Qxpiv May, 2007 By Shabbir Ahmed, M. D., Florida Chief Adviser and Editor: Hossein Kowsari, California Reviewed by: Abdullah Ali Bashoeb, Hijaz

Surah 80. 'Abasa – Someone Frowned

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Surah 80. 'Abasa – Someone Frowned

[Author’s Note] This is the 80th Surah of the Qur’an. It has 42 verses.

Unfortunately, most commentators maintain that the exalted Messenger frowned upon a blind, poor but sincere seeker of the Truth. The reason for this grievous mistake is, once again, blind following of false traditions, and the conjecture of Shan-e-Nuzool (the so-assumed circumstances of a Revelation).

Surah ‘Abasa does not name the person who frowned. Through Tasreef, it becomes obvious that a proud Qureshite leader was in the habit of frowning at people (74:22) ‘Abasa (80:1), then, actually addresses the arrogant and all those who would like to invite people to God. Assigning this incident to the exalted Messenger is one of the old conspiracies against Islam.

God’s messengers invariably paid special attention to the poor, the disabled, the deprived, and always refused to turn them away even though pressured by the elite to do so. [6:52, 8:62-64, 11:27, 18:28, 26:111-114]

Another example of such a fallacy is found in most expositions of Surah 24, An-Nur, in which no names or even a hint is given, yet most exponents insist that it was the mother of believers, Ayesha r.a. who was slandered! - Again because of the ‘Shane Nuzool’ conjecture.

With the Glorious Name of Allah, the Instant and Sustaining Source of all Mercy and Kindness

80:1 Would he (the caller to Truth) frown and turn away,

80:2 For, the blind man approached him?

80:3 How could you know that he might have grown in goodness,

80:4 Or that he be enlightened and the Reminder might benefit him?

80:5 As for him who deems himself in no need of Guidance,

80:6 Unto him you give attention.

80:7 Yet it is not your responsibility if he does not grow in goodness.

80:8 But as for him who came to you in all eagerness,

80:9 And feared straying. [2:2]

80:10 Him did you disregard!

80:11 Nay, indeed this is an Advisory.

80:12 So let him pay heed who will.

80:13 In Scrolls Dignified.

80:14 Exalted, Purified.

80:15 By the hands of Scribes.

80:16 Honorable and virtuous.

80:17 Man destroys himself, how ungrateful, rejecting the Sublime Truth!

80:18 Out of what thing has He created him?

80:19 From the male and the female gametes He created him, and then fashioned him in due proportion.

80:20 And then makes the Way easy for him. [Endowed him with faculties]

80:21 Then causes him to die and brings him to disintegrated states. [Qabr = Grave = Disintegrated state = The prolonged state of sleep between physical death and Resurrection. 36:52]

80:22 Then, when He wills, He shall raise him to life again.

80:23 Nay, man did not fulfill what He enjoined upon him.

80:24 Let man consider his food. [His own food has involved so many hands from the soil to the mouth. He must share the provision with others]

80:25 For that We pour down water in abundance.

80:26 And then We split the earth, split and cleave.

80:27 And cause the grain to grow therein.

80:28 And vineyards, and fresh vegetation.

80:29 And olive trees and palm trees.

80:30 And dense beautiful gardens.

80:31 And fruits and grasses.

80:32 Provision for you and your cattle.

80:33 But when comes the Call,

80:34 On the Day when a man will flee even from his brother,

80:35 And his mother and his father,

80:36 And his wife and his children.

80:37 To everyone on that Day will be enough his own concern.

80:38 Some faces on that Day will be bright as dawn.

80:39 Laughing, rejoicing at good news.

80:40 And some faces on that Day will have dust upon them,

80:41 With gloom overspread.

80:42 These, these will be the ones who denied the Truth and divided humanity.

Surah 81. At-Takweer – The Folding Up

[Author’s Note] This is the 81st Surah of the Qur’an. It has 29 verses. This Surah portrays the drastic changes in the mode of governments.

