Qxpiv May, 2007 By Shabbir Ahmed, M. D., Florida Chief Adviser and Editor: Hossein Kowsari, California Reviewed by: Abdullah Ali Bashoeb, Hijaz

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Surah 96. Al-‘Alaq – The Zygote

[Authors’ note] This is the 96th Surah of the Qur’an and it has 19 verses. ‘Alaq’ and ‘Alaqah’ have frequently been translated as ‘clot’, ‘leech-like flesh’, ‘something that clings’, ‘like chewed flesh’ etc. However, ‘Alaq’ also means the Germ cell or the Zygote which is the ovum from the female ovary that has been fertilized by the male sperm. I prefer this last meaning since the Qur’an very scientifically mentions the union of male and female gametes (Nutfah) resulting in the formation of Alaqa = The Germ cell or Zygote.

Historical accounts written two hundred years later claim that this was the very first Revelation to the exalted Messenger, but we find this proposition of no practical importance at all. In fact, these fabricated accounts portray a picture of the exalted Messenger having been terrified by his encounter with the Angel Gabriel in the Cave of Hira! Then he comes back home shivering in fright and his wife Khadijah r.a. reassures and covers him with a blanket. Then she takes him to her cousin Waraqah bin Nawfil who was a Christian scholar, and amazingly, he is portrayed as the first one confirming that the exalted Messenger had indeed received a Revelation from God, and yet he himself does not embrace Islam! The story in itself concedes the ‘secret’ that it was fabricated by some Christians long after the era of the Prophet (S).

I think, QXP reasonably proves that the circumstances of a particular Revelation, the when and where of it, carry no importance at all. On the contrary, this exercise only attempts to bind the Timeless Qur’an to some supposed events of the past and, in addition to spicing the Revelation with some insults, it seeks to hamper the directness of the Message to us.

The verses of this Surah, although addressed to the exalted Messenger, equally apply to all human beings.

Rejecters of the Revelation have been symbolized in this Surah in the form of one man whom history reports to be Abu Jahl. But the phenomenon is timeless in that while some people simply reject the Truth, others will actively fight against it.

With the Glorious Name of Allah, the Instant and Sustaining Source of all Mercy and Kindness

96:1 Read! With the Name of your Lord Who created.

96:2 Created man from a zygote.

[And passed him through the embryonic stages 23:13-14. Endowed him with perceptual and conceptual faculties 32:7-9. Gave him the free will 76:2-3, 90:8-10. Distinguished him from the rest of the Animal Kingdom 47:12. For a comprehensive overview of man’s creation from the very beginning, water and the inorganic matter, and onward please see 22:5]

96:3 Read! For, your Lord is the Most Generous. [He has blessed learning and teaching]

96:4 Who has taught the use of the pen.

96:5 Taught man what he knew not.

[The Pen symbolizes the transmission and exchange of knowledge through written records, unique to man. Since this is a Divine gift to mankind, “It is He Who taught.”]

96:6 Nay, certainly, man tries to play God! [Tagha = Trying to be supreme = Being a false god = Grossly overweening = Arrogance beyond limits = Creating rebellion = Trespassing Permanent Values = Taaghoot = A false god = Mortal ‘authorities’ = Humans claiming Divine powers]

96:7 (And) in that he considers himself self-sufficient (forgetting how indebted he is to the Creator and the society for all his mental and physical resources.)

96:8 Indeed, unto your Lord is the return. [Everything that exists goes back to the Creator as its Source and is bound by His Law. All people will be returned to Him for Judgment. Mankind will eventually return to the Divinely Ordained System of Life]

96:9 Have you seen the kind of man who forbids,

96:10 A servant when he follows the Divine Commands?

96:11 Have you considered if such a person is on the road of Guidance?

96:12 Or his affairs are leading him to security?

96:13 Do you see him denying the Truth and turning away from all that is good?

96:14 Does he not know that God sees everything?

96:15 Let him beware! If he does not desists, We will seize him by the forelock (to a state of humiliation). [Forelock indicates cognitive abilities. 11:56]

96:16 A forelock that is given to denial and committing fault upon fault.

96:17 Let him, then, call upon his advisory council.

96:18 We shall summon the apprehending forces.

96:19 Nay, never be intimidated by a man like this! But humble yourself in adoration to Divine Commands, and let every step of yours bring you closer (to your Lord).

