Qxpiv May, 2007 By Shabbir Ahmed, M. D., Florida Chief Adviser and Editor: Hossein Kowsari, California Reviewed by: Abdullah Ali Bashoeb, Hijaz

Surah 42. Ash-Shura – Mutual Consultation

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Surah 42. Ash-Shura – Mutual Consultation

[Author’s Note] This is the 42nd Surah of the Qur’an. It has 53 verses. The Title of this Surah, and the admonition that comes forth in it, emphasize that any community of believers must resort to mutual consultation in all matters of collective significance and individual benefit.

With the Glorious Name of Allah, the Instant and Sustaining Source of all Mercy and Kindness

42:1 H.M. Ha-Meem (Hakeem the Wise, Majeed the Glorious, states that),

42:2 'A.S.Q. ‘Ain-Seen-Qaaf. (‘Aleem the Knower, Samee' the Hearer, Qaadir the Almighty, proclaims that),

42:3 Thus it is: Revealing to you (O Prophet) as He did to those before you, is God, the Almighty, Wise.

42:4 Unto Him belongs all that is in the heavens and all that is on the earth. And the Most Exalted, the Tremendous He is.

42:5 The heavens above them would shatter (if the Universe were to run like the humans run their lives 19:88-91.) But angels extol their Lord’s Glory by protecting the Order in the Universe. Oh, certainly, God! He alone is the Absolver of imperfections, the Merciful.

[Malaekah = Angels = Forces of Nature. Yastaghfirun = They help protect like a helmet protects the head. Sabh = Swim in strides = Doing one’s best]

42:6 As for those who instead of Him take patrons, God is Watcher over them, and you are not a pleader on their behalf.

42:7 And thus: We have revealed to you a Monograph in Arabic so that you may warn the Foremost of all towns and those who dwell around it, and may warn of the Day of Gathering, which is beyond all doubt. One group will be in the Garden, and one group will be in the Flames.

[Such will happen in this world and in the life to come. The first addressees are the people of Makkah and the dwellers around it, hence the Arabic Language in its Makkan Quraish dialect. And from there the Final Word of God is to fan out and embrace the entire humankind. 44:58: “Certainly, (O Prophet) We have made this Qur’an easy in your tongue, in order that they might take it to their hearts.” 7:158, 12:3, 13:37, 14:4, 13:37, 14:4, 25:1, 39:28, 41:3, 42:7]

42:8 Had God willed He could have made all of them one single community. But God brings into His Grace him who so wills (making himself worthy). Whereas for the violators of human rights shall be no patron and no helper.

42:9 Or have they chosen patrons besides Him? But God, He alone is the Patron, since it is He alone Who revives the dead. He is the Appointer of due measure for all things. [And His Laws can revive the dead of heart]

42:10 And in whatever you humans may differ, the decision rests with God. (Say), “Such is God, my Lord. In Him I trust and unto Him I always turn.” [42:8. Turning to God = Seeking His Guidance = Turn to the right path = Turning to His Book]

42:11 Originator of the heavens and the earth! He has given you mates of your own kind; and mates among the cattle. By this means He multiplies you (creation). However, there is nothing whatsoever like unto Him. And He is the Hearer, the Seer.

42:12 His are the Keys of the heavens and the earth. He grants abundant provision, or gives it in scant measure according to His Laws (of Economics given in the Qur’an). Indeed, He is the Knower of all things. [Mankind can open His Treasures only using His Keys (following His Commands). 7:96, 28:77, 41:10]

42:13 He has ordained for you all, the same System of Life that He enjoined upon Noah - And We have revealed to you (O Prophet) the same Message as We enjoined upon Abraham, Moses, and Jesus: "Establish the Divine System of Life and make no sects in it.” (O Prophet) Hard it is upon the idolaters (those who worship false 'authorities') the unity you call to. God draws unto Himself everyone who is willing, and guides unto Himself everyone who turns unto Him.” [Sects vs. Unity: 3:32, 3:104, 6:160, 30:31, 42:13, 45:17-18]

42:14 And they became sects for no reason but through rivalry among themselves, after the knowledge had come to them. Had it not been for a Word that has already gone forth from your Lord for an appointed term, all matters would have been decided among them. Indeed, the later generations who inherited the Scripture of the old still keep harboring doubts about it. [The Word = The Law of free will = The Law of Respite]

42:15 Because of this (O Messenger) call them (to the Truth), stand firm as you are commanded and do not follow their wishes. But announce, "I believe in the Book that God has revealed, and I am commanded to be just among you. God is our Lord and your Lord. We are responsible for our deeds and you are responsible for your deeds. There is no contention between us and you! God will bring us together, and unto Him is our destination." [109:6]

42:16 As for those who argue about God after He has been accepted (and the Divine System has been established as a living witness to the Truth), futile is their argument at their Lord. And upon them is condemnation and theirs will be a severe retribution.

