Book reviews by reviewer

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With Liberty and Justice for Whom? The Recent Evangelical Debate over Capitalism, by Craig M. Gay, 34: 862-63.

Wohl, Amiel

Judaism, edited by Arthur Hertzberg, 5: 123.

Wolf, Donald J.

Always the Priest: The Life of Gabriel Richard, S. S., by M. Dolorita Mast, 9: 405-07.

Wolfskill, George

American Catholics and Social Reform: The New Deal Years, by David J. O’Brien, 11: 329-30.

Wood, James E., Jr.

Arab Ba’th Socialist Party, The: History, Ideology, and Organization, by Kamel S. Abu Jaber, 10: 157.

Bible and the Schools, The, by William O. Douglas, 8: 116-18.

Church and State in Britain Since 1820, by David Nicholls, 11: 348-49.

Church and State: The Story of Two King­doms, by J. Marcellus Kik, 6: 231-34.

Constantine and Religious Liberty, by Her­mann Doerries, 5: 262-64.

Edge of Friendliness, The: A Study of Jewish­/Gentile Relations, by Benjamin B. Ringer, 10: 155-56.

Isaac Backus on Church, State, and Cal­vinism: Pamphlets, 1754-1789, edited by William G. McLoughlin, 10: 469-71.

Jewish Identity on the Suburban Frontier: A Study of Group Survival in the Open Society, by Marshall Sklare and Joseph Green­blum, 10: 155-56.

Nationalism: A Religion, by Carlton J. H. Hayes, 4: 215-18.

Puritan Revolution, The: A Documentary History, edited by Stuart E. Prall, 10: 153­-54.

Religion and the Public Schools, by Robert Ulich and Paul A. Freund, 9: 117-19.

Religion and the Schools, by Nicholas Wol­terstorff, 9: 117-19.

Religion in American Public Schools, by R. H. Dierenfield, 5: 258-60.

Religion in the Middle East: Three Religions in Concord and Conflict, edited by A. J. Arberry, 11: 348.

Religious Liberty and the American Presi­dency: A Study in Church-State Relations, by Patricia Barrett, 6: 374-76.

Revolutions in Eastern Europe: The Religious Roots, by Niels Nielsen, 35: 411-12.

Voluntary Church, The: American Religious Life (1740-1860) Seen Through the Eyes of European Visitors, edited by Milton B. Powell, 10: 482.

Wood, John A.

Being Religious in America, by Erling Jorstad, 29: 574-75.

Bible in Politics, The: How to Read the Bible Politically, by Richard Bauckham, 32: 650-52.

Christian Entrepreneur, The, by Carl Kreid­er, 25: 178-79.

Cool Arm of Destruction, The: Modern Wea­pons and Moral Insensitivity, by Robert W. Gardner, 18: 573-76.

Economics and Ethics: A Christian Inquiry, by J. Philip Wogaman, 28: 141-42.

Ethic of Democratic Capitalism, The: A Moral Reassessment, by Robert Benne, 24: 614-16.

Foundations of Christian Ethics, by John C. Dwyer, 30: 372.

Hope and History: Why We Must Share the Story of the Movement, by Vincent Harding, 33: 365-66.

Is God a Creationist?, edited by Roland Mushat Frye, 28: 141-42.

Major Black Religious Leaders since 1940, by Henry J. Young, 24: 172-73.

Martin Luther King, Jr.: The Making of a Mind, by John J. Ansbro, 27: 348­-49.

New American Justice, by Daniel C. Maguire, 27: 534-36.

Parting the Waters: America in the King Years, 1954-1963, by Taylor Branch, 31: 574.

Pillar of Fire: America in the King Years, 1963-65, by Taylor Branch, 41: 149-51.

Reinhold Niebuhr: Prophet to Politicians, by Ronald H. Stone, 24: 411.

Soul Theology: The Heart of American Black Culture, by Nicholas Cooper-Lewter and Henry H. Mitchell, 35: 430-31.

Swaggart: The Unauthorized Biography of an American Evangelist, by Ann Rowe Seaman, 42: 597-98.

What Would You Do? A Serious Answer to a Standard Question, by John Howard Yoder, 27: 146-47.

Wood, Ralph C.

On Being the Church in the United States: Contemporary Theological Critiques of Liberalism, by Barry Penn Hollar, 39: 363-65.

Wood, Randy M.

