Qxpiv May, 2007 By Shabbir Ahmed, M. D., Florida Chief Adviser and Editor: Hossein Kowsari, California Reviewed by: Abdullah Ali Bashoeb, Hijaz

Surah 70. Al-Ma’aarij – The Stairways of Ascent

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Surah 70. Al-Ma’aarij – The Stairways of Ascent

[Author’s Note] This is the 70th Surah of the Qur’an. It has 44 verses. God is the Supreme Controller of the Universe. Individuals and nations can attain great heights in both lives if they live by His Laws in this world.

With the Glorious Name of Allah, the Instant and Sustaining Source of all Mercy and Kindness

70:1 A questioner might ask about the catastrophe that is bound to fall.

70:2 Upon those who deny the Truth. None can repel it.

70:3 From God, Lord of the stairways of Ascent. [He enables all things to ascend, evolve and become what they are destined to be]

70:4 The Universal forces and the Divine Energy ascend unto Him in a Day the measure of which is fifty thousand years.

[All things in the Universe evolve in stages to fulfill the Divine Plan. Some of these stages take one thousand years each, and others fifty thousand years by the human calendar.

The Big Picture of the Qur’an does allude to the Divine Plan. As I understand, it is the origination of a brand new Cosmos in which all things including the humans will be brought into being in incredibly higher forms, and the evolution will go on indefinitely.

God stresses upon us again and again to prime our ‘selves’ for further development in the life to come and achieve true Immortality, the Paradise, the Eternal Bliss. That contrasts with mere survival where there is no progress. An existence without progress is worse than death, and the Qur’an terms it Hell. The only way to prime our ‘selves’ is to be of benefit to God’s creation. [22:47, 32:5, 35:10, 78:38, 97:4]

References too many to enumerate, but any student of the Qur’an who bears in mind the development or actualization of the ‘self’ will find this point highlighted on every page and every Surah in the Mighty Book.

No amount and no kind of ritualism can help that ‘priming’ of the ‘self’. And, according to the Qur’an, no nation ever faced decline or annihilation for a deficiency or lack of rituals]

70:5 Therefore, persevere with a gracious patience.

70:6 Indeed, they see it far away.

70:7 But We see it near.

70:8 The Day when the sky will melt away.

70:9 And the mountains will become as flakes of wool.

70:10 And a friend will not ask about his friend.

70:11 Even though they will be within sight of one another. The guilty will desire to give his own children to ransom himself from suffering of the Day.

70:12 And his wife and his brother.

70:13 And his whole family and the tribe that raised and sheltered him.

70:14 And all who lived on earth – all of them if then it might save him.

70:15 But nay! Indeed, it is a raging flame.

70:16 That burns all coverings and defenses.

70:17 It calls him who turned and fled from Truth.

70:18 And hoarded wealth, and withheld it.

70:19 Surely, man is created with an anxious disposition.

70:20 Despondent when harm touches him.

70:21 And stingy when good reaches him.

70:22 Except the Musalleen. [Who are Musalleen? Not the so-called ritualistic praying ones]

70:23 ----- Musalleen are those who always follow the Divine System.

70:24 ----- And in whose wealth and possessions is a known right.

70:25 ----- For him who asks for help, and for him who is deprived.

70:26 ----- (And Musalleen are) those who have conviction in the Day of Judgment [and hence, in the Law of Recompense]

70:27 ----- And those who are fearful of their Lord’s Law of Requital.

70:28 ----- (They know that) Surely, their Lord’s Law of Requital makes no exceptions, so that none can feel secure.

70:29 ----- Those men and women who preserve their chastity.

70:30 ----- They have intimate relations only with their spouses – that is, those who are rightfully theirs through wedlock. For such relationship they are free of blame. [‘Aw’ = Or = That is = And. 23:5-7]

70:31 But anyone who seeks beyond this, those are the transgressors.

70:32 ----- (And Musalleen are those) who guard their trusts and duties assigned to them, and their pledges, as a shepherd guards his flock.

70:33 ----- And those who are truthful as witness and stand by their testimony.

70:34 ----- And those who consolidate and protect the Divine System.

70:35 ----- (Musalleen are the ones who collectively build it on earth and) inherit the Paradise in the Hereafter. Such are the honored ones.

