Book reviews by reviewer

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Abernathy, George R., Jr.

The Levellers and the English Revolution, by H. N. Brailsford, 4: 123-25.

Abrahamian, Ervand

The Making of Iran’s Islamic Revolution: From Monarchy to Islamic Republic, by Moshen Milani, 40: 176-77.

Abu-Rabi, Ibrahim M.

Defining Islam for the Egyptian State: Moftis and Fatwas of the Dar al-Ifta, by Jakob Skovgaard-Petersen, 41: 137-38.

Abzug, Robert H.

The Stranger’s Religion: Fascination and Fear, edited by Anna Lännström, 48: 209-10, 459-60.

Adamo, David Tuesday

Theology in Africa, by Kwensi A. Dickson, 27: 351-52.

Adams, Charles J.

The Islamic Struggle in Syria, by Umar F. Abd-Allah, 26: 548-49.

Adams, James Luther

Conscience: Its Freedom and Limitations, edited by William C. Bier, 15: 465-69.

Faith and Freedom: A Tribute to Franklin H. Littell, by Richard Libowitz, 30: 581-82.

Midwives to Nazism: University Professors in Weimar Germany, 1925-1933, by Alice Gatlin, 29: 344-45.

Adams, John M.

Piety and Intellect: The Aims and Purposes of Ante-Bellum Theological Education, by Glenn T. Miller, 33: 628-29.

Presbyterian Controversy, The: Fundamentalists, Modernists, and Moderates, by Bradley J. Longfield, 34: 397-98.

Adams, Linda Shull

Islam and the Cultural Accommodation of Social Change, by Bassam Tibi, 33: 616-17.

Religion, Politics, and Oil: The Volatile Mix in the Middle East, by Charles A. Kimball, 36: 412-13.

Adams, William

Christian Biopolitics, by Kenneth Cauth­en, 14: 353-54.

Adamski, Janet E.

Whose Democracy? Nationalism, Religion, and the Doctrine of Collective Rights in Post-Soviet Eastern Europe, by Sabrina P. Ramet, 41: 834-35.

Afshari, Reza

Islam and Democracy, by John L. Esposito and John O. Voll, 40: 469-70.

Ahanotu, Austin M.

Biblical Revelation and African Beliefs, edited by Kwesi A. Dickson and Paul Ellingworth, 19: 593-94.

Ahdar, Rex

Law and Religion: God, the State and the Common Law, edited by Peter Radan, Denise Meyerson, and Rosalind F. Croucher, 48: 200-01.

Religion and Law: An Introduction, by Peter W. Edge, 49: 775-76.

Ahearn, David Oki

Religion, Public Life, and the American Polity, edited by Luis E. Lugo, 38: 179.

Aho, James A.

A Fighting Chance: The Moral Use of Nuclear Weapons, by Joseph P. Martino, 32: 153.

Aiken, John R.

Walter Rauchenbusch: American Reformer, by Paul M. Minus, 31: 310-11.

Akhavi, Shahrough

Civil Society in the Middle East, Vol. 1, edited by Augustus Richard Norton, 38: 191.

Alden, Robert L.

Love and Politics: A New Commentary on the Song of Songs, by Luis Stadelmann, 36: 858.

Allen, James B.

Prisoner for Polygamy: The Memoirs and Letters of Rudger Lawson at the Utah Territorial Penitentiary, 1884-87, edited by Stan Larson, 37: 897.

Allen, Leonard

Bible in America, The: Essays in Cultural History, edited by Mark A. Noll and Nathan O. Hatch, 25: 352-54.

Millenarian Piety of Roger Williams, The, by W. Clark Gilpin, 22: 326-28.

Allen, Leslie C.

Jonah: A Psycho-Religious Approach to the Prophet, by Andre LaCocque and Pierre Emmanuel LaCocque, 33: 828-29.

Allitt, Patrick N.

John Courtney Murray and the American Civil Conversation, edited by Robert P. Hunt and Kenneth L. Grasso, 35: 894-95.

