Qxpiv May, 2007 By Shabbir Ahmed, M. D., Florida Chief Adviser and Editor: Hossein Kowsari, California Reviewed by: Abdullah Ali Bashoeb, Hijaz

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21. Al-Anbia – The prophets

[Author’s Note] This is the 21st Surah of the Qur’an. It has 112 verses. The exalted Messenger is a Grace for all humanity since he heralds history’s most significant and benevolent revolution. And his Message is preserved to the letter in the Qur’an, a Book that has the power to unite humanity and solve every single of their problems. It is the foremost liberator of men and women from all kinds of mental and physical bondage. Human equality and equity, compassion and justice, respect of human rights, protection of faith, life, mind, honor and property and unrelenting stress on the Permanent Moral Values, are themes that the reader will find glittering on its pages. Ironically, such glorious Message is to date hidden behind the clouds of false traditions even from the eyes of those who consider themselves as the custodians of the Book of God. QXP (The Qur’an As It Explains Itself) is a unique effort to translate and render the Qur’an into English completely from within itself, and free of the misleading human touch, traditions that have been victimizing this Great Book during the last one thousand years. Open any page, start anywhere, and you will feel the Majesty, Power and Beauty of this Divine Writ.

This Surah gives us brief narratives of several prophets and their experiences. As per style of the Book, the Surah enfolds the permanent Message, concepts and Guidance for every human being on earth. The Qur’an frequently presents history, the cosmos, and the human psyche and soma as evidences to its Authority and authenticity. Also, now is the time to recall 3:7 since this Surah is decorated with quite a few exquisitely beautiful allegories.

With the Glorious Name of Allah, the Instant and Sustaining Source of all Mercy and Kindness

21:1 Closer draws to people the time of their reckoning, and yet they turn away stubbornly heedless of it.

21:2 Whenever a new Reminder comes to them from their Lord, they listen to it with playful amusement. [26:5]

21:3 With their hearts preoccupied with fleeting delights, the wrongdoers confer secretly, "Is he not just a human being like you? Will you yield to his spellbinding eloquence with your eyes open?"

21:4 The Prophet said, "My Lord knows every word that is spoken in the High and the Low. He is the Hearer, the Knower.”

21:5 “Nay,” they say, "Muddled dreams! Nay, he has but invented it! Nay, he is but a poet! Let him then bring us a miracle (as we have heard), like the ones that were given to prophets of old!"

21:6 Not one of the communities before them that We (Our Law) destroyed, would ever believe (in their messengers) Will these, then, believe?

21:7 For, before you We sent none but men to whom We granted Revelation. Hence, (tell the deniers), “Ask the followers of previous Reminders if you know not.” [12:109, 16:43]

21:8 We did not give them bodies that would not require food, nor were they immortal.

21:9 We always fulfilled Our promise to them. We saved them and all those who were worthy to be saved according to Our Law and We destroyed those who had wasted their own “Self.”

21:10 O Mankind! Now We have revealed unto you a Book that is all about you and it will give you eminence. Will you not, then, use reason? [21:24, 23:70, 43:43-44]

21:11 We (Our Law) dashed into fragments many nations because they ran unjust systems and We replaced them with other people. [Zaalim = Wrongdoer = One who displaces something from its rightful place = Unjust = Oppressor = Violator of human rights]

21:12 And as soon as they began feeling Our Mighty Requital, behold them fleeing from it! [7:182, 16:26]

21:13 (It was said) Flee not, but return to the good things of life you were given, and to your mansions, in order that you may be called to account. (How you amassed this wealth and luxury. 102:8).

21:14 They said, “Ah! Woe to us! We did indeed wrong others and ourselves.”

21:15 And that cry of theirs did not cease until We made them as a field mown down, as silent as ashes. [36:28]

21:16 We did not create the heavens and the earth and all that is between them without Purpose. [11:7, 45:22, 53:31]

21:17 If We had wished to find a pastime, We could have found it in Our Presence, if such had been Our Will at all!

21:18 Nay, We hurl the Truth against the falsehood, and it knocks out the latter. And certainly falsehood has to vanish. And there is destruction for those of you who contrive falsehood.

[Some people conjecture that the Universe is a dream, a play or a mere shadow of the World of Ideas. But God has designed it such that the Truth advances and Falsehood vanishes]

21:19 Unto Him belongs whoever is in the heavens and the earth. All creation dwells in His Dominion and none is ever too proud to obey His Laws, nor do they get tired.

21:20 They (extol His Glory) strive night and day towards the fulfillment of His Plan and do not pause.

21:21 And yet, some people choose ‘gods’ from the earth thinking that systems devised by them can make the humanity rise.