70:36 What, then, is the matter with the rejecters that they rush to and fro before you, confused? [Instead of joining hands]

70:37 On the right and on the left, in groups!

70:38 Does everyone of them hope to enter the Garden of Bliss with this attitude?

70:39 Nay! Surely, they know full well what potentials We created them with.

70:40 But nay! I call to Witness the Lord of all points in the East and all points in the West, behold, We are Able -

70:41 To replace them by others better than they are. For, there is nothing to prevent Us.

70:42 Let them chat and play until they meet their Day which they are promised.

70:43 The Day they shall come forth in haste from their disintegrated states, as if racing toward a goal post.

70:44 With their eyes subdued in shame, humiliation overwhelming them. Such is the Day which they were promised again and again.

Surah 71 – Nooh – Noah

[Author’s Note] This is the 71st Surah of the Qur’an. It has 28 verses. It is a common misconception that Adam was the first Prophet of God. Adam is an allegory for mankind. It is obvious from the Qur’an that Noah was the first ever Prophet of God. [2:30-39, 6:84-87 7:10-26, 15:28-33, 20:116-121, 30:20, 38:71-73]

With the Glorious Name of Allah, the Instant and Sustaining Source of all Mercy and Kindness

71:1 Indeed, We sent Noah unto his nation, “Warn your people before an awful doom comes to them.”

71:2 He said, "O My people! Indeed, I am a plain warner to you,

71:3 That you serve God and be mindful of Him. Now, do pay heed to me.

71:4 He will then protect you from the detriment of trailing behind in humanity and respite you until a term appointed. Indeed, when the term appointed by God comes, it cannot be delayed – if you but knew this."

71:5 He said, "My Lord! Surely, I have been calling unto my people night and day.

71:6 But my call only increases their fleeing.

71:7 And, behold, whenever I call unto them to be forgiven by You, they thrust their fingers in their ears - and veil themselves in their garments. And they persist in this behavior glorifying themselves in pride. [11:5]

71:8 And, behold, then I called unto them aloud.

71:9 And, behold, I addressed them in gatherings and spoke to them individually in private."

71:10 And I have said, “Seek forgiveness of your Lord. Indeed, He is ever Forgiving.

71:11 He will shower upon you heavenly blessings.

71:12 And will help you with goods and riches and flourishing families, and will grant you gardens and will bestow upon you flowing streams."

[Baneen = Sons = Children = Tribal unity and strength = Party = Flourishing families. Forgiveness in the context indicates halting the behavior that is detrimental to the society, and turning to Divine Guidance in order to protect themselves from the logical harmful consequences]

71:13 What is the matter with you that you fail to acknowledge majesty for God? [And that His Book can give you eminence. 21:10]

71:14 Knowing that He has created you in successive stages.

71:15 Do you not realize (not willing to reflect and research) how God has created the seven heavens in great harmony?

71:16 And made the moon a light therein, and made the sun a radiant lamp.

71:17 And God has caused you to grow as a growth from the earth. [Note the beginning of life out of water and organic matter – stages of evolution. 22:5]

71:18 Then He returns you into the earth and He will bring you forth again, a new bringing.

71:19 And God has made the earth a wide expanse for you.

71:20 That you may travel thereon on spacious valley-ways.

71:21 Then Noah said, "My Lord! Indeed, they have opposed me throughout, for they follow him whose wealth and children have led him increasingly into ruin.

71:22 And they plot tremendous schemes,

71:23 And keep telling one another, “Do not abandon your gods! And forsake not Wadd, nor Suw’a, nor Yaghuth and Ya’uq and Nasr."

[They had set up idols: Wadd, the god of masculinity. Suw’a, the goddess of femininity. Yaghuth, the lion god of power. Ya'uq, the horse god for travel and battle. Nasr, the eagle god for flying in to ‘steal’ the news of the Unseen]

71:24 They misled a great many. And You (Your Laws) let the wrongdoers increase in straying.”

71:25 And so, because of faults upon faults, they were drowned, then made to enter a Fire. And they found out that they had no helpers besides God. [‘Made to enter’: Before God is eternal now, so the past tense here indicates the inevitable outcome]

71:26 And Noah said, "My Lord! Leave not any of these rejecters to dwell in this valley,

71:27 If you should leave them, they will mislead Your servants and they will only beget division and ingratitude.