42:17 God it is Who has revealed the Book setting forth the Truth, and the Balance (that distinguishes right from wrong). And what will make you realize that the Hour (the ultimate recompense of actions) might be close?

42:18 Only those who deny it seek to hasten it. But the believers remain conscious of the Law of Requital knowing that it is the Truth. Oh, certainly, those who call the Hour in question have indeed gone far astray. [‘As you sow so shall you reap’ resonates well with free will and the Law of Requital]

42:19 God is Sublime, Aware of the minutest needs of His servants. He provides for them (even if they deny Him) according to His Laws. And He is the Strong, the Mighty.

42:20 Whoever desires the harvest of the life to come, We increase his harvest. And whoever desires only the harvest of this world, We give him something thereof, but He will have no share in the life to come. [Individuals and nations attain prosperity in both lives only by submitting to the Permanent Values 17:19-21]

42:21 Oh! They have idols (clergy) who decree for them religious laws never authorized by God. Had it not been for the Decree of Judgment, the matter would have been decided concerning them immediately. Surely, there is an awful doom for the transgressors.

42:22 You will see the transgressors in fear about what they have earned, and (the requital of ) that will surely befall them. But those who believe and do good works (that improve the society), will be in flowering meadows of the Gardens. For them is whatever they wish from their Lord. This, this indeed is the magnificent Bounty.

42:23 This is the good news from God to His servants who believe and lead a righteous life. Say, "No reward do I ask you for this other than that you show loving kindness to the ones near in the human bond. For, anyone who benefits people, We shall grant him additional good. And, certainly, God is ever Absolver of imperfections, Responsive to gratitude. [Fil Qurba = The near ones in human bond = Family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, employees. It does not mean relatives only, or the exalted Prophet’s family as advanced by some people. The terms for relatives are Zil-Qurba and Aqraba. Seeking the way to the Lord through kindness to fellow humans. 25:57]

42:24 What! Do they say, “He has invented a falsehood about God”? But if God willed, He could seal up your (Prophet’s) heart. And God blots out falsehood and proves the Truth by His Words (Laws). Surely, He is the Knower of all that is in the hearts. [10:16]

42:25 And He it is Who accepts repentance from His servants, and pardons their misdeeds and He knows all you do. [Taubah = Repentance = Returning to the right course. Pardon = Blotting out the unfavorable imprints on the human ‘self’]

42:26 And accepts all those who attain belief and help others, and He gives them a far exceeding reward from His Bounty. But for those who adamantly deny the Truth and choose to stay in darkness, is a severe retribution.

42:27 And if God made His provision unlimited for His servants, they would have created more disorder on earth (by increasing in pride and greed. But, He bestows His provision in due measure according to His Laws. Surely, He is fully Cognizant, Seer of His servants (and their societies). [96:6]

42:28 And He it is Who sends down rain after they have despaired and He spreads out His Grace widely. And He is the Protecting Friend, the Owner of all Praise.

42:29 And among His signs is the creative design of the heavens and the earth, and the living creatures which He has dispersed throughout them. And He is Able to gather them together when He wills. [Here is an allusion to the existence of life in other celestial bodies, and to man meeting with the 'aliens' some day. 16:49]

42:30 Whatever calamity befalls you, is a consequence of your own actions and He pardons a great deal. [If mankind establishes the Divine System on earth, their societies will function as orderly as the rest of the Universe. Most calamities befall people because of the wrong manmade systems. ‘Afw = Forgiveness = The capacity to absolve imperfections. Divine Laws in Nature have the capacity to absolve imperfections]

42:31 Neither can you evade Him through the earth, nor do you have any patron or helper besides God.

42:32 And among His signs are the ships that sail like bannered mountains through the seas.

42:33 And if He so wills, He calms the winds so that they come to a halt on its surface. Herein, behold, are signs for everyone who is patient (in reading the Book of Nature) and grateful (for what he learns).

42:34 Or that He may cause them to perish as a consequence of their deeds, but He forgives a great deal. [The human ‘self’ may progress like ships that sail freely through the sea, suffer stagnancy, or perish to a subhuman existence]

42:35 And let them know, those who dispute about Our messages, that for them there is no escape.