Surah 97. Al-Qadr – The Majesty

[Author’s Note] This is the 97th Surah of the Qur’an. It has 5 verses. The Night of Majesty is when the entire Qur’an was revealed through Gabriel on the exalted Messenger’s heart in the month of Ramadhan in the year 610 CE. Its order and arrangement was exactly as we see today. Thereafter, it was revealed to mankind in stages over a period of 23 years. Contrary to popular belief, Iqra was not the first word revealed to the exalted Prophet. The Qur’an came as the Ultimate Criterion between the Right and the Wrong and ushered in a Splendor that has been spreading on earth during the last 14 centuries. 2:87-97, 2:185, 9:32-33, 14:1, 16:2, 17:85-86, 26:193, 42:52, 44:1-4, 70:4, 78:38, 81:17-19]

With the Glorious Name of God the Instant and Sustaining Source of all Mercy and Kindness

97:1 Indeed, We have revealed it in the Night of Majesty.

97:2 Ah, what will enlighten you what it is, the Night of Majesty!

97:3 The Night of Majesty is better than a thousand months. [A day of enlightenment is better than a life-time of ignorance]

97:4 The Universal forces and the Divine Revelation have descended therein, by their Lord’s Leave and shall work in concert with every Decree to carry out His plan.

97:5 Peace! It is a Message of Peace and Security, and inevitably, a new Morning of Enlightenment shall dawn. [39:69]

Surah 98. Al-Bayyinah – The Clear Evidence

[Author’s Note] This is the 98th Surah and it has 8 verses. The people who were endowed with previous Scriptures, and the idolaters do need to reflect on the Final Revelation, Al-Qur’an in order to see the Light and walk the right Path.

With the Glorious Name of Allah, the Instant and Sustaining Source of all Mercy and Kindness

98:1 It is inconceivable that those who are denying the Truth, whether they are among the People of the Scripture or the idolaters, could depart from their ways till the Clear Evidence reaches them. [The Qur’an liberates them from the shackles of their manmade dogmas and brings them from darkness to Light. 7:157]

98:2 A Messenger of God conveying to them the purified Scrolls. [That are well-scored and well- written on parchment by honored scribes 52:2-3, 80:13-16]

98:3 Wherein are Authoritative Scriptures.

98:4 The People of the Scripture had divided among themselves even when the Evidence of Truth had already come to them.

98:5 And they were commanded no more than to serve God being sincere in Religion for Him, turning away from all that is false, establish the Divine System and set up the Just Economic Order of Zakaat. For, that is the Perfect System of Life.

98:6 Surely, those who are bent on denying the Truth, be they among the People of the Scripture or the idol worshipers under any guise, will abide in Hell. They who receive the Truth and then deny it are the worst of all created beings.

98:7 And behold, those who have chosen to be graced with belief, and help others, they are the best of all created beings.

98:8 Their reward is with their Lord - Gardens of Eden (of perpetual Bliss) to abide therein forever; underneath which rivers flow. Well pleased is God with them and well-pleased are they with Him. All this awaits him who fears (violating the Commands of) his Lord. [Knowing that his Lord’s Law of Requital is a rock solid reality, he understands that all actions have their built-in consequences]

Surah 99. Az-Zilzal – The Quake

[Author’s Note] This is the 99th Surah of the Qur’an. It has 8 verses. As mentioned earlier, many of the verses and especially the last several Surahs of the Qur’an relate to the life of the world as well as to the Hereafter, and similarly to Revolutions in the world and to the Great Cosmic Metamorphosis (Apocalypse).

With the Glorious Name of Allah, the Instant and Sustaining Source of all Mercy and Kindness

99:1 When the earth is shaken with her mighty quaking. [A mighty Revolution will overtake the world]

99:2 And the earth yields up her burdens. [Archaeology and mining will make long strides. Tyrants will be thrown out of power]

99:3 And mankind cries out, “What has happened to her?” [People will be stunned at the speed of unfolding events]

99:4 At that time she will relate her stories. [The history of revolutions will repeat itself on a massive scale]

99:5 For, your Lord will have sent His Command to her. [Progressive unfolding of the Divine Decree]

99:6 On that Day will all people come forth as separate entities, to be shown their deeds. [The guilty will stand apart from the innocent. 36:59]

99:7 Then whoever has done an atom's weight of good, will see it.

99:8 And whoever has done an atom's weight of evil, will see it. [The Justice system will improve on earth. And, finally, the Day of Judgment will deliver Divine Justice]

Surah 100. Al-‘Aadiyat – The Gallopers

[Author’s Note] This is the 100th Surah of the Qur’an. It has 11 verses. With spellbinding eloquence the Qur’an hereby very forcefully condemns all kind of looting, plunder and raids. Armed robberies have been a scourge of humanity since times immemorial.