71:28 My Lord! Grant me the protection of forgiveness and unto my parents and whoever enters my house (ideology of submission to one God) in Faith, and unto all the believing men and the believing women (of all times). And increase the oppressors in ruin for their violation of human rights." [Zaalimeen = Oppressors = Violators of human rights = Wrongdoers]

Surah 72. Al-Jinn – The Unseen Beings

[Author’s Note] This is the 72nd Surah of the Qur’an. It has 28 verses. The term ‘Jinn’ is often misunderstood. It is supposed that they are unseen fiery creatures that live on earth and in the atmosphere and that they can possess people. The Qur’an does not condone the existence of any such thing as ‘demons’. And there is a reported saying of the exalted Prophet, “La Ghoul” = There is no such thing as ghoul, demons, Dracula, vampires, fairies, witches and wizards etc. All such things fall into the domain of superstition.

“And the Jinns He has created from a confused flame of fire (with a fiery disposition 55:15).

[References to Jinns: 2:102,6:76, 6:100, 6:112, 6:128-130, 7:12, 7:38, 8:27, 11:119, 15:17, 15:27, 21:82, 32:13, 34:12-14, 37:158, 38:76, 46:29-32, 55:15, 72:1-15, 75:2-6, 114:6 Jinn, in fact, implies something hidden, rarely seen. Hence, after using Tasreef, Al-Jinn = The nomads. Jannah from the same root means a garden hidden in foliage. When the Jinns or nomads move to dwell in towns and become civilized, they are referred to as Ins = Urbanites.

Among the verses referred to above, Jinn, at times, denotes the hidden evil prompting that goes on in the human mind. In the sense of flashes of evil prompting, Jinn can be understood as Satan in minor forms. Satan = Selfish or rebellious desire, works in concert with evil emotions which have been described as being fiery in the Jahilyah poetry. 'Emotions being fiery' stands up to reason.

Verse 21:37 convincingly shows what the ‘creation of Jinn out of fire’ actually means. Using exactly the same terms ‘khuliq’ and ‘min’ it states “KHULIQAL insanu MIN ‘ajal”. Literally that would translate as: He created man out of haste. Whereas the clear understanding is: Man has been created with a tendency to be hasty and looking for instant gains or results.

Such is the case with, “KHULAQAL jaanna MIN marijin MIN naar”. He created the nomads with a fiery disposition.

This Surah beautifully illustrates another very important point. Wherever in the Qur’an we come across the utterance or behavior of people that is not condemned by other verses, it stands confirmed by God as right and truthful]

With the Glorious Name of Allah, the Instant and Sustaining Source of all Mercy and Kindness

72:1 Say (O Prophet) It has been revealed to me that a tribe of nomads listened, and then they said, “Indeed, we have heard a marvelous Recital. [46:29]

72:2 It shows the way to Enlightenment, so we have come to believe in it. And we shall never again ascribe a partner unto our Lord.

72:3 And Exalted is the Majesty of our Lord. He has taken neither a wife, nor a son.

72:4 The foolish among us uttered such outrageous lies about God.

72:5 And behold, we used to think that people, whether civilized or uncivilized, would never utter a lie about God.

72:6 And, indeed some people of towns used to seek shelter with some of the nomads and increased them in confusion.

72:7 And they thought as you nomads thought that God would never again send

forth anyone. (As His Messenger, and so, the claimants of the occult sciences

would carry on with their deceptions.)

72:8 And we tried to feel the heaven but found it well attended by mighty guards

and flames." [The shining knowledge in the Qur’an dismisses all conjecture of the

astrologers, fortune-tellers, and other claimants of occult sciences]

72:9 (The nomads continued), “And we used to sit on places listening to

the 'heavenly news'. But now whoever listens will find a flame waiting for him.

[The brilliant flame of Divine Revelation is now ready to torch the

conjecture of the astrologers. 37:6-9, 67:5]

72:10 And we know not whether harm is intended for the inhabitants of the earth, or whether their Lord wills for them Enlightenment." [It remains to be seen how people will react to this revolutionary Message]

72:11 (The nomads continued their conversation), “And some of us are righteous and others are far from that, and we follow varying paths.