42:36 Whatever you are given is but a fleeting enjoyment of the life of this world. And what is with God is far better and more lasting. It is for those who choose to believe and trust in their Lord.
42:37 And those who desist from actions that drag down the human potential, and from indecencies. And when angered they readily forgive. [4:31, 53:32]
42:38 They respond to their Lord by establishing Salaat, and conduct their affairs by mutual consultation, and they keep open for the welfare of others what We have given them. [Establishing Salaat = Establishing the System where following of the Divine Commands is facilitated. Nafaq = Open-ended tunnel = No hoarding]
42:39 And whenever gross injustice is inflicted upon them, they defend themselves and stand up for their rights. [In the Divine System, the oppressed is helped and the oppressor is requited. Yastansiroon carries the meanings of defending and standing up for rights]
42:40 But requiting evil may become an evil in itself! Hence, whoever pardons and makes peace, his reward rests with God. Surely, He does not loves the violators of human rights.
42:41 And those who stand up for their rights and defend themselves, when they have been wronged, for such, there is no blame.
42:42 The blame is on them who oppress people and cause disorder on earth resorting to aggression, unprovoked. They are the ones for whom there is an awful doom.
42:43 And, certainly, whoever is patient and forgives, that indeed is from strength of character.
42:44 And he whom God lets go astray has no protector then. And you will see the oppressors, how they exclaim as soon as they behold the doom, “Is there any way of return?” [‘God lets go astray’ = People only go astray by defying the Law of Guidance 4:88. In fact, God does not send astray anyone. He ascribes all things and actions to Himself when they happen through His Laws]

42:45 And you will see them facing it, humiliated, looking and yet not looking. And those who believe will say, "Surely, lost on this Day of Resurrection are those who had wasted their own ‘selves’ and their families." Oh, certainly, the wrongdoers will fall into lasting suffering.

42:46 And they will have no patrons to help them instead of God. One who goes astray by violating the Laws of Guidance, for him there is no road. [42:44]

42:47 Hence, respond to your Lord before there comes to you from God a Day which cannot be averted. There will be no shelter for you on that Day nor will you have any rebuttal to what you did.

42:48 But if they turn away, We have not sent you as a guardian over them. Your duty is to convey the Message. And indeed, when We cause humans to taste of Grace form Us, they rejoice in it. But if a calamity befalls them as a consequence of what their hands have sent forth, then, behold! Man is ungrateful. [They say that God had so willed]

42:49 To God belongs the Dominion of the heavens and the earth. He creates and designs all things according to His Laws. He bestows the gift of daughters according to His Laws and the gift of sons according to His Laws.

42:50 Or He bestows both males and females, and He leaves infertile some according to His Laws. For, certainly, He is the all Knowing Appointer of designs.

42:51 And it is not for any human being that God will speak to him other than through direct Revelation (on the hearts of His messengers) or from behind a barrier (such as at Mount Sinai to Moses) or by sending a Messenger to convey His Words with His Permission (as all messengers did). Surely, He is the Most High, the Wise.

42:52 And thus We have revealed to you (O Prophet) a life-giving Message, by Our Command. You knew not what Revelation is, nor what Faith implies. But now We have made it a Light whereby We show the Way to Our servants who will to be shown. And, certainly, (O Prophet) you guide them to the Straight Path. [The Power of Faith can revolutionize humanity]

42:53 The Path that leads to God, to Whom belongs all that is in the heavens and all that is on the earth. Oh, certainly, with God is the beginning and with Him is the end of all affairs. [All things go back to Him as their Source, and all things pursue their course according to His Laws

Surah 43. Az-Zukhruf – Ornaments of Gold

[Author’s Note] This is the 43rd Surah of the Qur’an and it has 89 brief verses. The title reflects upon a deplorable tendency of mankind, that of seeing the woman as an article of beauty and adornment. All along history man has victimized woman making her a subject of his desire. Ancient religions and even modern philosophies have depicted the woman having been created for man’s pleasure. This flawed idea has been so forcefully and consistently propagated that even to this day one half of mankind is consciously or unconsciously assigned a secondary role in the worlds of thought and action. And the woman, in general, has happily accepted this relegation!

