Preference for better soils and south facing slopes
Pale Leek-orchid
Prasophyllum pallidum
Vulnerable (Aus)
Rare (SA)
Vulnerable (AMLR)
Preference for better soils and south facing slopes
Plum Leek-orchid
Prasophyllum pruinosum
Vulnerable (SA)
Endangered (SA)
Preference for better soils and south facing slopes
Pointed Swamp Wallaby-grass
Amphibromus archeri
Rare (SA)
Austrostipa multispiculis
Rare (SA)
In addition to these threatened plant species, Grey Box Grassy Woodland also supports a range of grassy and herbaceous species that are considered to be largely confined to box grassy woodlands. Given the rarity of box grassy woodlands in the region, Grey Box Grassy Woodlands are highly important for the conservation of these species. The species lists below were compiled by Ann Prescott from Robertson (1998) and Davies (1997). Please note that names have not been updated to reflect recent taxonomic changes and that the lists cover other regions of South Australia as well as the AMLR and therefore include some species that are not found in the AMLR region.
Grass species largely confined to box grassy woodlands
It is also worth noting that Grey Box (Eucalyptusmicrocarpa) and SA Blue Gum (Eucalyptusleucoxylon), and hybrids have been recorded in some Grey Box Grassy Woodlands.