21:22 If there were other gods besides God, there would have been chaos in both, the heavens and the earth. Glorified is God, the Lord of Supreme Control, above all that they contrive. [6:3, 16:51, 39:67, 3:84]

21:23 (The Ultimate Sovereignty, befits only Him.) He cannot be called to account for what He does, whereas they will be called to account.

21:24 And yet they choose deities instead of Him! Say, “Bring your evidence. This is the demand of those with me and this has been the demand of those who were with previous prophets.” Indeed, most of them do not recognize the Truth hence, they stubbornly turn away from it. [23:117]

21:25 We sent no Messenger before you without having revealed to him, “There is no god but Me, therefore you shall worship Me alone.”

21:26 And some say, “The Beneficent has taken unto Himself a son. Glory to Him! They are but servants raised in honor.

21:27 They do not precede to convey any word (as Revelation) before He has revealed it to them, and they act by His Command.”

21:28 He knows their future and their past. They cannot intercede, except that they may stand up as witnesses for those who have earned a bond of His Approval in the worldly life. And they stand in awe and reverence of His Glory. [6:15, 19:87]

21:29 Any person who claims, “Indeed, I have Divine powers beside Him,” We reward him with Hell. Thus We repay the wrongdoers.

21:30 Are the unbelievers not aware (after this proclamation) that the heavens and the earth used to be one solid mass and We exploded them out? And that out of water We made every living thing? Will they not, then, acknowledge the Truth?

[Here is a clear allusion to the Big Bang theory. Numerous celestial bodies came into being and started swimming along in their orbits. 21:33, 24:45, 36:40, 79:30]

21:31 And We have set firm mountains (as pegs) on the earth, lest it sway with them (16:15). And We have made therein broad roadways so that they might find their way.

21:32 And We have rendered the sky a canopy well guarded. Yet they turn away from the signs that these things point to! [Canopy: The atmosphere keeps in safe balance the gases and temperature, and protects you from the incoming meteorites]

21:33 And He it is Who created the night and the day, and the sun and the moon. They swim along, each in an orbit.

21:34 (All things in the Universe are but mortal.) We have never granted everlasting life to any human before you. If you die, can they be immortal?

21:35 Every living being is bound to taste death. We test you through the evil and good aspects of things by way of trial. To Us must you return. [Life and death afford humans the opportunity to do good deeds and achieve eternal rewards. 67:2]

21:36 (O Prophet) whenever the rejecters see you, they make you a target of their mockery, saying, "Is this the one who talks of your gods?" And yet, it is they who deny all mention of the Beneficent.

21:37 Human being is a creature of haste. Soon enough, I will show you more of My signs, but do not ask Me to hasten.

21:38 And they say, “When will this promise be fulfilled, if you are men of Truth?”

21:39 If those who are bent upon denial only knew that they will not be able to repel the fire off their faces and their backs! And no one will help them then.

21:40 Nay, but it will come upon them suddenly and it will stun them. They will be unable to repel it, and they will not be given any more respite.

21:41 Indeed, (O Prophet) even before your time messengers have been mocked, but in the end, the mockers were overwhelmed by the very thing they ridiculed (Divine retribution).

21:42 Say, "Who guards you in the night and in the day from the (Requital of the) Beneficent?” Yet, they stubbornly turn away from remembrance of their Sustainer. [He does not take you to task for every transgression. 4:31, 16:61, 35:45]

21:43 Do they have gods who can shield them from Our Laws? Their perceived deities cannot even help themselves, nor can they be defended against Us.

21:44 Nay, We let these people and their ancestors enjoy the good things of life until the period grew long for them. Do not they see that We gradually reduce the land in their control from the borders? Can they prevail against Our Laws? [Every day on earth brings them closer to the end and the great landlords are becoming smaller. 13:41]

21:45 Say, "I warn you on the strength of Divine Revelation!" But the deaf to reason cannot hear the call, however often they are warned.

21:46 And if a breath of your Lord’s retribution were to touch them, they would say, “Oh, woe unto us! Surely, we were wrongdoers!”

21:47 We will set up the Scales of justice on the Day of Resurrection, and no person will be wronged in the least. Though the good or evil be of the weight of a mustard seed, We will bring it forth. We are Sufficient for reckoning and none can take account as We do. [99:7-8]

21:48 And, indeed, We gave Moses and Aaron the Criterion of right and wrong, and a Light and Reminder for those who wished to live upright.

21:49 (For those) who stood in awe of their Lord even in privacy, and feared the approaching Hour of accountability.

21:50 Now this (Qur’an) is a Blessed Reminder that We have revealed. Will you then reject it? [They have learned the consequence of those who had denied Moses and Aaron]

21:51 And, indeed, long before, We showed Abraham his direction and We were Aware of his potential.

21:52 He said to his father and his folk, "What are these images and statues that you sit around worshiping?"

21:53 They responded, "We found our ancestors worshipers of them."

