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Laurefindil masc. name, Quenya form of Glorfindel (PE17:17)

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Laurefindil masc. name, Quenya form of Glorfindel (PE17:17)

Laurelin ("g.sg. Laurelinden" or Laurelingen; in LotR-style Quenya this is dat.sg.) Name of the Golden Tree of Valinor, interpreted both *"singing-gold" (stem Laurelind-) and "hanging-gold" (stem Laureling-) (LIN2, VT45:27, LÁWAR/GLÁWAR, [GLAW(-R)], SA, Letters:308)

Laurelindórinan noun "Valley of Singing Gold", an earlier name of Laurenandë (Lórien) (UT:253); laurelindórenan lindelorendor malinornélion ornemalin *"Goldenlight-music-land-valley music-dream-land of yellow-trees tree-yellow", Quenya elements agglutinated in Entish fashion; this supposedly means something like "the valley where the trees in a golden light sing musically, a land of music and dreams; there are yellow trees there, it is a tree-yellow land" (LotR2:III ch. 4, translated in Letters:308). The last word ornemalin is defined in as “bearing yellow flowers” in PE17:80.

laurië noun “goldenness”, also used as adv. “goldenly” (PE17:74); the word laurië occurring in Namarië Tolkien variously interpreted either as this adverb or as the pl. form of laurëa, q.v.

laurina adj. "golden" (LT1:258). Compare laurëa in later material.

Laurundo masc. name "Glorund" (> Glaurung). Also Undolaurë. (LT2:341)

laustanë adj.? participle? "roaring" (MC:213; this is "Qenya")

laustaner vb. in past tense 'lausted' ("not 'roared' or 'rushed' but made a windy noise" – but in MC:220, Tolkien himself translated laustanéro as "rushed") (MC:216; this is "Qenya")

lauva, see #1

#lav- (1) vb. "lick", pa.t. #lávë in undulávë, see undu (Nam); 1st person aorist lavin "I lick" in the Etymologies (LAB)

lav- (2) vb. "yield, allow, grant" (DAB)

lávar noun “(golden) blossom”. Also loa. (PE17:159)

lavaralda (changed by Tolkien from lavarin) noun some kind of tree (alda) (LR:57). The initial element lavar- seems to connect with the root LAWAR having to do with golden colour; cf. lávar “(golden) blossom” (PE17:159).

[-lca (“k”) ?“your”, apparently an abandoned 2nd person plural possessive (VT49:49). Cf. -cca.]

-lda (1) "your", 2nd person pl. possessive suffix (VT49:16). Onnalda *“your child” (VT49:42). In an earlier manuscript, this ending was used for singular “you” instead, attested in the phrase Arwen vanimalda "Arwen your beauty", sc. "O beautiful Arwen", and in meletyalda "your majesty" (WJ:369) Arwen vanimalda was however changed to Arwen vanimelda in the second edition of LotR, Tolkien reinterpreting the last word (see vanimalda). The ending for singular "your" appears as -lya elsewhere. (LotR1:II ch. 6)

[-lda] (2) in some versions of Quenya a comparative or augmentative suffix, later abandoned by Tolkien (PE17:55, 56). See vanimalda.

-ldë (1) pronominal suffix “you”, 2nd person pl. (VT49:51; carildë *“you do”, VT49:16). This ending Tolkien revised from -llë in earlier sources (VT49:48, cf. PE17:69).

-ldë (2) feminine agental suffix. Tolkien at one point commented that Varda’s title Tintallë “Kindler” should be Tintaldë because the ending -llë was rather the suffix for plural “you” (PE17:69). Since this pronominal suffix -llë was later revised to -ldë, it is now the ending of Tintaldë itself that would be potentially problematic.

le, pronominal element "you", (originally) the "reverential 2nd person sing" (RGEO:73, VT49:56). However, singular le was apparently altered to lye (q.v.), and le took on a plural significance (le for pl. “you” is apparently derived from de, the ancient 2nd person pl. stem, VT49:50-51). Stressed (VT49:51), dual let *“the two of you” (ibid.). At certain points in Tolkien’s conception, le was still sg. “thou” rather than pl. “you”. It is attested as an ending in the imperative form antalë *"give thou" (VT43:17); see anta-. The form ólë in VT43:29 apparently means *"with thee"; according to Tolkien’s later system, it would rather mean “with you” (pl.) Compare aselyë “with thee” (sg.) in a later source (see as).

