Further to general description provided under Q.1 please explain briefly the main preventive measures taken by operators and authorities during all phases of enterprise.
Reply from reporting round 2010-2011
Plans of eliminating technogenic emergency situations and protection of employees from hazardous factors of emergency situations have been worked out at all hazardous production facilities.
The implementation of up-to-date methods of regulating industrial safety has led to the shift of emphasis from monitoring of compliance with specific industrial safety requirements at hazardous production facilities to monitoring the operation of industrial safety management system. According to the Law «Оn technical safety» insurance lies within responsibility of the owners of hazardous facilities. The law obliges natural and legal persons operating potentially hazardous facilities to conclude insurance contracts.
Reply from reporting round 2012-2013
Plans of eliminating technogenic emergency situations and protection of employees from hazardous factors of emergency situations have been worked out at all hazardous production facilities.
The implementation of up-to-date methods of regulating industrial safety has led to the shift of emphasis from monitoring of compliance with specific industrial safety requirements at hazardous production facilities to monitoring the operation of industrial safety management system. According to the Law «Оn technical safety» insurance lies within responsibility of the owners of hazardous facilities. The law obliges natural and legal persons operating potentially hazardous facilities to conclude insurance contracts.
The list of data noted in the statement on technical safety and their development rules are prepared by related Executive Body - the Ministry of Emergency Situations according to the law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on “Technical Safety”.
Legal and physical persons who operate the objects under threat submit the statement on the status of technical safety to the Ministry of Emergency Situations.
The statement on technical safety is prepared based on the project documents for construction, extension, reconstruction, technical modernization, conservation and revocation (cancellation) of the object under threat and is approved by legal or physical person operating the object.
Legal and physical person who operates the object under threat is responsible for completeness and accuracy of the data noted in the statement due to the legislation.
The statement on technical safety is adjusted or redeveloped in the case if legal or physical person applies for special permission to operate the object under threat, or the data and/or the requirements on technical safety noted in the statement is changed.
The statement on technical safety is submitted to related state and self-governing bodies in the manner determined by the Ministry of Emergency Situations.
Please indicate or describe:
To what extent do your country’s prevention measures deliver the intended results?
Reply from reporting round 2010-2011
Reply from reporting round 2012-2013
Preventive measures meets the expected results.
Preventiv tədbirlər gözlənilən nəticələrə tam cavab verir
Any weaknesses recently identified in prevention, e.g. through applying indicators and criteria (ECE/CP.TEIA/2010/6, Annex IV)
Reply from reporting round 2010-2011
Reply from reporting round 2012-2013
There is need for training.
Təlimlərin keçirilməsinə ehtiyac duyulur
Whether your country has started to take any steps in last two years to improve prevention or whether is planning to do so in the near future.
Reply from reporting round 2010-2011
The undertaken preventive measures have had positive effects. The decrease in the rate of casualties and accidents testifies to the appropriateness of undertaken steps. The following actions are to be undertaken in the short term:
- establishment of cooperation with supervisory agencies of other countries to study the methodology of supervisory activity, bring together procedures of permitting, controlling and supervisory activities;
- harmonization of industrial safety requirements applicable in our country with the international requirements;
- participation in the development of international agreements in the field of industrial safety, protection of mineral resources and supervisory activity.
Reply from reporting round 2012-2013
Azərbaycan Respublikasının bu sahədə mərkəzi icra hakimiyyəti olan Fövqəladə Hallar Nazirliyi tərəfindən sənaye qəzalarının qarşısının alınması üçün çoxlu sayda tədbirlər həyata keçirmişdir.
In this field related state authority of the Republic of Azerbaijan - the Ministry of Emergency Situations implements a large number of measures for prevention of industrial accidents.
Do Internal and External emergency plans exist for all hazardous activities? Please explain
Reply from reporting round 2010-2011
There exist city, district and site layouts of hazardous activities. They define necessary safety measures for the prevention of accidents.
There have been established monitoring stations at the sites, where highly toxic substances are used.
Reply from reporting round 2012-2013
It is also necessary to take other related measures allowed in the legislation against emergency situations that may have hazardous impacts to the environment.
The organizations establish required accident-rescue services, as well prepare plan for prevention and warning of emergency situations in all industrial objects.
There exist city, district and site layouts of hazardous activities. They define necessary safety measures for the prevention of accidents.
