14. RoleofHarith The recall of al-Harith from his exile in Khurasan proved fatal for the Umayyads. Al-Harith raised a black flag and demanded reform of government in accordance with the Quranic principle. AlHarith joined hands with another Yamani chief al-Kirmani, who was later killed by a son of al-Harith, and ousted the Umayyad governor Nasr. b. Sayyar from Nishapur. Al-Harith, who was the forerunner of Abu Muslim, died fighting against the Azdi. In spite of his repeated demand, Nasr did not receive any help from the centre because the Caliph was busy in fighting an uprising from Palestine to Hims. The Umayyad garrisons were also expelled from Harat and other cities of the East.