Book reviews by reviewer

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, 23: 366.

Studies in Tudor and Stuart Politics and Government: Papers and Reviews 1946­-1972, by G. R. Elton, 17: 342-43.

Trial of Doctor Sacheverell, The, by Geoff­rey Holmes, 19: 103-05.

Vardys, V. Stanley

Cross and Commissar: The Politics of Religion in Eastern Europe and the USSR, by Pedro Ramet, 30: 571-72.

Detente and Papal-Communist Relations, 1962-1978, by Dennis J. Dunn, 23: 146-47.

Vasconcellos, Allan P.

How Different Are People Who Attended Lutheran Schools, by Miro Brekke, 19: 137­-38.

Velez, Joseph F.

Bartolome de Las Casas in History: Toward an Understanding of the Man and His Work, edited by Juan Fride and Ben­jamin Keen, 14: 544-45.

Hispanismo 1898-1936: Spanish Conserva­tives and Liberals and Their Relations With Spanish America, by Frederick B. Pike, 14: 532-36.

Jews in Spain and Portugal, The: A Biblio­graphy, by Robert Singerman, 19: 595.

Power of the Poor in History, The, by Gustavo Guiterrez, 28: 138.

Vernon, Ivan R.

History and the Theology of Liberation: A Latin American Perspective, by Enrique Dussel, 20: 576-77.

Southern Baptist in the White House, A, by James T. Baker, 21: 115-17.

Sustainable Society, The: Ethics and Eco­nomic Growth, by Robert L. Stivers, 21: 580-81.

Vetter, Benjamin

Fundamental Rights: History of a Constitutional Doctrine, by Milton R. Konvitz, 43: 806.

Growing Up Religious: Christians and Jews and Their Journeys of Faith, by Robert Wuthnow, 42: 197-98.

Homosexuality and Christian Faith: Questions of Conscience for the Churches, edited by Walter Wink, 43: 349-50.

Loveing Men: Gay Partners, Spirituality and AIDS, by Richard P. Hardy, 41: 847-48.

We the People: The Fourteenth Amendment and the Supreme Court, by Michael J. Perry, 42: 387-89.

Vincent, Jerry J.

A History of Jewish Education in the Soviet Union, by Elias Schulman, 16: 147.

Vogel, Arthur A.

Social Teaching in the Episcopal Church, by Robert E. Hood, 33: 367-68.

Volberding, Wes

AIDS Epidemic, The: Balancing Compassion and Justice, by Glenn G. Wood and John E. Dietrich, 33: 623.

Structure of Freedom, The: Correlations, Causes and Cautions, edited by Richard J. Neuhaus, 34: 876-77.

Volmert, Andrew and Amitai Etzioni

Religious Goodness and Political Rightness: Beyond the Liberal-Communitarian Debate, by Yong Huang, 44: 173-75.

von Arx, Jeffrey, S.J.

Democracy and Religion: Gladstone and the Liberal Party, 1867-1875, by J. P. Perry, 30: 343-44.

Law, Politics and the Church of England: The Career of Stephen Lushington, 1782-1873, by S. M. Waddams, 36: 391.

von der Mehden, Fred R.

Traditional Authority, Islam, and Rebellion: A Study of Indonesian Political Behavior, by Karl D. Jackson, 23: 338-39.

von Schlegell, Barbara R.

The Islamic Threat: Myth or Reality?, by John L. Esposito, 36: 614-15.

Voss, Carl Hermann

Jewish-Christian Relations in Today’s World, edited by James E. Wood, Jr., 14: 327-29.

Wacker, Grant A.

Fear Brokers, The: Peddling the Hate Politics of the New Right, by Thomas J. McIn­tyre, 24: 603-05.

Moral Majority, The: Right or Wrong?, By Robert E. Webber, 24: 603-05.

Politics of Moralism, The: The New Chris­tian Right in American Life, by Erling Jor­stad, 24: 603-05.

Popular Religion in America: Symbolic Change and the Modernization Process in Historical Perspective, by Peter W. Wil­lams, 23: 151-53.

