Book reviews by reviewer

Millennialism, Persecution & Violence: Historical Cases, by Catherine Wessinger, 44: 183-84

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Millennialism, Persecution & Violence: Historical Cases, by Catherine Wessinger, 44: 183-84.

Miller, M. Catherine

Shaping the Eighteenth Amendment: Temperance Reform, Legal Culture, and the Polity, 1880-1920, by Richard F. Hamm, 39: 816-17.

Miller, Randall M.

American Reformers, 1815-1860, by Ronald G. Walters, 22: 160-61.

Broken Alliance: The Turbulent Times Between Blacks and Jews in America, by Jonathan Kaufman, 32: 132-34.

Miller, Richard B.

World Religions in War and Peace, by Henry O. Thompson, 32: 153-54.

Miller, Robert Moats

Religious Strife on the Southern Frontier, by Walter Brownlow Posey, 8: 125-26.

Miller, Robert T.

American Theory of Church and State, The, by Loren P. Beth, 2: 183-85.

Bible, Religion, and the Public Schools, The, by Donald E. Boles, 4: 118-19.

Church and State in the United States, by Anson Phelps Stokes and Leo Pfeffer, 7: 134-36.

Civil Liberties and the Constitution: Cases and Commentaries, edited by Lucius J. Barker and Twiley W. Barker, Jr., 13: 368.

Congress and the Constitution: A Study of Responsibility, by Donald G. Morgan, 10: 155.

First Amendment and the Future of American Democracy, The, by Walter Berns, 21:112-14.

God, Caesar, and the Constitution: The Court as Referee of Church-State Confron­tation, by Leo Pfeffer, 18: 327-30.

Joseph Story and the American Constitution: A Study in Polittcal and Legal Thought, by James McClellan, 14: 153-54.

Judicial Impact and State Supreme Courts, by G. Alan Tarr, 21: 542-43.

Justices and Presidents: A Political History of Appointments to the Supreme Court, by Henry J. Abraham, 17: 530-32; 29: 345-46.

Liberty and Justice: A Historical Record of Amencan Constitutional Development, ed­ited by James M. Smith and Paul L. Murphy, 1: 50-52.

Politics, the Constitution, and the Warren Court, by Philip B. Kurland, 16: 149-50.

Religion and the Constitution by Paul G. Kauper, 7: 284-87.

Religion and the Law: Of Church and State and the Supreme Court, by Philip B. Kurland, 5: 246-47.

Religion and the Public Order: An Annual Review of Church and State, and of Reli­gion, Law, and Society, edited by Donald A. Giannella, 11: 322-24.

Religion in American Public Law, by David Fellman, 8: 107-09.

Religion Under the State Constitutions, edited by Thomas Carroll Burke, Ches­ter James Antieau, and Phillip Mark Carroll, 8: 465-67.

Rights of the Person, 2 vols. Vol. 1: Sanc­tity, Privacy and Expression, Vol. 2: Equal­ity, Belief and Dignity, by Bernard Schwartz, 12: 160-61.

Supreme Court on Church and State, The, edited by Joseph Tussman, 4: 218-20.

Supreme Court Review (1963), The, edited by Philip B. Kurland, 6: 372-73.

Two Swords, The: Commentaries and Cases in Religion and Education, by Donald E. Boles, 10: 320.

Miller, Tracy

Morality of the Market: Religious and Economic Perspectives, by Geoffrey Brennan and Kenneth Elzinga, 28: 536-37.

Millett, Richard L.

Viva Cristo Rey! The Cristero Rebellion and the Church-State Conflict in Mexico, by David C. Bailey, 17: 250-21.

Miner, Howard

Separation of College and State, The: Colum­bia, Dartmouth, Harvard, and Yale, 1776­-1876, by John S. Whitehead, 17: 309-11.

Minor, Robert N.

Gandhi’s Political Philosophy: A Critical Examination, by Bhikhu Parekh, 32: 429-30.

Mitchell, Beverly E.

Witnessing & Testifying: Black Women, Religion, and Civil Rights, by Rosetta E. Ross, 47: 179-80.

Mitchell, John J., Jr.

