úvanimonoun "monster (creature of Melko[r]) (BAN, LT1:272); pl. úvanimor "monsters" is attested (UGU/UMU, (GŪ). According to VT45:7, 16 Tolkien did not capitalize the word úvanimo, though it was so printed in the entries BAN and GŪ in the Etymologies as printed in LR. The (pl.) form húvanimorwas abandoned along with hú rather than ú- as a negative prefix, VT45:17.
úvënoun "abundance, great quantity" (UB). Compare úmë #2.
úvëaadj. "abundant, in very great number, very large" (UB). Compare úmëa.
úviënoun "considering a matter (with a view to decision)" (VT48:32) Not to be confused with the plural form of úvëa.
uxarënoun ”doing wrong” (PE17:151). Also uscarë. Cf. úcarë.
úyëvb., a form occurring in Fíriel's Song (cf. VT46:22), apparently ye "is" with the negative prefix ú-, hence "is not" (úyë sérë indo-ninya símen, translated "my hearth resteth not here", literally evidently *"[there] is not rest [for] my heart here")
vaprep. "from" (VT43:20; prefixed in the form var- in var-úra "from evil", VT43:24). In VT49:24, va, au and o are quoted as variants of the stem awa “away from”.
vá exclamation "I will not!" or "Do not!", interjection accompanied by a “jerk back of head” (PE17:145). It was inflected only in the 1st person sing. and 1st person pl. exclusive: ván, ványë "I won't!", vammë "we won't" (WJ:371, PE17:143; read *valmëin Second Edition Quenya, after Tolkien revised the pronominal suffixes in the sixties).
-va possessive ending, presumably related to the preposition va "from". In Eldaliéva, Ingoldova, miruvóreva, Oroméva, rómeva, Valinóreva (q.v. for references), Follondiéva, Hyallondiéva (see under turmen for references). Following a consonant, the ending instead appears as -wa (andamacilwa “of the long sword”, PE17:147, rómenwa *”of the East”, PE17:59). Pl. -vë when governing a plural word (from archaic -vai) (WJ:407), but it seems that -va was used throughout in late Exilic Quenya (cf. miruvórevagoverning the plural word yuldar in Namárië). Pl. -iva (-ivë), dual *-twa, partitive pl. -líva.