Book reviews by reviewer

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Church Universal and Triumphant in Scholarly Perspective, edited by James R. Lewis and J. Gordon Melton, 37: 157-58.

Collected Works of Eric Voegelin, vol. 13, Selected Book Reviews, edited by Jodi Cockerell and Barry Cooper, 44: 844-46.

Collected Works of Eric Voegelin, vol. 14, Selected Book Reviews, edited by Maurice P. Morgan, 44: 844-46.

Education Vouchers: Handbook for Attorneys, edited by David Heller, 37: 896.

Eric Vogelin: In Quest of Reality, by Thomas W. Heilke, 42: 186.

Forgotten, The: Catholics of the Soviet Empire from Lenin through Stalin, by Christopher Lawrence Zugger, 43: 820-21.

From Iranaeus to Grotius: A Sourcebook in Christian Political Thought, 100-1625, edited by Oliver O’Donovan and Joan Lockwood O’Donovan, 42: 850-51.

God and the Goods: Global Economy in a Civilizational Perspective, by Bas de Gaay Fortman and Berma Klein Goldewijk, 41: 394-95.

Great Quotations on Religious Freedom, The, compiled by Albert J. Menendez and Edd Doerr, 33: 611-12.

HarperCollins Dictionary of Religion, The, by Jonathan Z. Smith, 38: 904.

John Courtney Murray and the Dilemma of Religious Toleration, by Keith J. Pavlischek, 41: 826-27.

Koresh: The Waco Holocaust, by Edwin Felix, 39: 176-77.

Lowering the Wall: Religion and the Supreme Court in the 1980s, by Gregg Ivers, 34: 136-37.

Mr. Justice Rehnquist, Judicial Activist: The Early Years, by Donald E. Boles, 32: 143-44.

New Wine and Old Bottles: International Politics and Ethical Discourse, by Jean Bethke Elshtain, 41: 829-30.

Public Religions in the Modern World, by Jose Casanova, 37: 895.

Rediscovering America’s Sacred Ground: Public Religion and Pursuit of the Good in a Pluralistic America, by Barbara McGraw, 46: 153-55.

Religious Documents North American Annual, Volume I of Spiritual Crosscurrents, edited by William M. King, 37: 158-59.

Sacred Trust: The Medieval Church as as Economic Firm, by Robert B. Ekelund, Robert F. Hebert, Robert D. Tollison, Gary M. Anderson, and Audrey B. Davidson, 40: 183-84.

Davis, Edward, F.S.C.

But Is It Science? The Philosophical Question in the Creation/Evolution Controversy, edited by Michael Ruse, 31: 557.

Davis, Gary

Religious Liberty and Conscience: A Constitutional Inquiry, by Milton R. Kom, 15: 127-30.

Davis, Hugh C.

Edgar Gardner Murphy: Gentle Progressive, by Hugh C. Balley, 12: 143-45.

Davis, Hulen M.

Black Activism: Racial Revolution in United States, 1954-1970, by Robert Brisbane, 18: 346-47.

Davis, James Calvin

Roger Williams, by Edwin S. Gaustad, 47: 886-87.

Separating Church and State: Roger Williams and Religious Liberty, by Timothy Hall, 41: 616-18.

Davis, Thomas W.

England Against the Papacy 1858­-1861, by C. T. McIntire, 26: 537-38.

Established Church, Sectarian People: Itinerancy and the Transformation of English Dissent, 1780-1830, by Deryck W. Lovegrove, 32: 139-40.

Davis, William V.

Bible in Literature Courses, The: Successful Lesson Plans, by Linda L. Meixner, 36: 410-11.

Literary Guide to the Bible, The, edited by Robert Alter and Frank Kermode, 30: 611-12.

Dawn, C. Ernest

Egypt, Islam, and the Arabs: The Search for Egyptian Nationhood, by Israel Gershoni and James P. Jankowski, 31: 314-15.

Dawson, Irving

This Nation Under God, by Joseph Stanzo, 9: 401-03.

Dawson, Jerry F.