Alston, Jon P.

America’s Communal Utopias, edited by Donald E. Pitzer, 40: 492-93.

Between Sacred and Secular: Research and Theory on Quasi-Religion, edited by Arthur L. Greil and Thomas Robbins, 37: 665-66.

Charisma and Control in Rajneeshpuram: The Role of Shared Values in the Creation of a Community, by Lewis F. Carter, 33: 612-13.

Creation/Evolution Controversy, The: A Battle for Cultural Power, by Karen Doyle Smout, 42: 190-91.

Evocative Religion of Jehovah’s Witnesses: An Analysis of a Present-Day Phenomenon, The, by Matthew Alfs, 34: 871.

Faith in Science: Religion & Public Life, edited by Gabriel R. Ricci, 47: 869-70.

Law, Darwinism, and Public Education: The Establishment Clause and the Challenge of Intelligent Design, by Francis J. Beckwith, 45: 600-01.

Mormon Corporate Empire, The, by John Heinermand, 28: 518-19.

Seduced by Science: How American Religion Has Lost Its Way, by Steven Goldberg, 43: 620-21.

Televangelism: Power and Politics on God’s Frontier, by Anson Shupe and Jeffrey K. Hadden, 31: 579.

Altholz, Josef L.

Cardinal Giacomo Antonelli and Papal Politics in European Affairs, by Frank Coppa, 32: 644-45.

Alwall, Jonas

Myth of Democracy, The, by Tage Lindbom, 39: 154-56.

Scandinavian Reformation, The: From Evangelical Movement to Institutionalisation of Reform, edited by Ole Peter Grell, 39: 154-56.

Aman, Kenneth

The Truth Shall Make You Free, by Gustavo Gutierrez, 33: 141-42.

Anders, Sarah Frances

Baptist Battles: Social Change and Religious Conflict in the Southern Baptist Convention, by Nancy Tatom Ammerman, 34: 624-25.

New Crusades, The: The New Holy Land: Conflict in the Southern Baptist Convention, 1969-1991, by David T. Morgan, 39: 604-05.

Anderson, Douglas Firth

The Re-Forming Tradition: Presbyterians and Mainstream Protestantism, edited by Milton J. Coalter, John M. Mulder, and Louis B. Weeks, 37: 177.

Anderson, Justice C.

Christians and Socialism, edited by John Drury, 19: 347-49.

Doing Theology in a Revolutionary Situation, by Jose Miguez-Bonino, 19: 95-96.

Liberation, Development, and Salvation, by Rene Laurentin, 19: 133-34.

Politics of Hope, The, by Andre Bieler, 19: 358-59.

Race against Time, by Dom Helder Ca­mara, 17: 350-51.

Theology of Human Hope, A, by Rubem A. Alves, 18: 358-59.

Trent s Impact on the Portuguese Patronage Mission, by A. da Silva, 17: 539-41.

World Mission and World Communism, edited by Gerhard Hoffman and Wil­helm Wille, 17: 537-38.

Anderson, Paul B.

Berdyaev’s Philosophy of Hope: A Contribu­tion to Marxist-Christian Dialogue, by C. S. Calian, 11: 515-17.

Christian Marxist Dialogue, The, edited by Paul Oestreicher, 11: 515-17.

Descent Into Darkness: The Destruction oj the Roman Catholic Church in Russia, 1917-1923, by James J. Zatko, 9: 110-11.

Discretion and Valour: Religious Conditions in Russia and Eastern Europe, by Trevor Beeson, 18: 321-27.

Religion and the Soviet State: A Dilemma of Power, edited by William C. Fletcher and Max Hayward, 13: 346-48.

Religious Ferment in Russia, by Michael Bourdeaux, 11: 132-33.

Russian Protestants: Evangelicals in the Soviet Union, 1944-1964, The, by Steve Dura­soff, 12: 501-02.

Anderson, Paul N.

The Ethics of Violence: The Study of a Fractured World, by George H. Faust, 39: 579-80.