72:12 We know that wherever we are on earth, we cannot defy God, nor can we flee to escape.

72:13 And as soon as we heard the Enlightenment, we believed in it. And whoever chooses to be graced with belief in his Lord, need not fear a diminished return, nor unfairness.

72:14 And some of us have submitted (to God) while there are others who are taking a middle course. And whoever submits – such are they who have resolved to get enlightened.

72:15 And those who maintain a middle course (between the right and wrong); they are but fire-wood for the Hell."

72:16 (Such was their conversation.) Now, if they take an unwavering stand on the Highest Discipline, We will shower them with abundant bounties.

[Tareeqah = Layer upon layer arranged in great harmony = Discipline = Way = Course. At-Tareeqah = The Highest Discipline = Divine Revelation. Maa = Water, heavenly blessings = Bounties]

72:17 That We might test them (let them try their own mettle) thereby. And whoever turns away from his Sustainer’s Reminder, He will cause him to undergo an ever-increasing torment. [20:124]

72:18 And know that all Masjids (and temples of worship) are for God. ([Adoration, prostration, submission are due to God alone.) Hence, invoke not anyone along with God. \

[Masjid = Mosque = Places of worship = Collective acts of submission = Ways of adoration = Obedience of Divine Commands = Centers of administering the Divine System. 9:17)

72:19 Yet whenever a servant of God stands up with invitation to Him, they crowd on him in hostility. [22:72]

72:20 Say, "I call unto my Lord alone and associate no one with Him" [I do not heed religious ‘authorities’]

72:21 Say, "Indeed, I do not own the power to harm you or enforce enlightenment upon you."

72:22 Say, "Indeed, No one can shelter me from (the consequences of violating the laws of) God, nor can I find a hide-out from Him.

72:23 If I fail to convey to people what I receive from God and make His messages known.” Whoever disobeys God and His Messenger, behold, for him is Hellfire, to abide therein forever.

72:24 Until they see what they are promised. And so, soon will they find out who is really helpless and counts for less!

72:25 Say, "I do not know whether the promise made to you is near or if my Lord will delay it."

72:26 Knower of the Unseen (and the future), and He makes known unto none His secret,

72:27 Except as He wills unto a Messenger whom He has elected, and unto him He reveals from the past and the future, and ensures that the Revelation is guarded. [God Himself guards the Perfected Final Revelation, hence no more apostles will come. Al-Qur’an is now the Messenger for all times.15:9]

72:28 That He may make manifest that it is indeed their Lord’s messages (and nothing else) that these messengers deliver. For, He it is Who encompasses all the Revelation they have, and takes account of all things.

Surah 73. Al-Muzammil – The Great Caravan Leader

[Author’s Note] This is the 73rd Surah of the Qur’an. It has 20 verses. ‘Zameel’ = A close companion. ‘Tazmeel’ = Selecting the best companions. Al-Muzammil denotes the most competent selector of virtuous human beings. He admits the best into his company and takes them along toward a Noble Mission. He is a great leader.

Unfortunately, Al-Muzammil has been given a very feeble translation in most works as someone who is shivering and covering himself in a blanket! How do such grievous insults endure? - Because of the conjectural drama of “Shane Nuzool”. Historians and traditionalists first come up with or follow a fabricated account of some event that “caused the Revelation” of such and such verse. Then they try to confirm the meaning of that particular verse to that supposed “event”. This is only one of the ways the Qur’an is made MAHJOOR, left alone as a disabled slave of tradition! [25:30]

With the Glorious Name of Allah, the Instant and Sustaining Source of all Mercy and Kindness

73:1 O You (Prophet) the great selector of companions, the best caravan leader!

73:2 Stay vigilant even by night, and never fall short on it -

[As Head of the State the Prophet is responsible for arranging peace and security for all citizens (17:79, 76:26). ‘Illa’ here, as in many other verses, represents ‘never’, and not ‘except’ (11:107-108, 55:33, 87:6-7) "Al-Manar" vol 1. pg 414]

73:3 Half of it, or a little less.

73:4 Or, you shall increase it whenever warranted. And convey the Qur’an in a calm distinctive manner, stage by stage.

