ancanoun "jaws, row of teeth" (ÁNAK [there spelt anca in Etym as printed in LR, but according to VT45:5, Tolkien's own spelling in the Etym manuscript was anka], NAK [there spelt anka], Appendix E, SA - despite what Christopher Tolkien says in the entry anca in SA, the Quenya word anca as such does NOT appear in the Sindarin dragon-name Ancalagon, but its Sindarin cognate anc does. See ÁNAK in the Etymologies.) Also name of tengwa #15 (Appendix E). Despite its English gloss, anca is a singular word (in Etym the gloss is indeed "jaw", not "jaws").
Ancalënoun ("k") "radiant one" or "radiance" = Sun (KAL, VT45:5, 18). In the pre-classical Tengwar system presupposed in the Etymologies, Ancalë was the name of letter #7 (VT45:18), which tengwa Tolkien would later call anga instead – changing its Quenya value from nc to ng. - Another source (VT45:36) cites the word for "radiance, Sun" as incalë("k"), but the form Ancalë is probably to be preferred.