The Revelation of the Qur’an literally heralded the folding up of monarchy. The Persian Empire which was the super power of the times, represented monarchy in every sense of the word – kingdom, princes and the crown-prince, dynasty of one family with genealogical inheritance of the government, repression of the masses, division of people into the elite and the poor, expansionist designs, the ruling class banding together with the religious mafia and men of riches etc. The Persian Empire had the sun as its logo which also appeared on her banner. And the very first verse refers to that most powerful and well known symbol of Monarchy in that era.

Unfortunately, after the demise of the noble companions of the exalted Prophet, Muslims fell into the very system Islam had so effectively eradicated. Their rule had been that of mutual counsel and simple way of living with a laborer having the same rights as the Caliph.

Nonetheless the world has been slowly marching away from autocracy to democracy in the last many centuries. While the currently popular democracy is relatively closer to the system of government ordained by the Qur’an, it is not exactly Qur’anic. According to the Book of God, no parliament or assembly is authorized to devise legislation against this Divine Writ. The Laws given in the Book are Eternal and yet amazingly ever modern and timeless. The fine tuning can be easily undertaken by the Central Authority as necessitated with changing times.

Taken literally, the verses in this Surah also refer to the Great Revolution that will take place in the Cosmos, with the current Universe being replaced with a brand new Cosmology. Of Eschatology, the Science of Universal metamorphosis, some glimpses are given in this Surah as a recurring theme in the Qur’an.

With the Glorious Name of Allah, the Instant and Sustaining Source of all Mercy and Kindness

81:1 When the Sun is folded up. [Monarchies come to an end]

81:2 And when the stars lose their glow. [Tribal dictatorships fall]

81:3 When the mountains are moved. [The ‘great ones’ lose their stronghold on the masses. 20:105, 56:5, 78:20]

81:4 When the she-camels, ten months with the young, are abandoned. [A she-camel about to deliver the young has been a precious commodity, but the camel will lose much importance, and means of transportation will change]

81:5 When the wild beasts are herded together. [The nomads and even the cannibals civilize and lead an organized collective life]

81:6 When the seas bustle with ships.

81:7 When the people intermingle. [The world becomes small]

81:8 When the little girl that was buried alive is made to ask -

81:9 For what crime she was slain. [Women’s rights will be restored]

81:10 And when the papers are published widely.

81:11 When the sky is unveiled. [The space sciences advance]

81:12 When the Blazing Fire is increased in ferocity. [The guilty are swiftly apprehended]

81:13 When the Paradise is brought near. [A glimpse of it shows in the earthly life]

81:14 (Then) every ‘self’ will see what it has prepared.

81:15 Oh, but I call to witness the revolving planets.

81:16 The stars which rise and set in their orbits.

81:17 And the Night as it slowly closes upon.

81:18 And the fresh breath of the morning.

81:19 Indeed, this is the revealed Word in the dialect of a noble Messenger. [44:58, 69:40]

81:20 Strengthened by Him Who is enthroned in His Almightiness of Supreme Control.

81:21 (The Messenger is) to be obeyed and trusted.

81:22 For, this fellow-man of yours is not a madman.

81:23 And, indeed, he has found wisdom at its highest horizon. [53:1-7]

81:24 And he withholds not in secret the least bit of the Revelation.

81:25 Nor is it the utterance of a rejected satanic force. [Such as selfish desire]

81:26 Which way, then, are you going?

81:27 This Message is no less than a Reminder and giver of eminence to all mankind.

81:28 Unto everyone of you who wills to live upright. [1:5]

81:29 But you cannot will it unless you abide by the Laws of the Lord of the Worlds. [4:88]

Surah 82. Al-Infitaar – The Shattering

[Author’s Note] This is the 82nd Surah of the Qur’an. It has 19 verses. The Qur’an is not a Book of prophecies, but since it is the Divine Word, whenever it alludes to the future, those statements must come to pass and many have.

The Universe has been so designed by the Almighty that no action falls into nothingness. Every single event and action is recorded and meets with its logical consequence. This is the Law of Requital which is the hallmark of the Divine Rule. The ultimate judgment of humans has been planned by Him on a Day (Time) that He calls Yaumiddeen = The Day of Judgment.

With the Glorious Name of Allah, the Instant and Sustaining Source of all Mercy and Kindness

82:1 When the high atmosphere is shattered. [The conquest of Space will begin]

82:2 When the planets are dispersed. [Some of them are counted and named]

82:3 When the oceans will overflow with traffic.