The Divine Order: Western Culture in Middle Ages and the Renaissance, by Henry Bamford Parkes, 13: 537-38.

Dawson, Joseph M.

Church Wealth and Business Income, by Martin A. Larson, 8: 111-12.

Churches, The: Their Riches, Revenues, Immunities, by Martin A. Larson and Stanley Lowell, 11: 519-21.

Facing Protestant-Roman Catholic Tensions, edited by Wayne H. Cowan, 3: 218-19.

Indomitable Baptists, The, by O. K. Armstrong and Marjorie Moore Armstrong, 9: 411-12.

Isaac Backus: Pioneer of Religious Liberty, by T. B. Maston, 5: 255-56.

Isaac Backus and the American Pietistic Tradition, by William G. McLoughlin, 9: 412-13.

Political Ethics of Alexander Campbell, The, by Harold L. Lunger, 1: 52-53.

Religion Business, The, by Alfred Balk, 11: 326-28.

Should Churches Be Taxed?, by D. Robertson, 12: 500-501.

United for Separation, by William D. Falcon and Lawrence P. Creedon, 2: 79­-81.

de Albornoz, A. F. Carrillo

Second Vatican Council and the New Catholicism, The, by G. C. Berkouwer, 9: 127-29.

What Happened at Rome? The Council and Its Implications for the Modern World, by Gary MacEoin, 9: 126-27.

de Gruchy, John W.

Catholic Church and the Struggle for Zimbabwe, The, by Ian Linden, 23: 577-79.

History of African Christianity, 1950-1975, A, by Adrian Hastings, 22: 332-34.

Namibia, by Colin O’Brien Winter, 20: 579-81.

DeGraffenried, Julie

Civil Society and the Search for Justice in Russia, edited by Christopher Marsh and Nikolas K. Gvosdev, 45: 607-08.

Deats, Paul K.

It Is Not Lawful for Me to Fight, by Jean­Michel Hornus, 25: 168-69.

Roots of War Resistance, The: Pacifism from the Early Church to Tolstoy, by Peter Brock, 25: 168-69.

Deiner, John T.

The Emergence of Liberation Theology: Radical Religion and Social Movement Theory, by Christian Smith, 35: 420-21.

Dekar, Paul R.

Paul Ramsey’s Political Ethics, by David Attwood, 35: 906-07.

Dekmejian, R. H.

And Muhammad Is His Messenger, by Annemarie Schimmel, 29: 155.

de la Torre, Teodoro

Chiesa e politica: La Gerarchia e l’impegno politico dei cattolici italtani, by Alfonso Prandi, 19: 577-79.

Un Concordato per gli anni settanta: Reporti fra Stato e Chiesa dal 1848 a Oggi. Patti Lateranensi: perche come una revisione, by Giuliano Colliva and Giacomo de Antonellis, 19: 579-80.

Delzell, Charles F.

Camillo di Cavour, by Frank J. Coppa, 16: 322-24.

Emergence of Political Catholicism in Italy. The: Partio Popolare, 1919-1926, by John N. Molony, 22: 543-46.

Italy in the 1970s, by John Earle, 18: 590­-91.

Revolution and Papacy, 1769-1846, by E. E. Y. Hales, 3: 210-12.

De Pauw, Linda Grant

Disorderly Women: Sexual Politics and Evangelicalism in Revolutionary New England, by Susan Juster, 38: 657-58.

Detwiler, Fritz

Religion, Politics, and the Christian Right: Post-9/11 Powers and American Empire, by Mark Lewis Taylor, 48: 231-32.

Diamant, Alfred

Education and the Crisis of the First Republic, by Michael J. Zeps, 31: 329-30.

Dickinson, George E.

Religion in Strange Times: The 1960’s and 1970’s, by Ronald B. Flowers, 28: 522-24.

Diephouse, David J.

Class, Religion and Local Politics in Wil­helmine Germany: The Centre Party in Wurttemberg before 1914, by David Black­bourn, 23: 354-55.

