 IntelJust /2007/JPEN202; 30-CE-0178612/00-31 International Training for European Law and Justice
Data di riferimento: 10 settembre 2009
stesura: Ekaterina Domorenok e Maria Laura Picchio Forlati, in collaborazione con Bernardo Cortese
A. Introduzione
1. Fine e obiettivi del Progetto
In data odierna si conclude il periodo assegnato per la realizzazione del Progetto IntelJust. Diventa pertanto possibile un bilancio dei risultati acquisiti: ciò alla luce di quel fine di promozione della cooperazione giudiziaria e di contributo alla creazione di uno spazio genuinamente europeo di giustizia penale, fondata sul mutuo riconoscimento e la mutua fiducia, che ci siamo impegnati a perseguire nei rapporti fra aree del Nord-Italia e della Romania, oltre che con zone confinanti con quest’ultima dell’Ungheria. Obiettivi intermedi pure prospettati dal Programma sulla Giustizia penale 2007 e fatti propri dal Progetto IntelJust sono stati “il miglioramento dei contatti e dello scambio di informazioni e buone pratiche tra pubbliche autorità, giudiziarie e amministrative, e professioni forensi: avvocati, cioè, e altri professionisti che interagiscono con l’attività giudiziaria; la promozione e lo sviluppo di buone pratiche per la protezione ed il supporto ai testimoni”. Né è stato dimenticato che, per assicurare un contributo alla creazione di una cultura giudiziaria europea, e dunque alla formazione dei giudici in questa direzione, sono indispensabili lo studio degli strumenti e delle politiche rilevanti dell’Unione europea e una sempre migliore conoscenza reciproca dei sistemi giudiziari degli Stati membri.
In che misura il fine suddetto, e gli obiettivi intermedi qui ricordati, sono stati allora raggiunti? E’ quanto si tratta ora di valutare. A integrazione di quanto riferito con il Rapporto parziale 10 settembre 2008, le pagine che seguono riassumono le attività svolte e i problemi affrontati nel periodo 10 settembre 2008-10 settembre 2009, senza rinunciare a un abbozzo di inquadramento e ricostruzione complessiva. La condivisione nei prossimi giorni degli elementi qui raccolti con i membri del Permanent Network e, più in generale, con le persone che in questi mesi sono state più attive nel rispondere alle iniziative realizzate nel quadro del Progetto, rende possibili input ed arricchimenti dall’esterno che verranno a quel punto integrati nel presente rapporto per contribuire al bilancio finale.
2. Conferma e sviluppo dei temi e del metodo di lavoro prescelto
Con il Progetto IntelJust si è scelto di affrontare alcuni aspetti particolarmente sensibili alle conseguenze negative dell’allargamento dell’Unione verso l’ Est Europa, quali: l’economia criminale, il traffico di esseri umani, la criminalità informatica e, soprattutto, la “microcriminalità”. Questi temi sono ritornati in considerazione e, soprattutto, è stato confermato nel secondo anno il metodo di fondo, consistente nell’affiancare agli operatori della giustizia, giudici, avvocati o tutori dell’ordine che siano, gli enti territoriali e locali: un metodo che non solo ha premiato in termini di vitalità del confronto avviato e articolazione dei risultati, ma pure assicura al progetto un seguito, una volta che del Permanent Network o Gruppo di lavoro avviato a sopravvivere alla data odierna, di chiusura del Progetto, tali enti accettano di continuare a far parte. E’ quanto potrà assicurare alle attività future un supporto non solo finanziario ma di arricchimento dei contenuti, con gli enti locali e territoriali ad affiancare in tale rete esponenti degli apparati giudiziario e di polizia, insieme alle Università. Averli partner nel doppio ruolo di “istruttori” e, rispettivamente, di beneficiari delle attività di formazione e training garantisce concretezza e futuro alle ipotesi da elaborare in vista di una strategia condivisa per la sicurezza locale e transnazionale.
La sfida accettata nel mettere insieme attori che condividono specularmente competenze e obiettivi ma che hanno al medesimo tempo, e con l’eccezione forse delle autorità di polizia, scarsa inclinazione a comunicare e cooperare, può dirsi sostanzialmente vinta: il dialogo al di là delle frontiere cioè, a dispetto delle barriere linguistiche e culturali ben presenti e capaci di renderlo difficile e faticoso, c’è stato e non solo tra compagini omogenee, ma pure tra esponenti di professioni della giustizia diversi, oltre che di Paesi diversi. Le attività previste dal progetto sono state così sostanzialmente svolte, con scostamenti mai distorsivi dalle previsioni originarie.
