Qxpiv May, 2007 By Shabbir Ahmed, M. D., Florida Chief Adviser and Editor: Hossein Kowsari, California Reviewed by: Abdullah Ali Bashoeb, Hijaz

Surah 87. Al-A’la – The Most High

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Surah 87. Al-A’la – The Most High

This is the 87th Surah of the Qur’an and it has 19 verses. The Surah is adorned with eloquence, TASREEF and a few brand new concepts in a captivating style so typical of this Mighty Book of God.

With the Glorious Name of Allah, the Instant and Sustaining Source of all Mercy and Kindness

87:1 Strive to raise the Name of your Lord, the Most High. [Establish His Glory on earth. 56:96]

87:2 Who creates and proportions. [So that all things might become what they are meant to be]

87:3 The One Who appoints due measure and then shows the way (to all things as to their functions.)

87:4 The One Who brings forth the lush pasture.

87:5 And then turns it into rust-brown residue. [18:45]

87:6 (O Messenger) We shall teach you by degrees that you will never forget. [Mankind need Guidance like all things in the Universe do]

87:7 And God wills that you should never forget. Certainly, He knows all that is open to human perception as well as all that is hidden.

[17:86. He is Aware of man’s manifest actions and his hidden potentials which can best be developed under Divine Guidance. Therefore, the Prophet never will forget what God teaches him. 73:2. Illa = Except = Save = But. It means ‘Never’ when applied to Divine Will. So Illa here, as in many other verses, represents ‘never’, and not ‘except’. 11:107-108, 55:33, 87:6-7. Tafseer Al-Manar Vol 1 pg 414]

87:8 And thus We shall ease your way to the ultimate ease (that you will establish the Divine Order in the society).

87:9 Therefore, keep reminding. For, of use is the Reminder.

87:10 He will heed who fears (the consequences of rejection).

87:11 And only the unfortunate will stay on the side-lines.

87:12 He who will be cast into the great Fire.

87:13 Wherein he neither dies nor lives. Mere survival!

[Without Permanent Values people live an unlived life. And in both lives their ‘selves’ fail to make progress. The Qur’an terms as ‘Hell’ a life that is stagnant, and as ‘Paradise’ a life that is on the move, ever evolving. That is ‘Immortality’ as distinct from ‘Survival’ 14:17, 20:74, 74:28-29]

87:14 Successful, indeed, is he who primes his ‘self’ for development (by living a life upright, helping others).

87:15 And keeps foremost in mind the Name and the Attributes of his Lord and then follows through.

[‘Ism’ = Name = Attributes. ‘Salu’ = Follow closely. In the context here: trying to adopt the ‘Hue’ of God - absorb Divine attributes in one’s personality, of course, in the limited human capacity 2:138, 83:28]

87:16 But nay, you prefer the life of this world (given to instant gains instead of benefiting others that ensures success in both lives). [2:201, 3:147, 4:134, 7:156, 10:64,17:72, 28:77, 42:22]

87:17 Although the Hereafter is better and more enduring.

87:18 Indeed, this has been said in the former revelations as well. [Suhuf’ = Scrolls = revelations]

87:19 The revelations of Abraham and Moses.

Surah 88. Al-Ghaashiyah – The Great Covering

[Author’s Note] This is the 88th Surah of the Qur’an. It has 26 verses. Ghashiyah is something that covers like a blanket. Al-Ghashiyah implies a dominating or overwhelming event that overshadows other things, and thus, refers to the Great Cosmic Revolution, often termed as 'the Apocalypse'.

reward and punishment are built-in in our actions. God’s Law of Requital returns what a person has earned and everyone determines his own destiny by what he does with his human capacities. So, recompense is only a logical culmination of one’s own deeds.

Allama Sir Muhammad Iqbal d.1938, echoed this Qur’anic theme beautifully in one of his poems: The Hellfire is nothing but a cool place. It is people that carry their own fire to Hell.

With the Glorious Name of Allah, the Instant and Sustaining Source of all Mercy and Kindness

88:1 Has the news of the Dominating Event reached you?

88:2 Some faces on that Day will be downcast.

88:3 Laboring, exhausted. [They were in motion without action and toiled without direction]

88:4 As they enter a sizzling Fire.

88:5 Given to drink from a spring of burning anguish.

88:6 No food for them but the bitter thorny plant. [They hurt others in the worldly life]

88:7 Which nourishes not, nor relieves hunger.

88:8 On that Day some faces will shine with Bliss.