21:54 He said, "Indeed you are in plain error as your ancestors were."

21:55 They said, "Are you telling us some serious Truth or are you one of those jesters?"

21:56 He said, "Nay, your Lord is the Sustainer of the heavens and the earth, Who initiated them from nothing. I am of those who bear witness to this Truth (on the basis of reason)."

21:57 "And by God, I have planned to deal with your idols when you turn back and leave the temple”. [You will see if they whom you believe to guard you can even guard themselves]

21:58 Then he reduced them to fragments except the big one, so that they might turn to it. [37:88-98]

21:59 They said, "Who has done this to our gods? He must indeed be of the wrongdoers."

21:60 Some said, "We heard a youth talking about them; he is called Abraham."

21:61 The custodians of the temple conferred and said, “Then bring him before the people’s eyes, so that they might bear witness.”

21:62 (And when he came) they asked, "Is it you who has done this to our gods, O Abraham?"

21:63 Abraham grabbed the opportunity of driving home the point, "Whoever did it, did it. This is their chief. Ask them if they speak."

[Important note: As many commentators of the Qur’an, ancient and modern, that I am aware of, have mistranslated this verse simply for missing the punctuation after ‘Fa’aluh’. They render the first part of the verse as, “This was done by the big one of them.” And then they go into defending in futility Prophet Abraham against uttering a lie. But, “This is their chief” is in fact a new sentence]

21:64 They were taken aback, withdrew, thought and said to one another, “Surely, you yourselves are the wrongdoers.” [You neglected the security of the powerless idols]

21:65 They were utterly confounded in shame, lowered their heads and said to Abraham, "You know that they do not speak."

21:66 Abraham said, "Do you then worship instead of God what cannot benefit you or harm you?"

21:67 “It is unbecoming for you and all that you worship instead of God are but condemnable! Will you, then, use your sense?"

21:68 The priesthood of the temple (in their personal interests) instigated the masses, "Burn him alive and uphold your gods if you are going to take any action!"

21:69 But We said, "O Fire! Be cool, and security for Abraham!" [The fire of their rage soon cooled down. 29:24-26, 37:88-89]

21:70 And whereas they schemed against him, We made them the true losers. [They failed to value a man of his stature]

21:71 And We rescued Abraham and (his nephew and close companion) Lot to the land that We blessed for all people. [They migrated from their homeland of Ur in Mesopotamia, today's Iraq, to Syria-Palestine that was blessed with a long line of prophets]

21:72 We bestowed upon Abraham, a son Isaac and a grandson Jacob. We made all of them great benefactors of humanity as they addressed the inequities in human thought and behavior.

21:73 We made them leaders who set the standards of leadership. They guided people as We commanded, into doing collective good for the society, and to establish the Divine System with a Just Economic Order. They were true servants of Ours.

21:74 Later We commissioned Lot to prophethood and gave him wisdom and knowledge. (After his best efforts failed) We saved him from their wrath. Surely, they were a rebellious folk who were given to doing evil.

21:75 We brought Lot in unto Our Grace. He too was a man of quality.

21:76 The same goes for Noah long before. He called on Us, and We saved him, his household and followers from the great distress of persecution.

21:77 We delivered him from the people who rejected Our Commands. They were a people given to inequities and oppressing the weak and We caused all of them to drown.

21:78 And David and Solomon ruled in great justice. They gathered the straying sheep, the masses of their kingdom, when they were bent upon destroying their own crop of prosperity. We were Witness to their benevolent governance.

21:79 We gave Solomon great understanding of the affairs of the state, and each of them We endowed with wisdom and knowledge. It was Our Power that made the tribal leaders (loyal to David so that they could) strive to manifest Our Glory as did the horse riders of the strong Tribe of At-Taeer. It is We Who did all these things.

[Jibaal = Mountains = The elite = Top leadership. At-Taeer = The birds = The ‘flying’ horsemen = A Tribe in Syria-Palestine with excellent cavalry. ‘We did’ = We made it possible]

21:80 We taught him the science of armor to protect you from each other’s foolhardy violence. Are you then thankful? [David was the first one to master iron technology and later generations benefited from it. Therefore, ‘to protect you’]

21:81 We made the gusting winds subservient to Solomon as his ships sailed to the land We had blessed. And of everything We are Aware. [When people discover some of Divine Laws, they call it Science, and Solomon made good use of it]

21:82 We humbled the most rebellious tribes, and made them compliant to him. Some of them dived for him in the sea and carried out other duties, besides. But it was We Who kept watch over them. [We were for them, and are for you, the Guardians of the Laws of governance and science 34:13, 38:37]

21:83 And, Job called unto his Lord, “Affliction has befallen me, but you are the Most Merciful of the mercifuls.” [38:41. He was lost away from his folk]

21:84 We responded unto him and relieved his agony from which he suffered. We re-united him with his folk and his followers had doubled in the meantime. That was Grace from Us, and a thing to be commemorated by all those who serve Us.

