Quettaparma Quenyanna

hlápula is attested) –UT:446, LT1:265, MC:223, 222/LT1:257 STRETCH lenu-

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part. hlápula is attested) –UT:446, LT1:265, MC:223, 222/LT1:257

STRETCH lenu-; STRETCH OUT (intr.) *rahta- (reach) (Emended from the actual reading rakta; Tolkien later decided that kt became ht in Quenya) –LT1:341, 335

STREET mallëMBAL, LT1:263

STRENGTH túrë (mastery, might, victory), (physical strength:) tuoQL:95, TUG

STRENGTHENING antoryamë (used of various manipulations of a stem, such as lengthening vowels or consonants or turning a consonant or a vowel into a "blend" [see BLEND]) –VT:39:9

STRETCHED taina (elongated, lengthened, extended) –VT39:7 cf. TAY

STRIDER TelcontarMR:216

STRIKE #pet- (knock), pa.t. pentë given. The verb is cited as "pete", perhaps with a suffixed stem-vowel. –QL:73

STRIPPED #racina (only pl. racinë is attested) (deprived). STRIPPED SIGN #racina tengwë (only pl. racinë tengwi is attested). Also translated "deprived sign", this was in early Elvish analysis of Quenya the term for a consonant with no following vowel; the vowel was held to have disappeared or been omitted. –VT39:16

STRIPPED BARE helda (naked) –SKEL

STROKE (verb) palta- means to "pass the sensitive palm over a surface: feel with the hand, stroke etc." –VT47:8-9

STROKE (noun) ("of pen of brush [´] when not used as long mark") tecco. Cf. also QUICK STROKE rincë (stem *rinci-) (flourish) –TEK, RIK/VT46:11 (VT indicating that the proper reading is "quick stroke", not "quick shake" as in the Etymologies as printed in LR)

STRONG tulca (firm, immoveable, steadfast. Note: there is a homophone meaning "fix, set up, establish"), STRONG (physically) polda (burley). STRONG/SWIFT AT RUNNING nórima. In the Etymologies as printed in LR, the word sarnë is glossed "strong place" (entry SAR), but according to VT46:12, the gloss should actually read "stony place". –TULUK, POL, VT49:29

STUDY (long) nólë (wisdom, lore, knowledge). (In Etym this word is spelt with initial ñ, that is, ng. Initial ng had become n in Third Age Quenya, and I follow the system of LotR and transcribe it accordingly. Nólë is so spelt also in Silm:432. But if this word is written in Tengwar, the initial n should be transcribed with the letter noldo, not númen.) –ÑGOL, Silm:432

STUB, STUMP tolbo (read perhaps *tolvo in the more usual form of Quenya) (said to be a stub or stump "as of a truncated arm or branch"). –VT47:28

STUNT nuhta- (prevent from coming to completion, stop short, not allow to continue) –WJ:413

STUNTED nauca –VT39:7

SUBLIME, THE Varda (this word should probably not be used as a normal adjective. It is also translated "the Lofty".) –WJ:402

SUCCESSOR neuro (follower) –NDEW

SUCH may be rendered by the adjective sitë “of that sort” (VT49:18)

SUFFICE farya- (pa.t. farnë; VT46:9 also lists the curious pa.t. form farinyë). (Note: #farnë also means "dwelling" and "foliage"); SUFFICIENCY fárë, farmë (plenitude, all that is wanted), SUFFICIENT farëa (enough) –PHAR/VT46:9

SUFFOCATE quoro- (choke) Verbs ino seem not to occur in later Quenya; read *quor-? It has also been questioned whether the combination quo- is still possible in Tolkien's later Quenya. –LT1:264

SUIT camta- (sic; the cluster mt seems unusual for Quenya, and while the source does not explicitly say that this word is Quenya, it is difficult to understand what other language could be intended) (to [make] fit, accomodate, adapt) –VT44:14

SUMMER lairë (Note: a homophone means "poem". In the Calendar of Imladris, lairë was a precisely defined period of 72 days, but the word was also used without any exact definition), saiwen (cf. saiwa "hot".) "EVER-SUMMER" oiolairë, "SUMMER-SNOW-WHITE" lairelossë (evergreen trees brought to Númenor by the Eldar) –LotR:1141, 1145/VT45:26, Letters:282, LT1:265, UT:167, 458, UT:167, 449

SUMMIT (of a mountain) ingor (PM:340). LT1:256 gives ormë "crest, summit", but in Tolkien's later Quenya, ormë means "wrath, haste, violence, rushing".