He Could Not Do Otherwise: Bishop Lajos Ordass, 1901-1978, by Laszlo G. Terray, 40: 689-90.

Ignaz Seipel: Christian Statesman in a Time of Crisis, by Klemens von Klemperer, 19: 573-75.

Jews in the Eyes of the Germans: From the Enlightenment to Imperial Germany, by Alfred D. Low, 23: 135-36.

Jewish Activism in Imperial Germany: The Struggle for Civil Equality, by Marjorie Lamberti, 22: 137-39.

Kardinal Preysing und zwei Diktaturen: Sein Widerstand gegen die totalitiire Macht, by Walter Adolph, 17: 524-26.

Nazism and the Pastors: A Study of Three Deutsche Christen Groups, by James A. Zabel, 20: 357-58.

Pontifex nicht Partisan: Kirche und Staat in der DDR von 1949 bis 1958, edited by Gunter Kohler, 21: 363-64.

Solidarity in Europe: The History of an Idea, by Steinar Stjernø, 48: 217-18, 465-66.

Staat und katholische Kirche in Preussen, by Carl Ludwig von Bar, 17: 541-42.

Staat und Kirche in der DDR: Zur Ent­wicklung ihrer Beziehungen von 1945-1974, by Hans-Gerhard Koch, 20: 134-36.

Yad Vashem Studies on the European Jewish Catastrophe and Resistance, Volume 10, edited by Livia Rothkirchen, 18: 558-60.

Dierenfield, Bruce J.

Should the Children Pray? A Historical, Judicial, and Political Examination of Public School Prayer, by Lynda Beck Fenwick, 34: 386-87.

Dietrich, Donald J.

Nineteenth Century German Protestantism: The Church as Social Model, by John E. Groh, 24: 402-04.

Pius XII and the Holocaust: Understanding the Controversy, by José Sánchez, 46: 406-07.

Political Radicalism in Late Imperial Vien­na: Origins of the Christian Social Move­ment, 1848-1897, by John W. Boyer, 24: 163-65.

Dietz, Frank H.

United Churches and the Ecumenical Movement: Called to Be One in Christ, edited by Michael Kinnamon and Thomas F. Best, 28: 549-51.

Dillon, Michele

America and the Challenges of Religious Diversity, by Robert Wuthnow, 48: 478-79.

Catholicism and American Freedom: A History, by John T. McGreevy, 47: 177-79.

What’s Left? American Catholics, edited by Mary Jo Weaver, 42: 592-93.

Diner, Hasia A.

Mark the Revolution: Studies in the Contemporary Jewish-American Imagination, by Mark Schechner, 30: 593-94.

Religion and State in the American Jewish Experience, by Jonathan D. Sarna and David G. Dalin, 41: 154-55.

Dipboye, Carolyn Cook

A History of the Church in Latin America: Colonialism to Liberation 1492-1979, by Enrique Dussel, 26: 141-42.

Dipboye, Larry K.

An Exodus for the Church: From Yesterday to Tomorrow, by William F. Kuecher, 18: 148-49.

Issues of Theological Warfare: Evangelicals and Liberals, by Richard J. Coleman, 17: 546-47.

New Power for the Church, by Harvey Sei­fert, 21: 581-82.

Proclaim Liberty!, by C. Welton Gaddy, 20: 364.

Search for Christian Credibility, The: Explo­rations in Contemporary Belief, by Alvin C. Porteous, 17: 547-48.

Dochuk, Darren

Billy Graham and the Beloved Community: America’s Evangelist and the Dream of Martin Luther King, Jr., by Michael G. Long, 49: 579-80.

Dodson, Michael

Politics and the Catholic Church in Nicaragua, by John M. Kirk, 36: 867.

Doerr, Edd

Abortion and Divorce in Western Law: American Failures, European Challenges, by Mary Ann Glendon, 33: 148-49.

Aborto, by Victoria Sendon and Christina Alberdi, 25: 350-51.

American Freedom and the Radical Right, by Edward L. Ericson, 25: 351-52.

