Research areas

AES E-Library: DTS Coherent Acoustics Delivering High-Quality Multichannel Sound to the Consumer by Smyth, S. M. F.; Smith, W. P.; Smyth, M. H. C.; Yan, M.; Jung, T

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AES E-Library: DTS Coherent Acoustics Delivering High-Quality Multichannel Sound to the Consumer by Smyth, S. M. F.; Smith, W. P.; Smyth, M. H. C.; Yan, M.; Jung, T.

DTS Coherent Acoustics Delivering High-Quality Multichannel Sound to the Consumer

With low bit-rate multichannel coders becoming more prominent in the home theater market, attention is beginning to focus on the applicability of the multichannel format for music reproduction in the home. What differences are there between discrete motion picture sound tracks and multichannel music? How does this affect the performance of low bit-rate coders? What are the limitations of the current CD and new DVD platforms as multitrack music players? What impact will these limitations have on the development of a new standard format for the release of multichannel music? This paper analyzes the potential of DVDs and CDs as high-quality multitrack audio media, focusing in particular on the use of DTS Coherent Acoustics as a means of extending the multichannel potential of these platforms. Designed to achieve audio transparency, DTS Coherent Acoustics operates at bit rates of up to 4.096 Mb/s and supports up to 8 discrete channels of audio, at up to 24-bit sample resolution and at sampling rates up to 96 kHz per channel. Within these constraints DVD can deliver a new multichannel music experience to the home. On CDs and laser discs, DTS has already demonstrated a 6-channel capability, at 20-bit resolution and at a sampling rate of 44.1 kHz.

Paper Number:   4293    AES Convention:   100 (May 1996)

Authors:   Smyth, S. M. F.; Smith, W. P.; Smyth, M. H. C.; Yan, M.; Jung, T.

Affiliation:   DTS Technology LP, Westlake Village, CA


(1) Transcoding AVS China to- H.264 and vice versa: Does this have any significance or relevance? This transcoding can be based on various profiles/levels at different bit rates/quality levels and spatial/temporal resolutions. Similarly transcoding between AVS China and WMV-9 (Microsoft video coder) and between H.264 and WMV-9. All levels and profiles.

See the paper H. Kalva, B. Petljanski and B. Furht, “ Complexity reduction tools for MPEG-2 to H.264 video transcoding”, WSEAS Trans. on Info. Science & Applications, vol. 2, pp. 295-300, March 2005, (This has several interesting papers listed in references.).
See also Y. Su et al, “ Efficient MPEG-2 to H.264/AVC intra transcoding in transform-domain”, IEEE ISCAS 2005. (CD in our lab) Also from IEEE XPLORE
Z. Wang et al, “ A fast intra mode decision algorithm for AVS to H.264 transcoding”, IEEE ICME, pp.61-64, July 2006.
W J-B Lee and H. Kalva, “ An efficient algorithm for VC-1 to H.264 video transcoding in progressive compression”, IEEE ICME, pp.53-56, 2006 (see several other papers on transcoding in the references) 

Jing Lei Shi, Li-Wei Guo, Hui Xu, Fu-Rong Zhang, Jian Lou and Lu Yu, “An AVS-to-MPEG2 Transcoding System”, in Proc. of 2004 International Symposium on Intelligent Multimedia, Video and Speech Processing, Oct.2004 (CD in our lab)

“An AVS-to-MPEG2 Transcoding System”, oral presentation, ISIMP 2004, Hong Kong, Oct.22-24, 2004. See the papers

I.Ahmad et al, " Video transcoding: An overview of various techniques

and research issues", IEEE Trans. on Multimedia, vol.7,

pp.793-804, Oct. 2005

J. Xin, C-W. Lin and M-T. Sun, “ Digital video transcoding”, Proc. IEEE, vol. 93, pp.84-97, Jan. 2005.

T.D Nguyen, et al, “Efficient MPEG-4 to H.264/AVC transcoding with spatial downscaling“, ETRI Journal, vol. 29, pp. 826-828, Dec. 2007.

S. Moiron et al, “ Video transcoding from H.264/AVC to MPEG-2 with reduced complexity” Signal Processing: Image Communication, vol.24, issue 8, pp. 637-650, Sept. 2009.. (several valuable references)

This paper and the references therein can be the basis for various transcoding schemes among different standards  MPEG-2, H.264/AVC, AVS China, SMPTE  VC-1,  DIRAC (BBC)  etc.

Sony play station player has developed a MPEG-2 to AVC transcoder – pspvideo9 freeware access
(2) Nvidia ( has developed a software decoder to transcode MPEG-2 content into WMV 9 player. Develop a software decoder to transcode WMV 9 content into MPEG-2 player. This may require release from Microsoft. Pl see J. Xin, C-H. Lin and M-T. Sun, “ Digital video transcoding”, Proc. IEEE, vol. 93, pp. 84-97, Jan. 2005.

Vidhya Vijayakumar worked on
H.264 to VC-1 TRANSCODING as her M.S. thesis (August 2010)

I have her thesis proposal and PP slides, thesis, Journal paper etc.

Low complexity H.264 to VC-1 transcoder
Vidhya Vijay kumar has implemented this as her M.S. thesis. (summer 2010) This deals with baseline profile of H.264 and simple profile of VC-1. Extend this to various profiles of H.264 and the profiles of VC-1. I have her thesis.

(1) See S. Srinivasan et al, “ Windows media video 9: Overview and applications”, Signal Processing: Image Communication, vol. 19 , pp. 851-875, Oct.2004.