With the Glorious Name of Allah, the Instant and Sustaining Source of all Mercy and Kindness

100:1 Oh, the panting galloping horses of the raiders.

100:2 Sparks of fire striking (with their gallops).

100:3 Charging, ambushing at dawn.

100:4 Therewith raising clouds of dust.

100:5 Storming into any community.

100:6 Indeed, man is so ungrateful to his Lord! [Robbing the fruit of others' labor]

100:7 And behold, he is a witness unto that.

100:8 And behold, in the love of wealth he is zealous. [102:1-2]

100:9 Does he not know that all hidden things will be dug out? [Intentions, secret actions and material things that were robbed, and the disintegrated forms will be resurrected]

100:10 And the secrets of the hearts will be laid bare? [Sadr = Chest = Breast = Heart]

100:11 (They will find out) on that Day that their Lord is Well-acquainted with them.

Surah 101. Al-Qaari’ah – The Catastrophe

[Author’s Note] This is the 101st Surah of the Qur’an. It has 11 verses. This Surah briefly portrays the eventual Great Transformation of the current Cosmology and the Resurrection.

With the Glorious Name of Allah, the Instant and Sustaining Source of all Mercy and Kindness

101:1 The Catastrophe!

101:2 What is the Catastrophe?

101:3 Ah, What will convey to you what it is, the Catastrophe!

101:4 The Day when people will be like moths scattered in confusion.

101:5 And the mountains will be like flakes of wool.

101:6 And then, he whose scales are heavy (with good deeds),

101:7 Will live in happiness and contentment.

101:8 But as of him whose scales are light,

101:9 He will be embraced by an Abyss.

101:10 Ah, what will convey to you what that is!

101:11 Raging Fire!

Surah 102. At-Takaathur – The Relentless Greed

[Author’s Note] This is the 102nd Surah and it has 8 verses. ‘Takathur’ indicates the greed of amassing more and more wealth and material possessions, the mutual rivalry and show-off therewith, and racing for ‘things’ rather than virtue.

With the Glorious Name of Allah, the Instant and Sustaining Source of all Mercy and Kindness

102:1 The relentless greed of material gains distracts you (from the real purpose of life). [57:20, 83:26]

102:2 Until you go down to your graves.

102:3 Nay! But you will come to know!

102:4 Again, Nay! You will come to know.

102:5 Nay, only if you could have certain knowledge.

102:6 You would see it now, the Insurmountable Barrier (in the way of your personal development). [29:54, 79:36, 82:16]

102:7 Finally, you will behold it with sure vision.

102:8 And, then, on that Day you will be questioned what you did with the boon of life. [21:13]

Surah 103. Al-‘Asr – Time That Flies

[Author’s Note] This 103rd Surah is one of the two shortest ones in the Qur’an. Like Surah Al-Kauthar (108), it has only three verses. But the Message here is no less profound.

Al-'Asr denotes “Time that flies” as different from Dahr (Surah 76) which denotes “Time through ages”.

With the Glorious Name of Allah, the Instant and Sustaining Source of all Mercy and Kindness

103:1 Time that flies and has flown, bears witness.

103:2 That man is, and has been, in a state of loss.

103:3 Except those who have chosen to be graced with belief, do works that help others and exemplify Truth and exemplify perseverance.

[Individuals and nations that are exception to the Rule of mankind being in a state of loss, have four qualities.

a. They believe in the Divine Laws operative in Nature, and not that things happen around them haphazardly. In other words they are pragmatic people.

b. They do works of collective good, helping those who lag behind, and improving the individual and collective potentials of humanity.

c. They uphold Al-Haqq (the Truth) instead of hearsay and conjecture. They refrain from violating Haqq (human rights) which is always the first casualty of an order based upon Falsehood.

d. They know that the benefit of the individual and the benefit of the society are strongly interwoven. Therefore, they are patient in times of ease and prosperity by not falling for rivalry in material possessions. And they are steadfast in times of adversity, natural disasters and armed confrontation]

Surah 104. Al-Humazah – The Slanderer

[Author’s Note] This is the 104th Surah and it has 9 verses. Slander, fault-finding, backbiting, criticizing, is a full-time job. Born out of envy, idleness, malice and rationalized self-interest, this is a negative indulgence in itself that leaves no room for working any goodness.