Andrea, A. J.

The First Crusade: The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials, edited by Edward Peters, 15: 310-11.

Andrews, Loretta K.

Church and Revolution in Rwanda, by Ian Linden, 21: 337-39.

Antoun, Richard T.

Christians and Jews under Islam, by Youssef Courbage and Phillipe Fargues, 41: 139-41.

Contemporary Muslim Apocalyptic Literature, by David Cook, 48: 687-88.

Great Divide, The: The Failure of Islam and the Triumph of the West, by Alvin J. Schmidt, 47: 621-22.

Justice, and Only Justice: A Palestinian Theology of Liberation, by Naim Stifan Ateek, 32: 641-42.

Religious Fundamentalism and the Human Rights of Women, edited by Courtney W. Rowland, 44: 824-25.

Appelquist, A. Ray

Military Chaplaincy, The: A Study of Role Tension in the Royal Air Force, by Gordon Zahn, 11: 530-31.

Military Chaplains: From a Religious Mil­itary to a Military Religion, edited by Har­vey G. Cox, Jr., 15: 148-49.

Appleby, R. Scott

Faithful Dissent, by Charles E. Curran, 29: 564-65.

Applegate, Celia

God and Humanity in Auschwitz: Jewish-Christian Relations and Sanctioned Murder, by Donald J. Dietrich, 38: 667-68.

Religion in Europe at the End of the Second Millennium: A Sociological Profile, by Andrew M. Greeley, 47: 880-82.

Araujo, Robert John, S.J.

From “Brilliant Errors” to Things of Uncommon Importance, by James V. Schall, S.J., 40: 199-200.

Living the Catholic Social Tradition: Cases and Commentary, by Kathleen Maas Weigert and Alexia K. Kelley, 48: 211-13.

Arbagi, Martin

Living in the Tenth Century: Mentalities and Social Orders, by Heinrich Fichtenau, 34: 382-83.

Archer, Glenn L.

Religion and the American Dream: The Search for Freedom under God, by Chris­topher F. Mooney, 20: 363-64.

Arkin, Marc M.

Fire from Heaven: The Rise of Pentecostal Spirituality and the Reshaping of Religion in the Twenty-first Century, by Harvey Cox, 37: 439.

Armentrout, Don S.

Michael Ramsey: A Life, by Owen Chadwick, 34: 164-65.

Armitstead, Paul T.

Dissent in Three American Wars, by Fred­erick Merk, Samuel Eliot Morison, and Frank Freidel, 13: 528-29.

Armstrong, Brian G.

The Huguenot Struggle for Recognition, by N. M. Sutherland, 23: 352-54.

Armstrong, Gregory T.

English Church and the Papacy in the Middle Ages, The, edited by C. H. Lawrence, 8: 286-88.

Politics and the Early Christian, by Francis Xavier Murphy, 10: 448-50.

Aronoff, Myron J.

Is Israel One? Religion, Nationalism, and Multiculturalism Confounded, by Eliezer Ben-Rafael and Yochanan Peres, 48: 693-94.

Asani, Ali S.

The Nation of Islam: An American Millenarian Movement, by Martha F. Lee, 39: 598-99.

Asselin, Don T.

Ethics and Weapons of Mass Destruction: Religious and Secular Perspectives, by Sohail H. Hashmi and Steven P. Lee, 47: 644-46.

Atkin, Bill

God and Government: The New Zealand Perspective, edited by Rex Ahdar and John Stenhouse, 43: 607-08.

Worlds Colliding: Conservative Christians and the Law, by Rex Ahdar, 45: 172-73.

Atkin, Muriel

The Iranian Revolution and the Muslim World, edited by David Menashri, 34: 149-50.

Atwood, D. James

Experiment in Liberty: The Ideal of Freedom in the Experience of the Disciples of Christ, by Ronald E. Osborn, 22: 162-61.

Auffenburg, Thomas L.