Building a World Community: Humanism in the 21st Century, by Paul Kurtz and Levi Fragell, 33: 371-72.

James Madison on Religious Liberty, by Robert S. Alley, 30: 612.

Ley del Divorcio, by Francisca Sauquillo and Jesus Rey, 25: 350-51.

Life in the Balance: Exploring the Abortion Controversy, by Robert N. Wennberg, 28: 554.

Los Acuerdos Concordatarios Espanoles y la Revision del Concordato Italiano, 25: 349-51.

Private Schools and the Public Good: Policy Alternatives for the Eighties, edited by Edward McGlynn Gaffney, Jr., 24: 612­-13.

Religion, Cults, and the Law, by Abraham Burstein, 24: 628-29.

Dokupil, Michael

Yugoslavia’s Bloody Collapse—Causes, Course and Consequence, by Christopher Bennett, 38: 666-67.

Dokupil, Susanna

Contemporary Zoroastrians: An Unstructured Nation, by Rashna Writer, 39: 164-65.

Puritans at Play: Leisure and Recreation in Colonial New England, by Bruce C. Daniels, 38: 437-38.

Dombrowski, Daniel A.

Civil Peace and Sacred Order, by Stephen R. L. Clark, 32: 892-93.

God’s World and the Great Awakening, by Stephen R. L. Clark, 34: 855-57.

Impossibility of Religious Freedom, The, by Winnifred Fallers Sullivan, 48: 203-04.

Parliament of Souls, A (Vol. 2 of Limits and Renewals), by Stephen R. L. Clark, 33: 627-28.

Religion and the Demise of Liberal Rationalism: The Foundational Crisis of the Separation of Church and State, by J. Judd Owen, 44: 590-91.

Dougherty, Jude P.

Bridging the Sacred and the Secular, edited by J. Leon Hooper, S.J., 37: 891.

Douglas, Davison M.

Faiths of the Founding Fathers, by David L. Holmes, 49: 151-52.

Douglass, R. Bruce

Soul of the World: Notes on the Future of Public Catholicism, by George Weigel, 39: 581-82.

Doutrich, Paul E.

Piety and Tolerance: Pennsylvania German Religion, 1700-1850, by Stephen L. Longenecker, 38: 188.

Dowler, Wayne

The Communists: The Story of Power and Lost Illusions: 1948-1991, by Adam Ulam, 35: 413-14.

Drakeman, Donald L.

Freedom and Faith: The Impact of Law on Religious Liberty, edited by Lynn R. Buzzard, 27: 543-44.

Government Intervention in Religious Af­fairs, edited by Dean M. Kelley, 25: 575.

Lawyer Looks at Abortion, A, by Mary Anne Wood and Lynn D. Wardle, 25: 170-71.

Drakeman, Lisa

Politics of Domesticity, The: Women, Evan­gelism and Temperance in Nineteenth Cen­tury America, by Barbara Leslie Epstein, 25: 560-61.

Women in New Worlds: Historical Perspectives on the Wesleyan Tradition, Volume 2, edited by Rosemary Skinner Keller, Louise L. Queen, and Hilah F. Thomas, 28: 339-40.

Drayer, John R.

An Approach to Christian Ethics: The Life, Contribution, and Thought of T. B. Maston, edited by William M. Pinson, Jr., 23: 588­-89.

Dreisbach, Daniel L.

Faiths of Our Fathers, The: What America’s Founders Really Believed, by Alf Mapp, Jr., 45: 825-26.

Forgotten Features of the Founding: The Recovery of Religious Themes in the Early American Republic, by James Hutson, 45: 826-27.

Godless Constitution, The: The Case Against Religious Correctness, by Isaac Kramnick and R. Laurence Moore, 38: 644-46.

Religion and the American Constitutional Experiment: Essential Rights and Liberties, by John Witte, Jr., 42: 198-200.

Religion and the Continental Congress, 1774-1789: Contributions to Original Intent, by Derek H. Davis, 43: 156-58.

Religion and the Founding of the American Republic, by James H. Hutson, 40: 909-10.