Catholic Social Teaching and the U.S. Economy, edited by John W. Houck and Oliver F. Williams, 28: 555-56.

Many Paths: A Catholic Approach to Religious Pluralism, by Eugene Hillman, 32: 891-92.

Mitchell, Louis J.

The Princeton Companion to Jonathan Edwards, edited by Sang Hyun Lee, 48: 874-75.

Mitchell, Maria

The Rise of Christian Democracy in Europe, by Stathis N. Kalyvas, 40: 896-97.

Mitchell, Willliam A.

Imagining Peace: A History of Early English Pacifist Ideas, 1340-1560, by Ben Lowe, 41: 383.

Jews of Kurdistan, The, by Erich Brauer, 38: 650-51.

Warrant For Genocide: Key Elements of Turko-Armenian Conflict, by Vahakn N. Dadrian, 41: 833-34.

Mittleman, Alan

Israel and the Politics of Jewish Identity, by Asher Cohen and Bernard Susser, 43: 810-11.

Paths of Emancipation: Jews, States and Citizenship, edited by Pierre Birnbaum and Ira Katznelson, 39: 794-95.

Mize, Sandra Yocum

Papacy, The, by Bernard Schimmelpfennig, 36: 860.

Moberg, David O.

Church and State in Social Welfare, by Bernard J. Coughlin, 7: 466-69.

Modras, Ronald

The New Encounter Between Christians and Jews, by John M. Oesterreicher, 30: 164-65.

Moen, Matthew C.

The Political Mobilization of Religious Belief, by Ted G. Jelen, 35: 612-13.

Mohr, James C.

The Abortion Debate in the United States and Canada: A Source Book, by Maureen Muldoon, 34: 611-12.

Moir, John S.

Evangelical Century, The: College and Creed in English Canada from the Great Revival to the Great Depression, by Michael Gauvreau, 34: 167-68.

La Religion au Canada/Religion in Canada: Annotated Inventory of Scientific Studies oj Religion (1945-1972), by Jean-Paul Mont­miny and Stewart Crysdale, 20: 149.

Social Passion, The: Religion and Social Reform in Canada, 1914-28, by Richard Anen, 17: 322-23.

Mojzes, Paul

Marxism and Christian Utopianism: Toward a Socialist Political Theory, by John Marsden, 35: 422-23.

Marxism and Christianity: The Quarrel and the Dialogue in Poland, by Josef Tischner, 30: 603-04.

Religion in the Soviet Republics: A Guide to Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, and Other Religions, edited by Igor Troyanovsky, 35: 917-18.

Money, Royce

Chiesa e Stato: Church-State Relations in Italy Within the Contemporary Constitu­tional Framework, by P. Vincent Bucci, 12: 336-37.

Moomey, Andrea J.

Empathy and Moral Development: Implications for Caring and Justice, by Martin L. Hoffman, 47: 863-64.

Moore, Deborah Dash

The Future of the Jews, by David Vital, 34: 613-14.

Moore, John A.

Creation and Evolution: Myth or Reality, by Norman D. Newell, 27: 137-39.

Moore, LeRoy, Jr.

Controversy in the Twenties: Fundamental­ism, Modernism, and Evolution, edited by Willard B. Gatewood, Jr., 12: 151-53.

Religion in America, by Winthrop S. Hud­son, 15: 478-81.

Religion of the Republic, The, edited by Elwyn A. Smith, 15: 469-71.

Roger Williams: The Church and the State, by Edmund S. Morgan, 12: 522-23.

Moore, Ralph Kelvin

History of Israel and the Holy Land, A, by Michael Avi-Yonah, 46: 889-90.

Old Testament Ethics for the People of God, by Christopher J. H. Wright, 47: 159-60.

Moore, Scott H.

Christian Uniqueness Reconsidered: The Myth of a Pluralistic Theology of Religions, edited by Gavin D’Costa, 34: 629-30.

Ethics and Politics: Selected Essays, Vol. 2, by Alasdair MacIntyre, 49: 557-58.

Moore, Sharon L.

The Mighty From Their Thrones: Power in the Biblical Tradition, by J. P. M. Walsh, S.J., 32: 652-53.