(1) noun “way” = “method, manner” (“as in that is not A’s way”). Not to be confused with as a stressed form of le = plural “you”; Tolkien was himself dissatisfied with this clash (PE17:74).

(2) prep. “with” (PE17:95)

- ending forming nouns that "seem properly to have been universal and abstract" (VT39:16, in which source Tolkien is actually commenting on the prehistoric form -lē, but - is its Quenya descendant)

lehta- (1) vb. "loose, slacken" (LEK)

lehta (2) adj. "free, released" (VT39:17); #lehta tengwë "free element, released element", a term for "vowel" (only pl. lehta tengwi [ñ] is attested; we would rather expect *lehtë tengwi with the pl. form of the adjective) (VT39:17)

lélinë, pa.t. of lelya- #3

#lelta- vb. "send", attested in the past tense with pronominal suffixes: leltanelyes "you sent him" (VT47:21)

lelya- (1) vb. "go, proceed (in any direction), travel", pa.t. lendë / elendë (WJ:363, VT14:5, PE17:139) At one point Tolkien assigned a more specific meaning to the underlying root LED: “go away – from the speaker or the point in mind, depart” (PE17:52), which would make lelya- a near synonym of auta-. The same source denies that the derivatives of LED were used simply for “go, move, travel”, but elsewhere Tolkien assigns precisely that meaning to lelya-.

lelya (2) adj. “delicate, beautiful & fine, slender; lovely” (PE17:139, 151)

lelya- (3) vb. “appear, of beautiful things, hence attract, enchant (with dative)”, pa.t. lélinë (PE17:151)

lemba adj. "left behind" (LEB/LEM)

Lembi noun "Elves remaining behind" = Telerin Ilkorins (LEB/LEM, PE17:143). Sg. #Lembë. Also called Úamanyar.

lemen, alternative cardinal "five" (VT48:6, 20); the word normally appears as lempë, but compare lemenya below.

lemenya archaic ordinal adj. "fifth", replaced by lempëa (VT42:25)

lemnar noun "week" (of five days) (LEP/LEPEN/LEPEK). Compare enquië, otsola.

lempë cardinal "five" (LEP/LEPEN/LEPEK, GL:53, VT42:24, VT47:10, 24); lempëa ordinal "fifth", an analogical formation replacing older lemenya, in turn altered from the historically "correct" form lepenya because of analogy with the cardinal lempë "five" (VT42:25; Vanyarin Quenya maintained lepenya, VT42:26)

lemya- vb. "remain, tarry" (VT45:27)

lenca ("k") (1) adj. "slow" (LT2:341, cf. VT49:11)

lenca- ("k") (2) vb. "loose, slacken" (LEK. In the Etymologies as printed in LR, the misreading leuka [for lenka] appears; cf. VT45:27)

lenda (1) noun “journey” (PE17:60)

lenda- (2) vb. "linger" (VT45:27)

lendë vb. "left, went" (pa.t. of lelya- "go") (FS, LR:47, SD:310, WJ:362), or, according to the Etymologies, the pa.t. of lenna- "go" and lesta- "leave" (LED, ELED. In the Etymologies as printed in LR, lenna- was misread as "linna-"; see VT45:27)

lenémë prep. "with leave" (+ genitive: "with leave of") (SD:246)

lenga- vb. “behave” (called a “weak verb”) (PE17:74)

lengë noun “gesture, characteristic look, gesture or trait etc.” (PE17:74)

lenna- vb. "go", pa.t. lendë "went" (LED; cf. lelya-). In the Etymologies as printed in LR, the word lenna- wrongly appears as **linna-; see VT45:27.

lenu- vb. "stretch" (LT2:341)