Rights of Religious Persons in Public Education, The, by John W. Whitehead, 34: 866-68.

State and Religion in a Nutshell, The, by Thomas C. Berg, 41: 395-96.

United States, The: A Christian Nation, by David J. Brewer, 39: 607-09.

Washington’s God: Religion, Liberty and the Father of Our Country, by Michael Novak and Jana Novak, 48: 704-05.

Dries, Angelyn

No Turning Back: Two Nuns’ Battle with the Vatican over Women’s Right to Choose, by Barbara Ferraro and Patricia Hussey, 33: 826.

Driggs, Ken

Zion in the Courts: A Legal History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1830-1900, by Edwin Brown Formage and Richard Collin Mangrum, 32: 425-26.

Drinan, Robert F.

American Catholic Exodus, edited by John O’Connor, 11: 536-37.

Breaking Bread: The Catholic Worker and the Origin of Catholic Radicalism in America, by Mel Piehl, 26: 118-19.

Catholic Education in the Western World, edited by James Michael Lee, 11: 138-40.

Church, State, and the Constitution, by George Goldberg, 31: 138-39.

Church-State Relations in Ecumenical Per­spective, edited by Elwyn A. Smith, 10: 450-52.

Civil Religion and Political Theology, by Leroy S. Rouner, 30: 172-73.

Democracy’s Discontent: America in Search of a Public Philosophy, by Michael J. Sandel, 39: 803-04.

Fictional Republic, The: Horatio Alger and American Political Discourse, by Carol Nackenoff, 37: 664-65.

Founding of the Jesuits, 1540, The, by Michael Foss, 13: 356-58.

Freedoms, Courts, Politics: Studies in Civil Liberties, by Twiley W. Parker, Jr. and Lucius J. Baker, 9: 111-12.

From Time Immemorial: The Origins of the Arab-Jewish Conflict Over Palestine, by Joan Peters, 28: 135­-36.

Human Rights and the World’s Religions, edited by Leroy S. Rouner, 31: 570.

Human Rights Treaties and the Senate: A History of Opposition, by Natalie Hevener Kaufman, 33: 349.

John Courtney Murray: Contemporary Church­-State Theory, by Thomas T. Love, 7: 444­-46.

Love and Power, by Michael J. Perry, 35: 613-14.

One Nation Under Law: America’s Early National Struggles to Separate Church and State, by Mark Douglas McGarvie, 47: 640-41.

On Law and Justice, by Paul A. Freund, 12: 312.

Role of the Supreme Court in American Government, The, by Archibald Cox, 20: 113­-14.

Segregated Covenant, The, by William Osborn, 11: 330-31.

Supreme Court Review, The, by Philip Kur­land, 8: 463-65.

True Faith and Allegiance, by Noah Pickus, 48: 709-10.

Druks, Herbert

The Deafening Silence: American Jewish Leaders and the Holocaust, by Rafael Medoff, 31: 319-21.

Duce, Leonard A.

Church and State in Canada West, by John S. Moir, 2: 73-75.

Conscience and Its Right to Freedom, by Eric D’Arcy, 5: 106-09.

Crisis in Western Education, by Chris­topher Dawson, 6: 239-41.

Dissent in and for the Church, by Charles E. Curran et al., 12: 495-96.

Freedom and Man, edited by John Court­ney Murray, 10: 123-25.

Patriarch and Prophets Persecution of the Russian Orthodox Church Today, by Mic­hael Bourdeaux, 15: 138-40.

Politics of the Vatican, The, by Peter Nichols, 11: 547-50.

Reconciliation and Conflict: Church Con­troversy Over Social Involvement, by Dieter T. Hessell, 12: 505-06.

Religion, Politics, and the Higher Learning, by Norman White, 3: 79-83.

Responsibility of Dissent, The: The Church and Academic Freedom, by John F. Hunt et al., 12: 495-96.

Sleeping Giant, The: Arousing Church Power in America, by Robert K. Hudnut, 14: 508-11.

Dudley, Carl S.