Clarendon: Selections from The History of the Rebellion and The Life by Himself, edited by G. Huehns, 22: 163-64.

Last Crusade, The: The Church of England in the First World War, by Albert Marrin, 18: 331-33.

Austin, Trent D.

Paying the Words Extra: Religious Discourse in the Supreme Court of the United States, by Winnifred Fallers Sullivan, 38: 422-23.

“Sometimes in the Wrong, but Never in Doubt”: George S. Benson and the Education of the New Religious Right, by L. Edward Hicks, 38: 421-22.

Avant, Gayle R.

Christian Faith and Public Policy: Thinking and Acting in the Courage of Uncertainty, by Richard John Neuhaus, 22: 167-68.

Citizenship for Christians, by Foy Valen­tine, 19: 304-65.

Lost Soul of American Politics, The: Virtue, Self-Interest, and the Foundations of Liberalism, by John Patrick Diggins, 28: 551-52.

Memo for 1976: Some Political Options, by Wesley Pippert, 17: 349-50.

Miracle of Jimmy Carter, The, by Bob Slosser and Howard Norton, 21: 358.

Babcock, William S.

Political Theory as Public Confession: The Social and Political Thought of St. Augustine of Hippo, by Peter Dennis Bathory, 25: 551-52.

Bachrach, Bernard S.

Late Merovingian France: History and Hagiography, 640-720, edited and translated by Paul Fouracre and Richard A. Gerberding, 40: 477-78.

Badone, Ellen

Creating the Nation in Provincial France: Religion and Political Identity in Brittany, by Caroline Ford, 37: 901.

Bagby, Daniel G.

Evangelizing Neopagan North America, by Alfred C. Krass, 25: 375.

Bailey, Heather

Religion in an Expanding Europe, edited by Timothy A. Byrnes and Peter J. Katzenstein, 49: 359-60.

Bailey, Kenneth K.

White Protestantism and the Negro, by David M. Reimers, 8: 120-22.

Bainton, Roland H.

Henry VIII and the English Lutherans: A Study in Anglo-Lutheran Relations from 1521 to 1547, by Neelak Serawlook Tjer­nagel, 8: 460-61.

Religion and Regime: A Sociological Account of the Reformation, by Guy E. Swanson, 10: 445-47.

Baird, Robert M.

Against the Faith: Essays on Deists, Skeptics, and Atheists, by Jim Herrick, 28: 561.

Christian Humanism: A Critique of the Sec­ular City and Its Ideology, by Thomas Molnar, 22: 161-62.

Cross and the Flag, The, edited by Richard V. Pierard, Robert G. Clouse, and Robert D. Linder, 17: 333-35.

Encyclopedia of Ethics, 2 vols., edited by Lawrence C. Becker and Charlotte B. Becker, 35: 632-33.

Ethics, Religions, and Politics, by Charles Hartshorne, 26: 143-44.

Facing Up to Modernity: Excursions in Society, Politics, and Religion, by Peter L. Berger, 21: 328-30.

God and Science: The Death and Rebirth of Theism, by Charles P. Henderson, 30: 176.

Interruption of Eternity, The: Modern Gnos­ticism and the Origins of the New Religious Consciousness, by Carl A. Raschke, 24: 168-69.

Mahatma Gandhi, by H. J. N. Hors­burgh, 18: 368-69.

Mao Tse-tung, by Jack Gray, 19: 356-57.

Non-Lockean Roots of American Demo­cratic Thought, The, edited by Joyotpaul Chaudhuri, 22: 166-67.

On Disobedience and Other Essays, by Erich Fromm, 24: 393-94.

On the Barricades: Religion and Free Inquiry in Conflict, by Robert Basil and Mary Beth Gehrman, 33: 372-73.

On Toleration, by Michael Walzer, 41: 142-44.

Realism and Hope, by Ronald H. Stone, 21: 354-55.

Social Responsibility in the Age of Revolu­tion, edited by Louis Finkelstein, 15: 121-23.

