culumaldanoun: a kind of tree (evidently orange-tree, culuma + alda) (SA:mal-)
Culúrien another name of Laurelin; apparently derived from the stem KUL- "golden-red" (Silm; LR:365)
culuvai("k") ??? (Narqelion)
cúma("k") noun "the Void" (KUM, (GAS) )
cumbë("k") noun "mound, heap" (KUB)
cumna("k") adj. "empty" (KUM)
cúna("k") 1) adj. "bent, curved", from which is derived 2) cúna- vb. "bend", occurring with a- prefix (changed by Tolkien from a na-prefix) in Markirya. Here cúna- is intransitive; we do not know whether it can also be transitive "bend".
cundonoun "guardian" (PM:260), “lord” (PE17:117)
†cundu("k") noun "prince" (KUNDŪ; the "†" indicating that this word is poetic or archaic was omitted in the Etymologies as printed in LR; see VT45:24). Cf. condo.
cúnë("k") noun "crescent, bow" (LT1:271). Cf. cú.
cunta, also cunya, vb. (or less likely noun) “rule” (PE17:117)
curo (curu-) noun "a skillful [?device - Tolkien's handwriting was illegible]". (VT41:10)
curunoun "skill" in names like Curufinwë (q.v.) and Sindarin Curufin, Curunir. (SA; possibly the same as curo, curu- above – but there was a word curu ["k"] in Tolkien's early "Qenya", glossed "magic, wizardry" [LT1:269]).
Curufinwë(so spelt in Silm; "Kurufinwë" in PM), masc. name *"Skillful Finwë", a name of Fëanor (PM:343); also the origin of the Sindarin name Curufin; Fëanor named his favourite son after himself. Short Quenya name Curvo. (PM:352)
Curumo masc. name *"Cunning One", "Saruman" (UT:401)
curuni("k") noun "witch" (of the good magic) (LT1:269)
curuvar("k") noun "wizard" (LT1:269 – but Gandalf, Saruman etc. were istari)