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Effect on the Jews
The battle also produced a marvelous effect on the Jews as well as the neighbouring Bedouin tribes who came to realize that there arose an invincible power in Arabia. Hither to the Jews did not give any importance to the Muslims But they now began to feel the strength of the Muslims. The people dared not raise their heads against the Holy Prophet for the time begin. The Battle of Badr helped the Muslims to consolidate the power of Islam in Medina and enabled them to deal fearlessly wuh the unscrupulous people of the city. •
The victory at the Battle of Badr is the most inspiring event m the history of Islam. Hitti comments on this battle in the following words: ”However unimportant in itself as a military engagement, this, Ghazwat-i-Badr, laid the foundation of Muhammad’s (PBUH) temporal power. Islam had owned its first military victory. The spirit of discipline and contempt of death, manifested at this first encounter of Islam, proved characteristic of it in all its later and greater conquests. Hitherto Islam had been a religion within a state in Medina. After Badr, it passed into something more than a statereligion and itself became the state.”
In the words Joseph Hell, ”The victory of Badr resulted in the consolidation of the power of the Holy Prophet in Yathrib. The most important result of the battle, however, was the deepening of the faith of Muhammad (PBUH) himself and his closest companions in his prophetic vocation. After years of hardship and a measure of persecution...there came its astounding success. It was a vindication of the faith which had sustained them through disappointment. Indeed, in the midst of the encircling darkness of despair the Muslims saw a ray of hope in this success.”

Political and Cultural History of Islam

The Encyclopedia Britannica says: ”The Battle of Badr is not only the most celebrated of battles in the memory of Muslims it was really also of great historical importance. If helped immensely to strengthen Muhammad’s (PBUH) position. Thenceforward open opposition to him in Medina was impossible....”. Serious Disaster for Makkhans
W. Montgomery Watt comments: ”The defeat at Badr was serious disaster for the Makkhans. Of the fifteen or twenty most influential and experienced men in Makkah a dozen had been killed.... The loss of prestige was even more serious though its effects did not appear immediately. Comparatively small forces had been involved in the battle, and Medina clearly had neither the strength nor the necessary skills to take the place of Makkah as commercial capital of western Arabia. Yet the prestige of Makkah had been shaken.”
Tor Andrea says: ”Seldom has such an insignificant conflict had such far-reaching consequences. The moral effect, especially in Medina, can -hardly be over-estimated. The Holy Prophet had received undeniable proof that God was on his side.” Enhancement in the Physical Power of the Muslim
Regarding the consequences of the Battle of Badr, Mr. Athar Husain writes: ”The Battle of Badr had far-reaching consequences. Till then the Muslims were a harassed band avoiding any major conflict. The victory gave them confidence in their physical power. They could not meet force with force. They were soon recognized as a power to be reckoned with, and smaller tribes were cautioned against joining forces against them. The victory dealt a severe blow to the prestige of the Quraysh.... The Jews of Medina and its vicinity were alarmed at the new power that had emerged. The ignominy of the defeat made the Makkhans more bitter and furious and the word vengeance was on many lips.”12
Ghulam Sarwar says, ”The winning of the Battle of Badr, the first pitched battle in Islam, was the most glorious event in its history. It endowed the Muslims with a will to win, the value of which cannot be reckoned in terms of men and money. Just as the Holy Prophet is an Exemplar to all Muslims so is Badr the ideal of all Muslim battles. When Muslims fight, they must fight for the love of God only and to establish His Truth.”13 The disbelievers
12 Dr. Majid Ah Khari, Muhammad the Final Messenger, P.260
The Battle of Badr 113
(throughout Arabia) and the Jews first time became aware of the new power in the name of Islam and they began to feel the strength of Muslims. Glorious Spiritual Victory
The victory of the Badr was a clear help of Almighty Allah. Indeed it was a glorious spiritual victory of the Truth (’Haq’) over the Falsehood (”Batil’) with maivellous Divine Help. The Holy Qur’ar speaks about this at a number of places: ”Indeed there was a sign for you in the two Hosts which met together in encounter; ore party fighting in the way of Allah, and the other unbelieving...and Allah strengthens with His aid whom He pleases; most surely there is a lesson in this for those who have eyes to see.” It again says, ”Allah had helped you at Badr, When you were contemptible little force; then Allah in order to show your gratitude.” When you did say to the believers: Does it not suffice you that your Lord should help you with three thousand angels sent down.” Decisive Battle in the History of Islam
The Battle of Bair, of course, is a most decisive one in the history of Islam. If the Muslims could not achieve success in this battle, Islam might have been wiped out forever from the face of the earth. It was indeed a struggle between the forces of light and darkness, between the truth and falsehood. It proved, of course, a great triumph of truth over the falsehood, light over darkness only because of Allah’s help. This victory inspired Muslims with new hope and encouraged them for future success. Consolidation of Islam
The more immediate consequences of the victory of Badr were the consolidation of Islam in and around Medina and the decimation of the Quraysh leadership, if not the destruction of their aggressive power and spirit. A handful of people who had been, for more than a decade, persecuted, tortured and finally hounded out of their homes and hearts had at last turned against their relentless persecutors and inflicted a dire punishment on them.
John Bagot Glubb wrote about importance of the Battle of Badr in his book ”The Great Arab Conquest”, in these words, ”The victory of Badr was a milestone in the early history of Islam.”14 It opened the way for rapid preaching of Islam. After this victory Islam consolidated around the Medina. According to Khurshid Ahmad, ”The Battle of Badr was a great victory, especially because it established the Muslim community as a separate political and social as well as religious entity and confirmed the power of the Holy
4 John Bagot Glubb. The Great Arab Conquest, London, 1985, P. 67

114 Political and Cultural History of Islam

Prophet but it was not decisive.”15 In the words of Abdullah Yusuf AH, ”It was the first trial of strength by battle in Islam between the powers of good and evil. Evil was defeated.” According to Afzal Iqbal: The result was as spectacular as it was unexpected. The Muslim secured victory over Quraysh. But having won the victory over their oppressors, the Muslims rose once again to greater heights of honoft- and magnanimity in dealing with them. All temptation of revenge was eschewed and all considerations of personal injury were scrupulously subordinated to the demands of peace and justice.” The Effects of the Battle on the Arabs in General
The Battle of Badr after which the Muslims found themselves the unchallenged masters of the situation was a fatal blow to the might of Quraysh both politically and militarily. The whole of Arabia stood against at this stunning but unexpected victory of the Muslims. The Jews and the hypocrites, however, were furious and unhappy. Not with standing their first reaction to the Muslim victory, all the different forces of unbelief were one and the same thing for all of them equally disliked the idea of the Muslims as a dominant power and wanted to check their further progress by forging a united front against them. They were determined not to allow the Muslims to achieve any more success such as might further enhance their power and influence in the country. However, these enemies of the Muslims widely differed among themselves as to the method wherewith they might arrest their progress. They followed different schemes and each one of them had its own plans to fight the Muslims and destroy their integrity and power. The Battle of Badr carries a lesson for the world, that a small group of fighters with strong faith and conviction can defeat a big army. It also indicates that Jehad (Holy War) is dearer to Allah than anything else. These are the results of the Battle of Badr
1. A victory of the forces of Light.
2. A decisive battle in the history of the world.
3. Consolidation of Islam.
4. Decimation of the Quraysh leadership.
5. Veterans of Badr.
6. Expulsion of Jews from Medina.
7. Rapid progress in preaching of Islam.
8. Crisis in social and economic leadership.
9. Firm position of the Holy Prophet.
10. A great revolution in the City-State of Medina after the battle of Badr.

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