21:85 Also remember Ishmael, Enoch (Idrees) and Ezekiel (Zul-Kifl), all were among the steadfast.

21:86 And so We admitted them in Our Grace, for, they were men of quality.

21:87 And remember Zan-Noon (Jonah of Ninevah), when he departed in anger. He thought (that since he was not violating any Command) We would not take him to task. Then from the darkness of error he called, "There is no god but You! Limitless is Your Glory! Surely, I have done wrong!”
[Jonah, in his best judgment, had migrated before the Divine Decree came. 37:139, 68:48. Zulumaat = The darkness of error = Desperate situation = Dismal and gloomy condition = Distress = Hopelessness = Remorse = Darkness. It has nothing to do with the legend of staying in the belly of a fish]

21:88 And so We responded to him and saved him from grief. Thus We save from grief those who believe in Our Laws.

21:89 And Zachariah called unto his Lord, O My Sustainer! Do not leave me childless! However, I do realize that You will remain when all else has ceased to be! You are the Ultimate of the inheritors. [3:33, 19:5-7]

21:90 And so We responded to him, and bestowed upon him Yahya, after making his wife fit to bear him a child. And certainly, they (parents and son) used to race in doing good works, and remembered Us in situations of hope or fear. And they were always humble before Us.

21:91 And remember her (Mary) who guarded her chastity (under very adverse circumstances). We breathed into her of Our Energy, and caused her, together with her son, to become a symbol of Our Grace for all people.

[Breathing of Divine Energy = Free will for every human. 3:44, 19:16, 32:9. Symbol of Grace = Whereas the Israelites maligned them, they were made honorable]

21:92 Surely, O Mankind! This community of yours is one single community, since I am the Sustainer of you all. So, serve Me alone! [23:52]

21:93 But disregarding the Command, they cut off their unity, (forgetting that) unto Us all of them are bound to return.

21:94 Whoever works for the good of others believing in Permanent Values, his efforts will never be rejected. Indeed, We are recording it for him.

21:95 There is a ban on any community that We have annihilated from rising again,

21:96 Until, when Gog and Magog are let loose, and they swarm upon them from every height.

[Imperialist nations run over and dominate them. And then after some passage of time the desire for freedom and glory germinates in their hearts once again. 17:58, 18:94]

21:97 The time of the True Promise is coming closer. The eyes of the rejecters will stare in horror, “Oh, woe unto us! We lived in slumber. Nay, we were only hurting our ‘selves’.”

21:98 They will be told, “You and those whom you served instead of God, are but the fuel of Hell; that is the destiny you chose to come to.

21:99 If your leaders had foresight, they would have saved themselves and their people from this fire. If they were really deities, they would not have come here. But the leaders and their followers will abide therein.

21:100 Sobbing and wailing will be their lot therein, and nothing else will they hear.

21:101 [The upheavals of the Revolution would only be a smooth transition for those who have been trying to create balance in the society and improving the lot of humanity] Those for whom kindness has gone forth from Us, will be far removed from there (Hell).

21:102 They will not hear the slightest sound thereof, while they enjoy an abode where they get all they desire.

21:103 The horror will cause them no grief, since the angels (of peace, fulfillment, and delight) will welcome them, “This is your day of triumph that you were promised.”

21:104 On that Day We shall roll up the Sky as written scrolls are rolled up. Then, just as We initiated the first creation, We shall produce a new one (a new Universe). This is a Promise binding upon Us. For, We are Able to do all things.

[Ultimately, God will create a new Universe (14:48). And before that, the planet earth will see a new Dawn. Top leaders, tyrants, clergy and tycoons of wealth will lose their high empires of influence. It will be a new life for people, united as one single community as they once were. 2:213, 10:19, 39:67]

21:105 And, indeed, after advising mankind, We wrote down in all the Books of Divine Wisdom that My able servants will inherit the earth.

21:106 Herein, behold, there is a clear Message for people who would truly serve God.

21:107 And thus, (O Prophet) We have sent you as a Mercy for the Worlds.

[Mankind will become one single community through the Book revealed to you. Rahmatallil’Aalameen = Mercy for the Worlds = Grace for all humanity = A benevolent advent for all nations and peoples. Furthermore, the exalted Prophet is God’s Grace to all humanity for these reasons: 1 - The Book revealed to him appeals to all people irrespective of race, color, cast and national origin. 2 - It appeals exclusively to reason and does not require blind faith in any dogmas. 3 - It is the only perfectly preserved Scripture word for word]

21:108 Say, “It has been revealed to me that your God is One God. Will you then submit to Him?”

