Reflexivity and Causation: a study of the Vector ghe (take) in Marathi Renuka Ozarkar
tarix 11.08.2018 ölçüsü 508 b. #69321
Reflexivity and Causation: A Study of the Vector ghe (TAKE) in Marathi Renuka Ozarkar University of Mumbai
mii rameS-kaDuun aambe paaD-uun I Ramesh-from mangoes drop-CP ghet-l-e I got the mangoes dropped by Ramesh. 2. panCam-ne he gaaNe giitaa-kaDuun Pancham-ERG this song Geeta-from gaaw-uun ghet-l-e sing-CP TAKE-3p.sing.neut. I got this song sung by Geeta.
Synthetic causatives in Marathi: Synthetic causatives in Marathi: phaaT-Ne (to get torn) : phaaD-Ne (to tear) ii. Internal vowel change mar-Ne (to die) : maar-Ne (to kill) iii. Internal consonant and vowel change phuT-Ne (to burst) : phoD-Ne (to burst trans.) iv. Suffixation, i.e. adding –aw suffix to the root: has-Ne (to laugh) : has-aw-Ne (to make laugh) v. Suppletives dzaa-Ne (to go): paaTh-aw-Ne ( to send) vi. Labiles ughaD-Ne, ukaL-Ne, ukaD-Ne, moD-Ne
Analytic causatives in Marathi: Analytic causatives in Marathi: i. laaw (lit. attach, apply): ii. bhaag paaD-Ne: gaaNe gaay-laa bhaag paaD-Ne iii. de-Ne (give) : (permissive construction) gaaNe gaa-uu de-Ne iv. ghe-Ne (take): 3. aaii-ne raam-kaDuun gaaNe gaa-uun mother-ERG Ram-from song sing-CP ghet-l-e TAKE-perf-3p.sing.neut. Mother got a song sung by Ram.
Direct causation: Direct causation: 4. a) baaL dzhop-l-e child sleep-perf-3p.sing.neut. The child slept. b) aaii-ne baaLaa-laa dzhop-aw-l-e mother-ERG child-ACC sleep-caus.-perf-3p.sig.neut. The mother made the child sleep. c) */ ? aaii-ne raam-kaDun baaLaa-laa mother-ERG Ram-from child-ACC dzhop-aw-l-e sleep-caus.-perf-3p.sing.neut. The mother made the child sleep through Ram.
‘Indirect’ causation: ‘Indirect’ causation: 5. a) baaii-ne kapaDe dhut-l-e maid-ERG clothes The maid washed the clothes. dhuw-uun ghet-l-e wash-CP Seema got the clothes washed by the maid.
Structure of unaccusative verbs Structure of unaccusative verbs procP DP candle resP proc extinguish DP res extinguish
-aw causation of unaccusative verbs -aw causation of unaccusative verbs initP DP -aw DP candle resP proc extinguish DP res extinguish
Structure of unergative verbs Structure of unergative verbs initP DP Seema procP init sit DP proc
-aw causation of unergative verbs -aw causation of unergative verbs initP DP Seema procP init -aw DP proc sit
Structure of transitive verbs initP DP Seema procP init wash DP clothes resP proc DP res
ghe compound verb & causative construction ghe compound verb & causative construction initP DP Seema procP init TAKE DP clothes resP proc DP res wash
6. raam-ne (madzuraan-kaDuun) dzhaaDe 6. raam-ne (madzuraan-kaDuun) dzhaaDe toD-uun ghet-l-ii break.trans-CP Ram got the trees cut by the labourers. 7. aaii-ne (raam-kaDun) bhintii-war aarsaa Mother-ERG Ram-from wall-on mirror bas-aw-uun ghet-l-aa sit-caus-CP TAKE-perf-3p.sing.musc. The mother made Ram fix a mirror on the wall.
8.a) siimaa muddaam caTai-war bas-l-ii 8.a) siimaa muddaam caTai-war bas-l-ii Seema deliberately mat-on sit-perf- 3p.sing.fem. Seema sat on the mat deliberately. b) *aarsaa muddaam bhintii-war bas-l-aa mirror deliberately wall-on sit-perf- 3p.sing.musc. The mirror sat/ fitted on the wall deliberately. c) *aaii-ne raam-kaDun siimaa-laa caTai-war mother-ERG Ram-from Seema-ACC mat-on sit-caus.CP TAKE-perf-3p.sing.neut. The mother made Seema sit on the mat through Ram.
Conditions for ghe causative: Conditions for ghe causative: 1) The non-causative verb must have identified the init feature, which will be subsequently underassociated. In other words, the INITIATOR argument must be present. 2.A) The INITIATOR and UNDERGOER arguments must be distinct entities. 2.B) The UNDERGOER argument must not have initiational properties such as volition or control over the activity that it is undergoing.
But… But… 9) *aaii-ne baabaan-kaDun raam-laa mother-ERG father-from Ram-ACC cop-uun ghet-l-e beat-CP TAKE-perf-3p.sing.neut. The mother got Ram beaten by the father.
10. aapaN tiCyaa-kaDuun yaaCii tayaarii 10. aapaN tiCyaa-kaDuun yaaCii tayaarii we she-from his(prox) preparation karuun ghe-uu do-CP We will get this one prepared by her. 11. aaii-ne madZhyaa-kaDuun kavitaa paaTh mhaN-uun ghet-l-yaa by-heart say-CP Mother got the poems sung by heart by me.
References: References: Damale, M.K. 1969. Shastriiya Marathi VyaakaraN. Ed. Krishna Arjunwadkar. Pune: Deshmukh & Company. Ramchand, Gillian. 2008. Verb Meaning and Lexicon: The First Phase Syntax. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Shibatani, M. & P. Pardeshi. 2003. Wali, Kashi. 2006. Marathi. Indian Institue of Languages.
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