There have been established monitoring stations at the sites, where highly toxic substances are used.
The operators carry out activities on localization and prevention of the accidents in the objects under threat, as well as assist the state authorities in investigation of committing reasons of the accidents.
How do these plans take account of the results of the hazard/risk assessment?
Reply from reporting round 2010-2011
These plans contain site (territory) and chemical substances characteristics and in case of possible accidents provide information on the impact areas, the number of people living and working in these areas, necessary actions to be taken in case of emergencies as well as resources necessary to eliminate consequences of accidents.
Reply from reporting round 2012-2013
These plans contain site (territory) and chemical substances characteristics and in case of possible accidents provide information on the impact areas, the number of people living and working in these areas, necessary actions to be taken in case of emergencies as well as resources necessary to eliminate consequences of accidents.
Is the preparation of the plans coordinated between operators and authorities If so, please explain how
Reply from reporting round 2010-2011
For the purpose of defining legal foundations of management, regulation and cooperation of MES services and other public bodies in the time of emergency situations there has been worked out the «Plan of joint actions» in the framework of a single state system.
Reply from reporting round 2012-2013
Readiness status is defined according to the plan on warning and elimination of emergency situations prepared in industrial fields of the operators.
The plan on the actions of related authorities in abroad for emergency situations is available.
For the purpose of defining legal foundations of management, regulation and cooperation of MES services and other public bodies in the time of emergency situations there has been worked out the «Plan of joint actions» in the framework of a single state system.
Are the plans tested, reviewed and updated as necessary? Please explain
Reply from reporting round 2010-2011
These plans are reviewed at the beginning of each year on the basis of processing last year’s data.
Reply from reporting round 2012-2013
These plans are reviewed at the beginning of each year on the basis of processing last year’s data.
Is testing, reviewing or updating done in cooperation with neighbouring countries? Please explain
Reply from reporting round 2010-2011
Reply from reporting round 2012-2013
Hazırlanmış Planların qonşu dövlətlər ilə əlaqələndirilməsi məsələləri fövqəladə vəziyyətlər barədə xəbərdarlıq və onların aradan qaldırılmasına dair imzalanmış ikitərəfli Sazişlər çərçivəsində həyata keçirilir.
Coordination issues of prepared plans with neighbouring countries are implemented within the framework of mutual Agreements on warning about emergency situations and their prevention.
Please indicate or describe:
How successful are your country’s emergency preparedness and response measures in meeting the aims of the Convention? Which authority(s) is/are responsible for them?
Reply from reporting round 2010-2011
Reply from reporting round 2012-2013
Azərbaycan Respublikasının Fövqəladə Hallar Nazirliyi fövqəladə halların qarşısının alınması və nəticələrinin aradan qaldırılması, əlaqələndirməni və nəzarəti həyata keçirən mərkəzi icra hakimiyyəti orqanıdır.
Fövqəladə halların qarşısının alınması və nəticələrinin aradan qaldırılması, fövqəladə halların təsnifatı və uçotu, potensial təhlükəli obyektlərin yerləşdiyi ərazilərdə lokal xəbərdarlıq sisteminin yaradılmasını təmin edir.
Azərbaycan Respublikasının Ekologiya və Təbii Sərvətlər Nazirliyi
əsasnaməsinə uyğun olaraq ölkə ərazisində təhlükə potensiallı obyektlərin qeydiyyatını aparır və müvafiq orqanları bu barədə məlumatlandırır.
The Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Azerbaijan is the central executive body that organizes prevention of emergency situations and elimination of their consequences, implements coordination and supervision.
It ensures prevention of emergency situations and elimination of their consequences, classification and accountig of emergency situations, establishment of local warning system in areas where the objects are under threat.
The Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources conducts the registration of the objects under threat and informs related authorities regarding it due to its regulation.
Any weaknesses recently identified in your country’s emergency preparedness, and response, e.g. through applying indicators and criteria (ECE/CP.TEIA/2010/6, Annex V and Annex VI)
Reply from reporting round 2010-2011
Reply from reporting round 2012-2013
The cooperation in development of transboundary emergency plans is not adequate. Trainings and seminars on the development of transboundary compatible emergency plans in line with international best practices are necessary.
Whether your country has started to take any steps in last two years to improve emergency preparedness and response or whether is planning to do so in the near future.