21:109 If they still turn away, then say, “I have conveyed it to all of you alike. But I do not know whether what you are promised is near or far.”

21:110 Surely, He knows all that is said openly, just as He knows all that you conceal.

21:111 And I do not know, except that this may be a trial for you, and enjoyment for a while (period of respite).”

21:112 Say, “My Lord! Help us establish Your Rule.” And, “Our Lord is the Beneficent Whose help is sought against whatever falsehood you ever ascribed to Him.”

Surah 22. Al-Hajj – The Annual Convention (Pilgrimage)

[Author’s Note] This is the 22nd Surah of the Qur’an. It has 78 verses. As usual this Surah embraces concepts and Commands in a beautiful diversity. The Qur’an maintains a unique literary style that wherever we open the Book, we feel instantly connected. In my humble opinion, cover to cover reading with understanding of the Book of God twice in a whole lifetime enables us to enjoy its grandeur whenever and wherever we open it. Revisiting the Book for reference and consultation must go along regularly throughout life for our own good.

Pilgrimage to the Sacred Masjid of Makkah has been ordained for all humanity with its prime objective being to seek solutions of all human conflicts and attain universal unity. Hajj does in fact mean ‘determination for a noble cause’. The traditional, ritualistic approach to Hajj comes from Pre-Islamic times and has no basis in the Qur’an.

With the Glorious Name of Allah, the Instant and Sustaining Source of all Mercy and Kindness

22:1 O Mankind! Be mindful of your Sustainer so that you may journey through life in blissful honor and security. (If you failed to bring the house of humanity to order), the Hour will quake the earth with awesome wars.

22:2 On the Day when you see it (wars of such intensity that) even a nursing mother would forget her infant, and the pregnant would abort her fetus. And it will seem to you that all mankind is drunk, although they will not be drunk. But the Divine Requital is a tremendous thing.

22:3 And yet, among people are those who argue about God without attaining knowledge, and follow every rebellious satanic force.

22:4 For the rebellious desire it has been decreed that whoever befriends it, certainly, it will mislead him and guide him to the retribution of the Flame.

22:5 O Mankind! If you are in doubt that humanity will one day stand on its feet, and that you will be resurrected back to life after death, consider the process of your own evolution. We have created you in stages: From dust, then from male and female gametes, then from a zygote, then from an embryo, shapely and first shapeless. We thus clearly explain things for you. The embryo and then the fetus stay in the womb until an appointed term according to Our Laws. Then We bring you forth as infants and carry you to maturity. While some of you die young, others live to the feeblest old age so that they know nothing after knowing much. (Resurgence of humanity can take place just as) you, O Prophet, see a dry barren land, but when We send down water on it, it vibrates with life and grows all kinds of beautiful plants.

[Recapturing the earlier stages of evolution, We initiated life from inorganic matter, the clay, then hydrated clay. Through it We brought forth the single life cell, the unicellular organism. Then We created the male and the female cells. Thus procreation came into play. Male and female gametes join, a clot, a little lump of flesh, turning into the embryo that ‘hangs’ in the womb. The embryo is partly formed and partly unformed, until it becomes the fetus and then assumes the final evident proportions. For the origin of life on the planet and creation of the human being, herein are given some important references for the research minded reader: 4:1, 6:2, 6:38, 6:99, 7:11, 11:6, 11:61, 15:26, 21:30, 23:12-14, 24:45, 25:54, 30:20, 31:28, 32:7-9, 35:11, 36:77, 39:6, 40:64-67, 51:49, 53:45, 55:14, 71:14, 76:2-3, 86:5-7, 96:1-2]

22:6 All this happens because God alone is the Ultimate Truth and He alone revives the dead and because He has Supreme Control over all things and events.

22:7 And know that the Hour is bound to come, beyond any doubt, and that God will indeed resurrect all who are in their graves. (And He will raise humanity onto their feet, just as He will raise the dead from their disintegrated states, whether in graves or in the oceans, in ashes, their scattered pieces sprayed about, or in the bellies of the fish and the birds etc.)

22:8 And yet, among people are those who argue about God without attaining knowledge, Guidance and without any light-giving Revelation. [22:3]

22:9 Turning away in pride to divert people from the Path of God. Disgrace is in store for them in this world. And on the Day of Resurrection We will make them taste the doom of burning.

22:10 Saying, “This is what you sent before with your own hands, for God is no oppressor of His servants.

22:11 And among people there is the one who serves God conditionally. If things go his way, he is content. But if some adversity touches him he turns away utterly, losing both, this world and the Hereafter. This, indeed, is a manifest loss. [4:143]

22:12 He calls, instead of God, on what neither can harm him nor benefit him. This is indeed the utmost one can go astray.

22:13 He calls unto him whose harm is nearer than his benefits; certainly, an evil master, and an evil follower.