Moran, Gloria M.

Iglesia y Estado: La Incidencia del Concilio Vaticano II sobre el Derecho Publico externo, by Carlos Soler, 37: 912.

Moran, Jo Ann Hoeppner

The Protestant Reformation, 1317-1559, by Lewis W. Spitz, 30: 577-79.

Reformation in National Context, The, edited by Bob Scribner, Roy Porter, and Mikulas Teich, 39: 153-54.

More, Ellen S.

The Triumph of the Saints: The Separate Churches of London, 1616-1649, by Mur­ray Tolmie, 21: 548-50.

Morgan, J. Graham

The Religious Roots of American Sociology, by Cecil E. Greek, 36: 172-73.

Morgan, Margaret

U.S. Religious Journalism and the Korean War, by Harold H. Osmer, 23: 363-64.

Morgan, Richard E.

The Garden and the Wilderness, by Mark De Wolfe Howe, 9: 129-32.

Moriarty, Michael

The Identity of Anglican Worship, by Kenneth Stevenson and Bryan Spinks, 35: 180-81.

Morrison, Jeffry H.

Religion and the American Constitutional Experiment: Essential Rights and Liberties, 2nd ed., by John Witte, Jr., 47: 641-42.

Morrison, Michael D.

Encyclopedia of the American Constitution, edited by Leonard W. Levy, et al., 30: 133-34.

Morrison, Suzanne

America’s Battle for God: A European Christian Looks at Civil Religion, by Geiko Muller-Fahrenholz, 49: 581-83.

Murrell, Nathaniel Samuel.

From Garvey to Marley, Rastafari Theology, by Noel Leo Erskine, 49: 138-39.

Moseley, James G.

Uncivil Rites: American Fiction, Religion, and the Public Sphere, by Robert Detwiler, 40: 908-09.

Moser, M. Theresa

Communities of Resistance and Solidarity: A Feminist Theology of Liberation, by Sharon D. Welch, 29: 158.

Moses, L. G.

Missionary Conquest: The Gospel and Native American Cultural Genocide, by George Tinker, 36: 864.

Moses, Vince

Anabaptists and Religious Liberty in the 16th Century, The, by Harold S. Bender, 12: 343.

Nationalism and National Development: An Interdisciplinary Bibliography, by Karl W. Deutsch and Richard L. Merritt, 13: 370.

Nonviolent Direct Action, edited by Her­bert H. Blumberg and A. Paul Hare, 11: 557.

Protest and Politics: Christianity and Con­temporary Affairs, edited by Richard V. Pierard, Robert G. Clouse, and Robert D. Linder, 12: 158-59.

Roger Williams, John Cotton and Religious Freedom: A Controversy in New and Old England, edited by Irwin H. Polishook, 12: 158.

Secular Christ: A Contemporary Interpreta­tion of Jesus, by John J. Vincent, 11: 560.

Violence: Reflections from a Christian Per­spective, by Jacques Ellul, 11: 562.

Zionism Reconsidered: The Rejection of Jew­ish Normalcy, edited by Michael Selzer, 12: 541.

Moshman, David

Battleground: One Mother’s Crusade, the Religious Right, and the Struggle for Control of Our Classrooms, by Stephen Bates, 36: 624-25.

Mouton, Michelle

Women Against Hitler: Christian Resistance in the Third Reich, by Theodore N. Thomas, 38: 911.

Mouw, Richard J.

American and Catholic: The New Debate, edited by Joe Holland and Ann Bersanti, 32: 155-56.

Moyser, George

Challenge of Pluralism, The: Church and State in Five Democracies, by Stephen V. Monsma and J. Christopher Soper, 41: 145-46.

Questioning the Secular State: The Worldwide Resurgence of Religion in Politics, edited by David Westerlund, 39: 580-81.

Religion: The Missing Dimension of Statecraft, edited by Douglas Johnston and Cynthia Sampson, 38: 194.

Religious Challenge to the State, The, edited by Matthew C. Moen and Lowell S. Gustafson, 35: 155.

Mueller, David L.

Christian in East Germany, A, by Johannes Hamel, 4: 96-99.

