ceura("k"), probably adj. "renewed" (VT48:8). Also in the form ceurë(VT48:7), but ceura seems to be the form that would fit Tolkien's general principles best: there are many adjectives in -ra, whereas forms in -rë would normally be taken to be the plural form of such adjectives.
ceuran- ("k") noun "new moon" (compare Rána "moon"). The word is cited with a final hyphen, as if some final element is missing, but Rána could very well be reduced to -ran at the end of a compound. (VT48:7)
ceuranar("k") noun "new sun after solstice" (VT48:7), apparently a compound ceura or ceurë + anar, q.v.
ceurë("k") adj. "renewed" (emended from a noun ceura "renewal") (VT48:7). See ceura and compare ceuranar.
ceuta- ("k") vb. "renew, refresh" (VT48:7, 8)
céva("k") adj. "fresh, new" (VT48:7, 8)
cildë("k") pa.t. vb.? *"saw" (???) The phrase úri kilde hísen níe nienaite is translated "the Sun with wet eyes dropped tears of mist", literally perhaps something like *"the Sun saw (through) misty tears tearfully"??? (MC:221; this is "Qenya"; cf. cildo)