Il secondo anno ha visto così:
Il consolidarsi del Gruppo di lavoro permanente che ora resta in vita come rete durevole di collaborazione tra i partner dopo la chiusura del progetto;
lo svolgimento dei due Convegni internazionali, uno a Arad ed uno a Padova, con la partecipazione nel primo anche dei partner ungheresi;
la realizzazione del 3° Workshop a Timisoara (febbraio 2009);
gestione dei due Laboratori di 4 giorni ciascuno, uno ad Arad nel maggio 2009 ed uno tra Arad e Timisoara nel luglio 2009.
3. Alle attività previste dal progetto, e di cui si dà conto in dettaglio nei paragrafi che seguono e relativi allegati, si sono aggiunte delle attività non previste ma complementari. Trattasi, da un lato, della costituzione del Centro italiano di cultura ad Arad, cui il progetto IntelJust ha contribuito in modo decisivo già con il primo Convegno internazionale di cui al par. 4 e al resoconto allegato; dall’altro lato, della partecipazione di unità afferenti al Progetto IntelJust (Barel, Picchio Forlati) ad un incontro internazionale bilaterale tra giudici italiani e francesi, tenutosi a Treviso nel settembre 2008.
L’iniziativa è in atto da vari anni e consiste in un incontro annuale di studio, della durata di circa una settimana, che si svolge ora in Italia ora in Francia. Vi partecipano molti autorevoli magistrati dei due Paesi, anche delle Corti superiori, sia inquirenti che giudicanti. In occasione della sessione tenutasi a Treviso nel 2008, il dott. Fojadelli ha invitato a partecipare ai lavori anche la prof. Laura Picchio Forlati e il dott. Bruno Barel dell’Università di Padova: ciò in considerazione proprio dell’esperienza di confronto transnazionale tra giuristi ed operatori in corso nell’ambito del progetto comunitario IntelJust. Sul tema ha altresì invitato la prof. Laura Picchio Forlati a tenere una specifica relazione all’intero gruppo di lavoro, per far condividere ai magistrati francesi e italiani presenti quanto emerso dal lavoro di confronto e approfondimento relativamente al diritto ed alla prassi italo-rumeno-ungherese.
La relazione ha esposto gli indirizzi principali dell’indagine alla base del progetto ed i risultati già conseguiti, nella duplice chiave di lettura degli elementi di efficienza o di criticità della cooperazione transnazionale in atto fra i tre Paesi e del comune impegno a garantire che, nel quadro di una maggiore efficienza ed efficacia delle indagini transnazionali e della celebrazione dei processi, non subiscano pregiudizio o indebita compressione i diritti della difesa.
Sono seguite altre relazioni sull’evoluzione del quadro legislativo e della prassi sia in Italia che in Francia, con evidenziazione anche di alcune criticità.
Il gruppo di lavoro ha espresso apprezzamento per l’importante contributo offerto dall’Università di Padova ed ha espresso vivo apprezzamento per l’esperienza in corso del progetto comunitario Inteljust. Le riflessioni emerse nel seminario di Treviso sono state successivamente condivise all’interno del gruppo di lavoro permanente Inteljust, allargando così l’orizzonte anche all’evoluzione del quadro giuridico e giudiziario francese.
B. Attività di realizzazione del Progetto.
4. La prima iniziativa del secondo anno di cui dar conto è il Convegno internazionale svoltosi ad Arad i giorni 1-2 ottobre 2008, anche perché è servita alla disseminazione dei risultati provvisori del primo (molti dei temi e dei relatori da cui tali risultati erano sortiti sono stati infatti presenti ad Arad). La tematica prescelta è stata
1-2 October 2008, Arad (RO)
ed è stata affrontata con la partecipazione di esperti in materia di diritto e procedura penale tra cui docenti delle Università di Padova, Timisoara e „Vasile Goldis” di Arad, ma anche di rappresentanti delle altre realtà che operano sul territorio nel settore del law-enforcement come l’International Police Association, l’Ispettorato Generale della Polizia Arad e dei rappresentanti del Governo tramite la Prefettura di Arad. Al presente rapporto si allegano: un elenco che contiene i dati di contatto delle tutte le istituzioni e delle persone che hanno partecipato alla conferenza come singole parti1; un resoconto analitico anche se riassuntivo2; una serie di relazioni individuali poi richiamate raccogliendole per tema dal paragrafo conclusivo (n. 10) del rapporto medesimo.
