rebellion of Azerbaijan and Armenia 268
Administration of Iran : 269
Conquest of Afghanistan 269
Conquest of Khurasan and Tabrastan 269
Conquest of North Africa 270
Second Invasion of Alexandria bv Romans 270
Invasion of Spain .”!.’ 270
Internal Disorder :; 271
Conspiracy of Abdullah bin Saba 272
Allegations against Hazrat Usman (Rad.A) 274
Conference of the Governors 277
Tour of the Mission 277
Saba Gets Friends 277
Plan of the Sabaites 278
Martyrdom 280
Siege of Khalifah’s House 280
Consequences of Flazrat Usman’s (Rad.A) Assassination 283
Victories 284
Official Manuscript of the Holy Quran 284
Preaching 285
Construction of Buildings 285
Usman (Rad.A) as a Great Scholar 286
Administration of Hazrat Usman (Rad. A) 286
Shura 286
\dministration of the Provinces 286
Administration of the Armed Forces 287