Reply from reporting round 2010-2011
In the process of development of national economy it is important to strenghten coordination of relevant bodies in the system of industrial safety management.There are certain problems faced with identification of hazardous types of activities, hazardous substances at industrial facilities as well as handling facilities containing inconsiderable amount of hazardous substances.There is a need for improvement of relevant national legislation.
Reply from reporting round 2012-2013
Measures dealing with preparedness and response to emergency situations were implemented in the last two years and it will continue in the next years.
Son iki ildə ölkədə fövqəladə hallara hazırlıq və cavablandırma (reaqirovaniya) üzrə tədbirlər görülmüş növbəti illərdədəd davam erdiriləcəkdir.
Do guidance documents concerning contingency planning to support national or regional authorities or operators exist?
Reply from reporting round 2010-2011
Reply from reporting round 2012-2013
These issues are regulated by the laws of the Republic of Azerbaijan on emergency situation and by others
Bu məsələlər Fövqəladə vəziyyət haqqında və digər Azərbaycan Respublikasının Qanunları ilə tənzimlənilir.
Is the Industrial Accidents Notification (IAN) System established within the country?
Reply from reporting round 2010-2011
Reply from reporting round 2012-2013
Certain measures are taken continuously in the country to implement the responsibilities addressed in the requirements of Convention on “Transboundary impacts of industrial accidents” of European Economic Commission of United Nations.
Permanent communication point was established for warning and aid purposes in industrial accidents in the Republic of Azerbaijan according to the requirements of Article 17 of the Convention.
The Ministry of Emergency Situations was established by the decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan on December 16, 2005, and there is Management Center of Crisis Situations which is supplied with reliable communication systems.
Management Center of Crisis Situations is a management body established to control operatively the forces and means in prevention of emergency situations and elimination of their consequences.
The center is also responsible for collection, summarizing, analyzing the data receiving from various sources and making related decisions about them.
The data from all around the country is received and analyzed with free telephone service 112 established here.
Testing trials from the Secretariat of the Convention and its Parties are received and responded in the center as well.
Please describe
Reply from reporting round 2010-2011
Reply from reporting round 2012-2013
Tracking, collection, processing and analyzing of the data related to prevention of natural and technogenic accidents that happened or may happen in the country or abroad and elimination of their consequences are operated here.
Comprehensive actions on establishment, development and stable operation of automated information management system (AIMS) and also modern information networks and special software methods of the center are implemented, collection of the information related to the activity, analyze, generalization, as well as their automated accounting, development and operation of data base on emergency situations are organized.
There are training courses provided for the staff regarding improvement of their knowledge on industrial accidents in the Center and the Center continues its activity according to responsibilities.
Do you use another accident notification system?
Reply from reporting round 2010-2011
Reply from reporting round 2012-2013
Information is also transmitted by means of telephone, fax, satellite connection and internet.
Həmçinin telefon, faks, peyk rabitəsi, internet vasitəsi ilə məlumatlar ötürülür.
Please describe
Reply from reporting round 2010-2011
Reply from reporting round 2012-2013
In both cases, which authority is the point of contact as of art 17 of the Convention?
Reply from reporting round 2010-2011
Permanent communication station provided by appropriate communication systems was established in order to provide warning and mutual assistance actions during industrial accidents according to the requirements of Article 17 of the Convention of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and within the Center there is telephone hotline 112 operating during 24 hours.
Fövqəladə Hallar Nazirliyində Konvensiyanın 17-ci maddəsinin tələblərinə uyğun olaraq sənaye qəzaları zamanı xəbərdarlıq və qarşılıqlı yardım məqsədləri üçün daimi fəaliyyət göstərən rabitə məntəqəsi yaradılmış, müvafiq rabitə sistemləri ilə təmin olunmuş və Mərkəzin nəzdində 24 saat ərzində “112” nömrəli qaynar xətt fəaliyyət göstərir.
Reply from reporting round 2012-2013
Permanent communication station provided by appropriate communication systems was established in order to provide warning and mutual assistance actions during industrial accidents according to the requirements of Article 17 of the Convention of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and within the Center there is telephone hotline 112 operating during 24 hours
Fövqəladə Hallar Nazirliyində Konvensiyanın 17-ci maddəsinin tələblərinə uyğun olaraq sənaye qəzaları zamanı xəbərdarlıq və qarşılıqlı yardım məqsədləri üçün daimi fəaliyyət göstərən rabitə məntəqəsi yaradılmış, müvafiq rabitə sistemləri ilə təmin olunmuş və Mərkəzin nəzdində 24 saat ərzində “112” nömrəli qaynar xətt fəaliyyət göstərir.