U.S. Lifestyles and Mainline Churches, by Tex Sample, 34: 407.

Dueck, Abraham J.

Christian Religion in the Soviet Union: A Sociological Study, by Christel Lane, 21: 335-37.

Tax Dilemma, The: Praying for Peace, Pay­ing for War, by Donald D. Kaufman, 22: 159-60.

Duffy, Patrick S.

Catholic Institutions in the United States: Canonical and Civil Law Status, by John J. McGrath, 13: 156-59.

Duffy, Susan

The New Era in Religious Communication, by Pierre Babin, 34: 402-03.

Dufour, Ronald P.

The Millennialism of Cotton Mather: An Historical and Theological Analysis, by John S. Erwin, 33: 374.

Dugan, Kathleen M.

Doing Theology in a Divided World, by Virginia Fabella, 29: 532-33.

Duke, Roger D.

Christianity and the Mass Media in America: Towards a Democratic Accommodation, by Quentin J. Schultze, 47: 885-86.

Duncan, Elmer H.

Cardinal of Scotland: David Beaton, c. 1494-1546, by Margaret H. B. Sanderson, 29: 350-51.

Charles I and the Making of the Covenanting Movement, 1625-1641, by Allan I. Macinnes, 34: 140-41.

Church and University in the Scottish Enlightenment: The Moderate Literati of Edinburgh, by Richard B. Sher, 28: 130-32.

Church, Politics, and Society: Scotland 1408-1929, by Norman Macdougall, 27: 143-44.

Classics of Free Thought, edited by Paul Blanshard, 21: 355-56.

Conscience and Responsibility, by Eric Mount, Jr., 13: 130.

Developments in the Roman Catholic Church in Scotland, 1789-1829, by Christine Johnson, 27: 346-47.

Episcopacy in Scotland: The History of an Idea, 1560-1638, by David George Mullan, 28: 537-38.

Ethics, by Karl Barth, 25: 368-69.

Hegel’s Political Philosophy: Problems and Perspectives, edited by Z. A. Pelczynski, 19: 565-67.

House Divided: Poverty, Race, Religion and the Family of Man, by Thomas Melady and Margaret Melady, 12: 342.

International Kieregaard Commentary: The Corsair Affair, edited by Robert L. Perkins, 34: 170-71.

Karl Marx on Religion, edited and trans­lated by Saul K. Padover, 19: 106-08.

Law, Liberty, and Morality, by H. L. A. Hart, 9: 279-80.

Let My People Live! An Indictment, by Dagobert D. Runes, 19: 356.

Life of James Sharp, Archbishop of St. Andrews, 1618 to 1679: A Political Biography, by Julia Buckroyd, 30: 607.

Moral Issue in Statecraft, The: Twentieth Century Approaches and Problems, by Kenneth W. Thompson, 10: 321.

Morality and the Law, by Samuel Enoch Stumpf, 9: 121-23.

Presbyteries and Profits: Calvinism and the Development of Capitalism in Scotland, 1560-1707, by Gordon Marshall, 37: 172.

Physical Order and Moral Liberty: Pre­viously Unpublished Essays of George San­tayana, edited by Shirley Lachs and John Lachs, 12: 543-44.

Political Authority and Moral Judgment, by Glenn Negley, 8: 130-31.

Public Ethics: American Morals and Man­ners, by James Sellers, 12: 326-27.

Scotland in the Age of the Disruption, edited by Stewart J. Brown and Michael Fry, 37: 914.

Situation Ethics Debate, The, edited by Harvey Cox, 10: 484.

Struggle of Decency, by Shirley W. Hall and Robert Root, 10: 488-89.

Thomas Chalmers and the Godly Commonwealth in Scotland, by Stewart J. Brown, 26: 355-56.

Duncan, John Paul

Catholic as Citizen, The, by John Cronin, 6: 380-81.

Norman Thomas, Respectable Rebel, by Murray B. Seidler, 10: 282-84.

Peter and Caesar: The Catholic Church and Political Authority, by E. A. Goer, 8: 142-43.

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