[#lenta- vb. "send", attested in the past tense with pronominal suffixes: lentanelyes "you sent him". Changed by Tolkien to #lelta-, q.v. (VT47:22, 21)]

lenwa adj. "long and thin, straight, narrow" (LT2:341)

lenwë (1) noun “leaving, departure” (PE17:51)

Lenwë (2) noun the leader of the Nandor (Nandorin Denweg, primitive ¤Denwego) (WJ:412)

lenweta- vb. “go away, migrate, leave one’s abode”, pa.t. lenwentë (PE17:51)

lepenquë cardinal "fifteen" (VT48:21)

lepetta noun, a hard-wood tree growing in Gondor (Ithilien), Sindarin lebethron (PE17:89)

lepenya, see lempë

lepesta fraction "one fifth" (1/5), also lepsat (VT48:11)

lëo noun "shade, shadow cast by any object" (DAY)

lepecan ("k") noun "fourth finger" (counted from the thumb) (VT47:10, VT48:5), also lepentë

[lependë] noun "middle finger", also lepenel (VT47:10, VT48:15; struck out)

lepenel noun "middle finger", also [lependë] (VT47:10, VT48:5; lependë was struck out, VT48:15)

lepentë noun "fourth finger" (counted from the thumb) (VT48:5, 14, 15), also lepecan

leper (pl. leperi given) noun "finger" (VT44:16, VT47:10, 14, 24, VT48:5; an older source gives the word for "finger" as lepsë, q.v.)

lepetas noun "first or index finger" (VT47:10, VT48:5, 14). Stem lepetass- (pl. lepetassi, VT47:11) Also tassa.

lepinca ("k") noun "little finger" (VT47:10); variant lepincë (VT47:26, VT48:5)

lepincë ("k") noun "little finger" (VT47:26, VT48:5); variant lepinca (VT47:10). According to VT48:15, 18, lepincë is derived from older lepinki; if so the Quenya form should have the stem lepinci-.

lepsat fraction "one fifth" (1/5), also lepesta (VT48:11)

lepsë noun "finger" (LEP/LEPET; see leper). According to VT45:27, Tolkien derived lepsë from primitive ¤lepti; if so, lepsë should have the stem-form *lepsi-. However, Tolkien struck out the ancestral form lepti, so we cannot be sure whether this idea was maintained or not. In later sources, the word for "finger" appears as leper.

lepta- vb. "pick (up, out) with the fingers" (VT44:16, VT47:10), "[to] finger, feel with fingertips" (VT47:25)

leptafinya (also just finya) adj. “clever(-fingered)” (PE17:17)

leptenta- vb. *”point to/indicate with the finger“ (gloss suggested by Patrick Wynne) (VT49:24). Cf. tenta-, hententa-.

**lér noun "man" (NI1; hypothetical Q form of PQ dēr; the form actually used in Quenya was nér)

léra adj. noun "free", of persons (VT41:5)

lerembas noun “lembas” (waybread of the Elves) (PE17:52); in a later source, the Quenya word for lembas is however given as coimas, q.v.

lerina adj. "free" of things: not guarded, reserved, made fast, or "owned" (VT41:5)

lerya- vb. "release, set free, let go"; negated avalerya- "bind, make fast, restrain, deprive of liberty" (VT41:5, 6)

lerta- vb. "can" in the sense "be free to do", being under no restraint (physical or other). Lertan quetë "I can speak (because I am free to do so, there being no obstacle of promise, secrecy, or duty)". Where the absence of a physical restraint is considered, this verb can be used in much the same sense as pol- (VT41:6)

lesta- (1) vb. "leave", pa.t. lendë (which is also the pa.t. of lelya-, q.v.) (ELED)

#lesta (2) noun “measure”, only attested in the instrumental case: lestanen "in measure" (FS). The name Lestanórë (q.v.) may contain a distinct noun #lesta “fence” or “girdle”.