Has your country identified an authority that would act as point of contact for mutual assistance (as of art. 17 of the Convention)?
Reply from reporting round 2010-2011
Permanent communication station provided by appropriate communication systems was established in order to provide warning and mutual assistance actions during industrial accidents according to the requirements of Article 17 of the Convention of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and within the Center there is telephone hotline 112 operating during 24 hours
Fövqəladə Hallar Nazirliyində Konvensiyanın 17-ci maddəsinin tələblərinə uyğun olaraq sənaye qəzaları zamanı xəbərdarlıq və qarşılıqlı yardım məqsədləri üçün daimi fəaliyyət göstərən rabitə məntəqəsi yaradılmış, müvafiq rabitə sistemləri ilə təmin olunmuş və Mərkəzin nəzdində 24 saat ərzində “112” nömrəli qaynar xətt fəaliyyət göstərir.
Reply from reporting round 2012-2013
Permanent communication station provided by appropriate communication systems was established in order to provide warning and mutual assistance actions during industrial accidents according to the requirements of Article 17 of the Convention of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and within the Center there is telephone hotline 112 operating during 24 hours
Fövqəladə Hallar Nazirliyində Konvensiyanın 17-ci maddəsinin tələblərinə uyğun olaraq sənaye qəzaları zamanı xəbərdarlıq və qarşılıqlı yardım məqsədləri üçün daimi fəaliyyət göstərən rabitə məntəqəsi yaradılmış, müvafiq rabitə sistemləri ilə təmin olunmuş və Mərkəzin nəzdində 24 saat ərzində “112” nömrəli qaynar xətt fəaliyyət göstərir.
Please provide information on the point of contact responsible to requesting and/ or providing assistance in the event of an accident.
Reply from reporting round 2010-2011
Reply from reporting round 2012-2013
Requests for aid in provision of assistance in prevention and mitigation of emergency situations are regulated by signing mutual and multilateral agreements.
As well, a commission is established and requests for help (assistance) may be provided by related authority with the approval of the Cabinet of Ministers during major accidents.
Please provide general information on the procedures followed for requesting/and or providing assistance
Reply from reporting round 2010-2011
Emergency situation in different parts of the Republic of Azerbaijan is applied by normative- legal acts accepted by the relevant executive authority. Normative- legal act on applying the emergency situation is immediately announced by mass media and published officially.
Azərbaycan Respublikasının ayrı-ayrı yerlərində fövqəladə vəziyyət müvafiq icra hakimiyyəti orqanı tərəfindən qəbul edilən normativ-hüquqi akt ilə tətbiq edilir. Fövqəladə vəziyyətin tətbiq edilməsi barədə normativ-hüquqi akt dərhal kütləvi informasiya vasitələri ilə elan olunur, rəsmi qaydada dərc edilir.
Reply from reporting round 2012-2013
In this field related state body (authority) – the Ministry of Emergency Situations is responsible for coordination of the actions of central and local executive power authorities in the framework of Integrated State System for prevention and mitigation of emergency situations according to its regulation.
This state body provides and implements the prevention and mitigation of emergency situations, provision of technical safety in industry and mining works, protection of strategic entities, objects and facilities, and their flexible reactions to emergency situations;
And also evacuation of people from the territories where emergency situations exist, their rescue and medical aid services, protection of the property left in the territories where emergency situations exist with the help of related state authorities and insurance of public safety.