Community, State, and Church, by Karl Barth, 3: 84-87.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer: A Spoke in the Wheel, by Renate Wind, 35: 610-12.

How to Serve God in a Marxist Land, by Karl Barth and Johannes Hamel, 2: 175-­78.

Mueller, William A.

American Dilemma, An, by Robert McA­fee Brown and Gustave Weigel, 3: 216-18.

Balthasar Hubmaier: Schriften, edited by Gunnar Westin and Torsten Bergsten, 5: 268-69.

Balthasar Hubmaier-Seine Stellung zu Reformation und Taufertum, 1521-1528, by Torsten Bergsten, 5: 138-40.

Canossa als Wende: Ausgewiih/te Aufsiitze zur Neueren Forschung, edited by Helmut Kampf, 17: 341-42.

Catholic Thought and Papal Jewry Policy, 1555-1593, by Kenneth R. Stow, 22: 541­-43.

Christenheit und Weltverantwortung: Tra­ditionsgeschichte und systemattsche Struktur der Zweireichelehre, by Ulrich Duchrow, 16: 523-25.

Church and State: Opening a New Ecumenical Discussion, by World Council of Churches, 22: 529-30.

Das Ringen um Wesen und Auf trag derKirche in der nationalsozialistichen Zeit, by Martin Pertiet, 12: 150-51.

Das Verhiiltnis von Kirche und Staat in Amerika, by Adolf W. Ziegler, 18: 129-30.

Das Widerstandsrecht als Problem der deut­schen Protestanten, 1523-1546, edited by Gerhard Ruhbach, 19: 371-73.

Days of the Upright, The: A History of the Huguenots, by O. I. A. Roche, 8: 480-81.

De Imperio summa rum potestatum circa sacra, by Hugo Grotius, 19: 371-73.

Die Ambivalenzder Zweireichelehre in luth­erischen Kirchen des 20. Jahrhunderts, edited by Ulrich Duchrow and Wolf­gang Huber, 20: 336-38.

Die Deutschen Christen: Das Bild einer Bewegung im Kirchenkampf des Driitten Retches, by Kurt Meier, 16: 329-30.

Die evangeltsche Staatslehre, selected and introduced by Manfred Jacobs, 19: 331-32.

Die Rechtsstel/ung der Vorkonstantinischen Kirchen, by Gerda Kriiger, 18: 582-83.

Die siichsische Landeskirche im Kirchen­kampf, 1933-1937, by Joachim Fischer, 17: 521-24.

Die sowjetische Religionspolitik und die Russ­ische Orthodoxe Kirche, by Alexander Kischkowsky, 4: 92-94.

Diskussion zur “Theologie der Revolution,” edited by Rudolph Weth and Ernst Feil, 18: 576-79.

Egliseet Liberte Religieuse, by Jean Roche, 12: 149-50.

Essener Gespriiche zum Thema Staat und Kirche, edited by Joseph Krautscheidt and Heiner Marre, 18: 352-55.

Faith and Science in an Unjust World: Report of the World Council of Churches’ Conference on Faith and the World of Politics, edited by Johannes Metz, 18: 576-79.

Faith, Science and the Future, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cam­bridge, USA, 12-24 July 1979. Vol. 1: Ple­nary Presentations; Vol. 2: Reports and Recommendations, edited by Roger L. Shinn and Paul Abrecht, 23: 339-40.

Freedom Today, by Hans Küng, 10: 465-67.

French Huguenots, The: Anatomy of Cour­age, by Janet Glenn Gray, 25: 374.

German Phoenix, The, by Franklin H. Lit­tell, 3: 97-99.

Handbuch des Staatskirchenrechts der Bun­desrepublik Deutschland, edited by Ulrich Scheuner and Ernst Friesenhahn, 20: 339­-40.

Henry VIII and Luther, by Erwin Doern­berg, 3: 205-06.

Ius Sacrum: Klaus MiJrsdorf zum 60. Geburtstag, edited by Audomar Scheuer­mann and Georg May, 18: 587-88.

Kirche und Revolution in Russland: Patri­arch Tichon und der Sowjetstaat, by Ro­man Rossler, 17: 320-22.