Becoming Good American Schools: The Struggle for Civic Virtue in Education Reform, by Jeannie Oakes, Karen Hunter Quartz, Steve Ryan, and Martin Lipton, 43: 375-76.

Caring for the Commonweal: Education for Religious Life, by Parker J. Palmer and Barbara G. Wheeler, 34: 145-46.

Visions of Reality: What Fundamentalist Schools Teach, by Albert J. Menendez, 37: 917.

Woodberry, J. Dudley

Judaism, Christianity, and Islam: The Classical Texts and Their Interpretations, edited by F. E. Peters, 34: 159-60.

Woodfin, Yandall

Wissenschaftsfreiheit zwischen Kirche und Staat, by Dieter Lorenz, 21: 577-78.

Woodrum, Eric

Civil Religion and the Presidency, by Richard V. Pierard and Robert D. Linder, 31: 546.

Woods, Vance E.

The Trial of the Templars, 2nd ed., by Malcolm Barber, 49: 571-73.

Woodward, Ralph Lee, Jr.

Chronicle of a Colonial Church, 1612-1826: Bermuda, by A. C. Hollis Hallett, 37: 168.

Wozniak, John S.

Bibliography on Cardinal Mindszenty (1892­-1975), compiled by Joseph Szeplaki, 21: 368.

German Church Struggle and the Holo­caust, The, edited by Hubert G. Locke and Franklin H. Littell, 17: 324-25.

Ideas of Religious Toleration at the Time of Joseph II: A Study of the Enlightenment among Catholics in Austria, by Charles H. O’Brien, 14: 335-36.

Katholische und lutherische Ireniker. Unter besonderer Beriicksichtigungdes 19. Jahrhunderts, by Manfred P. Fleischer, 13: 161-62.

Memoirs, by Jozsef Cardinal Mindszenty, 21: 368.

Studies in Christian Democracy. Vol. 4: Revolution and Church: The Early History of Christian Democracy, 1789-1901, by Hans Maier, 12: 520-22.

Wurttembergs Katholiken unterm Haken­kreuz, 1930-1935, by Wilhelm Josef Doetsch, 12: 327-29.

Wozniuk, Vladimir

Morality and American Foreign Policy: The Role of Ethics in International Affairs, by Robert W. McElroy, 35: 622.

Wright, C. Conrad

Thomas Hooker: 1586-1647, by Frank Shuffelton, 20: 584-85.

Universalism in America: A Documentary History, edited by Ernest Cassara, 17: 343­-44.

Wright, Conrad

The Hidden Balance: Religion and the Social Theories of Charles Chauncy and Jonathan Mayhew, by John Corrigan, 31: 145-46.

Wright, Michael D.

Controversy: The Humanist/Christian Encoun­ter, by Hector Hawton, 15: 147.

Wright, Stuart A.

Cult Controversies: The Societal Response to the New Religious Movements, by James A. Beckford, 29: 576-77.

Fair, Clear, and Terrible: The Story of Shiloh, by Shirley Nelson, 32: 140-41.

Odyssey of a New Religion, The: The Holy Order of MANS from New Age to Orthodoxy, by Phillip Charles Lucas, 38: 423-24.

Wyatt-Brown, Bertram

Patterns of Antislavery among American Unitarians, 1831-1860, by Douglas C. Stange, 21: 546-48.

Wynot, Edward D., Jr.

S.O.S. for Catholic Schools: A Strategy for Future Service to Church and Nation, by Russell Shaw and C. Albert Koob, 18: 571­-73.

Urban Catholic University, The, by Paul C. Reinert, 18: 571-73.

When Light Pierced the Darkness: Christian Rescue of Jews in Nazi-Occupied Poland, by Nechama Tec, 31: 316-17.

Yarbrough, O. Larry

Early Christian Thought in Its Jewish Context, edited by John Barclay and John Sweet, 40: 473-74.

Yarbrough, Slayden A.

American Puritanism: Faith and Practice, by Darrett B. Rutman, 14: 356-57

Communion of Saints, The: Radical Puritan and Separatist Ecclesiology, 1570-1625, by Stephen Brachlow, 32: 138-39.

Dissenters, The: Vol. 1, From the Reforma­tion to the French Revolution, by Michael R. Watts, 21: 537-38.

Half-Way Covenant, The: Church Member­ship in Puritan New England, by Robert G. Pope, 14: 356.

