quanta- (2) vb. “fill” (PE17:68), cf. enquantuva “will refill” in Namárië. This verb seems to spring from a secondary use of the adjective quanta “full” as a verbal stem, whereas the synonym quat- (q.v.) is the original primary verb representing the basic root KWAT.
Quantariënoun "Day of Completion, Oldyear's Day" (PM:127) (= the quantien of the Etymologies)
quanta emma, quantemmanoun “facsimile”, a complete detailed visual reproduction (by any means) of a visible thing” (PE17:179), literally *”full picture”, cf. emma, q.v.
quantien("q") noun "last day of year" (YEN) or "full year" (VT46:23). The latter gloss also turns up in PM:quantien "full year" = yén, a period of 144 solar years (PM:126; pl. quantiéni, PM:127). Since the latter meaning comes from drafts for the LotR Appendices that did not make it into the published LotR, it is difficult to tell whether it is canonical.