Quettaparma Quenyallo

linta adj. "swift"; pl. lintë

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linta adj. "swift"; pl. lintë attested (PE17:63. Nam, RGEO:66) Cf. lintië.

lintië noun “swiftness, speed” derived from linta; also used as adverb “quickly”, nornë lintië “he ran with swiftness”, also more explicitly with pronominal suffixes and the instrumental ending -nen: lintieryanen “with his speed” (PE17:58)

lintitinwë adj. "having many stars" (LT1:269)

lintulinda, lintulindova *"many-???", *"swift-???" (Narqelion)

lintyulussëa adj. "having many poplars" (LI)

linya noun "pool" (LIN1)

linyenwa adj. "old, having many years" (YEN)

-lion ending for partitive pl. genitive (Plotz); see -li

lipil noun "little glass" (LT1:258)

lipsa noun "soap" (LIB2)

liptë- vb. "to drip" (LT1:258; rather *lipta- in Tolkien's later Quenya?)

liquin ("q") adj. "wet" (LT1:262; Tolkien's later Quenya has linquë.)

liquis ("q") noun "transparence" (LT1:262)

-lin ending for partitive pl. dative (Plotz); see -li

-linna or -linnar ending for partitive pl. allative (Plotz); see -li

lir- vb. "to chant" (1st pers. aorist lirin "I chant, I sing") (LIR1, GLIR)

lir' ??? (Narqelion)

lírë noun "song", stem #líri- in the instrumental form lírinen "in [the] song" or *"by [the] song" (Nam, RGEO:67)

lirilla noun "lay, song" (LT1:258)

lirit noun "poem" (LT1:258)

lirulin noun "lark" (MR:238, 262), changed from aimenel, aimenal

lís (“lîs”) noun “honey”, “oblique līr- but usually from stem liss-“ (PE17:154). Compare the reading in the Etymologies: lis (liss-, e.g. dat.sg. lissen) (LIS; Tolkien originally wrote lissë, VT45:28)

liscë ("k") noun "reed, sedge" (LT2:335)

lissë adj. "sweet" (Nam, RGEO:66); also noun "sweetness", used metaphorically for "grace" (VT43:29, VT44:18); in this sense the word may be compounded as #Erulissë, q.v. Genitive lissëo in VT44:18. - In the entry LIS in the Etymologies, Tolkien originally gave lissë as the noun "honey", but then changed it to lis with stem liss- (VT45:28)

-lissë or -lissen ending for partitive pl. locative (Plotz); see -li

litsë noun "sand" (LIT)

-líva ending for partitive pl. possessive (Plotz); see -li

lívë noun "sickness" (SLIW). Since Tolkien eventually decided that roots in sl- yield Quenya words in hl- (though this was pronounced l- in late Exilic Quenya), it may be that the spelling *hlívë is to be preferred.

liyúmë noun "host" (VT48:32)

-llë (1) “one of several suffixes indicating feminine agent”, as in Tintallë “kindler” vs. the verb tinta- “to kindle”. In the source (PE17:69) Tolkien noted that -llë was little used because of the clash with the pronominal ending -llë (see #2 below), but the latter ending was later revised.

-llë (2) abandoned pronominal ending “you”, 2nd person pl. (VT49:48); Tolkien later revised this ending to -ldë.

-llo (1) “ablative adverbial suffix” (PE17:72) implying "from" or "out of", as in sindanóriello "out of a grey land", Rómello "from the East" (Nam), Mardello *"from Earth" (FS), ulcullo "from evil" (VT43:12), sillumello "from this hour" (VT44:35), yello *"from whom" (VT47:21), Manwello *”from Manwë” (VT49:24), Melcorello / Melkorello “from Melkor” (VT49:7, 24). Pl. -llon (so in Plotz) or -llor (in illon, elenillor, raxellor, elendellor, q.v.); dual -lto (Plotz). A shorter form of the ablative ending, -lo, apparently occurs in the words silo “hence” and talo “from there”, q.v. In the Etymologies, Tolkien cited the Quenya ablative ending as -ello, evidently including the connecting vowel -e- that may be inserted when the ending is added to a word ending in a consonant (VT45:28), compare Melcorello. See also , lo #2.