The Qur’an was the first-ever effective voice against this exploitation of women bringing them equal to men in all respects. This Divine Writ recognizes the special roles women have in the society and brings them at par with men concerning all human rights. Ironically, fabricated Ahadith came two centuries after the Qur’an to shackle the poor woman back into the same chains that the Qur’an had broken. Hence, we see the violation of women’s rights in the so-called Muslim societies no less than other cultures till this day!

With the Glorious Name of Allah, the Instant and Sustaining Source of all Mercy and Kindness

43:1 H.M. Ha-Meem (Hakeem the Wise, Majeed the Glorious, states that),

43:2 Witness to itself is this Scripture that is clear in itself and shows the Truth clearly.

43:3 Indeed, We have made it a Monograph in clear Arabic language that you may fully understand. [7:158, 12:3, 13:37, 14:4, 25:1, 39:28, 41:3, 42:7]

43:4 And, certainly, in the Source of Decrees with Us, it is indeed sublime, decisive.

43:5 Should We withdraw the Reminder from you just because you are a people bent upon wasting yourselves?

43:6 And how many a Prophet did We send to the previous generations!

43:7 But never came unto them a Prophet, but they mocked him.

43:8 And so, We annihilated men stronger in power than these. And the very image of the previous communities became a thing of the past. [Madha mathal = An image of the past, lost and gone]

43:9 If you ask them, "Who created the heavens and the earth?” They will answer, “The Almighty, the Knower created them."

43:10 He it is Who has made the earth a cradle for you and has made roads therein and ways of subsistence, so that you may find ways to your destination. [Subula = Ways and means]

43:11 And He it is Who sends down water from the sky in due measure. And We revive with it a dead land, thus will you be brought forth.

43:12 And He it is Who has created all things in pairs and He it is Who has given you all those ships and quadrupeds on which you ride, [See 36:36]

43:13 So that you might have control of the means of transport, and that upon gaining control of them you might remember your Lord's Blessings, and say, "Glorified is He Who has made all this of service to us. (Against His Laws) we would not have been able to attain this control. [‘Alayehi: The singular form here refers to ‘transport’ including ships, the quadrupeds, and all else]

43:14 Hence, certainly, it is unto Him that we must always turn.”

43:15 And yet they ‘make’ some of His servants to be a part of Him! Indeed, man is openly ungrateful.

43:16 What! Has He taken daughters out of what He Himself created and makes you feel honored with sons?

43:17 Yet if any of them is given the glad tiding of what he likens to the Beneficent, his face saddens and he is filled with hidden anger.

43:18 (He says), “What! That which has to be raised in ornament?” And then he finds himself in an inner conflict (whether to let the daughter live or bury her in the dust!)

[Wa huwa fil khisam is commonly rendered to mean that the baby girl would grow up to be less eloquent in a conflict. But, after much reflection, I find myself in agreement with Muhammad Asad, since Huwa is a male pronoun referring to the father and not to the baby-girl. Moreover, 16:58-59 support the translation done here]

43:19 And they ‘make’ the angels who are servants of the Beneficent, females. Did they witness their creation? Their testimony will be recorded, and they will be called to account (for their false claims).

43:20 Yet they say, "If it had been the will of the Beneficent, we should not have worshiped them." But of that, they have no knowledge. They only wander in the valley of conjecture. [There is no room for fatalism in Divine Laws. Humans have been endowed with free will. 6:149, 36:47]

43:21 What! Have We given them a Scripture before this to which they are holding fast?

43:22 Nay, but they say, "Indeed, we found our fathers following a certain religion, and we find our way in their footprints."

43:23 Likewise, whenever We sent before you a warner to any township, its wealthy ones said, "Behold! We have found our forefathers following a certain religion, and we will follow in their footsteps."

[Ummah = A community with common beliefs = Those who share a common religion. Mutrifeen = The wealthy = Those given to material possessions = The social and financial elite = Those steeped in luxury = Those who are used to enjoying the fruit of others’ labor = Those who thrive on easy money = Who get wealthy without hard work]

43:24 He said, “What! Even though I bring you better Guidance than that you found your ancestors following?" They replied, "Indeed, we deny that there is any Truth in what you (prophets) are sent


43:25 And so We requited them. Then see the end of the rejecters.

43:26 And when Abraham declared to his father and his people, "Surely, I do indeed free myself of what you worship.

43:27 None (shall I serve) but He Who brought me into being, and, behold, He it is Who will guide me.”