88:9 Happy with the fruit of their effort.

88:10 In a Garden exalted in honor.

88:11 Wherein you hear not senseless speech.

88:12 Therein is an ever-flowing Spring (of Grace 76:16-17).

88:13 Therein are thrones of honor.

88:14 And shiny glasses set at hand.

88:15 And cushions set in rows.

88:16 And silken carpets spread out.

88:17 Will they not, then, reflect on:

- the water-laden clouds, how they are made? [15:22]

88:18 - And at the sky, how it is raised high? [Without visible pillars. 13:2]

88:19 - And at the mountains, how they are entrenched?

88:20 - And at the earth, how it is spread out? [That you do not even feel the curvature, nor feel its speedy rotations 31:10, 39:5, 79:28-30]

88:21 [This is some evidence, O Messenger] Remind them, for, you are one to remind.

88:22 You are not a task master over them.

88:23 But whoever turns away and denies the Truth,

88:24 God will requite him with a great requital.

88:25 Indeed, unto Us is their return.

88:26 Then it is for Us to call them to account.

Surah 89 – Al-Fajr – The Daybreak

[Author’s Note] This is the 89th Surah of the Qur’an and it has 30 short verses. The Qur’an brings Dawn to the Night of Ignorance.

Any society that is oblivious to the welfare of the deprived, will inevitably fail to flourish. Material advancement of a nation is no guarantee of its durability.

verses 1, 2 and 3 of this Surah are often grossly misinterpreted for failing to look at the Qur’an in its Big Picture.

With the Glorious Name of Allah, the Instant and Sustaining Source of all Mercy and Kindness

89:1 Witness is the Daybreak.

[As it shines through the deep darkness of the night. So does the Qur’an bring Light through the Darkness of Ignorance]

89:2 And ten Nights.

[You have noticed the benevolent transformation your Pilgrimage has undergone. From the first to the tenth of the month of Zilhijjah, you used to indulge in all kind of obscenity. Had you not departed from the way of Abraham, with your Hajj consisting of whistling, clapping, circumambulating the Ka'bah in complete nudity? The sublime Purpose of the Pilgrimage had been reduced to senseless rituals and abominations 2:125-127, 2:197]

89:3 And the Even and the Odd.

[Recall your gambling in those ten nights with the even and odd numbers of arrows and the related numeric superstitions in the society]

89:4 And Witness to the Truth is the departing of the Night of Ignorance.

89:5 Is not all this a solemn evidence for every thinking person?

89:6 Have you noted how your Lord dealt with ‘Aad? [They had refused to acknowledge the Truth and violated human rights. 7:65-72]

89:7 Those whose capital was Iram, the city of towers and lofty mansions. [Iram were the generation of Iram son of Sam son of Noah. The capital of the nation of ‘Aad bears the same name, Iram, and now lies buried in Al-Ahqaf, the Sand-dunes of Southern Arabia. 46:21]

89:8 The like of which (the towers and castles) were never built in other cities. [26:128-134]

89:9 And with Thamud, who carved out rocks for dwellings in the valley. [Wadi-al-Qura. 7:74, 15:82]

89:10 And with the powerful Pharaoh of the great Pyramids.

[20:43, 38:12, 43:78-79. Zil-awtad = Lord of stakes = A mighty emperor = Owner of many tents with pegs well-dug into the ground = Owner of the Pyramids. God’s Law is also the Law of Nature and the rise and fall of nations is fully subject to it]

89:11 They all played God in the land, towns and cities.

[Tagha = Crossing limits = Transgressing Law = Trespassing = Being rebellious = Ignoring Permanent Values = Behaving arrogantly = Being Taaghoot or false god = Playing God 2:256, 4:60, 4:76,16:36]

89:12 And increased corruption and crime therein.

89:13 And so, your Lord chastised them with a whipping punishment.

89:14 Indeed, your Lord is ever on the watch!

89:15 But as for man, whenever his Lord lets his life take a turn by giving him honor and Bliss, he says, “My Lord has honored me.” [Honor or disgrace are subject to Divine Laws]

89:16 But when He lets his life take a turn by restricting his provision, he says, “My Lord has disgraced me.”

89:17 Nay, nay, you do not honor the orphan.