[-llo (2) “you”, dual; abandoned pronominal ending. Also written -illo. (VT49:49)]

-lma pronominal ending “our”, 1st person pl. exclusive (VT49:16), also attested (with the genitive ending -o that displaces final -a) in the word omentielmo "of our meeting" (nominative omentielma, PE17:58). Tolkien emended omentielmo to omentielvo in the Second Edition of LotR, reflecting a revision of the Quenya pronominal system (cf. VT49:38, 49, Letters:447). The cluster -lm- in the endings for inclusive "we/our" was altered to -lv- (VT43:14). In the revised system, -lma should apparently signify exclusive "our".

-lmë 1st person pl. pronominal ending: "we" (VT49:38; 51 carilmë *”we do”, VT49:16). It was originally intended to be inclusive "we" (VT49:48), including the person(s) spoken to, but by 1965 Tolkien made this the ending for exclusive "we" instead (cf. the changed definition of the corresponding possessive ending -lma, see above). (VT49:38) Exemplified in laituvalmet "we shall bless them" (lait-uva-lme-t "bless-shall-we-them") (the meaning apparently changed from inclusive to exclusive “we”, VT49:55), see also nalmë under # 1. (LotR3:VI ch. 4, translated in Letters:308)

-lmo “we (two)”, abandoned pronominal ending for the 1st person dual inclusive (later revised by Tolkien to -ngwë). This -lmo was listed as an alternative to -ngo (VT49:48).

-lto ending for dual ablative (Plotz)

(1) noun "night, a night" (DO3/DŌ, VT45:28)

, lo (2) prep. “from”, also used = “by” introducing the agent after a passive construction: nahtana ló Turin *“slain by Túrin” (VT49:24). A similar and possibly identical form is mentioned in the Etymologies as being somehow related to the ablative ending -llo, but is not there clearly defined (VT45:28). At one point, Tolkien suggested that lo rather than the ending -llo was used with proper names (lo Manwë rather than Manwello for “from Manwë”), but this seems to have been a short-lived idea (VT49:24).

loa, noun literally "growth", used of a solar year (= coranar) when seasonal changes are considered (Appendix D; in PM:126 loa is translated "time of growth". Pl. loar, or "löar", in MR:426) The form loa is also mentioned as the hypothetical Quenya cognate of Sindarin ("swampy"), but precisely because it clashed with loa "year", this Quenya cognate was not in use (VT42:10)

loar noun “(golden) blossom” (not to be confused with the pl. form of loa). Also lávar. (PE17:159)

loc- ("lok-") verb? noun? "bend, loop". (May be a primitive stem rather than Quenya.) (SA:lok)

lócë ("k") noun "dragon, snake, serpent, drake", older hlócë ("k") (SA:lok-, LT2:340, LOK; in the Etymologies the word is followed by "-ī", whatever that is supposed to mean)

locta- ("k") vb. "sprout, put forth leaves or flowers" (LT1:258; this would have to become *lohta- in LotR-style Quenya, but later forms like losta- "to bloom" and tuia- "to sprout, spring" are to be preferred.)

loctë ("k") noun "blossom (of flowers in bunches or clusters)" (LT1:258; this would have to become *lohtë in LotR-style Quenya)

loëndë noun *"year-middle", the middle (183rd) day of the year, inserted between the months of Nárië and Cermië (June and July) in the Númenórean calendar and the Steward's Reckoning (Appendix D)

*lohta- see locta-

*lohtë see loctë

loi- prefix denoting mistaken doing (PE17:151), cf. loicarë, loiparë, loiquetë

loica (“k”) adj. “failing, short, inadequate etc.” (PE17:151)

loicarë (“k”) noun “mistaken action” (PE17:151)

loico noun "corpse, dead body" (so in Markirya; Etym also has quelet of similar meaning)

loicolícuma noun "corpse-candle" (Markirya)

[Loicorin], possibly a synonym of Ilcorin, q.v. (VT45:29)

loima noun “a mistake” (PE17:151)

loiparë noun “a mistake in writing” (PE17:151). Cf. parma.

