Dyson, G.G.H. (1977). The mechanics of athletics. 7th edition. New York: Homes and Meier. Cohen, J. (1977). Statistical power analysis for the behavioral sciences. Revised edition. New York: Academic Press.
5.15Date of publication unknown
Wolverton, H. (n.d.). The geological structure of the Black Hills. Wilmington: Prairie Press.
Author, A. A. (2000). Title of work. Available from: http://www.xxxxx
Author, A. A. (2006). Title of work. doi:xxxxxx
5.17Chapter in an e-book
Author, A. A. & Author, B. B. (2009). Title of chapter. In Title of book. Edited by Editor, A. &
Editor, B. Place: Publisher. Available from: http://www.xxxxxx
Author, A. A. & Author, B. B. (2009). Title of chapter. In Title of book. Edited by Editor, A. &
Editor, B. doi:xxxxxx
If you find no page numbers, the chapter or entry title is sufficient.
5.18Book on e-book database
Grethlein, J. & Regakos, A. (2009). Narratology and interpretation: The context of narrative form
In ancient literature [MyiLibrary]. Available from: http://0
Johnson, P. J. (2008). Ovid before exile: Art and punishment in the Metamorphoses
[MyiLibrary]. Available from: http://o-lib.myilibrary.com.ujlink.uj.ac.za/Pro
Van den Brink, B. & Owen, D. (2007). Recognition and power: Axel Honneth and the tradition of critical social theory [MyiLibrary]. Available from: http://o-lib.myilibrary.com.ujlink.uj.ac.za
Young, P. (c2009). Globalization and the Great exhibition: The Victorian new world order [MyiLibrary]. Available from: http://o-lib-myilibrary.com.ujlink.ac.za/Open.aspx?id=2330548
E-Book with digital object identifier (DOI)
Do not specify the place of publication or the publisher for electronic books if there is a DOI (digital object identifier).
Ruzzier, M. K. & Ruzzier, M. (2009). A two-dimensional approach to branding: Integrating identity and equity. doi:10.1108/S2042-1443(2009)0000001007
5.19Government publications
South Africa. Department of Forestry and Agriculture, National Institute of Agriculture. (2011). Land reforms: A guide to farmers (SAFA Publication no.05-2010). Available from: http://www.etu.org.za/toolbox/docs/goverment/land.html
When referring to a government publication, the date is sufficient for in-text referencing: According to The Bill of Rights (1996)
According to the Minister of Finance… (SA. Parliament: House of Assembly 1986).
Mention at the beginning that in the text the references to South Africa will be abbreviated to SA
Education is in the process of transformation (SA Department of Education, 1995
Provide all numbers, sections, chapters or volume numbers available in parentheses or round brackets.
South Africa. Parliament: House of Assembly, 1986. Debates. Cape Town: Government printer.
Bill of Rights of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa. (1996). Government Gazette. (No. 17678).
Bush, G. (1990, October 17). Principles of ethical conduct for government officers and employees.
Exec Order No. 12731. Available from: http://www.usoge.gov/Laws-and-Regulations/Executive- Orders/ /Executive- Order-12731-(Oct 17,-1990)---Principles-of-Ethical- Conduct-for- Government-Officers-and-Employees/South Africa
Department of Public Service and Administration. (1997). Batho Pele –“People First”. White paper on transforming public service delivery. Pretoria: Government Printer.
The idea of Batho Pele (1997) stems from…South Africa. Department of Education. (1995). White Paper on Education. Government Gazette. (Vol. 375, No. 45621).
United States of America. Commission on Civil Rights. (1967). Racial Isolation in the public schools. Washington: United States Government Printing Office.
5.20Dictionary with no author:
The concise Macquarie dictionary. (1982). New South Wales: Lane Cove.
If there is no author, use the title.
Dictionary with author
Nguyen, D.H. (1966). Vietnamese-English dictionary. Rutland, Vermont: Charles Tuttle Company.
Sadie, S. (Ed.). (1980). New Grove dictionary of music and musicians. 6th edition. London: Macmillan.
5.21Entry in reference work without author or editor
Oxford English dictionary online. (2010). 15th edition. Sv. ‘barley’. Available from: http://0-www.oed.com.ujlink.uj.ac.za
Woordeboek van die Afrikaanse taal, vol. 1. Sv. ‘aap’. Pretoria: Staatsdrukker.
Woordeboek van die Afrikaanse taal 1956, sv. ‘aap’.
Sv. comes from the Latin ‘sub verbo’ and means ‘under the word’
5.22Entry in reference work with author or editor
Bergman, P. G. (Ed.). (1993-1999). Relativity. In The new encyclopaedia Britannica (20th edition. Vol. 26: 501-508). Chicago: Encyclopaedia Britannica.
Graham, G. (2005). Behaviorism, in the Stanford encyclopedia of Philosophy (Fall 2007 edition.), edited by E. N. Zalta. Available from: http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/behaviorism/
Laubach, F. (1975). Blood, in the New international dictionary of New Testament Theology (Vol.1:220-222), edited by C. Brown. Exeter: Paternoster.
Richter, D.J. (2004). Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951), in Internet encyclopedia of Philosophy
IEP: A peer-reviewed academic resource. (1995-2012), edited by J. Frieser & B. Dowden. Available from: http://www.iep.utm.edu/wittgens
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