[You forget to realize your acts of commission and omission. Yateem = Orphan = Widow = Left alone in the society = Helpless. A benevolent society makes room for the ‘Yateem’]

89:18 And you fail to encourage one another to feed the needy (and establish a benevolent society). [The term used for ‘feeding’ is highly inclusive. Here it indicates failing to establish the ideal society that takes care of all individuals. Miskeen = Poor = Needy = Whose life is stranded for any reason = Whose business has stalled = Who has lost his job = Whose life has been hampered by circumstances. Ta’aam = Feeding = Food = Provision = Basic needs of life. A benevolent society takes care of the basic needs of life. None would sleep hungry therein]

89:19 And you devour the inheritances with greed.

89:20 And you love wealth with boundless love.

89:21 Nay, when the earth is pounded, ground with a grinding.

89:22 And your Lord comes, and His angels, rank upon rank. [A great Revolution will come and the Divine System will be established. The Universal forces will line up to that end]

89:23 And Hell is brought close that Day. On that Day man will heed the Advisory, but of what avail will then be the remembrance?

89:24 He will say, "Ah, I wish I had sent forth some good for my life!”

89:25 For, none chastises as He will chastise on that Day.

89:26 And none binds as He binds. [The logical result of disregarding the Creator’s Guidance is getting bound by shackles of mental slavery. 7:157]

89:27 But Oh! You human being that has attained inner peace! [By living a life upright 13:28, 91:9]

89:28 Return unto your Lord, pleased and Approved.

89:29 Enter, then, together with My servants.

89:30 Yes, enter My Paradise! [9:119]

Surah 90. Al-Balad – The Town

[Author’s Note] This is the 90th Surah of the Qur’an. It has 20 short verses. The Town refers to Makkah, the birthplace of the exalted Messenger. The way to Success is like a steep hill, tiring but rewarding, taking one to new heights. God has shown man the two ways, one of virtue and the other of vice, and given him free will to make his choices.

‘Wa’ in many Surahs and verses is most commonly rendered as - God says, “I swear!” - The alternative meanings in the Quraish dialect are, ‘Witness’, ‘Reflect’, ‘Consider’. Adopted by some outstanding commentators these latter meanings are not only much more fitting to the context in every single instance, but beautifully blend with the Big Picture of the Qur’an.

With the Glorious Name of Allah, the Instant and Sustaining Source of all Mercy and Kindness

90:1 Nay, I present this very Town as witness.

90:2 The Town where (O Prophet) you have lived.

90:3 And where your ancestors have multiplied. [A Sanctuary of Peace for everyone]

90:4 Surely, We have created the human being for struggle and toil. [This is the Town where Abraham and Ishmael labored, and where you began your toil to raise the Name of your Lord. 2:125-127]

90:5 Does he think that none has Power over him?

90:6 He keeps boasting, “I have wasted so much wealth!”

90:7 What! Does he think that no one sees him? [How much and where he spends it]

90:8 Did We not give him two eyes? [‘Ainain = Two physical eyes = The sense of sight and vision of the heart = Sight and insight]

90:9 And a tongue and a pair of lips? [The ability to speak and converse meaningfully]

90:10 And shown him the two highways? [Of virtue and vice]

90:11 But he hardly tries the uphill road, the Ascent.

90:12 Ah, what will convey unto you what that Ascent is!

90:13 - Freeing others from bondage, physical or mental, and from any social, economic or political oppression. [Freeing the neck includes all the above meanings and establishing the System wherein the only Master is God]

90:14 - And to feed in times of hunger, famine, wars and natural disasters.

90:15 - And to take special care of those who despite being a part of the community feel left out. [Za maqrabah = Near one = Relative = Part of the community]

90:16 – And helping him who remains needy though he toils in the dust.

90:17 - And to be of those who have chosen to be graced with belief, and become living Reminders of perseverance and living Reminders of compassion.

90:18 Such are the companions of the Right Hand (immersed in Bliss).

90:19 And those who deny Our messages, such are the companions of the Left Hand (immersed in despondence).

[Right Hand and Left Hand indicate the tropical significance of Mayimanah = Those on the side of righteousness. Mash’amah = Those on the side of evil]

90:20 With Fire all around them.

[The Hellfire is such that its flames originate in the hearts and engulf the hearts. The Fire of regret, anguish and despair. 104:6-8]

Surah 91. Ash-Shams – The Sun

[Author’s Note] This is the 91st Surah of the Qur’an. It has 15 short verses. Human beings are endowed with a NAFS = ‘Self’ termed differently as Soul, Personality, Ego, I-am-ness, I, Me, etc. This NAFS is in a 'raw' form when we are born and it is up to us to refine it, and develop it. The body is only a vehicle to bring to use our will or ‘self’. The person who has primed his ‘self’ by living according to Permanent Values, becomes a candidate for true Immortality and Paradise in the Hereafter.