Wald, Kenneth D.

Government Intervention in Religious Affairs 2, by Dean M. Kelley, 30: 131-32.

Religious Freedom: Separation and Free Exercise, 2 vols., by Paul L. Murphy, 33: 804-05.

Walker, C. Eugene

Obscenity and Public Morality: Censorship in a Liberal Society, by Harry M. Clor, 14: 322-25.

Walker, Pamela J.

Patronage and Piety: The Politics of English Roman Catholicism, 1850-1900, by Dermot Quinn, 36: 619.

Walker, Sue Sheridan

Medieval Britain: The Age of Chivalry, by Lloyd Laing and Jennifer Laing, 40: 682-83.

Walker, Thomas W.

Black into White: Race and Nationality in Brazilian Thought, by Thomas E. Skid­more, 17: 338-40.

Church in Brazil, The: The Politics of Religion, by Thomas C. Bruneau, 26: 340-41.

Wall, Irwin

To Free A People: American Jewish Leaders and the Jewish Problem in Eastern Europe, by Gary Dean Best, 26: 543-45.

Walsh, Richard G.

Captain America Complex, The: The Dilemma of Zealous Nationalism, by Robert Jewett, 26: 555-57.

Walshe, Peter

Contending Ideologies in South Africa, by James Leatt, 29: 341-42.

Walthall, Anne

A Vision Betrayed: The Jesuits in Japan and China, 1542-1742, by Andrew C. Ross, 38: 664-65.

Walton, Robert C.

Erasmus of Christendom, by Roland H. Bainton, 13: 150-51.

Heinrich Bullinger and the Covenant: The Other Reformed Tradition, by J. Wayne Baker, 24: 625-26.

Wamble, G. Hugh

America in Change: Reflections on the 60’s and 70’s, edited by Ronald Weber, 17: 346.

Wang, Peter Chen-Main

Remaking China’s Public Philosophy for the Twenty-First Century, by Jinghao Zhou, 47: 391.

Ward, Pat Dawson

The Politics of Rescue: The Roosevelt Admin­istration and the Holocaust, 1938-1945, by Henry L. Feingold, 19: 108-11.

Wardin, Albert W., Jr.

Catholic Church, Dissent and National­ity in Soviet Lithuania, The, by V. Stanley Var­dys, 22: 334-36.

Christians in the Shadow of the Kremlin, by Anita Deyneka and Peter Deyneka, Jr., 19: 132-33.

Christians under the Hammer & Sickle, by Winrich Scheffbuch, 17: 352-53.

Church in Today’s Catacombs, The, edited by Sergiu Grossu, 19: 607.

Evidence That Convicted Aida Skrip­nikova, The, by Michael Bourdeaux, 19: 132­-33.

Faith on Trial in Russia, by Michael Bourdeaux, 16: 146-47.

Georgi Vins: Testament from Prison, trans­lated by Jane Ellis, 19: 131-32.

Old Believers & the World of Anti­christ, The: The Vyg Community & the Russian State, 1694-1855, by Robert O. Crum­mey, 18: 586-87.

Persecutor, The, by Sergei Kourdakov, 16: 346.

Protestants in Russia, by J. A. Hebly, 20: 150.

Soviet Jewry, Today and Tomorrow, by Boris Smolar, 17: 144-45.

Vanya, by Myrna Grant, 18: 373.

Young Christians in Russia, by Katharine Murray and Michael Bourdeaux, 20: 150-­51.

Ware, James H., Jr.

The Survival of the Chinese Jews: The Jew­ish Community of Kaifeng, by Donald D. Leslie, 19: 332-35.

Warhola, James W.

Religious Resurgence and Politics in the Contemporary World, edited by Emile Sahliyeh, 34: 857-58.

Warner, Carolyn

A Transnational Catholicism in Postcommunist Europe, by Timothy A. Byrnes, 45: 375-77.

Warner, Jonathan

Religion, Society and Modernity in Turkey, by Serif Mardin, 49: 139-40.