With the Glorious Name of Allah, the Instant and Sustaining Source of all Mercy and Kindness

104:1 Woe unto every slanderer, fault-finder! [He himself does little but spends a lot of energy detracting the doers]

104:2 Whose efforts revolve around gathering material possessions and counting them. [Lacking a higher goal, he opposes any semblance of reform 70:18]

104:3 He thinks that his wealth will last forever!

104:4 Nay, He will be flung into the Shredder. [9:35]

104:5 Ah, what will convey to you what the Shredder is?

104:6 A Fire kindled by God. [The Law: “As you sow, so shall you reap.” 53:39]

104:7 That originates in, and engulfs, the hearts.

104:8 Surely, it closes upon them (as they had kept their possessions closed up in vaults).

104:9 In extended columns.

Surah 105. Al-Feel – The Elephant

[Author’s Note] Good panning and timely action can ward off a strong invasion.

This brief Surah has a very interesting history behind it. As we have seen in the history of the Empire of Sheba (Surahs An-Naml 27, Saba 34, and Qaaf 50), the Kingdom of Sheba had collapsed in 115 BC. They were overtaken by the Himairis who ruled until 300 CE when other tribes overtook the control of Yemen. They were in turn defeated by the Christian Kingdom of Ethipoia-Abyssinia when they invaded Yemen in 525 CE. Abrahah was then appointed Viceroy of Yemen.

The Roman and the Abyssinian Christians longed for converting the idolaters of Arabia to Christianity. They also sought control of the trade routes between Arabia, Persia and the Western Roman Empire. They saw Ka’bah in Makkah as a hindrance to their imperialistic and religious designs. Abrahah, the Viceroy of Yemen made a smart move. Between 550 and 555 CE he built a gorgeous cathedral EKKLESIA in San’aa, Yemen, and invited people and neighboring nations to come for pilgrimage there instead of going to Makkah. When Ekklesia remained unpopular, Abrahah decided to invade Makkah and demolish the Ka’bah.

Since he correctly anticipated the presence of hostile tribes en-route, he came up with a 60,000 strong army aided by thousands of horses, camels and thirteen elephants.

I agree with the research of Hamiduddin Farahi, Amin Ahsan Islahi and G.A.Parwez on what eventually happened. As Abrahah’s army approached Makkah, the Makkans who had been alerted by some travelers beforehand, saw flocks of birds that normally fly over caravans in search for food. The Makkans mounted the hills around and threw stones on the troops. The elephants, and in turn, other rides panicked and trampled the soldiers. This incident took place in 570 CE when the exalted Messenger was born. The event carried such significance that the Arabs, in their Calendar, marked it as the “Year of the Elephant” (‘Aam-il-Feel) as a point of reference in history.

With the Glorious Name of Allah, the Instant and Sustaining Source of all Mercy and Kindness

105:1 Are you not aware of how your Lord dealt with the Army of the Elephant?

105:2 Did He not bring their strategy to utter failure?

105:3 And sent upon them swarms of flying creatures.

105:4 Then you showered them with hard stones earmarked with requital. [Sijjeel = Inscribed = Marked out]

105:5 And made them like a field of grain eaten down to stubble.

[An interesting footnote here might be appropriate. Three Arabs had guided Abrahah on his way to Makkah through the desert. The pre-Islamic Makkans humiliated the traitors and made out three statutes of them in today's plains of Mina outside Makkah. Then they used to stone those statues every year at the time of Pilgrimage. This ritual was 'Islamized' by Muslim historians naming them as three places where the 'Satan' tried to prompt Prophet Abraham to defy God's Command to 'sacrifice' his son. And so, to this day during Pilgrimage, Muslims stone the three pillars calling them the Great, the Medium, and the Small Satan!]

Surah 106. Quraish – The Tribe of Quraish

This Surah has just four yet highly eloquent verses. Being honored by the servants of God is a great Blessing that can best be returned by serving Him. And the way to serve Him is to serve His creation.

Quraish were the most prominent tribe in all Arabia for being the custodians of the Holy Shrine of Ka‘bah in Makkah. They were honored by all the tribes, and their caravans remained secure from raids which were otherwise a common occurrence. Makkah itself was a bustling trade center in the middle of some great caravan routes. It was known as the Town of Peace and security even before the call to Islam by the exalted Prophet who was born in that tribe and Town in 570 CE.

With the Glorious Name of Allah, the Instant and Sustaining Source of all Mercy and Kindness

106:1 For the privilege (of security) cherished by Quraish.