73:5 Indeed, We are charging you with a substantial Declaration [a Lofty Mission]

73:6 Certainly, the vigil of the night impresses the minds most strongly, and the speech is most upright. [Mutual consultation with your companions is better done in the peace of night]

73:7 Indeed, by day you are engaged in continued strife.

73:8 Keep eminent the Name of your Lord and detach yourself from needless pursuits for His sake.

73:9 Lord of the East and the West! There is no god but He. Hence, hold on to Him as Dispenser of affairs.

73:10 Endure with patience whatever people may say, and leave them with a noble leaving.

73:11 And leave unto Me the deniers who enjoy the blessings of life. And bear with them for a little while.

73:12 Indeed, with Us are shackles and a blazing Fire.

73:13 And a choking food and an awful doom.

73:14 The Day is coming when the masses and the wealthy tyrants will shake and the leaders will become heaps of sand.

73:15 Indeed, We have sent unto you a Messenger to be a witness concerning you, just as We had sent unto Pharaoh a Messenger.

73:16 But Pharaoh rebelled against the Messenger, whereupon We seized him with a calamitous seizing.

73:17 So, how, if you keep rejecting, will you guard yourselves on a Day which will turn children gray. [A horrifying Day]

73:18 The very sky will then be rent asunder. His Promise always come to pass. [‘Sky getting asunder’ = The arrogant leaders will fall apart]

73:19 Indeed, this Qur’an is a Reminder, a Giver of eminence. Now, whoever wills, let him set out on a way to his Lord.

73:20 Most certainly, (O Messenger!) Your Lord is fully Aware that you stay up working two thirds of the night, one half of it, or one third of it, together with some of your companions. But God has designed the night and the day, and He knows that you and your companions will not even keep count of your vigil. So He turns to you in kindness. Inculcate, then, as much of the Qur’anic teachings in their hearts as you may do with ease. He knows that in time some of you may be ill, and others have to travel seeking God’s bounty. And others who will have to fight in the Cause of God. Therefore, recite and convey as much of the Qur’an as may be easy for all. You have to establish the Divine System and set up the Just Economic Order. And lend unto God a goodly loan. Whatever good you send forth for your ‘selves’ you will find with God, better and more excellent in reward. And seek the protection of forgiveness of God that He absolves all imperfections. Certainly, God is Forgiving, Merciful.

Surah 74. Al-Mudathir – Founder of the Benevolent Order

[Author’s Note] This is the 74th Surah of the Qur’an. It has 56 verses. Like the previous Surah, Al-Mudathir is usually given a very feeble meaning unbecoming of the exalted Prophet - that Al-Mudatthir is the man who cloaks himself in hiding. Al-Mudathir is in fact a title of great honor.

Mudaththir signifies a man who sets things in order. It also indicates a man of impeccable character. In addition, it refers to a fearless rider who jumps upon a moving horse. Keeping all these meanings in mind Al-Mudaththir is the title of Muhammad (S) - A man of flawless character who has been entrusted with setting the house of humanity to order. And He will do it fast (jumping on the moving horse). The matchless personality of the exalted Prophet was entrusted with establishing a most Benevolent Social Order in the world. He achieved the results with lightening speed and the entire humanity since then has been moving in the direction of the Qur’anic Principles, consciously or unconsciously.

This Surah has the characteristic of embracing almost all the basic tenets of Islam, giving us a glimpse of the Big Picture of the Qur’an.

With the Glorious Name of Allah, the Instant and Sustaining Source of all Mercy and Kindness

74:1 O You founder of the most Benevolent Order!

74:2 Rise up to the occasion and post danger signs on the highway of life.

74:3 Establish the Greatness of your Lord on earth!

74:4 Keep a meticulous character! [Literally, purify your garments]

74:5 Leave alone the opponents.

74:6 And give your wealth and person selflessly. [30:39, 76:9]

74:7 Steadfastly for your Sustainer.

74:8 For when the Trumpet will sound,

74:9 That will be the Day – A Day of hardship,

74:10 Not of ease, for all who deny the Truth.

74:11 Leave it to Me (My Law) alone to decide about him whom I alone have created. [This is another verse forbidding worldly punishment for deniers of Truth]

74:12 And then granted him abundant wealth and resources. [73:11]

74:13 And children and party abiding in his presence.