Warren, Donald, Jr.

Catholic Radicals in Brazil, by Emanuel de Kadt, 13: 146-47.

Miracle at Joaseiro, by Ralph Della Cava, 13: 352-53.

Warren, Mary Anne

Abortion Rights as Religious Freedom, by Peter S. Wenz, 36: 399.

Waterman, A. M. C.

Reaching for Heaven on Earth: The Theological Meaning of Economics, by Robert H. Nelson, 34: 877-78.

Waters, Martin J.

Church and State in Modern Ireland, 1923­-1970, by J. H. Whyte, 15: 318-20.

Watson, Harry L.

Gospel of Disunion: Religion and Separatism in the Antebellum South, by Mitchell Snay, 37: 155.

Watson, Micah

Dissent of the Governed, The: A Meditation on Law, Religion, and Loyalty, by Stephen L. Carter, 42: 868-69.

Judgment Day at the White House: A Critical Declaration Exploring Moral Issues and the Political Use and Abuse of Religion, by Gabriel Fackre, 41: 846-47.

Watt, David Harrington

Religion and Radical Politics: An Alternative Christian Tradition in the United States, by Robert H. Craig, 36: 174-75.

Waxman, Chaim I.

Jewish Identity: A Social Psychological Perspective, by Simon N. Herman, 32: 897-98.

Weaver, Herbert

Celts, Catholics, and Copperheads: Ireland Views the American Civil War, by Joseph M. Hernon, Jr., 12: 127-29.

Weaver, Mary Jo

American Catholic Lay Groups and Transatlantic Social Reform in the Progressive Era, by Deirdre M. Moloney, 45: 388-89.

Webb, Mark Owen

Justice and Christian Ethics, by E. Clinton Gardner, 39: 799-800.

Weber, Bernard C.

Caesar Baronius: Counter-Reformation His­torian, by Cyriac K. Pullapilly, 19: 124-25.

Church and State in Scotland, 1660-1681, by Julia Buckroyd, 23: 569-70.

Confrontation at Worms: Martin Luther and the Diet of Worms, by De Lamar Jensen, 16: 543-44.

Luther and the Peasants’ War: Luther’s Actions and Reactions, by Robert N. Crossley, 17: 152-53.

Massacre of St. Bartholomew and the European Conflict, 1559-1572, The, by N. M. Sutherland, 16: 148-49.

Weber, Paul J.

American Political Theology: Historical Perspective and Theoretical Analysis, by Charles W. Dunn, 28: 127-29.

Common Truths: New Perspectives on Natural Law, edited by Edward B. McLean, 43: 802-03.

Constitution and Religion, The: Leading Supreme Court Cases on Church and State, edited by Robert S. Alley, 42: 582-83.

Democracy and Religion: Free Exercise and Diverse Visions, edited by David Odell-Scott, 47: 648-49.

Freedom with Justice: Catholic Social Thought and Liberal Institutions, by Michael Novak, 27: 532-34.

New Christian Right, The: Mobilization and Legitimation, edited by Robert C. Liebman and Robert Wuthnow, 26: 333-34.

Please Don’t Wish Me a Merry Christmas: A Critical History of the Separation of Church and State, by Stephen M. Feldman, 40: 212-13.

Religion in American Public Life, by A. James Reichley, 28: 322-24.

Religious Freedom: History, Cases, and Other Materials on the Interaction of Religion and Government, by John T. Noonan and Edward McGlynn Gaffney, Jr., 43: 806-07.

Representing God in Washington: The Role of Religious Lobbies in the American Polity, by Allen D. Hertzke, 31: 136-37.

Separation of Church and State: Historical Fact and Current Fiction, by Robert L. Cord, 24: 605-07.

Toward Benevolent Neutrality: Church, State, and the Supreme Court, fourth ed., by Robert T. Miller and Ronald B. Flowers, 37: 167.

Unsettled Arena, An: Religion and the Bill of Rights, edited by Ronald C. White, Jr. and Albright G. Zimmerman, 34: 606-07.