82:4 And when the hidden things on earth are overturned. [The earth will be excavated for Archaeology. 100:9]

82:5 Every Nafs (‘self’) will know what it has done and what it has left undone. [Psychology will make strides]

82:6 O Man! What has lured you away from your Sustainer, the Bountiful?

82:7 Who created you, then fashioned you, then proportioned you? [95:4]

82:8 Having shaped you and put you together well in accordance with His Laws. (59:24)

82:9 Nay, but you deny the Judgment and the Divine System of life. [Deen = Divine System = Final Judgment = The Prescribed Way of Life = Any religion]

82:10 Indeed, there are above you guardians ever vigilant.

82:11 Noble, recording.

82:12 They know whatever you do. [verses 10, 11, 12, refer to the Divine Law of Requital]

82:13 Indeed, the virtuous who create room for others in the society, will be in Bliss.

82:14 And behold, those who split humanity will face an Insurmountable Barrier.

82:15 They will be visibly exposed to it on the Day of Judgment.

82:16 And will not be absent from there. [79:36]

82:17 And what will enlighten you about the Day of Judgment?

82:18 Again, what will enlighten you about the Day of Judgment?

82:19 That is the Day when no one will have the power to help another. For, on that Day (it will become obvious) that all Command belongs to God alone.

Surah 83. At-Tatfeef – Dealing in Fraud

[Author’s Note] This is the 83rd Surah of the Qur’an. It has 36 verses. The title refers to cheating or defrauding others. Cheating people in business transactions violates human rights. Another title given to the Surah is Al-Mutaffifin meaning the cheaters or the defrauders. “Tatfif” also denotes unfair dealings, not doing justice to one’s duties, failing to show gratitude respect or honor where it is due. And in general, it signifies being deficient in fulfilling human rights.

With the Glorious Name of Allah, the Instant and Sustaining Source of all Mercy and Kindness

83:1 Woe unto the dealers in fraud!

83:2 Those who demand full measure when receiving from people.

83:3 But give less than due when giving them by measure or weight. (Or diminish the recompense of the laborer)

83:4 Do they not realize that they are bound to be raised again?

83:5 Unto an Awesome Day.

83:6 The Day when all mankind will stand before the Lord of the Worlds. [And, before that, the humanity will stand up at its feet in this world rallying around the Divine System. 39:79, 45:36-37, 84:6-8, 89:16-22]

83:7 Nay, behold, the record of the dividers of humanity is in Sijjeen.

83:8 Ah! What will convey to you what Sijjeen is!

83:9 A record indelibly inscribed. [Sijjeen = Indelible, guarded record]

83:10 Anguish on that Day for those who deny the Truth in practice!

83:11 Those who deny the Day of Judgment.

83:12 And none denies it but he who drags down his own progress by crossing the bounds of reason. (The Law of Cause and Effect easily appeals to reason)

83:13 When Our messages are conveyed to him, he says, "These are stories of the bygones."

83:14 Nay, but their hearts get corroded by what they have earned. (2:7)

83:15 Nay, certainly, on that Day they will be veiled from (the Light of) their Lord.

83:16 Then, behold, they shall enter the Blazing Fire. ('Jaheem' = Insurmountable Barrier = Bar to progress = Obstruction that halts = Halting of evolution = Mere survival = Hellfire = Flames of anguish = Fire of regret)

83:17 And it will be said, “This is what you used to deny.”

83:18 Nay, behold, the record of those who made room for others in the community is in 'Illiyyeen. [Birr = Virtue = Make expanse = Make room for others in the society = Help people to adjust and make progress in a new environment = Exponential growth]

83:19 Ah! What will convey to you what ‘Illyyeen is!

83:20 A record indelibly inscribed. [‘Illyyeen = Loftiness upon loftiness]

83:21 These near ones (to God) find it open before them.

83:22 Indeed, those who made room in the society for others, certainly, are in Blissful delight.

83:23 On beautiful thrones, they will look up (to the Magnificent Kingdom 76:20)

83:24 You will see their faces glitter with Delight.

83:25 They will be given a refreshing drink of pure nectar, sealed.

83:26 The seal of it is musk. For all this, then, let every aspirant aspire!