Kirche und Staat, by B. J. A. Stuttler, 17: 538-39.

Kirche und Staat: Fritz Eckert zum 65. Geburtstag, edited by Herbert Scham­beck, 21: 553-56.

Kirche und Staat im fruehen Christentum, by Hugo Rahner, 7: 287-89.

Kirche und Staat im 19. und 20. Jahrhun­dert, edited by Wolfgang Eger, 18: 140.

Kirchenkampf in Niirnberg: 1933-1945, by Helmut Baler, 20: 357.

Kirchenkampf und Oekumene, 1933-1939: Darstel/ung und Dokumente, by Armin Boyens, 16: 330-32.

Landesbischof D. Wurm und der national­sozialistische Staat, 1940-1945: Eine Dokumentation, compiled by Richard Fischer and Gerhard Schafer, 17: 521-24.

La posizione del/a chiese evangeliche di fronte al/o Stato: Relazioni e documenti del/’incontro organizatto dal Servizio studi del/a Feder­azione del/e chiese evangeliche in Italia. Agape 19-23 agosto 1969, by Giorgio Pey­rot et al., 19: 129-30.

Luther and the Lutheran Church, by Alt­man K. Swihart, 4: 122-23.

Martin Niemoller im Kirchenkampf, by Jürgen Schmidt, 16: 121-23.

On Freedom, by Leroy S. Rouner, 32: 887-89.

Papal Thought on the State, edited by Gerald F. Yates, 3: 100-01.

Pius XII zum Gediichtnis, edited by Her­bert Schambeck, 21: 553-56.

Politischer Liberalismus und Evangelische Kirche, 11: 151-52.

Regimen Christianum: Weg und Ergebnisse des Gewaltenverhiiltnisses und des Gewaltenverstiindnisses (8. bis 14. Jahrhundert), by Wilhelm Kölmel, 20: 116-18.

Reich und Kirche, by Hans Erich Feine, 11: 152-54.

Roger Williams, God’s Apostle of Advocacy, by L. Raymond Camp, 32: 885-86.

Speners Knotik am landesherrlichen Kirchen­regiment und ihre Vorgeschichte, by Martin Kruse, 20: 121-22.

Staat und Kirche in Frankreich, by Axel Freiherr von Campenhausen, 7: 287-89.

Strasbourg and the Reform: A Study in the Process of Change, by Miriam Usher Chrisman, 10: 306-08.

Thomas Munster: Herkunft und Bildung, by Ulrich Bubenheimer, 33: 150-52.

Trennung von Kirche und Staat? Junstische, theologische und politische Stimmen zu einem alten Problem, by Klaus Wegenast et al., 21: 362-63.

Verfassungsrecht in Fallen: Entscheidungen des Bundesverfassungsgendt, edited by Christian Starck, 18: 144-45.

Mugridge, Ian

European Witch Trials: Their Foundations in Popular and Learned Culture, 1300­-1500, by Richard Kieckhefer, 21: 556-58.

Witchcraft in France and Switzerland: The Borderlands during the Reformation, by E. William Monter, 21: 556-58.

Muhammad, Akbar

Al-Mughtaribun: American Law and the Transformation of Muslim Life in the United States, by Kathleen M. Moore, 39: 347-48.

Muir, William K., Jr.

Public Prayer and the Constitution: A Case Study in Constitutional Interpretation, by Rodney K. Smith, 30: 356-57.

Muirhead, J. Russell

Culture Wars in American Politics: Critical Reviews of a Popular Myth, by Rhys H. Williams, 41: 159-60.

Mulcahy, Matthew

From New Babylon to Eden: The Huguenots and Their Migration to Colonial South Carolina, by Bertrand Van Ruymbeke, 48: 892-93.

Mulder, John M.

Gilbert Haven: Methodist Abolitionist; A Study in Race, Religion, and Reform, 1850­-1880, by William B. Gravely, 18: 126-27.

Logic of Millennial Thought, The: Eighteenth­ Century New England, by James West Davidson, 21: 543-46.

Princeton in the Nation’s Service: Religious Ideals and Educational Practice, by P. C. Kemeny, 41: 840-41.