106:2 Enjoying their winter and summer caravans. [To Yemen and Syria respectively, that makes them affluent]

106:3 It infers, then, that they ought to serve the Lord of this House alone. [2:125-126]

106:4 Who has given them freedom from want, and has made them secure against fear. [Ta’m = Feeding = Taking care = Fulfilling needs = Granting freedom from want]

Surah 107. Al-Maa’oon – The Spring of Sustenance

This Surah most vividly distinguishes Salaat as a Collective System closely tied to social welfare, from the empty individual ritualism. Al-Ma’un is frequently but erroneously translated as 'assistance', 'small kindness', 'charity', neighborly needs' etc. Linguistically, and in the context it means, "The Spring of Sustenance."

With the Glorious Name of Allah, the Instant and Sustaining Source of all Mercy and Kindness

107:1 Have you seen him who proclaims allegiance to the Divine System, but denies it in action? [53:33, 75:32-33, 95:7. Takzeeb = To give lie = Deny in practice = Reject in daily life]

107:2 Indeed, he is the one who repels the orphan, the widow, the helpless, the one in a lonely state. [89:10, 69:34]

107:3 And urges not the feeding of the needy. And participates not in helping those who have lost their jobs, whose businesses have stalled, and whose hard earned income is insufficient to meet their basic needs.

107:4 Ah, woe unto the praying ones!

107:5 They know not what their prayer is meant to be!

107:6 They only want to be seen and praised. [9:54. They go through motions of prayer and keep announcing it]

107:7 And, with all this, they put dams before the Spring of Sustenance. [Ma'n = Running water. Mu’eein = Source of sustenance with plenty of fresh water springs. 23:50]

Surah 108. Al-Kauthar – The Abundant Good

Author’s note: This Surah, along with 103, Al-‘Asr, is the shortest Chapter of the Qur’an with only three, yet profound, verses in it. Most commentators, impressed by traditions, think that these verses are addressed to the exalted Prophet alone. This practice is an obvious disservice to the Sublime and Timeless Message of the Qur’an which is a Guidance and Light for all humanity. Not to mention is a heap of conjecture portraying Al-Kauthar as a stream up there in the heavens.

With the Glorious Name of Allah, the Instant and Sustaining Source of all Mercy and Kindness

108:1 Indeed, We have bestowed upon you Abundant Good. [The ever flowing stream of wisdom and knowledge in this Qur’an. 13:35, 14:24-25]

108:2 Therefore, follow the Commands of your Lord and convey them to others so that they might follow as well. And sacrifice your comfort for the welfare of the community.

[Sall = Follow closely. Nahr = Sacrifice = Sacrificing a camel = Sacrificing one’s own comfort and resources for a noble cause]

108:3 Surely, it is your opponent that will be cutting himself off from the Abundant Good.

Surah 109. Al-Kafiroon – Those Who Deny the Truth

Author’s note: In six brief verses this Surah expounds an Eternal Law. The Noble Ideology given to all humanity by the Lord of the Worlds, the Lord of all mankind is absolutely non-negotiable. The word ‘Ibadah’ and its derivatives used in this little Surah must be understood in their most elegant and intensive meanings. ‘Ibadah’ is usually and correctly translated as worship, service or obedience. ‘Ma’bud’ is usually and correctly rendered as something or someone who is worshiped, served or obeyed. The proper understanding of this glorious Surah requires us to think of these terms in a much wider spectrum.

With the Glorious Name of Allah, the Instant and Sustaining Source of all Mercy and Kindness

109:1 Say, “O You who deny the Truth, and, thus, by remaining ungrateful to the Creator’s Ultimate Guidance, choose to live in darkness!

109:2 I do not worship what you worship. [Neither your idols, nor your tenets, nor your moral values, way of life, nor your holy men or leaders]

109:3 Nor do you worship what I worship. [You do not subscribe to my Divinely revealed Ideology and System of Life]

109:4 And I will never worship what you have ever worshiped.

109:5 Nor (unless you acknowledge the Truth) will you worship what I worship.

[Our ways are apart and there is no room for compromise. Falsehood remains falsehood even though it may compromise, but the Truth cannot remain the Truth when mixed up with falsehood. ‘A half-truth is a whole-lie.’]

109:6 Unto you your way, and unto me my Way."

[Results will tell who was on the right track. 6:136, 10:41, 15:85, 42:15, 60:4, 73:10]

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