Umar’s (Rad.A) Period was the Golden Age of Islamic History Thus we see that Hazrat Umar’s period was the Golden Age of the Islamic history when Islam was practised in its true form. Hazrat Umar (Rad.A) intiated 41 good practices during his period, which were based upon the Holy Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet. These are known as ”Awliat-i-Umar (the initiations of Umar). The details can be seen in the books of Islamic History like Tabari, Ibn-i-Athir, and Tarikh-i-Khulfa etc. Most of these initiations have been mentioned the preceding pages in brief. Actually Hazrat Umar (Rad.A) was the founder of Islamic Democracy based upon the Holy Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet.