Huguenots in America, The: A Refugee People in New World Society, by Jon Butler, 37: 160.
Kinsey, Andrew D.
Church Drawing Near, A: Spirituality and Mission in a Post-Christian Culture, by Paul Avis, 47: 649-51.
Crisis of Islam, The: Holy War and Unholy Terror, by Bernard Lewis, 46: 648-50.
Wahhabism: A Critical Essay, by Hamid Algar, 46: 648-50.
Kirkwood, J. Burton
Mexican Right, The: The End of Revolutionary Reform, 1929-1940, edited by John W. Sherman, 41: 146-47.
Kirshner, Alan M.
The Jews in New Spain, by Seymour Liebman, 13: 142-44.
Kivisto, Peter
Redeeming America: Piety and Politics in the New Christian Right, by Michael Lienesch, 37: 894.
Klaassen, Walter
On Earth Peace: Discussions on War/Peace Issues between Friends, Mennonites, Brethern, and European Churches, 1935-75, edited by Donald F. Durnbaugh, 23: 585-86.
Polish Brethren, The: Documentation of the History and Thought of Unitarianism in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and in the Diaspora, 1601-1685, edited and translated by George Huntston Williams, 24: 390-91.
Kleiman, Jeff
Churches and the Holocaust: Unholy Teaching, Good Samaritans, and Reconciliation, by Mordecai Paldiel, 49: 144-45.
Klein, Norman Mark
Hasidic People: A Place in the New World, by Jerome R. Mintz, 35: 898-900.
Schismatics, Sectarians, Dissidents, Deviants: The First One Hundred Years of Jewish-Christian Relations, by Jack T. Sanders, 36: 866.
Kleinhans, Robert G.
Reformers in the Wings, by David C. Steinmetz, 15: 316-18.
Zwingli Bibliography, A, compiled by H. Wayne Pipkin, 15: 475-76.
Kline, Meredith G.
Dominion Theology: Blessing or Curse? An Analysis of Christian Reconstructionism, by H. Wayne House and Thomas Ice, 31: 577.
Heaven on Earth? The Social and Political Agendas of Dominion Theology, by Bruce Barron, 36: 393-94.
Knight, Henry H., III
Good News for the Poor: John Wesley’s Evangelical Economics, by Theodore W. Jennings, 33: 812-13.
Knoppers, Gary N.
Wisdom in Ancient Israel: Essays in Honour of J. A. Emerton, edited by John Day, Robert P. Gordon, and H. G. M. Williamson, 39: 341-42.
Knowlton, Robert J.
Protestants and the Mexican Revolution: Missionaries, Ministers, and Social Change, by Deborah J. Baldwin, 33: 609-10.
Koch, Jerome R.
Christianity in the Twenty-first Century, by Robert Wuthnow, 37: 643.
Kollar, Nathan
Doing Faithjustice: An Introduction to Catholic Social Thought, by Fred Kammer, S.J., 35: 166-67.
Kollar, Nathan R.
An Almost Chosen People: The Moral Aspirations of Americans, edited by Ronald Weber and Walter Nicgorski, 21: 132-34.
Catholicism and Modernity: Confrontation or Capitulation?, by James Hitchcock, 23: 144-46.
Catholics and Canadian Socialism: Political Thought in the Thirties and Forties, by Gregory Baum, 23: 579-81.
Crisis of Truth, A: The Attack on Faith, Morality, and Mission in the Catholic Church, by Ralph Martin, 26: 129-30.
Directions in Catholic Social Ethics, by Charles E. Curran, 28: 528-29.
Identity and the Sacred: A Sketch for a New Social-Scientific Theory of Religion, by Hans Mol, 21: 331-33.
New Experiment in Democracy: The Challenge for American Democracy, by Dennis P. McCann, 30: 145-46.
Papacy in the Modern World, The, by J. Derek Holmes, 25: 147-49.
Papacy Today, The, by Francis X. Murphy, 25: 147-49.
Konvitz, Milton R.
Covenant and Civil Society: The Constitutional Matrix of Modern Democracy, by Michael J. Elazar, 41: 597-98.
Covenant and Constitutionalism: The Great Frontier and the Matrix of Federal Democracy, by Michael J. Elazar, 41: 597-98.
Readings on Church and State, edited by James E. Wood, Jr., 32: 130-31.
Toward Benevolent Neutrality: Church, State, and the Supreme Court, by Ronald B. Flowers and Robert T. Miller, 25: 178.
Kooi, Christine
Renaissance, by George Holmes, 40: 480.
Koontz, Gayle Gerber
John Howard Yoder: Mennonite Patience, Evangelical Witness, Catholic Convictions, by Mark Thiessen Nation, 48: 875-77.
Korpi, Michael
Television and Religion: The Shaping of Faith, Values, and Culture, by William F. Fore, 30: 602-03.
Kostoff, Steven
The Russian Orthodox Church: A Contemporary History, by Jane Ellis, 29: 542-43.
Kowalewski, David
In Search of Refuge, by Yvonne and Ingrid Rogers Dilling, 27: 343-44.
Kozlowski, Gregory C.
Islam and Resistance in Afganistan, by Olivier Roy, 34: 384-85.
Krahn, Cornelius
Conrad Grebel—Son of Zurich, by John L. Ruth, 19: 594-95.
Krall, Lorraine
Glory, Grace, and Culture: The Work of Hans Urs Von Balthasar, by Ed Block, Jr., 48: 454-55.
Krapohl, Robert H.
Being Right: Conservative Catholics in America, by Mary Jo Weaver and Scott Appleby, 38: 902.
New Republican Coalition, The: The Reagan Campaign and White Evangelicals, by Bruce Nesmith, 38: 186.
Southern Cross: The Beginnings of the Bible Belt, by Christine Leigh Heyrman, 40: 202-04.
Kries, Douglas
Ernest L. Fortin: Collected Essays, vols. 1, 2, and 3, edited by J. Brian Benestad, 40: 676-79.
Krodel, Gottfried G.
Popular Religion in Germany and Central Europe, 1400-1800, edited by Bob Scribner and Trevor Johnson, 40: 482.
Krohn, Gregory A.
Economics for Prophets: A Primer on Concepts, Realities, and Values in Our Economic System, by Walter L. Owensby, 32: 149.
Kross, Jessica
Protestant Pluralism and the New York Experience: A Study of Eighteenth-Century Religious Diversity, by Richard W. Pointer, 31: 553.
Krotkoff, Georg
Islam and Development: Religion and Sociopolitical Change, edited by John L. Esposito, 24: 383-85.
Krugler, John D.
The Puritan Tradition in America, 1620-1730, edited by Alden T. Vaughan, 14: 520-22.
Kuczewski, Andre
Des Pretes au Gouvernement: l’ Experience du Nicaragua, by Teofilo Cabestrero, 27: 529-30.
Pope and Revolution, The: John Paul II Confronts Liberation Theology, edited by Quentin L. Quade, 28: 526-28.
Kuhn, Gary G.
Religion and Political Conflict in Latin America, by Daniel H. Levine, 29: 340-41.
Kyle, Richard
Cultic Milieu, The: Oppositional Subcultures in an Age of Globalization, edited by Jeffrey Kaplan and Helene Loow, 46: 411-12.
Kyriazopoulos, Kyriakos
Repression of Evangelism in Greece, The: European Litigation vis-à-vis a Closed Religious Establishment, by John Warwick Montgomery, 44: 154-56.
LaFleur, William R.
Of Heretics and Martyrs in Meiji Japan: Buddhism and its Persecution, by James Edward Ketelaar, 34: 137-38.
Laird, Lance
Bethlehem Besieged: Stories of Hope in Times of Trouble, by Mitri Raheb, 47: 393.
Lakeland, Paul
Religious Higher Education in the United States: A Source Book, edited by Thomas C. Hunt and James C. Carper, 39: 596-97.
Lambert, Frank
Law and Liberty in Early New England: Criminal Justice and Due Process, 1620-1692, by Edgar J. McManus, 37: 658-59.
Lamy, Steven V.
The Mighty and the Almighty. Reflections on America, God, and World Affairs, by Madeline Albright, with Bill Woodward, 49: 779-80.
Lamkin, Bill D.
Bishop Beck and England Education, 1949-1959, by Francis R. Phillips, 34: 155-56.
Land, Aubrey C.
Catholics and the American Revolution: A Study in Religious Climate, by Charles H. Metzger, 6: 245.
Samuel Davies: Apostle of Dissent in Colonial Virginia, by George William Pilcher, 14: 144-46.
Landis, James G.
The Mennonite Church in India, 1897-1962, by John Allen Lapp, 16: 345.
Lanning, Bill L.
Armstrong Empire, The: A Look at the Worldwide Church of God, by Joseph Hopkins, 17: 347-48.
Coming Convergence of World Religions, The, by Robley Edward Whitson, 15: 323-24.
Ebony Handbook, The, edited by Ebony Magazine, 20: 151-52.
Preachers, The, by James Morris, 19: 606-07.
Quest for Political and Spiritual Liberation, The: A Study in the Thought of Sri Aurobindo Ghose, by June O’Connor, 20: 360-61.
Religious and Spiritual Groups in Modern America, by Robert S. Ellwood, Jr., 15: 324-25.
Laracy, Hugh
Unto God and Caesar: Religious Issues in the Emerging Commonwealth, 1891-1906, by Richard Ely, 21: 558-59.
Largo, Gerald A.
Catholic Boston: Studies in Religion and Community, 1870-1970, edited by Robert E. Sullivan and James M. O’Toole, 28: 524-25.
Catholics in Western Democracies: A Study in Political Behaviour, by John H. Whyte, 24: 400-02.
Ratzinger Report, The: An Exclusive Interview on the State of the Church, by Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, 29: 565-66.
Larson, Martin A.
Kyrhan Kostar (Church Financing): A 1968 Analysis of Church and State in Sweden, by Riksdag (Parliament) Committee, 14: 526-28.
Larson, Paul
Catholic Church in Spain, 1875-1998, The, by William J. Callahan, 43: 610-11.
Religion and Politics in Spain: The Spanish Church in Transition, 1962-96, by Audrey Brassloff, 42: 862-64.
Latimer, Brett H.
The Lord’s University: Freedom and Authority at BYU, by Bryan Waterman and Brian Kagel, 42: 195-96.
Latourette, Kenneth Scott
Christ and Crisis, by Charles Malik, 4: 214-15.
Christian Centuries, The: A New History of the Catholic Church: The First Six Hundred Years, by Jean Danielou and Henry I. Marrou, 7: 280-81.
Christianity and the World Revolution, edited by Edwin H. Rian, 6: 227-28.
Colonialism and Christian Missions, by Stephen Neill, 9: 101-03.
Conflict Between Paganism and Christianity in the Fourth Century, The, edited by Arnoldo Momigliano, 6: 401-02.
Ecumenical Beginnings in Protestant World Mission: A History of Comity, by R. Pierce Beaver, 5: 113-14.
Martyrdom and Persecution in the Early Church: A Study of a Conflict from the Macabees to Donatus, by W. H. C. Frend, 10: 121-23.
Religious Situation: 1968, The, edited by Donald R. Cutler, 10: 312-14.
Vatican Imperialism in the Twentieth Century, by Avro Manhattan, 8: 493-95.
Laycock, Douglas
Red, White and Blue: A Critical Analysis of Constitutional Law, by Mark Tushnet, 31: 303-04.
Le Beau, Bryan F.
One Holy and Happy Society: The Public Theology of Jonathan Edwards, by Gerald R. McDermott, 37: 173.
Lease, Gary
Catholicism and Liberalism: Contributions to American Public Philosophy, edited by R. Bruce Douglas and David Hollenbach, 38: 916.
Leavell, James B.
New Wine: The Cultural Shaping of Japanese Christianity, by David Reid, 34: 863-64.
Lee, Nai-an Robert
Morality, Normativity and Society, by David Copp, 38: 646-47.
Soul in Society: The Making and Renewal of Social Christianity, by Gary Dorrien, 38: 926.
Lee, R. Alton
Catholic New Deal, A: Religion and Reform in Depression Pittsburgh, by Kenneth J. Heineman, 42: 393-94.
New Agrarian Mind, The: The Movement Towards Decentralist Thought in Twentieth Century America, by Allan Carlson, 43: 162-63.
Lefever, Ernest W.
Hubert H. Humphrey: The Politics of Joy, by Charles Lloyd Garrettson, III, 36: 852.
Legters, Lyman H.
Basic Russian Publications; A Selected and Annotated Bibliography on Russia and the Soviet Union, edited by Paul L. Horecky, 5: 137-38.
Die religiasen Krafte in der russischen Geschichte, by Johannes Chrysostomus, 6: 249-51.
Geschichte des Protestantismus in Russland, by Erik Amburger, 5: 272-73.
Introduction to Nineteenth-Century Russian Slavophilism, An: A Study in Ideas. Volume I: A. S. Xomjakov, by Peter K. Christoff, 5: 273-75.
Missionary’s Role in Socio-Eonomic Betterment, The, edited by John J. Considine, 4: 236-38.
Russian Revolution and Religion, The: A Collection of Documents Concerning the Suppression of Religion by the Communists, 1917-1925, translated and edited by Boleslaw Szczesniak, 4: 94-96.
Leith, John H.
Luther, His Life and Times, by Richard Friedenthal, 13: 531-32.
Theology of the Reformers, by Timothy George, 32: 422.
Leitich, Keith A.
Religion & Security: The New Nexus in International Relations, edited by Robert A. Seiple and Dennis R. Hoover, 47: 870-72.
LeMaster, J. R.
Mark Twain’s Religion, by William E. Phipps, 46: 668-69.
LeMasters, Philip
Ethics, Religion, and the Good Society: New Directions in a Pluralistic World, edited by Joseph Runzo, 36: 392.
Lemke, Steve W.
Boundaries: A Casebook in Environmental Ethics, by Christine E. Gurdorf and James E. Hutchingson, 47: 160-61.
Leonard, Bill J.
Whole Gospel, Whole World: The Foreign Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention, 1845-1995, by William R. Estep, 38: 175.
Leonard, Ellen M.
Horizons on Catholic Feminist Theology, edited by Joann Wolski Conn and Walter E. Conn, 37: 161.
Lessl, Thomas M.
Between Two Absolutes, Public Opinion and the Politics of Abortion, by Elizabeth Adell Cook and Ted G. Jelen, 36: 169.
Lester, E. Russell
Change and the Church, by Erwin L. Lueker, 18: 149.
Sermons in American History, edited by DeWitte Holland, 14: 354.
Levack, Brian P.
Roman Canon Law in Reformation England, by R. H. Helmholz, 34: 148-49.
Levin, Alfred
Christians in Contemporary Russia, by Nikita Struve, 10: 138-40.
Study in Survival, A: The Church in Russia, 1927-1943, by William C. Fletcher,
10: 138-40.
Levin, Carole
English Reformation Literature: The Tudor Origins of the Protestant Tradition, by John N. King, 26: 351-53.
Levin, Daniel
God and Country: Politics in Utah, edited by Jeffrey E. Sells, 49: 158-59.
Levy, Richard S.
Nationalism and Antisemitism in Modern Europe, 1815-1945, by Shmuel Almog, 34: 146-48.
Lewellen, Ted
Catholic Church and Politics in Nicaragua and Costa Rica, The, by Philip J. Williams, 33: 149-50.
Nicaraguan Church and the Revolution, The, by Joseph E. Mulligan, S.J., 36: 179.
Lewis, Archibald R.
Calas Affair, The: Persecution, Toleration, and Heresy in Eighteenth-Century Toulouse,
by David D. Bien, 4: 229-30.
Tradition and Authority in the Western Church, 300-1140, by Karl F. Morrison, 12: 514-15.
Lewis, David
Politics of Latin American Liberation Theology, The: Understanding the Challenge to U.S. Public Policy, edited by Richard L. Rubenstein and John K. Roth, 32: 135-36.
Lewis, James K.
The First Liberty: American’s Foundation in Religious Freedom (expanded and updated), by William Lee Miller, 48: 227-28.
Lewis, James W.
Evangelical Christianity in the United States and Great Britain: Religious Beliefs, Political Choices, by J. Christopher Soper, 39: 362-63.
Morality and Religion in Liberal Democratic Societies, edited by Gordon L. Anderson and Morton L. Kaplan, 35: 904-05.
Souls of the Social Order: The Two-Party System in American Protestantism, by Jean Miller Schmidt, 35: 903-04.
Lewis, Jim
Holy War: The Rise of Militant Christian, Jewish and Islamic Fundamentalism, by David S. New, 45: 815-16.
Unholy Alliance: A History of Nazi Involvement with the Occult, by Peter Levenda, 46: 659.
Lewis, Kevin
Death Dealer: The Memoirs of the SS Kommandant at Auschwitz, by Rudolph Hoss, 35: 630-31.
Lewy, Guenter
Rise of Political Anti-Semitism in Germany and Austria, The, by Peter G. J. Pulzer, 7: 257-59.
Terrible Meek, The: Religion and Revolution in Cross-Cultural Perspective, edited by Lonnie D. Kliever, 31: 151-52.
Li, Li
Religion and Social Crisis in Japan: Understanding Japanese Society through the Aum Affair, by Robert J. Kisala, 46: 135-36.
“Side by Side in a Small Country”: Bishop John Frederick MacNeice and Ireland, by Christopher Fauske, 47: 399.
Libowitz, Richard
Jews and Christians: The Contemporary Meeting, by A. Roy Eckardt, 29: 559.
Lilie, Stuart A.
Public Attitudes Toward Church and State, by Ted G. Jelen and Clyde Wilcox, 39: 821-22.
Lind, Owen T.
Ecological Renewal, by H. Paul Santmire and Paul E. Lutz, 20: 368-69.
Lindberg, Carter
The Rise and Fall of American Lutheran Pietism, by Paul P. Kuenning, 31: 556.
Linder, Robert D.
Calvinism versus Democracy: Timothy Dwight and the Origins of American Evangelical Orthodoxy, by Stephen E. Berk, 22: 154-55.
Christians in Ulster, 1968-1980, by Eric Gallagher and Stanley Worrall, 25: 366-68.
Church and State in Modern Ireland, 1923-1979, by J. H. Whyte, 24: 391-93.
Emergence of Liberty in the Modern World, The: The Influence of Calvin on Five Governments from the 16th through 18th Centuries, by Douglas F. Kelly, 37: 911.
Nationalism in Ireland, by D. George Boyce, 26: 349-51.
Origins of European Dissent, The, by R. I. Moore, 22: 546-48.
Paisley: Man of Wrath, by Patrick Marrinan, 22: 156-57.
Too Long a Sacrifice: Life and Death in Northern Ireland Since 1769, by Jack Holland, 25: 366-68.
Lindley, W. Terry
God and Ronald Reagan: A Spiritual Life, by Paul Kengor, 670-71.
Times and Trials of Anne Hutchinson, The: Puritans Divided, by Michael P. Winship, 47: 630.
Touchdown Jesus: The Mixing of Sacred and Secular in American History, by R. Laurence Moore, 46: 664-65.
Lindsey, Jonathan A.
The Captain America Complex: The Dilemma of Zealous Nationalism, by Robert Jewett, 17: 138-40.
Lippy, Charles H.
The Fatherhood of God and the Victorian Family: The Social Gospel in America, by Janet Forsythe Fishburn, 24: 613-14.
Lipson, Norman S.
Emancipation and Counter-Emancipation: Selected Essays from “Jewish Social Studies,” edited by Meir Ben-Horin and Abraham G. Duker, 20: 589-90.
Littell, Franklin H.
American Protestantism, by Winthrop S. Hudson, 4: 116-17.
Auschwitz: Beginning of a New Era? Reflections on the Holocaust, edited by Eva Fleischner, 20: 567-69.
Christian-Jewish Dialogue: Theological Foundations, by Peter von der Osten-Sacken, 30: 599-600.
Christian Response to the Holocaust, A, by Harry James Cargas, 24: 387-88.
Church’s Confession Under Hitler, The, by Arthur C. Cochrane, 4: 224-25.
Freedom in the Church, by Leon Swidler,12: 141-43.
German Church Conflict, The, by Karl Barth, 9: 103-04.
German Resistance to . . . Hitler: Ethical and Religious Factors, by Mary Alice Gallin, 5: 271-72.
God and Caesar in East Germany, by Richard W. Solberg, 3: 226-27.
Jews in Germany, The: From the Enlightenment to National Socialism, by H. G. Adler, 13: 539-41.
Priesthood of All Believers, The, by Cyril Eastwood, 6: 398-99.
Protestant Concepts of Church and State, by Thomas G. Sanders, 6: 368-69.
Radical Reformation, The, by George H. Williams, 5: 109-10.
Religion and Politics, edited by James E. Wood, Jr., 26: 122-24.
Religion in Communist China, by Richard C. Bush, Jr., 19: 585-86.
Religious History of the American People, A, by Sidney E. Ahlstrom, 15: 123-25.
Religious Policy and Practice in Communist China, by Donald E. Maclnnis, 19: 585-86.
Role of Government in Monitoring and Regulating Religion in Public Life, The, edited by James E. Wood, Jr. and Derek Davis, 37: 902.
Tremendum, The: A Theological Interpretation of the Holocaust, by Arthur A. Cohen, 24: 159-60.
When God and Man Failed: Non-Jewish Views of the Holocaust, edited by Harry James Cargas, 24: 387-88.
Littell, Marcia S.
Legacy of Hatred, A: Why Christians Must Not Forget the Holocaust, by David A. Rausch, 29: 338-39.
Littlejohn, Ronnie L.
Applying the Gospel: Suggestions for Christian Social Action in a Local Church, by William M. Pinson, Jr., 21: 360-61.
Bigotry, Prejudice and Hatred: Definitions, Causes and Solutions, edited by Robert M. Baird and Stuart E. Rosenbaum, 36: 178-79.
Democracy of the Dead: Dewey, Confucius, and the Hope for Democracy in China, The, by David L. Hall and Roger T. Ames, 44: 349-51.
Islam in Asia: Changing Political Realities, edited by Jason F. Isaacson and Colin Rubenstein, 45: 381-82.
Jesus Sutras, The: Rediscovering the Lost Scrolls of Taoist Christianity, by Martin Palmer, et al., 45: 167-68.
Korean Shamanism: The Cultural Paradox, by Chongho Kim, 46: 891-93.
Victorian Translation of China James Legge’s Oriental Pilgrimage, The, by Norman J. Girardot, 46: 396-98.
Lodwick, Kathleen L.
The Reformed Church in China, 1842-1951, by Gerald F. De Jong, 36: 186-87.
Loetscher, Lefferts A.
A Christian Declaration on Human Rights: Theological Studies of the World Alliance of Reformed Churches, edited by Allen O. Miller, 21: 330-31.
Lofton, Kathryn
American Religions: A Documentary History, by R. Marie Griffith, 49: 576-77.
Long, D. Stephen
In Pursuit of the Almighty’s Dollar: A History of Money and American Protestantism, by James Hudnut-Beumler, 49: 372-73.
Long, Edward LeRoy, Jr.
Against the Nations: War and Survival in a Liberal Society, by Stanley Hauerwas, 29: 557-58.
Longenecker, Stephen L.
The Arrogance of Faith: Christianity and Race in America from the Colonial Era to the Twentieth Century, by Forrest G. Wood, 34: 383-84.
Longfellow, David
Antisemitism During the French Second Empire, by Natalie Isser, 35: 622-24.
Case of Witchcraft, A: The Trial of Urbain Grandier, by Robert A. Rapley, 41: 609-10.
Catholic Royalism in the Department of the Gard, 1814-1852, by Brian Fitzpatrick, 27: 144-45.
Church and Society in Catholic Europe in the Eighteenth Century, edited by David Higgs and William J. Callahan, 23: 345-04.
Church, State, and Society under the Bourbon Kings of France, by Richard M. Golden, 26: 346-47.
Communists and Catholics in France, 1936-1939: The Politics of the Outstretched Hand, by Francis J. Murphy, 32: 633-35.
Construction of Nationhood: Ethnicity, Religion, and Nationalism, by Adrian Hastings, 41: 608-09.
Damiens Affair and the Unraveling of the Ancien Regime, 1750-70, The, by Dale K. Van Kley, 27: 530-32.
Death and the Enlightenment: Changing Attitudes to Death among Christian Unbelievers in Eighteenth-Century France, by John McManners, 25: 160-61.
Emmanuel Mounier and the New Catholic Left, 1930-1950, by John Hellmar, 25: 563-65.
End of an Elite, The: The French Bishops and the Coming of the Revolution, 1786-1790, by Nigel Ashton, 36: 167-69.
France and the Cult of the Sacred Heart, by Raymond Jonas, 43: 611-12.
Religious Origins of the French Revolution, The: From Calvin to the Civil Constitution, 1560-1791, by Dale K. Van Kley, 39: 808-09.
Road to Vichy 1918-1938, The, by Yves R. Simon, 35: 187.
Simone Weil: An Introduction to Thought, by John Hellman, 25: 569.
Vichy France and the Jews, by Micha Marrus and Robert O. Paxton, 24: 626-28.
Vichy Law and the Holocaust in France, by Richard H. Weisberg, 40: 188-89.
Longfield, Bradley J.
The Presbyterians, by Randall Balmer and John R. Fitzmier, 37: 417.
Long, J. M.
Challenge of Fundamentalism, The: Political Islam and the New World Disorder, by Bassam Tibi, 41: 831-32.
Islamic Fundamentalism, by Lawrence Davidson, 41: 375-76.
Islamic Fundamentalism in the West Bank and Gaza, by Ziad Abu-Amr, 39: 346-47.
Muslim Politics, by Dale F. Eickelman and James Piscatori, 40: 175-76.
Lotz, Denton
Mission Theology Today, by John Power, 17: 549-50.
Secularization and Spirituality, edited by Christian Duquoc, 17: 543-44.
Lougee, Robert W.
Kollegialtheone Kirche, Recht und Staat in der Aufklarung, by Klaus Schlaich, 14: 339-40.
Wissenschaft und Knegsmoral, by Klaus Schwabe, 13: 162-63.
Love, Stuart L.
Law’s Promise, Law’s Expression: Visions of Power in the Politics of Race, Gender, and Religion, by Kenneth L. Karst, 39: 804-05.
Love, Thomas T.
Black Power and White Protestantism: A Christian Response to the New Negro Pluralism, by Joseph C. Hough, Jr., 12: 508-09.
Conflict and Consensus: Religious Freedom and the Second Vatican Council, by Richard J. Regan, 10: 462-65.
Freedom of Conscience and Religious Freedom, by Louis Janssens, 10: 462-65.
Liberta religiosa e pubblici poteri, by Pietro Pavan, 8: 284-86.
Problem of Religious Freedom, The, by John Courtney Murray, 8: 475-77.
Lovin, Keith
The Morality of Civil Disobedience, by Robert T. Hall, 14: 320-22.
Lovin, Robin W.
Politics and Religion, by Steve Bruce, 47: 410.
Serenity, Courage, and Wisdom: The Enduring Legacy of Reinhold Niebuhr, by Henry B. Clark, 39: 606-07.
Taking Faith Seriously, edited by Mary Jo Bane, Brent Coffin, and Richard Higgins, 47: 873-74.
Lozano, John M.
Traditional Catholic Religious Orders: Living in Community, by Edward Wynne, 31: 561.
Lutz, James M.
Clash of Titans: Africa and U.S. Foreign Policy, by Edward W. Chester, 18: 579-81.
Lynn, Ralph L.
Between Hammer and Sickle, by Ben Ami, 11: 561.
Bonhoeffer: The Man and His Work, by Rene Marle, 11: 561.
Christian in Politics, The, by Walter James, 5: 250-52.
Christianity and Political Responsibility, by Alden D. Kelley, 4: 211-12.
Church and State after the Dreyfus Affair: The Separation Issue in France, by Maurice Larkin, 18: 127-29.
Church, State, and Education, by Ernest Barker, 2: 69-71.
Eleventh Hour, The: Explosion of a Church, by Francois Houtart, 11: 346.
Human Rights and World Order, by Moses Moskowitz, 3: 87-89.
Iron Curtain Christians: The Church in Communist Countries Today, by Kurt Hutten, 10: 459-60.
Marxism and Christianity, by Alasdair Macintyre, 11: 562.
Mystery of Existence, The, by Milton K. Munitz, 10: 156.
Nazi Persecution of the Churches, 1933-1945, The, by J. S. Conway, 11: 531-34.
Politics and Religion in Seventeenth-Century France, by W. J. Stankiewicz, 3: 212-13.
Port Royal: The Drama of the Jansenists, by Marc Escholier, 11: 345-46.
Religious and Anti-religious Thought in Russia, by George L. Kline, 11: 34 -42.
Secular Religions in France, 1815-1870, by D. G. Charlton, 6: 252-53.
Serpent and the Dove, The: Five Essays on Early Christianity, by Samuel Laeuchli, 10: 154-55.
Talleyrand, Statesman Priest: The Agent General of the Clergy and the Church of France at the End of the Old Regime, by Louis S. Greenbaum, 14: 141-42.
To Comfort and to Challenge: A Dilemma of the Contemporary Church, by Benjamin B. Ringer, Charles Y. Glock, and Earl R. Babbie, 10: 157-58.
Utopia: The Perennial Heresy, by Thomas Molnar, 11: 340-41.
Vital Encounter, A: Christianity and Communism, by F. Ernest Johnson, 4: 238-40.
Wild Tongues: A Handbook of Social Pathology, by Franklin H. Littell, 12: 310-12.
Lyon, Larry
Duke of Anjou and the Politique Struggle During the Wars of Religion, The, by Mack P. Holt, 30: 373-74.
Loyal Dissenter: The Life and Times of Robert Pike, by Roland L. Warren, 35: 637.
Religious Diversity and Social Change: American Cities, 1890-1906, by Kevin J. Christiano, 31: 144-45.
Who Do Americans Say That I Am? What Christians Can Learn from Opinion Polls, by George Gallup, Jr., 29: 158-60.
Lyon, Robert W.
Jesus: A Revolutionary Biography, by John Dominic Crosson, 37: 660.
Maas, David E.
Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence: Origins, Philosophy and Theology, by Allen Jayne, 41: 148-49.
Mabry, Donald J.
Mexican Revolution and the Catholic Church, 1910-1929, The, by Robert E. Quirk, 16: 134-36.
Reform in Oaxaca, 1856-76, The: A Microhistory of the Liberal Revolution, by Charles R. Berry, 23: 576-77.
Religion and Revolution in Peru, 1824-1976, by Jeffrey L. Klaiber, 22: 351-52.
Macdonald, H. Malcolm
Marx and the Modern World, edited by Nicholas Lobkowicz, 9: 392-93.
On Royal and Papal Power, by John of Paris, 18: 550-52.
Political and Social Ideas of St. Augustine, The, by Herbert A. Deane, 7: 115-17.
MacDonald, William W.
Calvin’s Geneva, by E. William Monter, 10: 136-38.
Maclean, Iain S.
James Madison and the Future of Limited Government, edited by John Samples, 45: 827-29.
Regulating Religion: The Courts and the Free Exercise Clause, by Catharine Cookson, 44: 171-72.
Maddex, Jack P., Jr.
The Lane Rebels: Evangelicalism and Antislavery in Antebellum America, by Lawrence Thomas Lesick, 24: 608-10.
Madsen, Richard
Seeking the Common Ground: Protestant Christianity, the Three-Self Movement, and China’s United Front, by Philip L. Wickeri, 32: 128-30.
Mahler, Gregory
Israel and Diaspora Jewry: Ideological and Political Perspectives, edited by Eleizer Don-Yehiya 35: 410-11.
Jewish State or Israeli Nation?, by Boas Evron, 39: 795-96.
Religion, Democracy, and Israeli Society, by Charles S. Liebman, 41: 601-02.
Mahmoud, Mohamed A.
Qur’an, Liberation and Pluralism: An Islamic Perspective of Interreligious Solidarity against Oppression, by Farid Esack, 41: 138-39.
Mainwaring, Scott
Liberation Theology at the Crossroads: Democracy or Revolution?, by Paul E. Sigmund, 33: 139-40.
Malchow, Howard L.
The Nonconformist Conscience: Chapel and Politics, 1870-1914, by D. W. Bebbington, 25: 158-60.
Malcolmson, Robert W.
The Nuclear Weapons Debate: Theological and Ethical Issues, by Richard J. Bauckham and R. John Elford, 34: 165-66.
Malloy, Richard G., S.J.
Let Justice Roll: Prophetic Challenges in Religion, Politics, and Society, edited by Neal Riemer, 40: 192-93.
Maloney, Thomas, S.J.
Paul VI: The First Modern Pope, by Peter Hebblethwaite, 36: 617-19.
Malony, H. Newton
Cross, the Flag, and the Bomb, The: American Catholics Debate War and Peace, by William A. Au, 29: 128-30.
Mangrum, R. Colin
Kidnapped from that Land: The Government Raids on the Short Creek Polygamists, by Martha Sontagg Bradley, 37: 431.
Manis, Andrew Michael
To See the Promised Land: The Faith Pilgrimage of Martin Luther King, Jr., by Frederick L. Downing, 30: 377-78.
To Redeem the Soul of America: The Southern Christian Leadership Conference and Martin Luther King, Jr., by Adam Fairclough, 32: 432-33.
Manning, Reuben D.
Born to Rebel: An Autobiography, by Benjamin E. Mays, 14: 515-17.
Mansfield, Michael W.
The Young Voter’s Manual: A Topical Dictionary of American Government and Politics, by Leon W. Blevins, 17: 348-49.
Marcus, Brian
Evangelicals and Politics in Antebellum America, by Richard J. Carwardine, 40: 491-92.
Horace Bushnell and the Virtuous Republic, by Howard A. Barnes, 36: 413-14.
Perfectionist Politics: Abolitionism and the Religious Tensions of American Democracy, by Douglas M. Strong, 42: 586-88.
Marietta, Jack D.
Perfect Freedom, A: Religious Liberty in Pennsylvania, by J. William Frost, 33: 356-57.
Question of Survival, A: Quakers in Australia in the Nineteenth Century, by William Nicolle Oats, 29: 551-52.
Markovic, John Jovan
Candles Behind the Wall, by Barbara von der Heydt, 37: 647-48.
Church and State in Soviet Russia: Russian Orthodoxy from World War II to the Khrushchev Years, by Tatiana A. Chumachenko, 45: 591-92.
Marley, David John
Close Encounters with the Religious Right: Journeys into the Twilight Zone of Religion and Politics, by Robert Boston, 43: 165-66.
Fundamentals of Extremism: The Christian Right in America, edited by Kimberly Blaker, 46: 901-02.
Promise Keepers, The: Politics and Promises, by Bryan W. Brickner, 42: 875-76.
Standing on the Premises of God: The Christian Right’s Fight to Redefine America’s Public Schools, by Fritz Detwiler, 42: 874-75.
Waves of Rancor: Tuning in the Radical Right, by Robert Hilliard and Michael Keith, 43: 627-28.
Marsden, George M.
The Divided Mind of Protestant America, 1880-1930, by Ferenc M. Szasz, 25: 357-58.
Marsh, Christopher
Religion in Russia after the Collapse of Communism, by Kimmo Kaariainen, 42: 178-80.
Marsh, Gerald S.
The Churches and the Chaplaincy, by Richard G. Hutcheson, Jr., 21: 352-53.
Martin, Elaine
A “Representative” Supreme Court: The Impact of Race, Religion, and Gender on Appointments, by Barbara A. Perry, 34: 853-54.
Martin, Joel W.
American Sacred Space, edited by David Chidester and Edward T. Linenthal, 39: 172-73.
Martin, Richard C.
Islam and the West, by Bernard Lewis, 37: 643-44.
Marty, William R.
Christ Child Goes to Court, The, by Wayne R. Swanson, 33: 607.
Influence of Faith, The: Religious Groups & U.S. Foreign Policy, edited by Elliott Abrams, 45: 184-85.
Why We Still Need Public Schools: Church/State Relations and Visions of Democracy, edited by Art Must, Jr., 35: 615-16.
Mason, Bruce B.
Religion at the Polls, by Albert J. Menendez, 21: 151.
Mason, John D.
Christianity & Economics in the Post-Cold War Era: The Oxford Declaration and Beyond, edited by Herbert Schlossberg, Vinay Samuel, and Ronald J. Sider, 39: 373-74.
Massey, Karen
The Future of Baptist Higher Education, by Donald D. Schmeltekopf and Dianna M. Vitanza, 49: 792-93.
Mastin, Paul
Red-Hot and Righteous: The Urban Religion of the Salvation Army, by Diane Winston, 42: 192-93.
Society, Economics, and Philosophy: Selected Papers, by Michael Polanyi, 40: 693-94.
Theology of Welfare, The: Protestants, Catholics and Jews in Conversations about Welfare, by John G. West, Jr. and Sonja E. West, 44: 178-79.
Toward and Just and Caring Society: Christian Responses to Poverty in America, edited by David P. Gushee, 44: 370-71.
Maston, T. B.
After Polygamy Was Made a Sin: The Social History oj Christian Polygamy, by John Cairncross, 20: 553-54.
Black, White, and Gray, edited by Bradford Daniel, 7: 119-20.
Chicago Declaration, The, edited by Ronald J. Sider, 18: 371.
Christian Community and American Society, by Waldo Beach, 12: 525-26.
Christian Ethics and the Sit-In, by Paul Ramsey, 4: 212-14.
Citizen Christian, The, by James F. Andrews, 11: 537-39.
God and Utopia: The Church in a Technological Civilization, by Gabriel Vahanian, 22: 170.
Groundwork of Christian Ethics, The, by N. H. G. Robinson, 16: 521-23.
In Search of a Responsible World Society: The Social Teachings of the World Council of Churches, by Paul Bock, 19: 122-23.
Moral Law in Christian Social Ethics, by Walter G. Muelder, 10: 288-90.
Nuclear Weapons: A Catholic Response, edited by Walter Stein, 5: 261-62.
Nuclear Weapons and the Conflict of Conscience, edited by John C. Bennett, 5: 261-62.
Political Evangelism, by Richard J. Mouw, 18: 371-72.
Religion and Political Society, by Jurgen Moltmann et al., 20: 139-41.
Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger: A Biblical Study, by Ronald J. Sider, 20: 595-96.
South and Segregation, The, by Peter A. Carmichael, 8: 495-97.
State and the Church in a Free Society, The, by A. Victor Murray, 2: 163-65.
Technology and Social Justice: A Symposium Sponsored by the International Humanum Foundation, edited by R. H. Preston, 17: 533-35.
To See the Kingdom: The Theological Vision of H. Richard Niebuhr, by James W. Fowler, 18: 341-44.
Toward a Discipline of Social Ethics: Essays in Honor of Walter George Muelder, edited by Paul Deats, Jr., 16: 335-37.
Two Kingdoms and One World: A Sourcebook in Christian Social Ethics, edited by Karl H. Hertz, 20: 334-36.
Matchett, Kathleen
Church in a Marxist Society: A Czechoslovak View, by Jan Milic Lochman, 16: 337-40.
Mathews, Donald G.
Fundamentalisms Comprehended, edited by Martin E. Marty and R. Scott Appleby, 38: 641-42.
Mathias, Theophane
Asia’s Struggle for Full Humanity: Towards a Relevant Theology: Papers from the Asian Theological Conference, January 7-20, 1979, Wennappuwa, Sri Lanka, by Virginia Fabella, 25: 175-76.
Theology of a Classless Society, by Geevarghese Mar Osthathios, 25: 157-58.
Mathis, Robert N.
The Founders and the Classics: Greece, Rome and the American Enlightenment, by Carl J. Richard, 38: 434-35.
Matossian, Mary K.
Mother Russia: The Feminine Myth in Russian Culture, by Joanna Hubbs, 31: 330-31.
Matthews, Buddy
Calvinist Trinitarianism and Theocentric Politics: Essays Toward a Public Theology, by Arnold A. van Ruler, 33: 355-56.
Democratization of American Christianity, The, by Nathan O. Hatch, 32: 647-48.
Evangelicals and Conservatives in the Early South, 1740-1861, by Robert M. Calhoon, 33: 366-67.
Matthews, Merrill, Jr.
The Rise and Fall of the New Christian Right: Conservative Protestant Politics in America, 1978-1988, by Steve Bruce, 34: 387-88.
Mayer, Thomas F.
Plays of Persuasion: Drama and Politics at the Court of Henry VIII, by Greg Walker, 34: 872-73.
Mays, Benjamin E.
The Negro Church in America, by E. Franklin Frazier, 6: 388-90.
Mazzaoui, Michel M.
Between Qur’an and Crown: The Challenge of Political Legitimacy in the Arab World, by Tamara Sonn, 35: 908-10.
Mbachirin, Abraham
Church and State: The Nigerian Experience, by John Chidi Nwafor, 46: 654-55.
Will to Arise, The: Theological and Political Themes in African Christianity and the Renewal of Faith and Identity, by Caleb Oladipo, 49: 566-67.
McBeth, H. Leon
War, Depression, Prohibition and Racism: The Response of the Sunday School to an Era of Crisis, 1933-1941, by Kent L. Johnson, 36: 398.
McBeth, Leon
Immigrants, Baptists, and the Protestant Mind in America, by Lawrence B. Davis, 17: 513-15.
McBrien, Richard P.
John Cardinal O’Connor: At the Storm Center of a Changing American Catholic Church, by Nat Hentoff, 31: 559.
McCann, Dennis P.
Liberation Theology: A Documentary History, by S. J. Hennelly, 34: 142-43.
Theology and Politics, by Duncan B. Forrester, 32: 134-35.
McCann, James C.
Horn and Crescent: Cultural Change and Traditional Islam on the East African Coast, 800-1900, by Randall L. Pouwells, 30: 610-11
McCarthy, John P.
Religion and Political Culture in Britain and Ireland: From the Glorious Revolution to the Decline of Empire, by David Hempton, 40: 483-84.
McClendon, James Wm., Jr.
Nation with the Soul of a Church, The, by Sidney E. Mead, 22: 132-34.
Old Religion in the Brave New World, The: Reflections on the Relation between Christendom and the Republic, by Sidney Mead, 22: 132-34.
McCloud, Aminah Beverly
Muslims Communities in North America, edited by Yvonne Y. Haddad and Jane I. Smith, 37: 657-58.
McCulley, Mark
Christian Manifesto, A, by Francis Schaeffer, 25: 354-56.
Second American Revolution, The, by J. W. Whitehead, 25: 354-56.
McCullough, Matt
Religion and Public Life in the Mountain West: Sacred Landscapes in Transition, edited by Jan Shipps and Mark Silk, 49: 377-78.
McCullough, Thomas E.
Moral Fragments and Moral Community: A Proposal for Church in Society, by Larry L. Rasmussen, 36: 610.
McDaniel, Charles
Capitalism and Christianity: The Possibility of Christian Personalism, by Richard C. Bayer, 42: 372-74.
God and Mammon: Protestants, Money, and the Market, 1790-1860, edited by Mark A. Noll, 44: 834-36.
Law and Protestantism: The Legal Teachings of the Lutheran Reformation, by John Witte, Jr., 45: 598-600.
Unholy War: Terror in the Name of Islam, by John L. Esposito, 45: 384-86.
Regulating Religion: Case Studies from Around the Globe, edited by James T. Richardson, 48: 680-81.
McDonough, Peter
Catholic and American: The Political Theology of John Courtney Murray, by Thomas P. Ferguson, 37: 438.
McDorman, Kathryne S.
Church and State in Early Modern England, 1509-1640, by Leo F. Solt, 33: 147-48.
McEachern, Jaclyn O’Brien
The Political Papacy: John Paul II, Benedict XVI, and Their Influence, edited by Chester Gillis, 48: 697-98.
McElhannon, Joe
Freedom and Catholic Power in Spain and Portugal: An American Interpretation, by Paul Blanshard, 4: 227-29.
McGee, Daniel B.
Abortion: The Personal Dilemma; A Christian Gynecologist Examines the Medical, Social, and Spiritual Issues, by R. F Gardner, 18: 134-36.
Christ, the Church and the Poor, by Paul Gauthier, 8: 477-79.
Christian and Revolution, The, by Melvin Gingerich, 19: 586-88.
Church and Revolution, The, by Peter J. Riga, 19: 587-88.
Faces of Poverty, by Arthur Sin, 8: 477-79.
Jesus and Ethics: Four Interpretations, by Richard H. Hiers, 11: 545-47.
Just War, The: Force and Political Responsibility, by Paul Ramsey, 19: 591-93.
Law and Conscience, by Franz Boc, 9: 277-79.
Modern War and the Christian, by R. L. Moellering, 12: 542.
Moral Law in Christian Social Ethic, by Walter G. Muelder, 9: 277-79.
Nuclear War, Deterrence and Morality, by William V. O’Brien, 10: 477-79.
Nuclear War: The Ethic, the Rhetoric Reality, by Justus George Lawler, 477-79.
Political Christ, The, by Alan Richard, 18: 117-20.
Religion, Revolution and the Future, by Jürgen Moltmann, 19: 587-88.
Survey of Recent Christian Ethics, A, by Edward LeRoy Long, Jr., 26: 337-38.
There Shall be No Poor, by Richard Hirsch, 8: 477-79.
War and Moral Discourse, by Ralph Potter, 12: 542.
World of Nuclear Powers, A?, edited by Alastair Buchan, 10: 477-79.
McGee, J. Sears
Godly Learning: Puritan Attitudes Toward Reason, Learning, and Education, 1560-1640, by John Morgan, 29: 325-26.
Richard Baxter: Puritan Man of Letters, by N. H. Keeble, 25: 566-67.
McGovern, Arthur F., S.J.
Gustavo Gutierrez: An Introduction to Liberation Theology, by Robert McAfee Brown, 33: 142-43.
Marxism and Religion, by David McLellan, 31: 323-24.
McIntire, Russell M., Jr.
Biblical Origins of Modern Secular Culture: An Essay in the Interpretation of Western History, by Willis B. Glover, 29: 160-61.
Human Life in the Balance, by David Thomasma, 34: 399-400.
Preserving Life: Public Policy and the Life Not Worth Living, by Richard Sherlock, 30: 598-99.
Theology of Medicine, The: The Political-Philosophical Foundations of Medical Ethics, by Thomas Szasz, 32: 438-39.
McKenna, Joseph H.
Religion, Theology, and American Public Life, by Linell A. Cady, 37: 421.
McKenzie, David
Interpretation of Religion, An: Human Responses to the Transcendent, by John Hick, 48: 206-07.
Religion and the Rise of Democracy, by Graham Maddox, 39: 358-59.
McKim, Donald K.
Calvin’s Ecclesiastical Advice, by John Calvin, 34: 396-97.
Instruction in Faith (1537), edited by John Calvin and translated by Paul T. Fuhrmann, 35: 182-83.
McKinney, Joseph A.
Biblical Foundations and a Method of Doing Christian Ethics, by Elton M. Eeigenburg, 39: 359-60.
McKinney, Joseph A.
Global Economics and Religion, edited by James Finn, 27: 540-41.
Good News for Rich and Poor: Christian Approaches to a New Economic Order, by Harvey Seifert, 21: 582-83.
Public Theology and Political Economy: Christian Stewardship in Modern Society, by Max L. Stackhouse, 35: 172-73.
Theology, Third World Development and Economic Justice, edited by Walter Block and Donald Shaw, 28: 556-57.
Toward a Christian Economic Ethic: Stewardship and Social Power, by Prentiss L. Pemberton, 29: 567.
McKnight, Scot
Pain and Polemic: Anti-Judaism in the Gospels, by George M. Smiga, 37: 428.
McMahon, Eileen
History and the Shaping of Irish Protestantism, by Desmond Bowen, 40: 185-87.
McManamon, John, S.J.
Right Thinking and Sacred Oratory in Counter-Reformation Rome, by Frederick J. McGinness, 38: 647-48.
McManus, Edgar J.
Revolution and Religion: American Revolutionary War and the Reformed Clergy, by Keith L. Griffin, 37: 653-54.
McMillon, Lynn A.
Orthodoxy and Heresy in Earliest Christianity, by Walter Bauer, 14: 142-44.
McNally, Vincent J.
Religion and Public Life in Canada: Historical and Comparative Perspectives, by Marguerite Van Die, 44: 580-81.
Secularisation in Western Europe, 1848-1914, by Hugh McLeod, 43: 819-20.
Mcvey, Kathleen E.
The Early Church: Origins to the Dawn of the Middle Ages, by E. Glenn Hinson, 40: 475-77.
Meachum, Carl E.
The Church and Politics in the Chilean Countryside, by Hannah W. Stewart-Gambino, 35: 427-28.
Mead, Sidney E.
Toward Benevolent Neutrality: Church, State, and the Supreme Court, by Robert T. Miller and Ronald B. Flowers, 20: 315-16.
Meadors, Dave
The Bible and Its Influence, edited by Cullen Schippe and Chuck Stetson, 48: 711-12.
Meeks, M. Douglas
Religion and the Ambiguities of Capitalism, by Ronald H. Preston, 37: 908.
Mego, Paul A.
Kingdom Coming: The Rise of Christian Nationalism, by Michelle Goldberg, 48: 894-96.
Menendez, Albert J.
The French Achievement: Private School Aid, A Lesson for America, by Robert M. Healey, 18: 563-65.
Menkus, Belden
The Sectarian College and the Public Purse: Fordham—A Case Study, by R. Kent Greenawalt and Walter Gellhorn, 13: 517-18.
Merey-Kadar, Ervin
George of Bohemia—King of Heretics, by Frederick G. Heymann, 9: 105-07.
Messer, Donald E.
Best of Church and State, 1948-1975, The, edited by Albert J. Menendez, 19: 365-66.
Church and Revolution, The, by Francois Houtart and Andre Rousseau, 15: 471-73.
Geography of Faith, The: Conversations Between Daniel Berrigan when Underground, and Robert Coles, by Robert Coles and Daniel Berrigan, 14: 137-39.
Punishment for Peace, A, by Philip Berrigan, 14: 137-39.
Messman, Carla
Into That Darkness: From Mercy Killing to Mass Murder, by Gitta Sereny, 19: 111-13.
Metcalf, Barbara D.
The Crescent in the East: Islam in Asia Minor, edited by Raphael Israeli, 33: 150.
Meyer, Carl S.
Anglican and Puritan: The Basis of Their Opposition, 1558-1640, by John F. H. New, 8: 138.
Early Elizabethan Succession Question: 1558-1508, The, by Mortimer Levine, 8: 481-82.
Elizabethan Puritan Movement, The, by Patrick Collinson, 10: 290-91.
Political Theory of John Wycliff, The, by Lowrie J. Daly, 6: 241-43.
Two Kingdoms, The: Ecclesiology in Carolingian Political Thought, by Karl Frederick Morrison, 7: 443-44.
Meyers, Carol
Countertraditions in the Bible: A Feminist Approach, by Ilana Pardes, 36: 175-76.
Midelfort, H. C. Erik
Entertaining Satan: Witchcraft and the Culture of Early New England, by John Putnam Demos, 26: 538-40.
German Peasant War of 1525, The: New Viewpoints, edited by Gerhard Benecke and Bob Scribner, 23: 156-58.
Miguez-Bonino, Jose
Vision of Hope, A: The Churches and Change in Latin America, edited by Trevor Beeson and Jenny Pearce, 27: 527-29.
Mikhail, Bill
Benedict XVI Fellow Worker for the Truth: An Introduction to His Life and Thought, by Laurence Paul Hemming, 48: 698-99.
Catholic Power vs. American Freedom, edited by George La Piana, John W. Swomley, and Herbert F. Vetter, 45: 386-87.
Man of the Century: The Life and Times of Pope John Paul II, by Jonathan Kwitney, 41: 828-29.
Modern Catholic Social Documents and Political Economy, by Albino Barrera, 45: 610-11.
Modern Papacy since 1789, The, by Frank J. Coppa, 42: 181-82.
Power and the Sacred in Revolutionary Russia, Religious Activists in the Village, by Glennys Young, 41: 385-87.
Ukranian Greek Catholic Church and the Soviet State (1939-1950), The, by Bohdan R. Bociurkiw, 40: 485-86.
Vatican-Israel Accords, The: Political, Legal, and Theological Contexts, edited by Marshall J. Breger, 47: 392.
Miller, A. C.
Christian and Social Action, The, by Charles Y. Furness, 16: 546-47.
Ethical Demand, The, by Knud E. Logstrup, 16: 545-46.
Miller, Charles A.
The Law’s Conscience: Equitable Constitutionalism in America, by Peter Charles Hoffer, 33: 801-02.
Miller, Douglas J.
Evangelical Ethics: Issues Facing the Church Today, by John Jefferson Davis, 30: 371-72.
Miller, Eugene W., Jr.
German Churches under Hitler, The: Background, Struggle, and Epilogue, by Ernst Christian Helmreich, 22: 330-32.
Old-Prussian Church and the Weimar Republic, The: A Study in Political Adjustment, 1917-1927, by Daniel R. Borg, 29: 145-46.
Miller, Glenn T.
American Religious Thought: A History, by William A. Clebsch, 16: 525-27.
Case for Due Process in the Church, A: Father Eugene O’Callaghan, American Pioneer of Dissent, by Nelson J. Callahan, 17: 345-46.
Christian Community in History: Comparative Ecclesiology, vol. 2, by Roger Haight, S.J., 48: 879-80.
Faith and Fratracide: The Theological Roots of Anti-Semitism, by Rosemary Ruether, 18: 355-58.
Great Revival, 1787-1805, The: The Origins of the Southern Evangelical Mind, by John Boles, 16: 140-41.
Miller, Keith A. Graber
The Meaning of Peace: Biblical Studies, edited by Perry B. Yoder and William B. Swartley, 35: 890-91.
Miller, Justin
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