Weber, Theodore R.

Cautious Patriotism, A: The American Churches and the Second World War, by Gerald L. Sittser, 40: 493-94.

Politics of Compassion and Transformation, The, by Dick Simpson, 32: 649-50.

Portion of the Poor, The: Good News to the Poor in the Wesleyan Tradition, edited by M. Douglas Meeks, 38: 431-32.

Stones for Bread: The Social Gospel and Its Contemporary Legacy, by Harry Antonides, 29: 152-53.

War and Peace in the World’s Religions, by John Ferguson, 22: 144-46.

Weber, Timothy P.

Euthanasia: Spiritual, Medical and Legal Issues in Terminal Health Care, by Beth Spring and Ed Larson, 32: 151.

Weddle, David L.

The Healing Revelation of Mary Baker Eddy: The Rise and Fall of Christian Science, by Martin Gardner, 36: 861.

Weil, Rachel

Conversion, Politics and Religion in England, 1580-1625, by Michael C. Questier, 40: 683-84.

Weinberger, Stephen

Renaissance Essays, by Hugh Trevor­ Roper, 28: 548-49.

Welborn, Max

The Spiritual Legacy of John Foster Dulles, edited by Henry P. Van Dusen, 2: 190-91.

Welch, D. Don

On Human Dignity: Political Theology and Ethics, by Jürgen Moltmann, 28: 333-34.

Problems and Conflicts between Law and Morality in a Free Society, edited by James E. Wood, Jr. and Derek Davis, 37: 904.

Religious Liberty and the Secular State: The Constitutional Context, by John M. Swomley, 30: 154-55.

Wellborn, Charles

Politics and the Bibical Drama, by Rich­ard J. Mouw, 20: 597.

Rights, edited by David Lyons, 22: 522-23.

Vietnam and Armageddon: Peace, War, and the Christian Conscience, by Robert F. Drinan, 14: 126-28.

Wellman, James K., Jr.

Destructive Power of Religion, The: Violence in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, condensed and updated ed., edited by J. Harold Ellens, 49: 770-72.

Religious Pluralism in America: The Contentious History of a Founding Ideal, by William R. Hutchison, 47: 411.

Wellman, Kathleen

The Devotes: Women and Church in Seventeenth-Century France, by Elizabeth Rapley, 33: 369-70.

Wells, Jerry D.

The Search for America’s Faith, by David Poling and George Gallup, Jr., 25: 375-76.

Wells, William G.

Crimes of Perception: An Encyclopedia of Heresies and Heretics, by Leonard George, 38: 426.

Homosexuality in the Church: Both Sides of the Debate, edited by Jeffrey S. Siker, 37: 655-56.

Religion and Society in England, 1850-1914, by Hugh McLeod, 39: 807-08.

Wendorf, Hulen D.

Moral Order” and the Criminal Law: Reform Efforts in the United States and West Germany, by Orlan Lee and T. A. Robertson, 17: 329-31.

Trial of Dr. Spock, The, by Jessica Mitford, 13: 159-60.

Wentz, Richard E.

Deity and Domination: Images of God and the State in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, by David Nicholls, 37: 416.

West, Ellis M.

Redefining the First Freedom: The Supreme Court and the Consolidation of State Power, by Gregg Ivers, 36: 163-64.

Wester, Don G.

Concept of Correlation, The: Paul Tillich and the Possibility of a Mediating Theology, by John P. Clayton, 24: 397-98.

Mind of John Paul II, The: Origins of His Thought and Action, by George Huntston Williams, 23: 574-76.

Westerlund, David B.

Islam I Afganistan under Kung Muhammed Zahir Shah: En Studie av Modernisenngsprocessens FiJljder for Islams Stallning in Afganistan, by Jan Samuelsson, 18: 567-69.

Kristent innslag i norsk politikk, 1800-1930, by Kjell Bondevik, 20: 129-31.

Trooch Makt i Sovjet, by Alex Milits, 18: 145-46.