22:14 Surely, God will admit those who have attained belief and fulfill the needs of others, into Gardens beneath which rivers flow. For, all things happen according to the Laws that God has willed to design.

22:15 If anyone thinks that God cannot help him in this world and in the life to come, let him reach out unto the heaven by any other means and thus try to make headway. And then let him see whether his approach will dispel the cause of his anguish.

22:16 And thus We have revealed the Qur’an in simple and plain verses. God guides him who seeks guidance.

22:17 Those who have attained faith (in the Qur’an), those who are Jewish, the agnostics, the Christians, the Zoroastrians and Pagans: Certainly, God will decide between them on the Day of Resurrection. For, God is Witness over all things and events. [2:136, 11:121, 22:55-56. Sabians = ?Agnostics, 2:62]

22:18 Do you not see that whoever is in the heavens and on earth, the sun and the moon, the stars and the mountains, the trees, the animals, and a great many of human beings adore God? And there are a great many human beings who make themselves worthy of Requital. And those whom the God shall disgrace, none can raise to honor. For, God works according to His Laws.

22:19 There are two contrary kinds of men (in the world) who contend about their Sustainer (one in Truth, the other in falsehood). Those who are bent upon denying the Truth will have garments of flames they cut out for themselves, and they will cause burning despair to be poured on their top priorities. [104:6-7]

22:20 Causing all their inner arsenal and their exterior proclamations to melt away to naught.

22:21 Time is coming to restrain the criminals in rods and chains. [21:39, 57:25]

22:22 Whenever, in their anguish, they try to come out of it, they shall be returned to it, “Taste the doom of burning.”

22:23 Whereas, behold, God will admit those who have attained belief and helped others, into the Gardens with rivers flowing beneath. Therein (like royals) they will be adorned with bracelets of gold and pearls, and where silk will be their garment. [18:31]

22:24 For they were willing to be guided towards the best concepts and so they were led on to the way to the Praiseworthy. [Qaul = Saying = Tenet = Concept = Expression]

22:25 Surely, those who reject the Truth and bar people from the Path of God, and from the Center of Divine Ideology, the Sacred Masjid, must know that We have appointed it for all mankind alike. This is the Inviolable House of worship and security for the locals as well as the visitors (2:125) Whoever seeks to relegate it from Ideology to ritualism, directly or through side cannels, We will make him taste an awful doom. [Zulm = Relegation from the rightful place]

22:26 Behold! We pointed the site of the Sacred House, Ka’bah, to Abraham, saying, “Associate none with Me, and keep My House clean of human dogmas for those whose Divine Ideology of Monotheism will revolve around this Center for all mankind. Train the visitors to stand up for Truth, and bow to and prostrate before Divine Commands.” [2:125, 2:197, 3:95-97, 22:28-29]

22:27 “And announce to mankind the duty of Pilgrimage. They will come to you on foot, and on every kind of fast mount, coming from every far-away point on earth.”

22:28 So that they might see with their own eyes and experience what benefits the Divine System holds for them (in addition to uniting them in the common bond of humanity). And they shall commemorate God’s Name collectively during the specified days of Hajj; and over the livestock He has bestowed upon them. Then host one another with the livestock (to make the Congregation self-sufficient in the food resources). Eat and feed the distressed poor (regardless of whether they are in the congregation or not).

22:29 As they host one another, they shall consult to clean out their societies of individual and collective vices. And, design ways to fulfill their obligations as human beings. Then they shall walk around the Ancient House in their resolve.

22:30 All this is the purpose of Hajj. Whoever will honor these Directives and Limitations, it will be well for him in the Sight of his Lord. The livestock here is lawful food for you except for those already prohibited You shall avoid idol worship in any form, and abstain from bearing false witness. Avoid all things that bring your progress to a standstill. Lying, bearing false witness and flamboyant behavior are specifically forbidden at this congregation to prevent nullification of the grand objective. [2:173, 5:3, 6:145, 16:115. Rijs, Awthan, Zoor encompass all the stated meanings]

22:31 Turn to God alone, associating none with Him. For whoever ascribes partners to God, it is as if he has fallen from the sky and the birds snatch him or the wind blows him to far-off places.

22:32 Such is his state. And anyone who honors the symbols set up by God must know that mere honoring these symbols is of no value without righteousness of the heart.

22:33 (Procuring livestock during Hajj is a symbol of devotion to God.) In them are benefits for you for a term appointed. (They carry you and your loads.) In the end, their place for sacrifice or donation is near the Ancient House. [The plains of Mina, and not Ka’bah]

22:34 And to every community We have ordained rites that they might extol the Name of God over the sustenance He gave them from the livestock. But your God is the One and Only God. Therefore, submit to Him alone. And give good news to all those who are humble. [22:67]

22:35 The truly humble are those whose hearts tremble with awe whenever God is mentioned (8:2). And they steadfastly bear whatever ill befalls them. And they constantly strive to establish and consolidate the Divine System and spend the wealth that We have given them, on their fellow human beings.