La pubblicità del evento è stato assicurata dal canale TV locale ANTENA1/infoTV tramite la presentatrice Izabela Vekas, nonché dai giornali locali – Jurnalul Arădean, Arad Express, casa editrice „Viata Aradeana” – e attraverso la distribuzione dei programmi-invito. All’evento hanno partecipato un numero considerevole di studenti iscritti ai corsi in materia nelle università romene, studenti che hanno manifestato vivo interesse per le questioni discusse.
5. Anche per il 3° Workshop, svoltosi a Timisoara dal 5 all’11 Febbraio 2009, si rinvia al sommario dettagliato ed alle singole relazioni allegate.
6. Quanto al 1° Laboratorio, su “Politiche di sicurezza e reti territoriali: confronto fra le prassi sul campo”, questo si è svolto dal 4 al 9 maggio ad Arad (RO)3, se ne dà conto in inglese provvisoriamente, in quanto in questa versione i risultati sono già stati parzialmente diffusi.
During this four-day laboratory several experiences of security and integration policies were shared and discussed. Particular attention has been focused on a number of local practices carried out in the Veneto Region of Italy, in the County of Arad in Romania and some regions in Hungary. Thus, some very sensitive issues regarding cultural and identity problems of the Roma minority in Romanian local societies were raised at the morning meeting on Tuesday, 5 May 2009, after the presentation of the project Second Chance carried out by the General School Inspectorate of Arad, which had two main objectives: integrating adult Roma population in local societies and promoting the engagement of children into local educational programmes and social life. This project, that was co-financed by the PHARE Programme “Access to education for disadvantaged groups”, provided a clear evidence of the necessity to introduce measures for the Roma minorities in the country like Romania, where this ethnic group is particularly numerous. The discussion of the related security problems continued during the presentation of the representative of the local police, and it went on with the involvement of the Veneto local police delegate who illustrated similar problems that the Italian police offices face when dealing with the Roma minorities. Some useful general considerations deriving from the discussion of these concrete experiences came from the academics representing Italian and Romanian universities, who highlighted that an integrated approach to with phenomenon is needed, which combines security and social measures.
A similar conclusion derived from the presentation and discussion of the Hungarian project Equal Chances in Common Europe aimed at the protection of victims of crime and in particular children. Like other tow, this project has also confirmed the effectiveness of joint efforts of police, immigration services, NGOs, churches and local communities in helping victims of criminal activity to go beck to normal life and to integrate to local societies.
Finally, an in-depth case study of social policies of the Municipality Camposampierese, carried out by a student of INTESA Project (Laurea Magistrale in European Studies and Public Administration, promoted by the University of Padua and four Romanian Universities), was presented and discussed. It put into light that security and social problems related to immigration phenomena can be rather effectively solved at the local level with the collaboration of public and social actors concerned. The results of this micro case were then compared with more general trends in Italian and Romanian immigration policies presented by Prof. Mutiu. This last presentation drew some general conclusions with regard to experiences and the thing “to do” to improve security and social protection measures in both countries.
7. Del Convegno Finale, su “Risposte comuni al crimine transnazionale nell’ Unione europea”, svoltosi dal 5 al 6 giugno 2009, Padua (IT), si riferisce in questa sede, e in inglese, della Tavola rotonda sul tema “Le politiche di sicurezza attraverso la costruzione di reti territoriali”, coordinata dalla Prof. Patrizia Messina, dell’ Università di Padova & dell’ Associazione M.A.S.TER.4
Alla parte più corposa del Convegno invece, nelle due sessioni giuridiche e in quella conclusiva plenaria, sarà dedicato un allegato di registrazione sommaria dei lavori, accompagnata peraltro da alcune relazioni nel testo integrale.