Lestanórë place-name "Doriath", gen. Lestanórëo (WJ:369). If this name means the same as the Sindarin name Doriath, “Land of the Fence”, #lesta ought to mean “fence” here (but it is obviously not a cognate of the Sindarin term iâth “fence”).It may mean “girdle”; compare Sindarin Lest Melian as a name of the Girdle of Melian (WJ:225, 228), suggesting*“Girdle-land” as the meaning of Lestanórë.

leuca (1) noun "snake" (Appendix E)

**leuca ("k") (2) a misreading for lenca (q.v.) that appears in the Etymologies as printed in LR; cf. VT45:27.

lev- verb “move” (intransitive) (PE16:132)

-li partitive pl. ending (simply called a plural suffix in the Etymologies, stem LI). The ending is used to indicate a plural that is neither generic (e.g. Eldar “the Elves” as a race) nor definite (preceded by article); hence Eldali is used for “some Elves” (a particular group of Elves, when they are first mentioned in a narrative, VT49:8). Sometimes Tolkien also lets -li imply a great number; in PE17:129, the form falmalinnar from Namárië is broken down as falma-li-nnar “foam wave-many-towards-pl. ending”, and falmali by itself Tolkien translated “many waves” (PE17:73). A distinct accusative in -seems to occur in the phrase an i falmalī (PE17:127, apparently meaning the same as i falmalinnar, but replacing the allative ending with a preposition). Genitive -lion in vanimálion, malinornélion (q.v. for reference), allative -linna and -linnar in falmalinnar, q.v. The endings for other cases are only known from the Plotz letter: possessive -líva, dative -lin, locative -lissë or -lissen, ablative -lillo or -lillon, instrumental -línen, "short locative" -lis. When the noun ends in a consonant, r and n is assimilated before l, e.g. Casalli as the partitive pl. of Casar “Dwarf” (WJ:402), or elelli as the partitive pl. of elen “star” (PE17:127). It is unclear whether the same happens in monosyllabic words, or whether a connecting vowel would be slipped in before -li (e.g. ?queneli or ?quelli as the partitive pl. of quén, quen- “person”).

li-, lin- a multiplicative prefix (LT1:269)

lia noun "fine thread, spider filament" (SLIG).

lia- vb. "twine" (LT1:271)

liantassë noun "vine" (LT1:271)

liantë (1) noun "spider" (SLIG), in earlier sources ascribed other meanings:(2) liantë "tendril" (LT1:271) and (3) “vine” (PE14:55, cf. liantassë elsewhere)

líco ("k") noun "wax" (Markirya comments, MC:223). The related noun lícuma "candle" suggests that líco has the stem-form lícu-.

lícuma ("k") noun "taper, candle"

lië noun "people" (LI, Narqelion, VT39:6), in Eldalië, losselië, Ornelië (q.v.); possessive #liéva in Mindon Eldaliéva (q.v.); maybe also compounded in #rohtalië, #ruhtalië (q.v.)

lil adverbial particle "more" (PE14:80)

lillassëa adj. "having many leaves", pl. lillassië in Markirya (ve tauri lillassië, lit. *"like many-leaved forests", is translated "like leaves of forests" in MC:215). The lil- element is clearly an assimilated form of lin-, # 1, q.v.

-lillo or -lillon ending for partitive pl. ablative (Plotz); see –li

lilómëa adj. “very dark, full of darkness” (PE17:81)

lilótëa adj. "having many flowers" (VT42:18)

lilta- vb. "dance" (LILT, Narqelion)

limba noun "a drop" (LIB1)

limbë (1) adj. (stem limbi-, given primitive form ¤lĭmbĭ) “quick, swift” (PE17:18)

limbë (2) adj. "many", probably obsoleted by #1 above (LT2:342)

#limë (stem *limi-) noun "link", isolated from málimë, q.v.

limil noun “chain” (QL:54)

limpa adj. “frail, slender and drooping” (PE17:168)

limpë noun "(wine), drink of the Valar" (LIP), cf. the early "Qenya" gloss "drink of the fairies" (LT1:258)

lin, lind- noun "a musical sound" (Letters:308), "melody" (LT1:258). Compare lindë.

lin- (1) (prefix) "many" (LI), seen in lindornëa, lintyulussëa; assimilated lil- in lillassëa.