22:36 And the camels! We have appointed them among the symbols (of obedience) to God; in them is much good for you. (They carry you and your loads and then help you host one another). So, mention God’s Name over them when they are drawn up in lines (for sacrifice). And after they have fallen to the ground lifeless, partake from their flesh, and feed the contented poor who do not beg as well as the poor who ask. Remember that God has subjected these animals to you so that you may be grateful.

22:37 Neither their meat nor their blood reaches God. What reaches Him is your sincere devotion. He has thus subjected them to you that you manifestly establish the Greatness of God in the land for everyone to behold (the objective of Hajj). And to see how magnificent the Guidance is that He has bestowed upon you. And (O Prophet) give glad news to all benefactors of humanity. [2:185]

22:38 Surely, God will defend the community of true believers. Indeed, God does not love those who betray the Divine System ordained in this Book, and thus show ingratitude for the magnificent Guidance they have received.

22:39 Permission to fight is granted to those against whom war is wrongfully waged. And God is indeed Most Powerful for their support.

22:40 Those who have been evicted from their homes unjustly, for no reason other than saying, "Our Lord is God!" For, if God had not enabled people to defend themselves against one another, monasteries, churches, synagogues, and masjids, where the Name of God is oft mentioned, would surely have been destroyed. And God will certainly help those who help Him. For, God is Mighty, Powerful.

22:41 Those who, if We give them power in the land, establish Salaat (the Divine System), set up the Just Economic Order of Zakaat (in which wealth circulates freely to nourish every member of the society, and the basic needs of all individuals are taken care of). Their rule ensures that the Permanent Moral Values are promoted, and what the Qur’an forbids, is discouraged. And in their governance all affairs are decided according to God's Decrees (given in the Qur’an. 5:44).

22:42 (This is the framework of the Constitution that would finally take effect.) If they deny you (O Prophet), so did, before them, the people of Noah, ‘Aad, and Thamud.

22:43 As did the people of Abraham, and the people of Lot.

22:44 And the dwellers of Midyan. And Moses was also denied. And I gave the rejecters a period of respite, but then I took them to task. And how awesome was My rejection of them!

22:45 And how many a township have We (Our Law of Requital) annihilated, for, they oppressed people and violated human rights! And now they lie deserted, with their roofs caved in! And how many a well lies abandoned, and how many a castle in ruins that once stood high!

22:46 Have they never journeyed about the earth, letting their hearts gain wisdom, and causing their ears to hear? Indeed, it is not their eyes that become blind, but their hearts that are in the chests become blind.

22:47 And so (O Prophet) they challenge you to hasten the doom, but God never fails to fulfill His Promise. A day of your Lord is like a thousand of your years. (32:5, 70:40). [Before your Lord, is the Eternal ‘Now’. He is Above temporal and spatial bounds]

22:48 (“As you sow, so shall you reap”, is an unwavering Law, as evidenced by the rise and fall of nations.) How many communities have gone before, whom I gave respite although they were transgressors, but then I (My Law of Requital) seized them. For with Me is the end of all journeys.

22:49 Say, "O Mankind! I am but a plain warner to you."

22:50 And know that communities who attain belief and augment human potential, shall be granted the protection of forgiveness and a most excellent provision (in both worlds).

22:51 Whereas those who strive against Our messages seeking to defeat their purpose, they are destined to face the Insurmountable Barrier.

22:52 Yet whenever We sent a Messenger or Prophet before you, Satan (satanic people) tried to confound the central aims of the Message. But God, renders null and void all the aspirations Satan had. And God makes His messages clear in and by themselves. For, God is All Knowing, Wise.

[Satanic people then tried to alter his teachings after he passed on. God sent another Messenger to restore the purity of His messages. Then, God revealed His Final Message and Himself guaranteed its accuracy and preservation. 5:48, 6:113-116, 15:9, 16:101, 22:52]

22:53 (God allows) these satanic people to advance their aspirations so that He might make this conspiracy a test for people and distinguish (the true believers in the Divine Revelation) from those who have a disease in their hearts and who are hardened of heart. Surely, those who relegate the Divine Revelation in favor of human aspirations create great schism and sectarianism. [Zulm = Displacing something from its rightful place = Oppression = Violation of human rights = Relegation of the Truth = Wrongdoing. 2:53]

22:54 Those who have been given knowledge, will recognize that this (Qur’an) is the Truth from your Lord, and so they accept it. Then their hearts are made humble to it. For verily, God Himself is the Guide of those who choose to believe, unto a Straight Way. [5:48, 15:19]

22:55 And those who reject Faith will not cease to remain in suspense until the Hour suddenly comes upon them, or there comes to them the suffering of a barren day (devoid of all hope).