Rawls and Religion: The Case for Political Liberalism, by Donald A. Dombrowski, 44: 843-44.

Reflective Wisdom: Richard Taylor on Issues that Matter, edited by John Donnelly, 32: 434-36.

Baird, W. David

American Protestantism and United States Indian Policy, 1869-82, by Robert H. Keller, Jr., 28: 326-27.

Baker, C. Truett

Welfare in America: Christian Perspectives on a Policy in Crisis, edited by Stanley W. Carlson-Thies and James W. Skillen, 40: 193-94.

Baker, Dwight L.

American Jews in Israel, by Harold R. Isaacs, 10: 472-74.

Arab-Israeli Impasse, The, edited by Maj­dia D. Khaddouri, 12: 332-34.

Crisis and Conscience in the Middle East, by Christian E. Hauer, Jr., 13: 138-41.

Cultural Atlas of Islam, by Isma’ial Fiiriiqi and Lois Lamya’al Fiiriiqi, 29: 547-48.

Encounter With Israel, A Challenge to Con­science, by Alice Eckardt and A. Roy Eck­ardt, 13: 341-44.

Faith and Fulfillment: Christians and the Return to the Promised Land, by Michael J. Pragai, 29: 324-25.

From Conflict to Understanding: Relations Between Jews and Arabs in Israel since 1948, by Ernest Stock, 11: 346-47.

Grey Book, The, by Johan M. Snoek, 12: 329-32.

History of Islamic Societies, A, by Ira M. Lapidus, 31: 312-14.

Islamic Impact, The, edited by Yvonne Yazbeck, 27: 522-24.

Israel Among the Nations, by Jacob L. Talmon, 17: 145-50.

Israel without Zionism: A Plan for Peace in the Middle East, by Uri Avnery, 17: 145-50.

Politics of Compromise, The: State and Reli­gion in Israel, by Ervin Birnbaum, 14: 537-42.

Vatican Council and the Jews, The, by Arthur Gilbert, 11: 335-38.

Baker, Hunter

Founders on God and Government, The, edited by Daniel Dreisbach, Mark Hall, and Jeffrey Morrison, 224-26.

Separation of Church and State, by Philip Hamburger, 46: 904-05.

Baker, Robert A.

Baptists and the American Experience, edited by James E. Wood, Jr., 20: 561-63.

Elizabeth I and the Religious Settlement of 1559, by Carl S. Meyer, 3: 206-08.

Twenty Centuries of Church and State, by Sidney Z. Ehler, 1: 67-69.

Bakhtiari, Bahman

Islam in Revolution: Fundamentalism in the Arab World, by R. Hrair Dekmejian, 20: 143-44.

Balani, Laju M.

Religion at the Service of Nationalism and Other Essays, by Madhu Kishwar, 41: 600.

Religious, the Spiritual, and the Secular, The: Auroville and Secular India, by Robert N. Minor, 42: 854.

Secular Mind, The, by Robert Coles, 43: 140-41.

Baldwin, Lewis V.

God’s Long Summer: Stories of Faith and Civil Rights, by Charles Marsh, 41: 151-52.

Long March Ahead: African American Churches and Public Policy in Post-Civil Rights America, edited by R. Drew Smith, 47: 636.

Social Protest Thought in the African Methodist Episcopal Church, by Stephen W. Angell and Anthony B. Pinn, 42: 589-90.

Balitzer, Alfred

The Berrigans, edited by William Van Elten Casey and Philip Nobile, 19: 600-01.

Ball, William P.

Federal Aid and Catholic Schools, edited by Daniel Callahan, 7: 120-22.

Bangs, Carl O.

A People of Two Kingdoms: The Political Acculturation of the Kansas Mennonites, by James C. Juhnke, 19: 338-40.

Bangs, Jeremy D.

Calvinist Preaching and Iconoclasm Netherlands, 1544-1569, by Phyllis Crew, 22: 135-37.

Catholic Power in the Netherlands, by Herman Bakvis, 25: 162-63.

Barber, Willard F.