Sacred Cause of Liberty, The: Republican Thought and the Millennium in Revolution­ary New England, by Nathan Orr Hatch, 21: 544-46.

Toward Peacemaking: Presbyterians in the South and National Security, 1945-1983, by Rick L. Nutt, 37: 918.

Mullin, Robert Bruce

Horace Bushnell and the Virtuous Republic, by Howard A. Barnes, 35: 160-61.

Murley, John A.

American Moralist, The: On Law, Ethics, and Government, by George Anastaplo, 35: 618-19.

Murphy, Arthur D.

Liberation Theology from Below: The Life and Thought of Manual Quintín Lame, by Gonzalo Castillo-Cárdenas, 31: 327-28.

Politics and Ethnicity on the Rio Yaqui: Potam Revisited, by Thomas R. McGuire, 30: 167-68.

Religious Roots of a Rebellion, The: Christians in Central American Revolutions, by Phillip Berryman, 27: 340-43.

Murphy, Mary

Subduing Satan: Religion, Recreation, and Manhood in the Rural South, 1865-1920, edited by Ted Ownby, 34: 878-79.

Murphy, Roland E.

Jewish Perspectives on Christianity: Leo Baeck, Martin Buber, Franz Rosenzweig, Will Herberg, and Abraham J. Heschel, by Fritz A. Rothschild, 33: 820-21.

Murphy, Sharon R.

Civil Disobedience and Beyond: Law, Resistance and Religion in South Africa, by Charles Villa Vicencio, 34: 391-92.

Murray, N. Patrick

The Way to Freedom, by Dietrich Bon­hoeffer, 10: 134-36.

Nadell, Pamela S.

The Fatal Embrace: Jews and the State, by Benjamin Ginsberg, 36: 880.

Nakamura, Byron

Cult of St. Thecla, The: A Tradition on Women’s Piety in Late Antiquity, by Stephen J. Davis, 43: 813-14.

Pagan City and Christian Capital: Rome in the Fourth Century, by John Curran, 44: 573-74.

Nakamura, Lisa

No North Sea: The Anglo-German Evangelical Network in the Middle of the Nineteenth Century, by Nicholas M. Railton, 43: 362-63.

Napier, Davie

God’s Kingdom: A Guide for Biblical Study, by George V. Pixley, 26: 538-40.

Napoli, Amanda

For All Peoples and All Nations: The Ecumenical Church and Human Rights, by John S. Nurser, 47: 875-76.

Nash, Ronald

Prophetic Visions and Economic Realities: Protestants, Jews, and Catholics Confront the Bishops’ Letter on the Economy, edited by Charles M. Strain, 32: 148.

Neal, Marie Agusta, S.N.D.

Orthopraxis or Heresy: The North American Theological Response to Latin America Liberation Theology, by Craig L. Nessen, 32: 876-77.

Needell, Jeffrey D.

Vale of Tears: Revisiting the Canudos Massacre in Northeastern Brazil, 1893-1897, by Robert M. Levine, 35: 910-11.

Neely, Alan

Going for the Jugular: A Documentary History of the SBC Holy War, edited and compiled by Walter B. Shurden and Randy Shepley, 39: 824-26.

Neff, Jimmy D.

Democratic Religion: Freedom, Authority, and Church Discipline in the Baptist South, by Gregory A. Wills, 46: 666-68.

Neff, Sabrina

Charitable Choices: Religion, Race and Poverty in the Post-Welfare Era, by John P. Bartkowski and Helen A. Regis, 46: 907-09.

Nelson, F. Burton

What Freedom? The Persistent Challenge of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, by Keith W. Clements, 33: 818.

Nelson, Randy A.

Faith and Social Ministry: Ten Christian Perspectives, by James O. Davidson and Lincoln C. Johnson, 33: 622-23.

Nelson, Richard G.

Nations Under God: A Commentary on the Book of I Kings, by Gene Rice, 34: 609.

Nengwekhulu, Ranwedzi

A Certain Sound: The Struggle for Liberation in South Africa, by Cedric Mayson, 28: 531-33.

Nesdoly, Samuel J.

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