43:28 And he left an enduring lesson for subsequent generations that they may seek inspiration from it. [Take a firm stand against blind following]

43:29 Nay, but I allowed them and their ancestors to enjoy life until the Truth should come to them through a Messenger who would make all things clear. [Them = The people of Arabia. Previously, they could freely enjoy life without any moral obligations since God does not take people to task before He has sent a Messenger. 6:131, 21:44]

43:30 But now that the Truth has come to them, they say, "It is a magical lie and, behold, we are disbelievers therein.”

43:31 And they say, "Why was not this Qur’an sent down to some great man of the two towns.” [Makkah and Taaif]

43:32 Are they the ones who distribute your Lord's Grace? Nay, it is We Who distribute among them even their material needs in the life of the world. And We raise some of them by degrees above others, so that they might help one another (with different skills). But this Grace of your Lord (the revealed Guidance) is better than all (the treasures) that they may amass. [16:53, 16:71]

43:33 If mankind were intended to become One Community (through wealth and not through Ideology), We might have made all those who disbelieve in the Beneficent super rich, giving them roofs of silver for their houses and stairs of silver to climb.

43:34 And for their houses doors of silver and couches of silver to recline on.

43:35 And gold! Yet all this would have been but a fleeting delight of the life of the world. But the Eternity with your Lord belongs to those who live upright.

43:36 Whoever closes his eyes to the remembrance of the Beneficent, to him We assign a Satan as an intimate companion. [His desires overtake him]

43:37 And, behold, they surely hinder them from the Way, but (rationalizing their actions) they think that they are guided right.

43:38 But in the end when he comes to Us, He will say (to his split self), "Ah! I wish I were far apart from you as the East is from the West. Ah! What a miserable companion."

43:39 It will not console you on that Day that after doing wrong together, you are now partners in punishment!

43:40 But, can you make the deaf of heart hear or show the way to the blind of heart, or such as obviously wander off the road.

43:41 (O Prophet) Even if We take you away, certainly, We will requite them.

43:42 Or, We may show you what We promise them. Indeed, We have full power over them. [If they accept the Message, they will be blessed with Divine bounties, instead of getting to suffer. 10:46, 13:40, 23:95, 40:78]

43:43 So hold fast unto what is revealed to you. For, certainly, you are on a Straight Path.

43:44 And, behold, this Reminder will give eminence to you and your people. But in time, all of you will be called to account for what you have done with it. [21:10, 21:24, 25:30]

43:45 Check with the messengers (their messages) We sent before you. Did We ever appoint gods to be worshiped other than the Beneficent?

43:46 Thus indeed, We sent Moses with Our messages to Pharaoh and his chiefs, and he said, "Indeed, I am a Messenger of the Lord of the Worlds."

43:47 But when he presented them Our messages, behold, they laughed at them.

43:48 We showed them sign after sign each greater than the previous like of it, and We took them to task with suffering so that they might turn (to make amends. [7:133]

43:49 But they kept saying, "O Wizard! Pray for us to your Lord according to His covenant with you. For, certainly, we shall now walk the right way."

43:50 But as soon as we relieved their affliction, behold, they broke their word.

43:51 [As Moses was being widely accepted] Pharaoh kept announcing to his nation, "O My people! Is not mine the Kingdom of Egypt, and these streams flowing beneath me? Why! Do you not see then, (that I am your Lord Supreme)?

43:52 Am I not better than this despicable fellow who can hardly make his point? [Pharaoh, in fact, seems to hold the Divine Message, and not Moses in low esteem]

43:53 And then, why have no golden armlets been bestowed on him? Or why have no angels come along escorting him?" [Aswirah = Armlets of gold, which were considered a sign of honor, stature and royalty in many civilizations]

43:54 Thus did he stupefy his people and they obeyed him. Surely, they were a nation who readily drifted away from the Truth.

43:55 So when they continued to challenge Us, We requited them and drowned them all.

43:56 And so We made them history and an example for later generations.

43:57 When the son of Mary is mentioned as an example (O Prophet), behold, your people raise an outcry about it.

43:58 And they say, "Which is better, our gods or he?” They set forth this comparison only to argue with you. Nay! They are a contentious folk.

43:59 He was none but a servant whom We had graced (with Revelation) and whom We made an example for the Children of Israel.

43:60 And had We so willed We could have made you humans into angels succeeding one another on earth.