Westmoreland-White, Michael L.

Just Peacemaking: Ten Practices for Abolishing War, by Glen H. Stassen, 42: 368-69.

Weston, Corrinne Comstock

The Religious Orders in England. Volume III, The Tudor Age, by Dom David Knowles, 3: 203-05.

Wheeler, Brannon M.

Empire to Commonwealth: Consequences of Monotheism in Late Antiquity, by Garth Fowden, 36: 860.

White, Barrington R.

Cases of Conscience: Alternatives Open to Recusants and Puritans under Elizabeth I and James I, by Elliot Rose, 21: 143-44.

White, Michael

Burundi: The Tragic Years, by Thomas Patrick Melady, 18: 589-90.

White, O. Kendall, Jr.

Handbook of the Sociology of Religion, edited by Michele Dillon, 47: 168-69.

Mormon Hierarchy, The: Extension of Power, by Michael D. Quinn, 40: 914-15.

Mormonism: The Story of a New Religious Tradition, by Jan Shipps, 29: 148.

Religion, Feminism, and Freedom of Conscience: A Mormon/Humanist Dialogue, edited by George D. Smith, 39: 166-67.

This is the Place: Brigham Young and the New Zion, by Ernest H. Taves, 33: 817.

White, Ronald C., Jr.

Freedom and Fate in American Thought: From Edwards to Dewey, by Paul F. Boller, Jr., 22: 530-32.

Whitford, David

Choosing Death: Suicide and Calvinism in Early Modern Geneva, by Jeffrey R. Watt, 43: 816-17.

Martin Luther, German Saviour: German Evangelical Theological Factions and the Interpretation of Luther, 1917-1933, by James M. Stayer, 42: 860-61.

Whitmore, Todd

War No More? Options in Nuclear Ethics, edited by James W. Walters, 33: 157-58.

Wiarda, Howard J.

Church and the Crisis in the Dominican Republic, The, by James A. Clark, 9: 271-74.

New Patterns of Church Growth in Brazil, by William R. Read, 9: 409-11.

Wiarda, Ieda Siqueira

Catholicism and Political Development in Latin America, by Frederick C. Turner, 13: 520-22.

Church and Power in Brazil, by Charles Antoine, 16: 541-43.

Dom Helder Camara: The Violence of a Peacemaker, by Jose De Broucker, 13: 354­-56.

Followers of the New Faith: Culture Change and the Rise of Protestantism in Brazil and Chile, by Emilio Willems, 11: 156-59.

Revolution of the Latin American Church, The, by Hugo Latorre Cabal, 22: 139­-41.

Wigoder, Geoffrey

Civil Religion in Israel: Traditional Judaism and Political Culture in the Jewish State, by Charles S. Liebman, 27: 338-40.

Wilbanks, Dana W.

Theology for a Nuclear Age, by Gordon D. Kaufman, 29: 568.

Wilber, Charles K.

Critical Voices in American Catholic Economic Thought, by John J. Mitchell, 32: 896.

Poor Richard’s Principle: Recovering the American Dream Through the Moral Dimension of Work, Business, and Money, by Robert Wuthnow, 40: 195-96.

Wilcox, Clyde

No Longer Exiles: The Religious New Right in American Politics, edited by Michael Cromartie, 36: 600-01.

Wilkie, James W.

Religion, Revolution, and Reform: New Forces for Change in Latin America, edited by William V. D’Antonio and Frederick B. Pike, 8: 274-77.

Wilkins, Walter J., III

The New Faith-Science Debate: Probing Cosmology, Technology and Theology, edited by John N. Mangum, 32: 637-38.

Will, James E.

The Holocaust and Strategic Bombing: Genocide and Total War in the Twentieth Century, by Eric Markusen and David Kopf, 39: 817-19.

Williams, George Huntston

Anabaptists and the Sword, by James M. Stayer, 16: 319-22.

From Sabbath to Sunday: A Historical Investigation of the Rise of Sunday Observ­ance in Early Christianity, by Samuele Bacchiocchi, 21: 109-10.