John Foster Dulles: A Statesman and His Times, by Michael A. Guhin, 15: 308-10.

Barcus, James E.

Dickens and Charity, by Norris Pope, 23: 596-97.

Gladstone: Church, State, and Tractarianism, by Perry Butler, 25: 362-63.

Barefield, James

Politics, Finance and the Church in the Reign of Edward II: Walter Stapledon, Treasurer of England, by Mark Buck, 27: 141-42.

Barker, John W.

Theology without Boundaries: Encounters of Eastern Orthodoxy and Western Tradition, by Carnegie Samuel Calian, 35: 902-03.

Barker, William S.

Thomas Starkey and the Commonweal: Humanist Politics and Religion in the Reign of Henry VIII, by Thomas F. Mayer, 32: 880-81.

Barlow, Jack P., Sr.

The New Religious Right in America, by Samuel S. Hill, 26: 124-26.

Barmann, Lawrence F.

Politics of Heresy, The: The Modernist Crisis in Roman Catholicism, by Lester Kurtz, 29: 531-32.

Barnes, Kenneth C.

The Varieties of Protestantism in Nazi Germany, by Franz G. M. Feige, 33: 363-64.

Barnes, Robin B.

For All the Saints: Changing Perceptions of Martyrdom and Sainthood in the Lutheran Reformation, by Robert Kolb, 31: 321-22.

Law, Resistance, and the State: The Opposition to Roman Law in Reformation Germany, by Gerald Strauss, 29: 550-51.

Barnett, Suzanne Wilson

China: The Church’s Long March, by David H. Adeney, 30: 345-46.

Christianity in the People’s Republic of China, by G. Thompson Brown, 30: 345-46.

Educating the Women of Hainan: The Career of Margaret Moninger in China, 1915-1942, by Kathleen L. Lodwick, 39: 168-69.

Religion in China Today: Policy and Practice, by Donald E. MacInnis, 33: 352-53.

Barnette, Henlee H.

Christian Political Theology: A Marxian Guide, by Joseph Petulla, 16: 536-38.

Church in Soviet Russia, The, by Matthew Spinka, 2: 170-71.

Gay Church, The, by Gerald E. Jamison and Ronald M. Enroth, 20: 581-82.

Idea of a Secular Society, The, by D. L. Mundy, 5: 248-50.

Life, Death, and the Law, by Norman St. John-Stevas, 4: 111-12.

Reinhold Niebuhr: Prophet to Politic, by Ronald H. Stone, 16: 141-42.

Barnhart, Joe E.

New Vigilantes, The: Deprogrammer Cultists, and the New Religions, by Anson D. Shupe, Jr., and David G. Bromley, 24: 142-43.

Should Religious Values Influence Politics? A Series of Public Discussions Sponsored by the Montana Forum on Church and State under a Grant from the Montana Committee for the Humanities, edited by Angela Santamaria and Harold Schwartz, 21: 359-60.

Sworn on the Altar of God: A Religious Biography of Thomas Jefferson, by Edwin L. Gaustad, 39: 367-68.

Barr, Beth Allison

Christianity in the Second Century: Case of Tatian, The, by Emily J. Hunt, 46: 655-56.

Jerome, by Stefan Rebenich, 46: 656-57.

Barrow, Sugie Williams

Offering Smoke: The Sacred Pipe and the North American Religion, by Jordon Paper, 32: 638-39.

Bartkowski, John P.

Charitable Choice at Work: Evaluating Faith-Based Job Programs in the States, by Sheila Suess Kennedy and Wolfgang Bielefeld, 49: 782-83.

Bartlett, James Lee

Evangelical Futures: A Conversation on Theological Method, edited by John G. Stackhouse, Jr., 45: 173-75.

Barton, Miranda

Religion on Trial: How Supreme Court Trends Threaten Freedom of Conscience in America, by Phillip E. Hammond, David W. Machacek, and Eric Michael Mazur, 46: 905-06.

Basil, John D.