22:56 On that Day all Dominion will visibly belong to God, and His Law and His Judgment will prevail in the human society as well (through this Divine writ). Then those who believe in this Divine Revelation and contribute to the advancement of the society, will be in the Gardens of Delight, in this world and in the Hereafter.

22:57 Whereas for those who are bent upon denying the Truth and deny Our verses, there shall be a humiliating suffering in store.

22:58 And as for those who forsake the domain of evil in the Cause of God and are then slain or die, God will most certainly provide them a goodly sustenance. For, certainly, God, He alone is the Best of providers.

22:59 God, the Knower, the Clement, will admit them to a place they will love.

22:60 That is so. As for him who responds to aggression only to the extent of the injustice that was inflicted upon him, and is then wronged again, God will certainly help him. For, behold, God is Forbearing, Forgiving. [22:39. ‘Afw = Absolving imperfections = Forbearance = Pardoning]

22:61 Thus it is, because God (is Omnipotent, the One who) merges the night into the day and merges the day into the night. And God is ever Hearing, Seeing.

22:62 Thus it is, because God alone is the Ultimate Truth. And all that they may call on instead of Him is sheer falsehood. And because God, He alone is the Exalted, the Tremendous.

22:63 Have you not seen how God sends down water from the sky and then the earth becomes green? Surely, God is Unfathomable, Aware.

22:64 Unto Him belongs all that is in the heavens and all that is on earth. And, certainly, God is the Self-Sufficient Absolute, the Owner of Praise.

22:65 Have you not realized how God has made everything on earth subservient to you? And the ships run upon the sea by His Command, and He holds back the celestial bodies and high atmosphere from coming down on to the earth except in accordance with His Law. Surely, God is Compassionate, Merciful to people.

22:66 And He it is Who gives you the gift of life, then He will cause you to die, and will then give you life again. Yet, ungrateful is man (not using the gift of life to its maximum potential).

22:67 We have let every community hold some rites that they observe (as a diversity of humanity 49:13). So, let them not involve you in their arguments, just call them to your Lord (2:177). For, behold, you (O Prophet) are indeed on the Right Way.

22:68 And if they argue with you, say, “God is best Aware of what you do.”

22:69 God will judge among you regarding all your differences when humanity stands up on its feet, and finally on the Day of Resurrection.” [2:213, 22:17, 22:56]

22:70 Do you not know that God is fully Aware of all that is in the High and the Low? All that, behold, is in the Divine Database. Surely, all this is easy for God.

22:71 And yet, they (who, seeing His Dominion of the Universe, and claim to believe in Him, often) idolize instead of God that wherein He has placed no power, and they know nothing about them. (They blindly follow their ancestors 10:39). There is no helper for those who relegate the Truth.

22:72 And when Our messages are conveyed to them in all clarity, you can notice a denial on the faces of those who are bent upon rejecting the Truth. They would almost attack those who convey Our messages to them. Say, “Shall I, then, tell you something worse than what you feel now? The Fire! God has promised it for those who are bent upon denying the Truth. How miserable a journey’s end!”

22:73 "O Mankind! Here is an example for you to listen and ponder! Indeed, those beings you invoke instead of God, cannot create as much as a fly, even if they were to join all their forces to do so. And if a fly robs them of anything, they cannot get it back from it. Weak indeed is the seeker and weak indeed is the sought.”

22:74 They do not esteem God as He must be esteemed. For, God is most Powerful, Almighty. [6:92, 39:67. They have no true understanding of Him]

22:75 (In His Almightiness) God chooses Message-bearers from among the angels as well as from among mankind. Indeed, God is All Hearing, All Seeing. [Angels being Message-bearers = Angels of Revelation to the prophets]

22:76 He knows all that is of the past, the present and the future. For, to God all things return (and go back to Him as their Source).

22:77 O You who have chosen to be graced with belief! Bow down, prostrate, and serve your Lord. And do good to the society so that you may prosper. [Rukoo’ (Bowing) and Sajdah (Prostration) are not confined to the ritual physical motions. They convey a more sublime message of being humble and submitting to God’s Commands]

22:78 Strive hard in God’s Cause, with all the striving that is due to Him. It is He Who has elected you to carry the Message and has placed no hardship in religion, the Creed of your father Abraham. It is He Who has named you “Submitters” in the bygone days and now in this Revelation - That the Messenger may be a witness for you and you be witnesses for all mankind! (You shall be the watchers over people that no community oppresses the other.) So, establish the Divine System and set up the Just Economic Order, and hold fast unto God. He is your Lord Supreme, and how excellent is this Giver of support! [2:143, 2:288. Muslimeen = Muslims = Those who submit to God alone]

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