loiquetë noun “a mistake in speech” (PE17:151)

loita- vb. “miss, fail, fall short of” (transitive). (PE17:151)

lom- vb. "hide" (LT1:255; given in the form lomir "I hide"; read *lomin if the word is to be adapted to LotR-style Quenya.)

lomba adj. or noun "secret" (LT1:255)

lómë noun "dusk, twilight", also "night"; according to SD:415, the stem is lómi- (contrast the "Qenya" genitive lómen rather than **lómin in VT45:28). According to PE17:152, lómë refers to ‘night’ “when viewed favourably, as a rule, but it became the general rule” (cf. SD:414-415 regarding lōmi as an Adûnaic loan-word based on lómë, meaning “fair night, a night of stars” with “no connotations of gloom or fear”). In the battle-cry auta i lómë “the night is passing” (Silm. ch. 20), the “night” would however seem to refer metaphorically to the reign of Morgoth. As for the gloss, cf. Lómion masc. name "Child of Twilight [dusk]", the Quenya name Aredhel secretly gave to Maeglin (SA). Otherwise lómë is usually defined as "night" (Letters:308, LR:41, SD:302 cf.414-15, SA:dú); the Etymologies defines lómë as "Night [as phenomenon], night-time, shades of night, Dark" (DO3/DŌ, LUM, DOMO, VT45:28), or "night-light" (VT45:28, reading of lómë uncertain). In early "Qenya" the gloss was "dusk, gloom, darkness" (LT1:255). Cf. lómelindë pl. lómelindi "nightingale" (SA:dú, LR:41; SD:302, MR:172, DO3/DŌ, LIN2, TIN). Derived adjective #lómëa "gloomy" in Lómëanor "Gloomyland"; see Taurelilómëa-tumbalemorna...

#lómëa adj. "gloomy"; see Taurelilómëa-tumbalemorna...

lómëar noun "child of gloom" (pl. evidently Lómëarni) (LT1:255, 259)

lómi noun "clouds" (MC:214; this is "Qenya"; in LotR-style Quenya it would evidently be the pl. of lómë)

lómin noun "shade, shadow" (LT1:255)

lón, lónë (pl. lóni given) noun "deep pool", "river-[?feeding] well" (the second gloss was not certainly legible). A rejected paragraph in Tolkien's manuscript defined the word as "deep pool or lake" (VT48:28, PE17:137)

lóna (1) noun "pool, mere" (VT42:10). Variant of lón, lónë above?

lóna (2) noun "island, remote land difficult to reach" (LONO (AWA) ). Obsoleted by #1 above?

[lóna (3) unused adj., a form Tolkien mentioned as the hypothetical Quenya cognate of Sindarin loen, Telerin logna adj. "soaking wet" (VT42:10), but this cognate was not in use because it clashed with #1 above. At this point, Tolkien may seem to have forgotten lóna #2.]

?lóna (4) adj. "dark" (DO3/DŌ). If this is to be the cognate of "Noldorin"/Sindarin dûr, as the context seems to indicate, lóna is likely a misreading for *lóra in Tolkien's manuscript.

[londa noun "path"], changed by Tolkien to londë noun "road (in sea)" (VT45:28)

londë noun "land-locked haven" (cf. #lóndië “harbourage”), “gulf” (TI:423). In Alqualondë "Swan-haven" (SA), "Haven of Swan" (VT45:28), Hirilondë ship-name "Haven-finder" (UT:192). In the Etymologies, londë is glossed "road (in sea), entrance to harbour" (LOD) and also "fairway" (VT45:28), i.e. a navigable channel for ships. In VT42:10, where the stem is given as LON rather than LOD, the gloss is simply "haven".