Several “good practices” of security policies that had been implemented at regional and local level were presented during the meeting. This also made it possible to share views between public officials, police officers and representatives of non profit associations on several matters related to security policies and immigration policies in a multilevel perspective. Thus, the following experiences were delivered and discussed by the participants:
Project “ZONING” (Municipality of Venice, IT)
The project has been realized by the Municipality of Venice to combat prostitution on the streets of the city. The project was started in 2001 and it was among first pilot projects in Italy. The peculiarity of the project is that police and social services work jointly and they apply a methodology that was elaborated ad-hoc. This methodology envisages step by step actions aimed at diminishing the number of prostitutes on the streets of Venice. So, during the first phase social services try to identify the zones where the phenomenon is diffused and try to establish personal contact with the prostitutes with the scope to convince them to give up. Social servants explain the women what possible solutions might be, comprising instruments of legal and social protection. During the second step (10-15 days), after having analyzed the interested local contexts, the police produces a kind of “zoning” of the areas affected by the phenomenon and establishes contacts with the local population with the objective to study and to cope with the phenomenon. The next 10-15 days, the local police do inspections in the “mapped” areas and the phenomenon tends to decrease substantially. After that, social services and police continue to monitor the areas concerned for a couple of weeks.
The statistical data show that in 2009 as compared to 2001 the number of prostitutes on the streets of Venice substantially decreased (from 280 to 12 as reported of May, 2009). Around 80 statements of claim were presented, accompanied by the declarations of sexual exploitation and around 200 women have managed to go out.
It is highlighted that during the years the national composition of the phenomenon has changed. So, if before the last EU enlargement around 70% of women were African and 30% Moldavian, after 2007 the African quota was reduced to 20%. In general, according to the local police, it is much easier to deal with Romanian women, while it appears quite difficult to establish personal contacts with Hungarians and Bulgarians.
The main characteristic of this successful initiative is, therefore, a joint action of police, social and health services.
POLICE DISTRICT of Camposampierese (Padua, IT)
The Inter-municipal Union of Camposampierese is composed of 11 municipalities and its population is around 100.000 inhabitants. The demographic trend in this area is positive and during the recent years the population growth has been of 25%. Such an increase is much due to the growing number of immigrants who mainly come from Romania and especially from the areas where the Italian SME had been dislocated. The quota of Romanian immigrants is now around 43%, and then Moroccan and other nationalities follow.
Therefore, a number of measures were taken to guarantee security and combat crimes in the municipalities that are part of the Union. These measures merged in the strategic project “Camposampiero secure” that aims to improve urban and street security through the coordination of several instruments. Its main operational tool is a joint Police District that has a number of priorities:
improve the security on the streets
increase the security in the urban areas
increase the trust of the citizens towards local public bodies and police
By now the District has promoted 30 projects that had the objective to reduce criminal phenomena; promote interaction between local population, on the one hand, and local authorities and police, on the other; raise the sense of responsibility and integration of immigrants.
The results of the project confirm its validity. So, in 2009 as compared to 2003, the number of road accidents is reduced by 10%. At the same time, the residents of the area stated to feel themselves more secure. In 2007 the number of people who felt secure was 27% and in 2009 it increased by 2%. A similar trend is observed in the degree of trust towards local authorities, it increased by 2% during the same period.
Furthermore, a number of broader actions have been carried out to help immigrants to integrate into the local society, which were promoted by local authorities, police, private and non profit associations, single entrepreneurs and their organizations. Thus, several coordination meetings took place to enable the interaction of these actors in each municipality of the Union and a number of meetings with the Romanian community, where different issues were presented and discussed like health assistance, security, education systems, etc. The main purpose of these meetings was to inform immigrants about how the basis services in Italy work and how they can legally accede to them. As a result of these meetings, an Association “Orchidea” was created which now counts around 120 members. The association facilitates contacts between the Romanian community and the local authorities, and among its objectives are the following:
to promote Romanian culture
help Romanians to integrate into Italian society
favour the relations with Italian citizens and institutions
Moreover, an informative brochure was published, which is a kind of guidelines for immigrants who reside on the territory of the Union. All these activities give particular attention to young people.
Project “VERONETTA” (City of Verona, IT)
A pilot project of integrated security has been carried out in Verona. This project puts together several technological instruments with the scope to guarantee the security in the city districts. For such a purpose, a District of informatics was created. The District has brought together a number of enterprises that have established an association that manages a number of popular buildings on the territory of the Municipality. Among successful projects run by the Association is the project “Veronetta” that started the activity of improving physical and security condition of the area Borgo Nuovo of Verona, which is an ex-military area and is strongly affected by negative side effect of illegal immigration.