Popes and European Revolution, The, by Owen Chadwick, 25: 550-51.

Williams, Philip J.

Faith and Revolution in Nicaragua: Convergence and Contradictions, by Giulio Girardi, 33: 350.

Organized Religion in the Political Transformation of Latin America, edited by Satya R. Pattnayak, 39: 812-13.

Williams, Rhys H.

God’s Politics: Why the Right Gets it Wrong and the Left Doesn’t Get It, by Jim Wallis, 48: 710-11.

Producing the Sacred: An Essay on Public Religion, by Robert Wuthnow, 38: 901.

Resurgent Evangelicalism in the United States: Mapping Cultural Change since 1970, by Mark A. Shibley, 40: 207-09.

Struggle for America’s Soul, The: Evangelicals, Liberals, and Secularism, by Robert Wuthnow, 33: 153-55.

Williams, Shelton L.

Human Rights, The United States, and World Community, by Vernon Van Dyke, 15: 135-36.

Williams, Sidney Algernon

Freedom under Siege: The Impact of Organ­ized Religion on Your Liberty and Your Pocketbook, by Madalyn Murray O’Hair, 21: 365-66.

Williams, T. Harry

The Antislavery Vanguard: New Essays on the Abolitionists, edited by Martin Du­berman, 9: 123-26.

Williams, Vernon J.

The Black Muslims in America, by C. Eric Lincoln, 37: 430.

Williamson, Arthur H.

The Jews in the History of England, 1485-1850, by David S. Katz, 39: 156-57.

Williamson, Rene de Visme

This Honorable Court: A History of the Unit­ed States Supreme Court, by Leo Pfeffer, 8: 283-84.

Willis, Susan M.

Americanization of Religious Minorities, The: Confronting the Constitutional Order, by Eric Michael Mazur, 45: 392-94.

Jim Bakker: Miscarriage of Justice?, by James A. Albert, 42: 595-97.

Private Schools and Public Power: A Case for Pluralism, by E. Vance Randall, 38: 414-16.

Wilson, Brian

The American Religious Experience: A Concise History, by Lynn Bridgers, 49: 149-51.

Wilson, Jeffrey T.

Building the Christian Academy, by Arthur F. Holmes, 46: 413-14.

Thomas Jefferson and the Wall of Separation Between Church and State, by Daniel L. Dreisbach, 45: 394-95.

Wilson, John F.

Churching of America, 1776-1990, The: Winners and Losers in Our Religious Economy, by Roger Finke and Rodney Stark, 35: 619-20.

Varieties of Civil Religion, by Phillip E. Hammond and Robert N. Bellah, 24: 145­-46.

Wilson, John S.

The HarperCollins Encyclopedia of Catholicism, edited by Richard P. McBrien, 39: 582-83.

Wilson, Robert S.

Separation without Hope? Essays on the Relation between the Church and the Poor during the Industrial Revolution and the Western Colonial Expansion, by Julio de Santa Ana, 23: 355-57.

Wimpee, W. J.

The Church, the University, and Social Pol­icy: The Danforth Study of Campus Minis­tries, Vol. 1: Report of the Director; Vol. 2: Working and Technical Papers, edited by Kenneth Underwood, 21: 371-72.

Winn, Kenneth H.

Quest for Refuge: The Mormon Flight from American Pluralism, by Marvin S. Hill, 32: 890-91.

Wishnia, Judith

A Peace Reader: Essential Readings on War, Justice, Nonviolence and World Order, by Joseph Fahey, 30: 606.

Wister, Robert J.

Politics as Religion, by Emilio Gentile, 48: 872-73.

Witek, John W., S.J.

Japan’s Encounter with Christianity: The Catholic Mission in Pre-Modern Japan, by Neil S. Fujita, 33: 809-10.

Wogaman, J. Philip

U.S. Bishops and Their Critics, The: An Economic and Ethical Perspective, by Walter Block, 29: 562-63.

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