74:14 And made life comfortable for him like a cradle.

74:15 But he keeps increasing in greed, desiring more and more.

74:16 Nay! Indeed, he has been a stubborn opponent of Our revelations.

74:17 I will cause him to walk an exhausting uphill climb.

74:18 For, behold, he thought and he determined.

74:19 And woe unto him! How he determined!

74:20 Again, woe unto him: How he determined!

74:21 And then he looked around.

74:22 And then he frowned and glared.

74:23 And then he turned away in pride.

74:24 And said, "All this is a remnant of ancient magic.

74:25 This is nothing but the speech of a human.”

74:26 I shall soon cast him into Saqar.

74:27 Ah, what will convey unto you what Saqar is!

74:28 A Fire that lets not live and lets not die. [Fire of Regret, Remorse, Anguish]

74:29 Visibly written on the tablet of an individual’s life.

74:30 Over it are nineteen.

[On the tablet of human life are inscribed nineteen patterns of behavior that lead to the Fire. They could be the telltale signs written on the tablet of an individual’s life. The intelligent reader may reflect on those patterns and reach one’s own conclusions. According to my humble understanding, the nineteen patterns of behavior that lead to the Hellfire are these:

1. Shirk = Associating others with God. Accepting human authorities parallel to Divine Revelation. Sectarianism. Idol worship in any form. Being content with manmade systems. Worshiping graves, saints, ancestors or one's own desire. Blind following or accepting religious information without discernment. Failing to use the Divine Word as the Criterion.

2. Ithm = Actions that deplete individual and collective potential. Destroying human lives. Lewd behavior. Discouraging productive work. Causing fear or grief by any means. Indulgence in pursuit of pleasure. 3. ‘Udwan = Creating wedges of discord between people. Causing dissension. Spreading disorder and corruption. Promoting racial, sectarian and nationalistic hatred.

4. Israaf = Wasting resources or one’s own ‘self’. Crossing limits. Moving away from moderation. Committing excesses in any aspect of life including Religion. Defying Moral Values given in the Quran. Using intoxicants that waste the human ‘self’.

5. M’asiah = Rebelling against God and the rightly guided Central Authority. Bloody crimes on earth. Disruptive behavior. Disobedience of the Word of God and the Messenger as embodied in the Quran. Gambling and usury.

6. Sayyeh = Destabilizing the lives of others. Failing to fulfill the rights of others. Injustice. Inequity. Deceiving in business or other dealings. Falling short in discharging duties. Favoritism.

7. Zulm = Relegating the Truth or displacing anything from its rightful place. Oppressing people. Violating human rights. Hurting others or one’s own ‘self’. Doing wrong to God's creatures and environment. Enslaving bodies and minds.

8. Ifk = Backbiting. Evil scheming. Defaming. Undue criticism. Fault finding. Slander. Presenting the 'heard' as 'seen'. Alarmist behavior.

9. Zann = False assumptions about people. Condemnation without investigation. Slander. Falling for superstitions. Belittling the Truth. Following conjecture. Staying out of touch with reality.

10. Jurm = Stealing the fruit of others’ labor. Violating human rights. Being guilty of living subhuman life. Witnessing for falsehood. Depriving others from their rights. Devouring others' possessions. Not giving share where it is due.

11. Takabbur = False pride. Arrogance. Self-glorification. Holding others in contempt. Refusing to learn and unlearn. Insisting on blind following. Refusing to admit fault. Being forward before the Messages of God. Mocking the Truth. Deeming to ‘know it all'. Considering material goods higher than moral virtue.

12. Ghill = Harboring malice in the heart. Failing to forgive people. Looking forward to take revenge. Plotting to hurt physically, financially or emotionally. Being hateful. Opposition for the sake of opposition. Incriminating others for personal grudge.

13. Ghadhab = Anger. Letting loose virulent emotions. Succumbing to desire. Yelling at others. Intimidating the weak. Losing self-control. Impulsive attitude.

15. Bhukhl = Stinginess. Hoarding. Withholding own wealth and person from serving humanity. Apathy toward the needy. Being greedy.