SUMMON tulta- (send for, fetch), naham- (passive participle nahamna "summoned" given), yal- (dative infinitive #yalien is attested in enyalien "for the re-calling"). Noun (A) SUMMONS nahámë. –TUL, VT45:21, UT:317

SUN Anar, Úrin (Úrind-) (the latter was a "name of the Sun"; in LT1:271 úrin is glossed "blazing hot", and the word for "Sun" is Úr ["Ûr"] or Úri, Úrinci, Urwen.The stem Úrin is derived from was struck out in Etym. However, several words that must be derived from the same stem occur in LotR, indicating that Tolkien restored it.) Naira ("the heart of flame"), Calavénë, Calaventë (other names for the Sun). Yet another term was Ancalë or "Radiant One", but it is unclear whether or not Tolkien rejected this form (see LR:362 s.v. KAL). NEW SUN AFTER SOLSTICE ceuranar (VT48:7). SUNLIGHT árë (older [MET] ázë); SUNRISE anarórë, ambaron/Ambarónë (uprising, Orient) (a similar but untranslated word, Ambaróna, occurs in LotR), rómen (glossed "uprising, sunrise, east" in Silm:437, but the normal meaning of the word is always "east"). SUNSET andúnë (west, evening). (Amuntë in LT2 is certainly obsolete in LotR-style Quenya.) RAY OF THE SUN firin (this may not be a valid word in LotR-style Quenya; in a later source, firin is the adjective "dead"). –ANÁR, UR, LotR:1157, LotR:254, ORO, AM, LotR:490, NDU, MR:198, Silm:428, LT2:335, 341

SUP salpa- (so in Etym; "take a sup of" in LT1:266) (sip, lick up) –SÁLAP, LT1:266

SUPERLATIVELY langë (extremely, surpassingly) –PE17:92

SUPPORT (noun) tulco (stem *tulcu-; pl. *tulqui) (prop) –TULUK

SUPPOSE intya-, cíta- (cítan “I suppose”); SUPPOSITION intya (guess, idea) –INK, VT49:19

SUPREME – The Supreme Aratar (pl; sg #Arata). The Aratar are the mightiest of the Valar: Manwë, Varda, Ulmo, Yavanna, Aulë, Mandos, Nienna, and Oromë. Aratar is also rendered "High Ones, Exalted Ones" –Silm 32/381, WJ:402

SURE tanca (firm, fixed) –TAK

SURROUND – see GO ROUND (under entry for GO) regarding the verb pel-

SURF solor, solossë (surge). LINE OF SURF falassë (beach, shore)SOL, LT1:266, Silm:431

SURFACE palúrë (bosom, bosom of Earth – Tolkien equated palúrë with the Old English word folde), palmëPAL

SURGE (noun) solossë (surf) –LT1:266

SURPASS lahta- (pass over, cross, excel); adv. SURPASSINGLY langë (extremely, superlatively) –PE17:92

SWALLOW tuilindo (lit. "spring-singer"). –TUY/LIN2/LT1:269/LT2:338

SWAN alqua; HAVEN OF THE SWANS AlqualondëÁLAK/Silm:427/LT1:249, VT42:7, LT2:335 (LT1:249 also has alquë), UT:417

SWARD palis (lawn) –LT1:264

SWARM umba; SWARMING úmëa (abundant, teaming – but elsewhere úmëa is defined as "evil", so the word úvëa of related meaning may be preferred) –VT48:32

SWART varnë (stem varni-) (brown, dark brown) The form varni- is evidently used in compounds. –BARÁN

SWEET lissë. Other sources use lissë as a noun "sweetness", and lissë is also used for the "grace" of God (specifically Erulissë or *"God-sweetness"). Another word glossed "sweet" is melda, but since it is also defined as "beloved" and "dear", this adjective may describe a "sweet" person rather than sweet taste. –Nam, RGEO:66, VT43:29, VT45:34 cf. MEL

SWEET-FACED raina (smiling, gracious). NOTE: A homophone means "nettled, enlaced". –VT44:35

SWELL tiuya- (grow fat) –TIW

SWIFT #linta (only pl lintë is attested), tyelca (agile, hasty), larca, alarca (rapid), arauca (rushing). STRONG/SWIFT AT RUNNING nórima. SWIFT HORSE, see HORSE. –Nam, KYELEK, LAK2, LT2:347, VT49:29s

SWIRL hwinya- (eddy, gyrate) –SWIN

SWORD macil; BROAD SWORD lango (also = prow of a ship), LARGE SWORD falquan; SHORT STABBING SWORD, BROAD-BLADED SWORD ecet, SWORD BLADE maica (also blade of any cutting tool or weapon, but esp. sword-blade), †russë (corruscation), SWORDSMAN macar. –MAK/LT1:259/VT39:11/VT45:32, LAG, LT2:341, UT:284/432, VT39:11, RUS, VT39:11

SWORN BROTHER otorno (associate) –TOR

SYRUP pirya- (juice) –PIS

SYSTEM (OR CODE) OF SIGNS tengwesta (language, grammar); DECIMAL SYSTEM maquanotië –VT39:15, VT47:10

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