The objective is, therefore, not only to reconstruct the remote urban area but also to guarantee security and well-being of the citizens who live in this area. Therefore, the measures aimed at restructuring, which comprised the creation of a green area and restructuring of old buildings, are accompanied by the activities focused on getting together of different societal actors, like voluntary associations and social cooperative with the purpose to assist the local population and especially its most vulnerable groups. So, a number of innovative technologies are implemented in the area, like special paths for blind men, energy saving technologies, advanced systems of lighting and heating, etc.
Thus, the project has managed to put together several elements that improve the quality of life of the residents in the area concerned, involving physical-urban, social and security components. This is considered to be the main value-added of the project.
(Community Initiative EQUAL, Venice, IT)
The project was co-financed by the Community Initiative Programme EQUAL during the programming period 2000-2006. Its main objective was vocational guidance and training for work insertion of victims of trafficking in human beings.
The project was developed within the framework of the Article 18 – Assistance and social integration programmes – Decree 286/98 and wanted to give answers to the need of identifying specific job opportunities for women that are “leaving prostitution”. The integration into the labour market represents, in this way, an opportunity of social integration into the local context. In particular the sectors involved are those of tourism and services that are considered by several analysis of the local labour market, to have the possibility to accept an increasing number of workers.
Among the main activities of the project were those connected to the identification of the accommodation within the possibility offered by the territory (shelters and flats) and those connected to the implementation of vocational training units.
Several single and personalised projects have been implemented as a result of the above activities. Each project foresaw the implementation of operative acts of agreements among all the subjects involved (the County Social Service works with a network which involves a training agency (Agform), a body providing employment in hotels and the tourist sector and a Social Labour Cooperative. This coordinated way of working was particularly appreciated by the bodies involved in the project and has permitted better effectiveness of action.
On the short term, the project results were those of supporting victims of trafficking for sexual exploitation both finding a safe and semi-independent accommodation and job opportunities. the initial phase the project was sustained by special protective structures (40%) and normal private enterprises (60%). Around 750 private enterprises and non profit association were involved in the implementation of the project activities.
The overall impact of the project was not only an improvement of the situation of the women who are victims of trafficking in human beings, but also a more coordinated action of public bodies and private actors with the scope to increase the potentiality of the local territories to carry out supporting processes addressed to victims of trafficking.
Immigration policies and project of transnational cooperation of the Veneto Region (Veneto, IT)
The Veneto Region has a rich experience of implementing projects of integration of immigrants and managing migrant flows. A special Observatory for programming, managing and analysis of the activities related to the labour market and immigration has been established with the specialized regional agency Veneto Lavoro that is in charge for labour and related social polices in the Region.
This Agency has managed several EU and other projects that had the objective to improve the management of immigration flows and formulate effective labour policies. The main three strands of its activity are: international cooperation, labour and immigration, development of pilot experiences to be introduced into the regional laws.
One of the successful transnational practices promoted Veneto Lavoro, in the quality of lead partner, were the Project SVILMA and DILMA, co-financed under INTERREG III Community Initiative Programme in the period 2004-2006. These projects engaged partners from six Adriatic Italian regions (Friuli Venezia Giulia, Emilia Romagna, Marche, Abruzzo, Molise e Puglia), on the one hand, and from the Balkan countries (Albania, Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia Erzegovina e Croazia) on the other. Among the main objectives of these projects were 1) research, networking, information, dissemination and training, while their main goal was to reveal territorial specificities of the labour market in this transnational area with the purpose to understand to what extent regional and local policies correspond to EU guidelines in this field and to grasp the dynamics of migratory flows in the whole macro-region.
Although the results of the project were assessed as successful, a number of problems still persist in the area. In particular, the studies reveal that the return and reintegration of immigrant workers in their countries of origin is rather problematic. Many efforts have been undertaken to guarantee the conditions that make less traumatic voluntary return of foreign citizens in their home countries. This requires stable and efficient channels of trans-national interaction and high availability to cooperation on the part of public bodies or specialised agencies in the countries concerned. Moreover, these operations are extremely costly and are quite often threaten by illegal trafficking networks. A second relevant difficulty is extreme weakness of EU regulation of the matters concerned, a better convergence would for sure facilitate the activity of regional and local authorities in dealing with the immigration flows and labour policies.