[lin- (2) vb. "sing" (GLIN, struck out)]

linda adj. "fair, beautiful" (of sound) (SLIN, LIND; VT45:27), “soft, gentle, light” (PE16:96), “beautiful, sweet, melodious of sound(PE17:150); for Linda as a noun, see Lindar.

lindalë noun "music". Cf. Ainulindalë "Music of the Ainur". (The word is cited as lindelë in the printed Etymologies, entry LIN2, but according to VT45:27, this is a misreading for lindalë in Tolkien's manuscript.) The word lindalë may argue the existence of a verbal stem #linda- "sing, make music".

Lindar noun "Singers" (sg. Linda), what the Teleri called themselves (WJ:380, MR:349, UT:253, 286). It seems that Lindar is also interpreted "the Beautiful" (cf. the common adj. linda "fair, beautiful"), but this interpretation apparently belongs primarily to Tolkien's earlier conception, when Lindar was the name of the First Clan, the name of which he revised to Vanyar (similarly meaning "the Fair"). Adj. Lindarin = Telerin (but Tolkien of course held it to be = Vanyarin when the First Clan, the later Vanyar, were still called Lindar – before he decided to apply this name to the third clan, the Teleri) (TĀ/TA3)

lindë noun "air, tune, singing, song" (SA:gond, (LIN2, [GLIN]); lindelorendor "music-dream-land"; see laurelindórenan lindelorendor... (LotR2:III ch. 4, cf. Letters:308). Also compare lindi- in lindimaitar, q.v. (but the other compounds here cited do not give a lindë a stem-form lindi-).

lindë- vb. ?"sing" (LT1:258; in LotR-style Quenya lir- or #linda-)

lindelë noun "music" (LIN2, LT1:258 – lindalë in Ainulindalë). According to VT45:27, lindelë in the printed Etymologies (entry LIN2) is a misreading for lindalë in Tolkien's manuscript.

lindelëa adj. "melodious" (LT1:258)

Lindi pl. noun: what the Green-elves (Laiquendi, Nandor) called themselves; also used in Exilic Quenya (WJ:385)

lindimaitar noun “composer, musician” (PE17:163). Compare lindë, maitar.

Lindissë fem.name, perhaps lin- (root of words having to do with song/music) + (n)dissë "woman" (see nís). (UT:210)

lindo noun "singer, singing bird" (LIN2)

Lindon, Lindónë noun "Lindon", place-name (WJ:385)

lindórëa ??? (Narqelion)

Lindórië fem. name, perhaps *"She that arises in beauty" (compare Melkor "He that arises in Might") (Silm). Cf. linda.

lindornëa adj. "having many oak-trees" (DÓRON, LI)

línë noun "cobweb" (SLIG). Since Tolkien eventually decided that roots in sl- yield Quenya words in hl- (though this was pronounced l- in late Exilic Quenya), it may be that the spelling *hlínë is to be preferred.

-línen ending for partitive pl. instrumental (Plotz); see -li

linga- vb. "hang, dangle" (LING/GLING, VT45:15, 27)

linganer vb. in past tense? "hummed like a harp-string" (MC:216; this is "Qenya")

lingë noun “musical sound” (PE16:96)

lingwë (stem *lingwi-, given the primitive form ¤liñwi) noun "fish" (LIW)

lingwilócë ("k") noun "fish-dragon, sea-serpent" (LOK)

**linna, a misreading for lenna- (q.v.) that appears in the Etymologies as printed in LR. See VT45:27.

-linnar see -li

linquë ("q") (1) adj. "wet" (LINKWI). In early "Qenya", this word was glossed "water" (LT1:262), and "wet" was linqui or liquin, q.v.

linquë (2) noun *"grass, reed" (J.R.R. Tolkien: Artist & Illustrator p. 199, note 34)

linquë (3) noun “hyacinth” (plant, not jewel) (PE17:62). The wording in the source is not altogether clear; it is said that the word lassë (leaf) “would not e.g. be used of leaf of a hyacinth (linque)”. If linquë is not the term for a hyacinth, it must refer to the kind of leaf a hyacinth has. Compare #2 above.

linqui ("q") adj. "wet" (MC:216; Tolkien's later Quenya has linquë.)

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