The Russian Orthodox Church: Triumphalism and Defensiveness, by Jane Ellis, 40: 691-92.

Basington, Bruce

The Trial of Joan of Arc, translated by Daniel Hobbins, 49: 357-58.

Bates, M. Searle

Religion and Freedom in the Modern World, by Herbert J. Muller, 6: 226-27.

Batinski, Michael C.

Governing the Tongue: The Politics of Speech in Early New England, by Jane Kamensky, 41: 147-48.

Batkay, William M.

Israel at the Polls: A Study of the Knesset Elections, by Howard R. Penniman, 30: 170-71.

Battistoni, Richard M.

Born Again Politics and the Moral Majority, The: What Social Surveys Really Show, by Anson Shupe and Wil Stacey, 25: 545-48.

Born-Again Politics: The New Christian Right in America, by Robert Zwier, 25: 545-48.

Christians on the Right: The Moral Majority in Perspective, by John L. Kater, Jr., 25: 545-48.

Evangelicals in the White House: The Cultural Maturation of Born Again Christianity,

1960-1981, by Erling Jorstad, 25: 545-48.

Justice and War in the Nuclear Age, edited by Philip F. Lawler, 28: 329­-31.

Moral Dimensions of American Foreign Policy, edited by Kenneth W. Thompson, 28: 547-48.

New Subversives, The: Anti-Americanism of the Religious Right, by Daniel C. Maguire, 25: 545-48.

Religious Pied Pipers: A Critique of Radical Right-Wing Religion, by John Charles Cooper, 25: 545-48.

Baum, Gregory

God the Economist: The Doctrine of God and Political Economy, by M. Douglas Meeks, 33: 374-75.

Bayer, Richard C.

Building the Free Society: Democracy, Capitalism, and Catholic Social Teaching, edited by George Weigel and Robert Royal, 37: 164.

Catholicism and Religious Freedom, edited by Kenneth L. Grasso and Robert P. Hunt, 49: 363-64.

Bays, Daniel H.

All Under Heaven: Chinese Tradition and Christian Life in the People’s Republic of China, edited by Alan Hunter and Don Rimmington, 36: 620.

Baxter, Stephen B.

English Society, 1688-1832: Ideology, Social Structure and Political Practice During the Ancien Regime, by J. C. D. Clark, 29: 330­-31.

Beach, Vincent W.

Catholicism and Crisis in Modern France, by William Bosworth, 6: 100-01.

Beach, Waldo

Ethical Dimension of Political Life: Essays in Honor of John H. Hallowell, edited by Francis Canavan, 26: 120-21.

Morality: Religious and Secular—The Di­lemma of the Traditional Conscience, by Basil Mitchell, 24: 154-55.

Beaty, Michael

Catholic University as Promise and Project: Reflections in a Jesuit Idiom, by Michael J. Buckley, S.J., 42: 385-86.

Enhancing Religious Identity: Best Practices From Catholic Campuses, edited by John R. Wilcox and Irene H. King, 44: 170-71.

Ethics Without God, by Kai Nielsen, 34: 151-52.

Faith and Knowledge: Mainline Protestantism and American Higher Education, by Douglas Sloan, 38: 922.

Models for Christian Higher Education: Strategies for Success in the Twenty-first Century, edited by Richard T. Hughes and William B. Adrian, 40: 200-02.

Religion and Liberalism, edited by Paul J. Weithman, 42: 187-88.

Soul of the American University, The: From Protestant Establishment to Established Nonbelief, by George M. Marsden, 37: 415.

Why Be Moral?, by Kai Nielsen, 32: 436-38.

Beaver, R. Pierce

New England Company, 1649-1776, Missionary Society to the American Indians, The, by William Kellaway, 5: 252-55.

New England Frontier, Puritans and Indi­ans, 1620-1675, by Alden T. Vaughan, 9: 119-21.

Beck, Albert

Evangelicals at the Ballot Box, by Albert J. Menendez, 39: 822-23.

Beck, Rosalie

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