Bu sahədə müvafiq dövlət orqanı olan Fövqəladə Hallar Nazirliyi əsasnaməsinə uyğun olaraq fövqəladə halların qarşısının alınması və nəticələrinin aradan qaldırılması üzrə vahid dövlət sistemi çərçivəsində mərkəzi və yerli icra hakimiyyəti orqanlarının fəaliyyətini əlaqələndirmək məsuliyyəti daşıyır. Bu dövlət orqanı fövqəladə halların qarşısının alınması və nəticələrinin aradan qaldırılmasını, sənayedə və dağ-mədən işlərində texniki təhlükəsizliyin təmin olunmasını, strateji əhəmiyyətli müəssisələrin, obyektlərin və qurğuların mühafizəsini, fövqəladə hallarda çevik reaksiya verilməsini təşkil edir və həyata keçirir. Fövqəladə hallar baş verən yerlərdən əhalinin evakuasiyası, xilasetmə işləri və təcili tibbi xidmətin göstərilməsi, müvafiq dövlət orqanları ilə birlikdə fövqəladə vəziyyət zonasında qalmış əmlakın mühafizəsi və ictimai asayişin təmin edilməsi təşkil edilir.
Has your country established bilateral or multilateral agreements for mutual assistance?
Reply from reporting round 2010-2011
To strengthen cooperation among Parties under the Convention there have been signed the following agreements:
- «Agreement on cooperation in ensuring industrial safety at hazardous production facilities of the CIS member-countries».
- Agreement on the exchange of information on emergencies, natural disasters, natural and technogenic catastrophes, information interoperability during elimination of their consequences signed with the Russian Federation, the Ukraine, Turkey, Italy, Latvia, Georgia, Belarus and other countries.
Reply from reporting round 2012-2013
To strengthen cooperation among Parties under the Convention there have been signed the following agreements:
- «Agreement on cooperation in ensuring industrial safety at hazardous production facilities of the CIS member-countries».
- Agreement on the exchange of information on emergencies, natural disasters, natural and technogenic catastrophes, information interoperability during elimination of their consequences signed with the Russian Federation, the Ukraine, Turkey, Italy, Latvia, Georgia, Belarus and other countries.
Has your country set up any bilateral/multilateral activities/programmes to exchange information, experiences and/or technology in order to strengthen cooperation among Parties under the Convention? If so, please explain.
Reply from reporting round 2010-2011
Bilateral collaboration on prognostication, prevention of natural and technological emergency situations, and effective struggle against them is particularly attended. Exchange of scientific-technical information, arrangement of joint projects, exchange of extertise, preparation of strategies and methods, organization of reciprocal training courses, seminars and symposia, determination of assistance procedures under circumstances of any natural and technological emergency situations possible to occur in the territory of each party, and enhancement of relations in other spheres are reflected in this co-operation.
Reply from reporting round 2012-2013
Bilateral collaboration on prognostication, prevention of natural and technological emergency situations, and effective struggle against them is particularly attended. Exchange of scientific-technical information, arrangement of joint projects, exchange of extertise, preparation of strategies and methods, organization of reciprocal training courses, seminars and symposia, determination of assistance procedures under circumstances of any natural and technological emergency situations possible to occur in the territory of each party, and enhancement of relations in other spheres are reflected in this co-operation.
What opportunities does the public in your country have to participate in establishing or implementing
preventive measures
preparedness measures
Reply from reporting round 2010-2011
Law on «Information on environment protection» provides for the rights and duties of the citizens including the right to information in case of emergency situations.
This law regulates correlations on the obtainment of thorough, accurate, and timely data from state authority, and municipalities, as well as from responsible persons regarding environmental condition and utilization of natural resources.
Any activity of authorised bodies on passing a law able to effect upon public health, environmental protection, use of natural resources, and environmental condition is considered environmental informational object.
In case of emergency situations the country shall grant the affected territories as well as ecological disaster zones status of the zone of emergency ecological situation, inform the population on the emergency onset and provide all necessary instructions on environmental safety.
Reply from reporting round 2012-2013
Law on «Information on environment protection» provides for the rights and duties of the citizens including the right to information in case of emergency situations.
This law regulates correlations on the obtainment of thorough, accurate, and timely data from state authority, and municipalities, as well as from responsible persons regarding environmental condition and utilization of natural resources.
Any activity of authorised bodies on passing a law able to effect upon public health, environmental protection, use of natural resources, and environmental condition is considered environmental informational object.
In case of emergency situations the country shall grant the affected territories as well as ecological disaster zones status of the zone of emergency ecological situation, inform the population on the emergency onset and provide all necessary instructions on environmental safety.
How do you inform the public of these opportunities?
Reply from reporting round 2010-2011
By means of mass media (newspapers, journals, television, internet etc.)
Reply from reporting round 2012-2013
By means of mass media (newspapers, journals, television, internet etc.)
