Quettaparma Quenyallo

miqu- vb. "to kiss", the pa.t. minquë

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miqu- vb. "to kiss", the pa.t. minquë ("q") is cited, not to be confused with the cardinal minquë "eleven" (QL:61). Also miquë ("q") noun "a kiss". Old plural form miquilis ("q") "kisses" (MC:215; this is "Qenya")

miquelis (miquelis(s)-) noun “soft, sweet kiss” (PE16:96)

mir (1) prep. with old allative ending "to the inside, into" (also minna) (MI). This is mi "in" with the same allative ending -r (from primitive ¤-da) as in tar "thither", q.v.

mir (2) cardinal "one" (LT1:260; in LotR-style Quenya rather minë)

mírë noun "jewel" (MIR, SA:mîr), “a treasure, a precious thing” (PE17:37). Cf. Elemmírë; short form -mir in Tar-Atanamir (SA:mîr); see also Artamir.

Míriel noun *"Jewel-woman" or *“Jewel-daughter” (Silm), genitive Míriello (see namna) indicating a stem-form #Míriell-.

miril (mirill-, as in pl. mirilli) noun "shining jewel" (MBIRIL)

mirilya- vb. "glitter" (MBIRIL)

mírima adj. “very valuable” (PE17:37)

mirima adj. "free" (MIS). (“Free” is rather expressed as léra in Tolkien’s later Quenya; mirima would be prone to confusion with mírima above.)

Mirimor noun *"the Free", a name of the Teleri; sg. #Mirimo (MIS)

mirroanwi "incarnates, those (spirits) 'put into flesh' "; sg. *mirroanwë (MR:350, VT48:34)

miruvor, full form miruvórë noun "mead", "a special wine or cordial"; possessive miruvóreva "of mead" (Nam, RGEO:66; WJ:399). In the "Qenya Lexicon", miruvórë was defined "nectar, drink of the Valar" (LT1:261).

mirwa adj. “precious, valuable” (PE17:37)

mírya adj. “beautiful” (of work of art only) (PE17:165)

mis adverbial particle "less" (PE14:80)

mísë (þ, cf. Sindarin mith-) adj. “grey” (used as noun of grey clothes in the phrase mi mísë of someone clad “in grey”). The underlying stem refers a paler or whiter “grey” than sinda, making mísë “a luminous grey” (PE17:71-72)

misil (changed by Tolkien from misilya) noun *"silver (jewel-like) brilliance" (VT27:20, 27; this is "Qenya", but cf. mísë.)

[missë] adj. or noun "wet, damp, rain" (VT45:35)

mista adj. "grey"; see lassemista

mista- vb. "stray about" (MIS)

mistë noun "fine rain" (MIZD, VT45:35)

mitra, see mitsa

mitsa adj. "small" (VT45:35) Another synonym from the same source, mitra, looks unusual for a Quenya word (because of the medial cluster tr)

mitta- (1) vb. "insert" (VT43:30)

mitta- (2) prep. "between" (VT43:30; the final hyphen may suggest that suffixes would normally follow)

mitta (3) noun "piece" (VT45:81)

mitta (4) prep. "inwards, [?into]" (Tolkien’s gloss is not certainly legible). Also minta. (VT45:34)

Mittalmar noun the "Midlands" of Númenor (UT:165). May incorporate mitta- "between" and hence *"in the middle".

mittanya- vb. "to lead" (+ allative: lead into) (VT43:10, 22; Tolkien may have abandoned this form in favour of tulya-)

mitya adj. "interior" (MI)

miulë noun "whining, mewing" (MIW)

mixa ("ks") adj. "wet" (MISK); later sources have néna, nenya

-mma “our”, 1st person dual exlusive possessive ending: *“my and one other’s” (VT49:16). At an earlier conceptual phase, Tolkien apparently intended the same ending to be plural inclusive “our” (VT49:55, RS:324), cf. Mélamarimma “Our Home” (q.v.) In the latter word, Tolkien slips in i as a connecting vowel before this ending; elsewhere he used e, as in Átaremma “our Father” (see atar).

-mmë “we”, 1st person dual exclusive pronominal ending: *“I and one other” (compare the inclusive dual form -ngwë or -nquë). First written -immë in one source (VT49:57). Carimmë, *“the two of us do” (VT49:16, cf. VT43:6). At an earlier conceptual stage, the ending was already exclusive, but plural rather than dual: vammë "we won't" (WJ:371), firuvammë "we will die" (VT43:34), etemmë ?"out of us" (VT43:36); see also VT49:48, 49, 55. Also compare the corresponding emphatic pronoun emmë (q.v.). The ending -lmë replaced -mmë in its former (plural exclusive) sense. In some early material, -mmë was apparently used as an ending for plural inclusive “we” (VT49:55).

[-mmo “we (two)”, abandoned pronominal suffix for the 1st person dual exclusive, which ending Tolkien later revised to -mmë (VT49:48).]

mo, indefinite pronoun "one, someone, anyone" (VT42:34, VT49:19, 20, 26)

-mo ending frequent in names and titles, sometimes with an agental significance (WJ:400)

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