83:27 For, it consists of Nobility. (‘Tasnim’ = ‘Tashrif’ = Nobility = Ennobling = Hosting in nobility = Exalting = Imparting honor = Raising in degree)

83:28 A Spring from which the nearest (to God) drink.

[Nearest to God are those who have adopted His ‘Sbghah’ = Hue or Color 2:138. That means adopting God’s attributes in the limited human capacity. Some examples of these attributes are: Kindness – creativity – forgiveness – turning to people in love and affection – (attaining) wisdom – knowledge (learning) – compassion – clemency – peacefulness – remaining aware – sense of duty - determination – justice – protection of others – generosity – self-control – leniency -approachability - appreciation – strength – patience - giving light – guiding - independence – truthfulness – maintenance of people and things – keeping pledges – resolve – benefiting – beautiful designing – providing – listening – observing – being worthy of trust – nobility of character – giving.

Interestingly, this is a spectrum by which we all can make a self-assessment as to where we stand on the ascending ladder to ‘TAZKIAH’ = Self-actualization or personal development]

83:29 Indeed, those who thrived on others’ toil used to laugh at those who had attained belief.

83:30 And whenever they passed by the believers they winked at each other in sarcasm. (Look, these people ‘waste’ their wealth and person on strangers)

83:31 And when they returned to their own folk, they used to tell jokes about them.

83:32 And whenever they saw the believers they said, “Indeed, these people have indeed gone astray (wandering in unmarked valleys of life)”

83:33 Yet, they have not been sent as watchers over them.

83:34 That Day those who have chosen to be graced with belief will be in a position to laugh at the deniers (but they would not. 7:43, 15:47)

83:35 On beautiful thrones, they will look up (to the Magnificent Kingdom 76:20)

83:36 Are these deniers of the Truth being returned anything but their own doings? [Thawaab = Return on an investment]

Surah 84. Al-Inshiqaaq – The Sundering

[Author’s Note] This is the 84th Surah of the Qur’an. It has 25 verses. It is common to find the exponents of the Qur’an applying too much emphasis on the Hereafter, Eschatology and Apocalypse. This is especially so concerning the 30th and the last section of the Qur’an. The Qur’an being a Book of Guidance deals more with life on this earth than with death and the Hereafter. Resurrection and the Day of Judgment are unquestionably extremely significant and oft-repeated themes in the Book, but they invariably connect with how we spend our life on this planet. Moreover, numerous verses in the Qur’an apply simultaneously to the revolutions among nations and to the Ultimate Great Revolution in the Cosmos.

Likewise, the Qur’an repeatedly emphasizes that Paradise and Hell begin right here, in this life. A benevolent society is a paradise on earth and a chaotic society is a hell on earth. Mankind can build their Paradise by establishing the Divine System and then ‘inherit’ it in the Hereafter.

On an individual basis, whoever lives by the Divine Commands attains a state of inner peace and contentment and, in the process, primes his or her ‘self’ for Immortality, the ever-lasting Gardens of Bliss.

This Surah briefly touches upon the advancement of mankind in science and technology.

With the Glorious Name of Allah, the Instant and Sustaining Source of all Mercy and Kindness

84:1 When the high atmosphere is rent asunder. [Space will be explored and Astronomy will bring amazing knowledge of the Cosmos]

84:2 Attentive to its Lord as commanded.

84:3 And when the earth is spread out. [It becomes widely inhabited]

84:4 And casts out whatever is in it and becomes void. [The earth will bring forth its fossils and minerals through Archaeology, drilling and mining]

84:5 Attentive to its Lord as commanded.

84:6 O You human being! Indeed, You have been toiling on towards your Lord – painfully toiling – then you shall meet Him.

[Wittingly or unwittingly, mankind is working their way toward the Divine System. Trial and Error can make them advance only to an imperfect and fragile system of life. But Divine Revelation economizes human effort, saves them centuries of pursuit in toil, and ensures for them a perfect, enduring System of Life]

84:7 Then whoever is given his Book in his right hand,

84:8 He makes his decisions with ease. [The followers of this Revelation are indeed blessed since they reject all that is false]

84:9 And returns rejoicing to his folk (the ideologically synchronous minds).