Whereas he who fails to prime his ‘self’ this way, can only be a candidate for mere survival which the Qur’an terms as SAQAR. A life of Fire that neither lets live, nor lets die. The Fire of regret, anguish and despair. No further evolution is possible for such a ‘self’ - a mere existence of stagnation. That is what Hell is with unrelenting grief and regret on having wasted the great opportunity in the short worldly life.

With the Glorious Name of Allah, the Instant and Sustaining Source of all Mercy and Kindness

91:1 Witness is the Sun and its radiant splendor.

91:2 And the Moon that borrows its light.

91:3 Witness is the day as it brightens the world.

91:4 And the night that cloaks it.

91:5 And the sky and its wondrous design.

91:6 And the earth and its vast expanse!

91:7 Consider the human ‘self’ and how it can be proportioned.

91:8 And how it is instilled with the capacity to disintegrate or become secure.

91:9 Successful indeed is he who grows the ‘self’.

91:10 And failure is indeed he who keeps it buried (under ignorance and superstition).

91:11 [Disregarding this principle] Thamud rejected (Saaleh) as they played God.

[Tagha = Being Taaghoot = Playing God = Transgressing = Rebelling = Crossing limits = Being arrogant]

91:12 Indeed, the most forward among them was picked up for defiance.

91:13 Although God’s Messenger had told them, “It is a she-camel belonging to God, so let her drink!” [The land belongs to God, and this she-camel represents the weak among you. 7:73, 26:155]

91:14 But they denied him and they killed her. So, their Lord destroyed them all alike for their lagging behind in humanity.

91:15 None of them had any fear of what might befall them.

Surah 92. Al-Lail – The Night

[Author’s Note] This is the 92nd Surah of the Qur’an and it has 21 verses. The Surah underscores the unity of mankind in diversity of their effort and occupations. Actions speak louder than words, so people must try to become living examples of great character. They must leave room for 'doing business' with God alone.

With the Glorious Name of Allah, the Instant and Sustaining Source of all Mercy and Kindness

92:1 Witness is the Night as it cloaks in darkness.

92:2 And the Day as it shines in splendor.

92:3 Witness is creation of the male and the female.

92:4 Indeed, your effort is diverse. [Your occupations and earnings are different. Let not this be a cause of division among you]

92:5 And so, he who gives and remains watchful against error – [92:18-19]

92:6 And makes his life an image of benevolence -

92:7 We will indeed ease his way to the Ultimate Ease.

92:8 But he who withholds and considers himself self-sufficient,

92:9 And denies all that is good.

92:10 We will indeed ease his way to hardship.

92:11 And what could his wealth avail when he himself falls! [69:28, 111:2]

92:12 Indeed, it is for Us to show you the Way (through this Revelation).

92:13 And, certainly, unto Us belong the End and the Beginning. [93:4]

92:14 And so I warn you of a raging Fire.

92:15 Which only the most wicked must endure.

92:16 He who denies and turns away.

92:17 But far removed from it is he who guards against error.

92:18 Who gives his wealth that he may grow in goodness. [9:111]

92:19 Not that he is returning any favors. [76:9]

92:20 But only to seek the Approval of his Lord, the Most High.

92:21 And soon he will be pleased.

Surah 93. Ad-Duha – The Daylight

[Author’s Note] This is the 93rd Surah of the Qur’an, it has 11 verses. Under the influence of some very doubtful and strange traditions this Surah is usually thought to be addressing the exalted Prophet. But, obviously then, it would become redundant today.

Numerous verses in the Qur’an addressing a singular second person apply to every reader, since the Book is timeless and meant for every human being at all times and places. Of course, there are verses elsewhere which explicitly state, “O Prophet! O Messenger!” - and others which, by context, clearly and most appropriately are directed to him. Apart from those verses the second person singular is better understood as: O Man! O Human being!

With the Glorious Name of Allah, the Instant and Sustaining Source of all Mercy and Kindness

93:1 [O Sincere human being!] Consider the Daylight.

93:2 And the night when it is still. [There is light at the end of the tunnel and with hardship is ease, like there is Daybreak after the Night 89:1, 92:1-2, 94:5-6]

93:3 Your Lord has never forsaken you, nor did He ever forget you.