Does the public participate? Please explain
Reply from reporting round 2010-2011
Regular seminars are set up for public representatives which participate at all of the events held on environmental protection, and are represented at any commissions established in regard to any ecological and environmental issue.
Reply from reporting round 2012-2013
Regular seminars are set up for public representatives which participate at all of the events held on environmental protection, and are represented at any commissions established in regard to any ecological and environmental issue.
Are the public in neighbouring countries/Parties (who may be affected by hazardous activities) able to participate in the same way as people in your own country?
Reply from reporting round 2010-2011
Reply from reporting round 2012-2013
Do natural or legal persons capable of being affected by an industrial accident in the territory of neighbouring countries/Parties have access to the relevant administrative and judicial procedures in your country?
Reply from reporting round 2010-2011
Reply from reporting round 2012-2013
Please indicate or describe:
How successful has your country been in developing public participation?
Reply from reporting round 2010-2011
Reply from reporting round 2012-2013
Everyone has the right for being informed and warned about the environment and emergency situations regardless of the time and without any conditions (rules).
State and self-governance bodies implement the following actions in order to provide the information for the applicants:
Data collection system on considered impacts of related action to the environment is created;
The data on emergency situations is given;
The survey is responded in the way and time frame specified in the legislation;
The documents about the list of information objects and the data on environment are presented.
Public Unions provide the control on follow the requirements of industrial safety and they have the right to enter the area where the objects under threat are operated.
Any weaknesses recently identified in your country’s system for public participation, e.g. through applying indicators and criteria (ECE/CP.TEIA/2010/6, Annex VII)
Reply from reporting round 2010-2011
Reply from reporting round 2012-2013
Whether your country has started to take any steps in last two years to improve public participation or whether is planning to do so in the near future.
Reply from reporting round 2010-2011
Task forces were formed for fulfillment of obligations arisen from the international conventions on ecology ratified by the Republic of Azerbaijan, and members of NGOs and public were included in these groups.
The public and population are informed on the threat of emergency ecological situations. Instruction of population and public participation are ensured in case of industrial accidents.
Reply from reporting round 2012-2013
Task forces were formed for fulfillment of obligations arisen from the international conventions on ecology ratified by the Republic of Azerbaijan, and members of NGOs and public were included in these groups.
The public and population are informed on the threat of emergency ecological situations. Instruction of population and public participation are ensured in case of industrial accidents.
Has your country established policies on the siting of hazardous activities and on significant modifications to existing activities? If so, please explain.
Reply from reporting round 2010-2011
There have been created stations of chemical protection and been set up specialized laboratories with the purpose of monitoring and collecting information on chemical and bacteriological pollution of the environment as well as enhancing security measures at the plants with hazardous activities.
Reply from reporting round 2012-2013
There have been created stations of chemical protection and been set up specialized laboratories with the purpose of monitoring and collecting information on chemical and bacteriological pollution of the environment as well as enhancing security measures at the plants with hazardous activities.
How do these policies take transboundary issues into account? Please report on any bilateral activities on siting issues with potentially affected neighbouring countries.
Reply from reporting round 2010-2011
Transboundary issues are taken into account within the requirements of the Espoo Convention ratified by Azerbaijan, International right including International financial Organizations and within the requirements of the Azerbaijan Legislation.
Reply from reporting round 2012-2013
Transboundary issues are taken into account within the requirements of the Espoo Convention ratified by Azerbaijan, International right including International financial Organizations and within the requirements of the Azerbaijan Legislation.
Please explain or describe:
To what extent does your siting policy achieve the intended results?
Reply from reporting round 2010-2011
Reply from reporting round 2012-2013
Any weaknesses recently identified in your country’s siting policy
Reply from reporting round 2010-2011
Reply from reporting round 2012-2013
No weakness has been identidied.
Whether your country has started to take any steps in last two years to improve siting policy or whether is planning to do so in the near future.
Reply from reporting round 2010-2011
Necessary steps will be taken in the near future.
Reply from reporting round 2012-2013
a Have there been any accidents with transboundary effects during this reporting period?
Reply from reporting round 2010-2011
Reply from reporting round 2012-2013
Type of Accident
b If yes, have you reported on past industrial accidents with transboundary consequences and, if so, which system did you use?
Reply from reporting round 2010-2011
Reply from reporting round 2012-2013
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