#londië noun “harbourage” (PE17:28)

lor- "to slumber" (LT1:259; the corresponding abstract noun lórë "slumber" is attested in Tolkien's later Quenya, so this verb must still be valid). Cf. also lor "dream" (Letters:308; probably just an Elvish "element" rather than a complete word)

-lóra ending "-less, without", as in ómalóra "voiceless" (VT45:28)

#lóralya adj. "asleep" (VT14:5; this is "Qenya"; in Tolkien's later Quenya rather lorna)

lorda adj. "drowsy, slumbrous" (LT1:259)

lórë noun "slumber" (LOS), “dream” (PE17:80)

Lórellin place-name, the lake where the Valië Estë sleeps; apparently meaning *"Dream-lake" or *"Slumber-lake" (Silm)

Lórien (from lor-, q.v.), place-name also used as the name of a Vala, properly the place where he dwells, whereas his real name is Irmo (WJ:402, LOS (ÓLOS, SPAN) ). Alternative forms Lorien (with a short o) and Lorion, MR:144.

lorna adj. "asleep" (LOS)

lós (þ?) noun “flower” (PE17:26). If this is to be the cognate of Sindarin loth, as the source suggests, the older Quenya form would be *þ.

[losca, loxa adj. “brown of hair” (PE17:155)]

lossë (1) noun "snow" or adj. "snow-white" (SA:los, MC:213, VT42:18); losselië noun "white people" (MC:216, PE16:96)

lossë (2) noun "blossom" ("usually, owing to association with olosse snow, only used of white blossom") (LOT(H) )

lossëa adj. "snow-white" (so in VT42:18; this would be an adjective derived from lossë "snow", but elsewhere, Tolkien implies that lossë itself can also be used as an adjective "snow-white"; see lossë #1 above)

losselië noun "white people" (MC:216, PE16:96)

losta- vb. "to bloom" (VT42:18)

lótë noun "flower", mostly applied to larger single flowers (LOT(H), LT1:259, VT42:18). (The shorter form -lot occurs in compounds, e.g. fúmellot, q.v.) In the names Ninquelóte *"White-flower" (= Nimloth), Vingilótë "Foam-flower", the name of Eärendil's ship (SA:loth), also in Lótessë fifth month of the year, "May" (Appendix D). See also olótë, lotsë.

lótefalmarínen inflected compound "with waves crowned with flowers" (MC:220; this is "Qenya")

lotsë noun "small single flower" (VT42:18)

[loxa , losca adj. “brown of hair” (PE17:155)]

loxë (1) ("ks") noun "hair" (LOK). In later sources Tolkien uses findë, findessë, findilë for "hair", leaving the conceptual status of loxë uncertain.

loxë (2) noun "bunch, cluster" (QL:55). Perhaps compare #1.

-lta (and -ltya), 3rd person pl. pronominal possessive suffix “their”, alternating with -nta/-ntya in Tolkien’s writings (VT49:16, 17), just as the ending -ltë “they” also has the variant -ntë. According to VT49:17, the ending -lta or -ltya will appear as -ilta, -iltya following a consonant; other sources rather point to -e- as the connecting vowel in such cases (VT49:17).

-ltë, 3rd person pl. pronominal suffix, “they” (VT49:51; cariltë “they do”, VT49:16, 17). It alternates with -ntë in Tolkien’s manuscripts (VT49:17, 57). In his early material, the ending also appears as -lto, occurring in Fíriel's Song (meldielto "they are beloved" and cárielto "they made"), also in LT1:114: tulielto "they have come" (cf. VT49:57). Compare -lta, -ltya as the ending for “their”.

-lto, “Qenya” pronominal ending “they”; see -ltë

noun "a time, occasion" (LU)

#lucando (also #lucindo) noun "debtor, one who trespasses" (VT43:20; the words are attested in the plural: lucandor, lucindor).

#lucassë noun "debt, trespass" (VT43:19, attested in the pl. with a pronominal suffix: lucassemmar "our trespasses")

lúcë ("k") noun "enchantment" (LUK)

#lucië noun "debt, trespass" (VT43:19, attested in the pl. with a pronominal suffix: luciemmar "our trespasses")

#lucindo, see #lucando

luhta- (1) vb. "to enchant" (LUK, VT45:29)

luhta- (2) vb. "to bow" (VT47:35); this intransitive verb can be distinguished from luhta- "enchant" above, since #1 is transitive and will always have a direct object, something #2 never has.

