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The Severe Famine and Plague

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The Severe Famine and Plague
In the year 17-18 A.H., Hijaz and Syria were faced by a severe famine and drought. Hazrat Umar (Rad.A) took steps to get food supplies from Egypt, part of which had been conquered by Hazrat Amr bin al A’s (Rau.AV He sent three big ships of grains to Medina which were unloaded in the presence of .lazra umar (Rad.A). He himself distributed the grains among the needy. Hazrat Umar (Rad.A) did not take any delicacy during the famine period. When he was requested to take care of his health he said. ”If I don’t taste suffering, how can I know the suffering of others?”
When the famine became intolerable he prayed to Allah in a big gathering of Muslims. It has been narrated that the prayers had not even finished when rains started to pour down. About the same time plague spread in the most part of Iraq, Syria and Egypt and it caused great havoc not only to civilians but alsp to the Muslim armies. After the plague Hazrat Umar (Rad.A) went to Syria to inspect the losses caused by the plague. The important figures Abu Ubaidah, Mu’adh bin Jabal and Yazid bin Sufyan (Rad.A) had passed away- He appointed Muawiya bin Abi Sufyan as the Governor of Damascus in place of his brother Yazid bin Abi Sufyan. THE CONQUEST OF EGYPT
Being a powerful province of Byzantine Empire and having the strong base of Byzantine navy at Alexandria, Egypt was great danger to the security of Hijaz (Northern Arabia). The Romans were busy in plotting against the Muslims to regain the territories conquered by the Muslims and to attack them through Egypt. Obviously it was necessary from the point of view of defence to drive back the Romans from Egypt. Therefore towards the close of

17 A.H. (638 A.D.). Hazrat Amr bin al A’s (Rad.A) who had collaborated in the conquest of Palestine, repeatedly urged the Caliph to authorize him to lead a campaign against the valley of the Nile. He got the necessary permission from the Caliph and set out from Palestine for Egypt at the head of four thousand men. According to a number of historians it took place in the 18th year A.H. i.e., 639 A V. All of them agree that a part of Egypt had been conquered before the great famine which happened in 17-18 A.H. If it is true the date of invasion by ”Amr bin al-A’s” must be before 18 A.M..

Hazrat Amr bin al-A’s entered Egypt by the route of Wadi al_Arish and after attacking some small towns laid siege to one of the
Hazrat Umar (Rad. A.)
strongest forts of Romans in Egypt at Fustat (which later became Cairo). The fort was conquered after some time. The fall of Fustat gave a severe blow to Roman might in Egypt. Constantine II, the Byzantine Emperor, hearing the news of the fall of the fort near Fustat got furious and sen a big army to Alexandria. Hazrat Amr bin al-A’s therefore set out for Alexandria from Fustat. He got reinforcement from th. Caliph. Alexandria was the strong hold of the Romans in Egypt. They could easily send reinforcement and supplies to Alexandria by sea. It really was a difficult task to conquer it. Hazrat Amr bin al-A’s laid siege to the city but no result came out for six months. Seeing this condition Hazrat Umar (Rad.A) wrote to Hazrat Amr bin al-A’s (Rad.A).
”I am afraid that the Muslims have not been acting fully jupon the teaching of the Holy ”Qur’an” and the Sunnah (ways) of the Holy Prophet. The only way to get victory is to follow strictly the ways of the Holy Prophet. They should therefore be more and more strict on it. Then try to give final blow to the enemy”,
Hazrat Amr (Rad.A) read the letter before the Muslims. Umar’s (Rad.A) orders were at once carried out and at last Alexandria was conquered after a heavy engagement According to some western historians it was conquered in 642 A.D., while some of the Muslim historians say that Alexandria was conquered in 640 A.D. (20 A.H.). After the conquest of this great city, one time a glory for the Romans, Hazrat Amr wrote to Caliph, ”I have captured a city from the description of which I shall refrain. Suffice it to say I have seized therein 4000 villas with 4000 baths, 40,000 poll-tax-paying Jews and 400 places of entertainment for royalty”. Philip Hitti writes: ”The Caliph entertained his general’s messenger with bread and dates; they all joined in a thanks-giving service in the Pi^phet’s mosque”.
Afterwards Hazrat Amr (Rad.A) captured the remaining fortresses in Egypt and it came under the full sway of Islam. Local Christians and Jews were giving freedom of religion; various taxes imposed by the Romans were abolished and the general condition of the country improved. The Egyptians had never enjoyed such a Period of prosperity and peace before. A very inhuman custom was Prevailing in Egypt at that time. The Egyptians used to sacrifice a beautiful maiden every year to please the river Nile so that it may bring more water. After the victory the matter was reported to Hazrat (Rad.A) who prohibited this. By chance the same year the Nile

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had very little water and a condition of drought seemed to prevail over there. Hazrat ’Amr (Rad.A) wrote to Hazrat Umar (Rad.A) to seek his advice. He wrote the following letter and asked Hazrat Amr to throw it in the Nile.
”From Umar (Rad.A), the servant of Allah and ”Amir (Leader) of the Muslims to the River Nile of Egypt. O Nile! If you flow of your own desire we do not need you. If you flow by the order of Allah, we pray to Him to keep you flowing”. The letter was thrown into the Nile and it over-flowed that year. In this way Egyptian were stopped from un-Islamic practice. This had a very good effect. The Egyptians realised the spiritual power of Islam, and entered its folds.8

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