84:10 But as for him who is given his Book behind his back (he who has turned his back to the Book, looking back to the ancestral traditions),

84:11 He will be inviting upon himself, chaos!

84:12 And He will enter a Blazing Flame.

84:13 Indeed, he used to enjoy the company of his own kind.

84:14 For, behold, he deemed that life would never quit revolving like this.

84:15 Nay, but behold, his Lord did see all his mettle. (‘Bihi’ = In him = His true worth = His mettle)

84:16 Oh, I call to witness the Rosy Afterglow of sunset.

84:17 And the Night and all that it enshrouds.

84:18 And the Moon as it steadily grows to her fullness.

84:19 That you will traverse higher and higher from one plane to another.

[Civilizations will keep advancing in sciences, and individuals will always have a chance to grow in goodness. Furthermore, evolution of the ‘self’ will carry on in the life to come]

84:20 What, then, is the matter with them that they believe not (in a higher form of life?)

84:21 And when the Qur’an is recited to them, they do not humble themselves! [Callousness, inattention and arrogance make them insensitive to the eloquence, Wisdom and Majesty of the Divine Revelation]

84:22 On the contrary, the unbelievers (with preconceived denial) reject it.

84:23 And God is best Knower of what they hide. [Their idols, peer pressure, traditions, malice, schemes, selfish interests]

84:24 So give them the tiding of an awful doom.

84:25 Except to those who choose to be graced with belief and do acts that help people – for them is a reward unending.

Surah 85. Al-Burooj – The Great Constellations

[Author’s Note] This is the 85th Surah of the Qur’an. It has 22 verses. The Supreme Control of God over the cosmic systems and all the Universe in itself requires that He must send His Guidance to mankind as well. All things in the Universe follow the Divine Laws, hence, it is only logical that man, too, must be shown his way. And that is what the Divine Revelation is all about. "He who digs a pit for others falls into it himself."

With the Glorious Name of Allah, the Instant and Sustaining Source of all Mercy and Kindness

85:1 The sky full of constellations stands witness.

85:2 And the Promised Day (of Resurrection).

85:3 He Who watches and those who are being watched (will see that),

85:4 Those who dig ditches for others, destroy themselves.

85:5 Igniting the fire of rage.

85:6 Indeed, they contemplate and wait in anticipation.

85:7 And they are well aware of what they are doing to the believers.

85:8 Whom they hate for no other reason than that they believe in God, the Almighty, the Owner of Praise.(5:59, 22:40)

85:9 And to Whom belongs the Kingdom of the heavens and the earth. But God is Watcher over all things.

85:10 Indeed, those who persecute the believing men and the believing women, and then repent not, theirs, certainly, is the doom of Hell - yes, theirs is the doom of burning.

85:11 Surely, those who choose to be graced with belief and do actions that help people, theirs are the Gardens underneath which rivers flow. That is the Great Eminence.

85:12 (Yet) Surely, strong is the Grip of your Lord!

85:13 Indeed, He it is Who originates (life) and then makes again and again.

85:14 And He is the Forgiving, the Loving.

85:15 Lord of the Supreme Throne.

85:16 Carrying out His Plan according to His Laws. [Fe’l = Doing = Carrying out. Ma Yureed = As He plans = As He wills = In accordance with His Laws)

[In the World of Command He makes Laws as He wills. Then He implements these Laws in the World of Creation - the Universe (7:54) And then He neither changes them, nor makes any exceptions. (17:77, 33:38, 33:62, 35:43, 40:85, 48:23) His Rule is the Rule of Law and not of haphazard tantrums]

85:17 Has the story reached you of the great troops?

85:18 Of Pharaoh and Thamud.

85:19 And yet the rejecters knowingly live in denial.

85:20 But God surrounds them without them conceiving it. [Minwwaraihim = From behind them = Without them conceiving it]

85:21 Nay, but this is Sublime Qur’an.

85:22 (Inscribed) upon Tablet Imperishable.

[God Himself guards it against corruption. It is preserved in minds and hearts in addition to parchment and paper, and its Laws are indelibly inscribed in the Book of Nature 15:9, 56:78. Interestingly, 85:22 is unique in using Lauh-im-Mahfooz, the Imperishable Tablet, for the Qur’an. Elsewhere it relates to the Divine Database about the Universe]

Surah 86. At-Taariq – The Brightest Star

[Author’s Note] This is the 86th Surah of the Qur’an and it has 17 short verses.