Opposition to the English Separatists, 1570-1625, The: A Survey of the Polemical Literature Written by the Opponents to Separatism, by Edward H. Bloomfield, 26: 144-45.

Power and the Pulpit in Puritan New Eng­land, by Emory Elliott, 19: 354-55.

Reformers and Babylon: English Apocalyptic Visions from the Reformation to the Eve of the Civil War, by Paul Christianson, 22: 338-40.

Strangers and Exiles: A History of Religious Refugees, by Frederick A. Norwood, 15: 312-14.

Yeager, Gertrude M.

The Rise of Protestant Evangelism in Ecuador, 1895-1990, by Alvin M. Goffin, 37: 659.

Yelvington, Ramsey

The Deputy, by Rolf Hochhuth, 7: 132-34.

Yoder, John Howard

Karl Barth and Radical Politics, edited and translated by George Hunsinger, 20: 338­-39.

Land, Piety, Peoplehood: The Establishment of Mennonite Communities in America, 1683­-1790, by Richard K. MacMaster, 29: 134-35.

Redeeming Politics, by Peter Iver Kaufman, 33: 597-98.

Yoder, Michael L.

American Mennonites and the Great War, 1914-1918, by Gerlof D. Homan, 38: 656-57.

Young, Glennys

Religion in the Soviet Union: An Archival Reader, by Felix Corley, 40: 900.

Young, Josiah U.

God and Global Justice: Religion and Poverty in an Unequal World, by Frederick Ferre, 29: 556-57.

Young, Michael B.

The Constitutional Revolution: An Essay on the History of England, 1450-1642, by Alan Cromartie, 49: 768-69.

Zahn, Gordon C.

Just War Tradition and the Restraint of War: A Moral and Historical Inquiry, by James Turner Johnson, 25: 553-54.

Zahniser, A. H. Mathias

Tolerance and Coercion in Islam: Interfaith Relations in the Muslim Tradition, by Yohanan Friedmann, 49: 140-41.

Zaller, Robert

Moderate Puritans and the Elizabethan Church, by Peter Lake, 25: 568-69.

Zanger, Martin N.

Presbyterian Missionary Attitudes Toward American Indians, 1837­-1893, by Michael C. Coleman, 29: 333-35.

Zaretsky, Eli

Roots of Radicalism: Jews, Christians, and the New Left, by Stanley Rothman, 26: 545-46.

Zeman, J. K.

Jehovah s Witnesses in Canada: Champions of Freedom of Speech and Worship, by M. James Penton, 20: 341-43.

Zeman, Jarold K.

Czars, Soviets and Mennonites, by John B. Toews, 26: 342-44.

Hussite Revolution, The, 1424-1437, by P. M. Bartos, 30: 152-54.

Zernov, Nicolas

Church Reform of Peter the Great, The, by James Cracraft, 16: 123-25.

Church, State and Opposition in the U.S.S.R., by Gerhard Simon, 17: 325-27.

Marxism and Religion in Eastern Europe: Papers Presented at the Banff International Slavic Conference, September 4-7, 1974, edited by Richard T. de George and James P. Scanlan, 20: 343-46.

Russian Levites, The: Parish Clergy in the Eighteenth Century, by Gregory L. Freeze, 20: 355.

Silent Churches: Persecution of Religions in the Soviet-Dominated Areas, by Peter J. Babris, 22: 532-33.

Solzhenitsyn’s Religion, by Niels C. Nielsen, Jr., 19: 559-61.

West in Russia and China, The: Religious and Secular Thought in Modern Times, Volume 1, Russia, 1472-1917, by Donald W. Treadgold, 17: 117-19.

Zhou, Jinghao

Communication and Reconciliation: Challenges Facing the 21st Century, edited by Philip Lee, 45: 371-72.

Ziegler, Adolf W.

Die katholische Kirche im Deutsch/and Adolf Hitlers, by Walter Adolf, 20: 356.

Hitler Youth and Catholic Youth, 1933­-1936: A Study in Totalitarian Conquest, by Lawrence D. Walker, 16: 327-28.

Staat und Kirche nach den Lehren der evan­gelischen Juristen Deutschlands in der ersten Hulfte dn 17. Jahrhunderts, by Martin Heckel, 12: 512-14.

Zimmerman, J. E.

A Curriculum for English: God-and-Man Narratives, 15: 150-51.

Zwier, Robert

The American Hour: A Time of Reckoning and the Once and Future Role of Faith, by Os Guinness, 37: 154.
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