16. Laghw = Wasting precious time. Idle talk. Meaningless assemblies. Conspiring. Senseless play and pastime.

17. Sadd = Barring oneself or others from the Path of God. Putting forward human thoughts above the Divine Revelation. Hindering immigration from the domain of evil. Antagonizing the Word of God. Presenting falsehood as Truth. Misleading people with conjecture. Hindering the way to the Divinely ordained System of Life.

18. Jadal = Disputation = Argument for the sake of argument. Opposing Divine Messages. Confusing human thought. Confounding the Truth with rhetoric.

19. Kufr = Stubborn denial of the Truth. Ingratitude. Concealing the Truth. Choosing to live in the darkness of ignorance. Knowingly oppose the Truth. Uncritical adherence to ancestral views. Trying to be with the majority without discernment]

74:31 We have appointed none but angelic powers (Universal Laws) to be the keepers of the Fire. And We have made their number a trial for those who are bent upon denying the truth. This admonition should grant certainty to those who received the Scripture before while the believers shall increase in faith. The believers and those who have been given the Scripture before shall harbor no doubt to this declaration. And the hypocrites and the deniers may say, “What does God mean by this parable?” Thus, God lets go astray him who wills to go astray, and guides him who wills to be guided. And no one knows the Forces of your Lord but He. And this is nothing but a Reminder to the mortals. [2:26]

74:32 Nay! The Moon stands witness.

74:33 And the Night when it departs.

74:34 And the Dawn as it shines forth.

74:35 Indeed, this (the fore-going) is one of the Greatest allegories (that the Revolution is coming in all its splendor).

74:36 This is a fore-warning for every human being.

74:37 To everyone of you, whether he chooses to advance or to lag behind.

74:38 Every person is held in pledge for all that he has done. [52:21]

74:39 Except those who have succeeded for seeking to live upright. [Yameen = A metaphor for righteousness and success. They have actualized their ‘selves’ by doing good to others]

74:40 In Gardens they will ask,

74:41 Of those who used to steal the fruit of others' toil.

74:42 “What has led you into Saqar?” [A Fire that lets not live and lets not die. Fire of Regret 74:28]

74:43 They will reply, "We were not of the Musalleen.”

[Who are Musalleen? 70:22-35
- Those who always follow the Divine System.
- And in whose wealth and possessions is a KNOWN RIGHT.
- For him who asks for help, and for him who is deprived.
- (And Musalleen are) those who have conviction in the Day of Judgment, and hence, in the Law of Recompense.
- And those who are fearful of their Lord’s Law of Requital.
- (They know that) Surely, their Lord’s Law of Requital makes no exceptions, so that none can feel secure.
- Those men and women who preserve their chastity.
- They have intimate relations only with their spouses – that is, those who are rightfully theirs through wedlock. For such relationship they are free of blame. (‘Aw’ = Or = That is = And. 23:5-7)
- But anyone who seeks beyond this, those are the transgressors.
- (And Musalleen are those) who guard their trusts and duties assigned to them, and their pledges, as a shepherd guards his flock.
- And those who are truthful in witness and stand by their testimony.
- And those who consolidate and protect the Divine System.
- Musalleen are the ones who collectively build their paradise on earth and inherit it in the Hereafter. Such are the honored ones]

74:44 “Neither did we feed the hungry, nor did we take part in helping those who had lost their jobs, those whose businesses had stalled, and those whose hard-earned income was insufficient to meet their basic needs.”

74:45 “And we were among those who used to say what they did not do.”

74:46 “And we used to deny the Day of Judgment and that the Divine System will eventually prevail”

74:47 “Till the inevitable Truth came unto us.”

74:48 Then no mediation of any mediator will help.

74:49 What, then, is the matter with them that they are turning away from a clear Advisory?

74:50 As if they were frightened zebras.

74:51 Fleeing from a lion!

74:52 Nay, each of them wants to be given the scrolls of Revelation personally, unfolded.

74:53 Nay, certainly, they are oblivious to the Law of Cause and Effect – that every action has its ultimate consequence.

74:54 Nay, behold, this is a clear Advisory.

74:55 So whoever wills may take it to heart.

74:56 But they will not take it to heart except in accordance with God’s Law of Guidance. He is the Source of security, and the Source of protection. [4:88, 76:30, 81:29]

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