‘Taariq’ literally means a night-visitant who arrives with a lamp in his hand and knocks at the door. (Taraq = Knock at the door]

Metaphorically, it applies to any star that shines at night, and also the brightest star on the horizon at any given time that 'knocks' at the darkness.

Keeping these meanings in mind, it dawns upon us that ‘At-Tariq’ = The Taariq, is very fittingly applicable to the exalted Messenger who arrived when the world was sunk in the Darkness of Ignorance. With the Radiant Lamp of the Qur’an in his hand this noble visitant knocked at the doors of minds and hearts and gave Light that has been spreading over the entire planet earth.

[We find a similar but much less dignified statement about Jesus Christ in the Gospel, Mathew 24:42-44.

24:42 “Watch therefore, for you do not know on what day your Lord is coming - 43 But know this, that if the householder had known in what part of the night the thief was coming, he would have watched and would not have let his house be broken into – 44 Therefore, you also must be ready; for the Son of man is coming at an hour you do not expect.”]

With the Glorious Name of Allah, the Instant and Sustaining Source of all Mercy and Kindness

86:1 The sky and the Tariq are witness to what is being said.

86:2 And what will enlighten you as to what the Tariq is!

86:3 The Brightest Star! The noble night-visitant with the Radiant Lamp of the Qur’an in his hand knocking at the doors of minds and hearts, giving Light.

86:4 There is no person without a watch being kept over him. [The Law of Requital is ever-vigilant]

86:5 Let the human being, then, consider out of what he has been created.

[And realize the common origin of all mankind. Has there not passed over man an era when he was not even worth mentioning? 76:1]

86:6 He has been created from turbulent water. [21:30, 24:25]

86:7 That issued from between tough rocks and mingled dust.

[Sulb = Hard = Tough = Strong, Rocky, as given in Taajil ‘Uroos and Muheet. Turaab = Dust, with Turaaib as its plural in Taajil Urus. Mountains, rocky as pegs, along with the glacier systems and snow tops and sources of rivers, have been described as water reservoirs in many verses: 13:3, 15:19, 31:10, 39:5, 77:27, 79:28-30, 88:20. For the origin of life on the planet and creation of the human being, including the beginning of life through water, dust, hydrated inorganic matter etc, herein are given some important references for the research minded reader: 4:1, 6:2, 6:38, 6:99, 7:11, 11:6, 11:61, 15:26, 21:30, 23:12-14, 24:45, 25:54, 30:20, 31:28, 32:7-9, 35:11, 36:77, 39:6, 40:64-67, 51:49, 53:45, 55:14, 71:14, 76:2-3, 86:5-7, 96:1-2. My rendition of three terms used in 86:6-7 respectfully differs from other translations. We know that disregarding the principle of Tasreef-il-Ayaat often hampers the Sublime Word.

Now, here are those three terms along with their erroneous translations:

- ‘Ma-in-Dafiq’: A drop emitted, seminal fluid or gushing fluid.
- ‘Sulb’: Man’s ribs, man's loins.
- ‘Turaib’: Pelvic arch of woman, back-bone and the ribs of man, spine and the viscera of man and/or woman, sacrum of man or woman.

But keeping in view the lexicon and the Tasreef given above, my humble rendition of these verses is probably more sound and reflects the original Magnificence to an extent]

86:8 Certainly, He (Who has thus created man), is well Able to bring him back.

86:9 On the Day when all secrets will be disclosed.

86:10 Then He will have no power, nor a helper.

86:11 Witness is the high atmosphere that keeps returning (its water, gases and other composition.)

86:12 And witness is the earth which cracks open for springs and plants.

86:13 Indeed, this (Qur’an) is a Conclusive Word. (That can give you a new life. 40:29).

86:14 It is not an amusing idle talk.

86:15 (Yet) Indeed, they plot and scheme (to refute the Truth 34:33).

86:16 But My Law works its own Way.

86:17 Therefore give the rejecters some time. Leave them alone for a while.

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