The strategy against organized crime of the Police Headquarters of the Municipality of Padua (IT)
Trans-national cooperation and coordination of regional and national police bodies at EU level is considered to be a crucial aspect for success of any preventive or corrective measure in the field of security polices. Such a consideration derives from the experience of day-to-day activities of the Headquarters of the Municipality of Padua, which operates on a territory with quite and continuously growing level of immigration.
Therefore, in terms of preventive measures, the Headquarters has carried out an extensive information programme that was developed in particular through its own website as well as through a number of its local detached offices. These activities have the objective to inform foreign citizens, who are temporary or permanently reside on the territory of the Veneto region, about the rules and norms that should be complied with to be able to legally stay, study or work in Italy.
On the other hand, the activity of fight against crime of the Headquarters is built around several strands. First, cooperation and coordination with other national and regional bodies is often used in the actions aimed at fighting criminal phenomena. Combining police and social services activities can be particularly useful in dealing with trafficking in human being and prostitution.
Such a strategy has been made smoother by the Article 18, that provides for a six month social assistance and integration programme for victims of trafficking (both EU and non-EU nationals) and offers a series of protection and assistance measures to victims regardless of their will to cooperate or not with competent authorities. The Article 18 provides trafficked persons with the possibility to apply for a special residence permit “for humanitarian reasons” and to participate in a social assistance and programmes offered by various local NGOs and local authorities. Since issuing residence permit is the competence of the Headquarters, it encourages cooperation with public social services and accredited NGOs that can submit to it “statements” on behalf of victims of trafficking for getting a permit. In this case the Headquarters will verify the elements contained in the statements so as to proceed to the issuing of the residence permit.
As far as international context is concerned, the experience of Joint Investigation Teams, provided by a decision of the Council of Europe, is particularly appreciated, although the functioning of this mechanism is still limited because of late or missing ratification on the part of member states. The same regards the tool of the so-called Ad-hoc International Teams that have very successfully performed in coping with phenomena related to international terrorism.
Forms and modes of cooperation between civil society and police: the Hungarian experience
The role of civil society in providing security and peace can hardly be overestimated. In fact, the importance of civil society organisations is particularly high as far as prevention activities are concerned. The Hungarian experience can provide several examples of how such activities can be performed and what can be the efficient forms of involving civil society in the action aimed at improving security in national and local contexts. Such activities can, to some extent, compensate numerous the gaps that exist in the European regulation and they provide for better social cohesion at the local level, engaging families and local communities. In this sense, security problems can be prevented through education and diffusion of strong moral values that impede criminal phenomena at the grassroots.
Already during the communist period, the involvement of the civil society in the actions aimed at guaranteeing security has been very common in Hungary. In 1955, a Decree of the Council of ministered authorised the creation of voluntary associations with the purpose to protect common goods. These groups could carry out actions of control and surveillance; they had their own badges but operated under strict control of the local police office; they could be composed of those who reached major age and were completely voluntary, although they could participate in the training courses for police officers.
With the start of the independence period this rules were abolished. However, in 1990 a law was introduced that allows collective action aimed to guarantee public security. Later on, in 1995, a National council for prevention of crime was created. The Council is composed of representatives of different public and private actors and its main task is to advice the government on security related issues. Local governments, instead, have to formulate their own prevention strategy and they can rely on local security forces in the implementation of their strategies. This, however, does not undermine the police own prevention strategy.
The voluntary forms of organisation of civil society with the purpose to guarantee the security at local level arose again ain the end of the 1990s, as a result of the substantial increase of criminal phenomena and weak capacity of response on the part of police forces that were under the process of reform. Local association converge in a national one, while local administrations could not give their support to the association, since there was no legal basis for their functioning.
Today, instead, there is a consolidated legal framework that regulates the functioning of the so-called “civil guards”. These groupings (67 groups with the total of 2500 members) have a broad sustain of the local population and they are sustained by local governments through various additional financial resources, comprising EU funding. They often have institutional agreements with the local police and rely on its training support. Their main form of interaction is capillary form of information that these groups provide the police with.
The joint action of these “civic guards” and police aims not only to guarantee more efficient control of the territory but they also strengthen the civic control on the actions of the police and raise the sense of security of the citizens. Such a strategy is based on the idea that it is easier to prevent than to combat criminal phenomena, and that security is composed of several elements related to social and physical environment. The trust, participation and the capacity of auto-organization of the civil society is therefore crucial for reaching the objective of better quality of life and security at local level and in wider geographic contexts.
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