[#luhta (3) noun "debt, trespass" (VT43:19, attested in the pl. form luhtar, but deleted by Tolkien)]

luimë noun "flood" (VT48:23, 30; the additional glosses "floodwater, flooded land" were struck out, VT48:30), "flood, high tide" (VT48:24, 30). According to VT48:30, partially illegible glosses in Tolkien's manuscript may also suggest that luimë can be used for any tide, or for the spring tide (the maximum tide just after a new or full moon).

[luina] adj. "pale" (VT45:30)

luinë adj. "blue", pl. luini (PE17:66, VT48:23, 24, 28, Nam, RGEO:66). Common Eldarin luini- would also be the stem-form in Quenya (VT48:24). Compare *luinincë. Apparently -luin in Illuin, the name of one of the Lamps of the Valar (q.v.), Helluin, name of the star Sirius, and Luinil, name of another blue-shining star (or planet). (SA; Luinil is tentatively identified with Neptune, MR:435). Cf. also menelluin *"sky-blue", used as noun = "cornflower" (J.R.R. Tolkien: Artist & Illustrator p. 193).

*luinincë (luininci-) ("k") adj. "bluish". The form is given as "luininki" with the last vowel marked as short; this would be the etymological form underlying Quenya *luinincë (VT48:18)

luita- vb. "to flood" (VT48:22), "to flood, inundate, drench" (VT48:30; the latter glosses come from a note that was struck out)

lúlë noun "sapphire" (QL:57)

lumba (1) adj. "weary" (VT45:29)

lumba (2) adj. “gloomy” (PE17:72)

Lumbar name of a star (or planet), tentatively identified with Saturn (MR:435), evidently connected to lumbo, lumbulë (Silm)

lumbë noun "gloom, shadow" (LUM)

lumbo noun "cloud" (pl. lumbor in Markirya), also glossed “gloom; dark, shade” (PE17:72, 168). In early "Qenya", lumbo was glossed "dark lowering cloud" (LT1:259)

lumbulë noun "(heavy) shadow" (Nam, RGEO:67, PE17:168)

lúmë (1) noun "time" (LU, PE17:168) or "hour", locative lúmessë (VT43:34), pl. locative lúmissen “at the times” (VT49:47), allative lúmenna "upon the hour", elided lúmenn' in the greeting elen síla lúmenn' omentielvo "a star shines upon the hour of our meeting", because the next word begins with a similar vowel. The complete form lúmenna omentielvo is found in WJ:367 and Letters:425 (footnote). Cf. also the compounds lumenyárë and lúmequenta, q.v.; see also #sillumë.

lúmë (2) noun "darkness" (one wonders if Tolkien confused lúmë "time, hour" and lómë "night") (Markirya)

lumenyárë noun "history, chronological account" (NAR2 - read *lúmenyárë?) According to VT45:36, the manuscript spelling actually seems to be lumennyáre, but Hostetter and Wynne conclude that this is "probably a slip": The double nn would be difficult to justify.

lúmequenta ("q") noun "history, chronological account" (LU)

lúmequentalë ("q") noun "history" (LU, KWET). According to VT45:29, the accent marking the ú as a long vowel is actually missing in the entry LU in Tolkien's original Etymologies manuscript; yet it is apparently included both in the entry KWET and in the related words lúmequenta and lúmequentalëa; its omission in the entry LU is therefore probably just a slip.

lúmequentalëa ("q") adj. "historical" (LU)

lumna adj. "lying heavy, burdensome, oppressive, ominous" (DUB).

lumna- stative vb. "be heavy" (LR:47, SD:310; cf. lumna- "to lie heavy" in the Etymologies, stem DUB-). A form lúvë was mentioned in connection with this verb, possibly a strong past tense form directly derived from the root DUB- (primitive *dūbē), but Tolkien struck it out (VT45:11).

lún adj.??? a word of obscure meaning, perhaps "deep" as used of water (VT48:28)

lúna adj. *“dark” in Lúnaturco and Taras Lúna, Quenya names of Barad-dûr (Dark Tower). (PE17:22). In the Etymologies, lúnë “blue” was changed by Tolkien from lúna (VT45:29).

[lúna] (2), see lúnë

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