[Qalaa = Forget things unattended in a cooking pan. God has always provided mankind with what their minds and bodies need, and ensures that they do not trail behind in the process of Evolution]

93:4 And certainly, the life to come is better for you than this one.

[Aakhirah = Hereafter = Life to come = Long term = Tomorrow = The time and state to follow = Future = Outcome. ‘Ula’ = First = Close = Instant = Now = Immediate gains = Life of this world = Near]

93:5 And certainly, soon will your Lord give unto you so that you will be well-pleased.

93:6 Did He not find an orphan and gave you shelter? [Yateem = Orphan = Lonely state. 6:95, 19:95]

93:7 And He found you looking for Guidance, and showed you the way. [Dhall = Wandering = Looking for Guidance = Lost = Drifting from the road]]

93:8 He found you dependent, and made you independent. [Dependence of infancy to early youth]

93:9 So, you shall not treat harshly any orphan, widow, the helpless and he who feels left alone in the society.

93:10 And never shall you repulse him who seeks help.

93:11 But the blessings of your Lord you shall speak of by sharing. [Haddith = Convey and share what you have learned and gained]

Surah 94. Alam-Nashrah – Did We not Expand?

[Author’s Note] This is the 94th Surah of the Qur’an and it has 8 verses. It is addressed to the exalted Messenger and to the followers of the Qur’an at any place and time.

With the Glorious Name of Allah, the Instant and Sustaining Source of all Mercy and Kindness

94:1 Did We not expand your chest? [Endowed you with resilience, understanding and a heart and mind to accomplish the ‘impossible’]

94:2 And eased you of the burden. [Made the journey through life easy by bestowing the perceptual and intellectual faculties. 80:20]

94:3 That weighed down your back.

94:4 And We exalted your renown (O Prophet!) [And through the Revelation to him, gave eminence to you, O Mankind! 21:10]

94:5 And behold, with every hardship comes ease.

94:6 Indeed, with every hardship comes ease.

94:7 Hence, whenever you are free from the immediate task, embark upon the next strife.

94:8 And turn all your attention to your Lord. [Remain focused on the Mission entrusted upon you by your Lord]

Surah 95. At-Teen – The Fig

[Author’s Note] This is the 95th Surah of the Qur’an. It has 8 verses. God presents here four things as Evidence to the Truth and the unanimity of His messages. The Fig, the Olive, the Mount Sinai and the town of Makkah.

The last two being places, the first two infer as places as well. During the times of the Qur’an’s Revelation, Syria and Palestine were the top producers of fig and olive. And that is where the chain of ‘ISBAT’ or the Israelite prophets of the Tribes and their ancestor prophets had lived. The last one of them was Jesus, son of Mary.

Therefore, the first three verses of this Surah are connecting Muhammad a.s., the last Apostle of God, with the previous links in one blessed chain of Divine Revelation.

“Monographs of W.W. Hunter”, 1878 indicates that “--- the valley of Mount Ararat (Al-Jodi 11:44) was also known as “The Valley of Figs”. “The Ark came to rest at Judea, in the hills of Ararat, east of the Tigris River.” - W.W. Hunter.

Olive is symbolically mentioned in the Qur’an, 23:20, 24:35. Jesus Christ delivered his sermon on Divine Judgment at the Mount of Olives just outside the walls of Jerusalem. [Mathew 24:3-4]

Fig is figuratively mentioned in Mathew 21:18-20, 24:32-35 and in Jeremiah 24:1-10.

With the Glorious Name of Allah, the Instant and Sustaining Source of all Mercy and Kindness

95:1 Witnesses are the Fig and the Olive. [The call of God’s messengers, the history, the places and the reaction of their people]

95:2 And Mount Sinai. [p19:52, 20:9-36, 52:1. Exodus 3:1-18 and 4:1-17]

95:3 And now, (O Messenger) this land of security and peace. [Makkah where the Final Revelation has begun. 2:126]

95:4 Indeed, We have created the human being in the best design (and with the potential to grow the ‘self’.)

95:5 Then We turn him to the lowest of low. [Whoever rejects Permanent Values, reduces himself to a subhuman existence. 91:7-10]

95:6 Except those who have chosen to be graced with belief, and work to increase the human potential - theirs is a reward unending.

95:7 What, then, can make you deny the Divine System and the Final Judgment?

95:8 Is not God the Sovereign of the sovereigns, the Wisest of the wise, the Best of all judges? [Hukm carries all three meanings]

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