[verses 43:57-60: The idolaters in this instance are referring to angels being their gods, claiming that angels are better than Jesus, a mortal human being according to the Qur’an. Furthermore, angels being devoid of free will are obviously sinless, while the humans have been endowed with free will, and, therefore, are accountable for their actions. These verses are refuting divinity of angels by stating that they succeed one another. Also being refuted is the Doctrine of Atonement whereby mere acceptance of Jesus as the ‘Savior’ is believed to render humans sinless like angels. God willed the earth to be inhabited by the imperfect humans though crowned with the capacity to make their own choices]

43:61 And, behold, this (Qur’an) indeed gives knowledge of the oncoming Revolution. Hence, bear no doubt about it and follow Me. This alone is the Straight Path.

[Many commentators regard Innahu in this verse as relating to Jesus and then postulate that Jesus is the sign of the Resurrection Day. In my opinion, this fallacy is the result of: - Missing the context of free will in the last few verses.

- Taking the Hour only to mean the Resurrection Day. But 'The Hour' is frequently mentioned in the Qur’an to indicate Revolution, the ultimate outcome, and the culmination of the Law of Requital.
- Losing sight of the capital M in ‘follow Me’, that is God. There is no ‘Qul’, say to them, or tell them O Prophet, in this verse. 'Follow Me' would then clearly signify 'Follow God’s Revelation, the Qur’an'. Here is my humble explanation of the verse: ‘This Qur’an stresses upon you the inevitability of the Law of Requital. Bear no doubt that you will be held accountable for all your actions, hence; follow My Commands given in this Book of Mine’]

43:62 And let not Satan (your whims and deceivers) bar you from it. Indeed, he is your open enemy.

43:63 When Jesus came with the evident Truth, he said, "Now I have come unto you with wisdom and to make clear to you some of the issues on which you differ. So, be mindful of God and heed me.

43:64 Indeed, God, He is my Lord and your Lord. So worship Him alone. This is a Straight Way."

43:65 (This was the true Monotheism he had brought but) factions among them began to hold different views. Then anguish of an awful Day awaits those who wrongfully deviated.

43:66 Do they only wait for the Hour that will come upon them all of a sudden while they perceive not? [In the above verses, we find the answer raised about idols and Jesus in 43:58]

43:67 Friends on that Day will be foes to one another except those who live upright. [The Divine Ideology will keep them close]

43:68 [And God will say] O My servants! No fear for you this Day nor are you to grieve.

43:69 You who believed in Our messages and surrendered to Us.

43:70 Enter the Garden, you and your spouses, rejoicing.

43:71 Therein they will be served around in trays and goblets of gold. And therein is all that a person might desire and the eyes might delight in. And you are immortal therein.

43:72 Such is the Paradise that you shall have inherited by virtue of your deeds.

43:73 Fruits of those deeds shall you have in abundance to partake thereof.

43:74 But, behold, those who stole the fruit of others' labor shall abide in the suffering of Hell.

43:75 It will not be relaxed for them, and therein they will be in despair.

43:76 And it is not We Who wrong them, but it is they who used to hurt their own ‘selves’ by doing wrong to others.

43:77 And they will cry, "O Keeper (of Hell)! Let your Lord finish us!" He will answer, "Surely, you must live on."

43:78 Indeed We have conveyed to you the Truth, but most of you resent the Truth.

43:79 What! Have they devised a plan? Indeed, it is We Who determine the outcome.

43:80 Or do they think that We do not hear their secret plans and private meetings? Yes indeed, We do, and Our envoys are with them, recording. [10:21]

43:81 Say (O Prophet), "If the Beneficent ever had a son, I would be the first to worship him."

43:82 Glorified is the Lord of the heavens and the earth, the Lord of Supreme Control, from what they ascribe to Him.

43:83 So let them chatter and play until they meet their Day which they have been promised.

43:84 He it is Who is God in the heaven and God on the earth. And He is the Wise, the Knower.

43:85 And Blessed is He to Whom belongs the Kingdom of the Highs and the Lows and all that is between them. And with Him is the knowledge of the Hour, and unto Him you shall be returned. [He knows when mankind will rally around the Divine Ideology, and every step of yours is getting closer to it]

43:86 And those whom they call instead of Him possess no power of intercession, except such who stand up to witness in Truth and they know. [2:255]

43:87 And if you ask them who created them, they will surely say: God! Why then do they deviate (and refuse to acknowledge His sovereignty in their lives)? [43:9]

43:88 By his (the Prophet’s) silent cry, "O My Lord! Indeed, these are a folk who believe not!" [His call will be heard. 18:6, 26:3]

43:89 Then bear with them, and say, "Peace!" In time, they will come to know what they now do not.

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