S. Srinivasan and S.L. Regunathan, “ An overview of VC-1”, “, SPIE/VCIP2005, vol.5960, pp.720-728, Beijing, China, July 2005. ( I have several files related to WMV-9/VC-1). These papers describe the state-of-the-art video coding developed by Microsoft. It has been standardized by SMPTE ( named VC-1) and being adopted/considered by Blu-Ray DVD. Compare its performance with The H.264/AVC advanced video coding standard: Overview and introduction to the fidelity range extensions”, SPIE Conf. on applications of digital image processing XXVII, vol. 5558, pp.55-74, Aug. 2004, by G. J. Sullivan, P. Topiwala and A. Luthra (similar analysis as in this paper). Carry out comparative performance analysis of VC-9 (Microsoft – WMV9), H.264 FRExtensions and AVS China (see items 19-22) below. See also

A.E. Bell and C.J. Cookson, “ Next generation DVD: application requirements and technology”, Signal Processing: Image Communication, vol. 19, pp.909-920, Oct. 2004.

VC-2 is a wavelet based intra frame video compression system aimed at professional applications that provide efficient coding at many resolutions including various flavors of CIF, SDTV and HDTV. It is based on intra frame version of DIRAC called DIRAC PRO. Implement this and compare its performance with intra only of H.264 and other image coding standards such as JPEG-2000. I have the documents on SMPTE VC-2. Also several files on DIRAC.
(2) Compare the performances of WMV9 (VC-1) , H.264 with FRExtensions and AVS of China. Consider complexity, profiles/levels, error resilience, bit rates PSNR/subjective quality and other parameters.
(3) WMV9 (VC-1), H.264 with FRExtensions and AVS of China use different (although similar) 8x8 integer DCTs. Compare their coding gains, complexity (fixed point), ringing artifacts and related issues.

5th EURAMicrosoft’s Windows Media video 9 was a proprietary codec until March 2004. 


Microsoft has presented a document called “Proposed SMPTE Standard for Television: VC-9 compressed video Bit-stream format and decoding Process” to the SMPTE for the standardization of Windows Media Video 9 technology. The name of the standard was later changed to VC-1 and WMV9 is now just a software implementation of VC-1. I have SMPTE documents on VC-1 and on conformance bit stream.

SIP Conference focused on
The right place is an engineering committee of SMPTE, specifically C24-VC1, whose email reflector is:
(4) Repeat item 25 for 4x4 integer DCTs used in H.264 and WMV9.
See Y-J Chung, Y-C. Huang and J-L. Wu, “ An efficient algorithm for splitting an 8x8 DCT into four 4x4 modified DCTs used in AVC/H.264”, 55th Eurasip conf., EC-SIP-M2005,pp. 311-316, Smolenice, Slovakia, June-July, 2005.

Can these four 4x4 modified DCTs used in AVC/H.264 be combined to get 8x8 DCT?

(5) Consider using 4x8 and 8x4 integer DCTs in H.264FRExtensions besides 4x4 and 8x8 integer DCTs. (WMV9 uses all these four transforms). Develop encoder/decoder based on these four transforms and evaluate any gains in coding.


  • W.K. Cham, “Simple order-16 integer transform for video coding” IEEE ICIP 2010, Hong Kong, Sept.2010.


  • R. Joshi, Y.A. Reznik and M. Karczewicz, “ Efficient large size transforms for high-performance video coding”, SPIE 0ptics + Photonics, vol. 7798, paper 7798-31, San Diego, CA, Aug. 2010.

  • A.T. Hinds, “ Design of high- performance fixed-point transforms using the common factor method”, SPIE 0ptics + Photonics, vol. 7798, paper 7798-29, San Diego, CA, Aug. 2010.

  • G.J. Sullivan, “ Standardization of IDCT approximation behavior for video compression: the history and the new MPEG-C parts 1 and 2 standards”, SPIE vol. 6696, paper 35, Aug.2007.

Evaluate the performance of these transforms. Extend to 32x32 and 64x64. Explore their applications.
PAPERS BY C. Zhang, K. Ugur, J. LAINEMA AND M. Gabbouj
Compares this with H.264 (fixed size and fixed location transforms). Many research projects based on these two papers. Also access


Video Coding Using Spatially Varying Transform

Cixun Zhang, Student Member, IEEE, Kemal Ugur, Jani Lainema, Antti Hallapuro, and

Moncef Gabbouj, Fellow, IEEE

Statistical Modeling of Inter-Frame Prediction

Error and Its Adaptive Transform

Ho June Leu, Seong-Dae Kim, Senior Member, IEEE, and Wook-Joong Kim

Review this for possible research topics.

B. Zeng and J. Fu, “Directional discrete cosine transform – A new framework for image coding”, IEEE Trans. CSVT, Vol. 18, pp. 305-313, March 2008.

B. Zeng and J. Fu, “A Comparative Study of Compensation Techniques in Directional DCT’s”, IEEE Trans. ISCAS 2007, pp. 521-524, 2007.
B. Zeng and J. Fu, “Directional Discrete Cosine Transforms: A Theoretical Analysis”, IEEE Trans. ICASSP 2007, vol.1, pp. I-1105 thru I-1108, 2007.
S. Zhu, S. K. A. Yeung, and B. Zeng, “ R-D Performance Upper Bound of Transform Coding for 2-D Directional Sources”, IEEE SPL, vol.16, Issue-10, pp. 861-864, Oct. 2009.
S. K. A. Yeung, S. Zhu, and B. Zeng, “ Partial Video Encryption Based on Alternating Transforms”, IEEE SPL, vol.16, Issue-10, pp. 893-896, Oct.2009.

Go thru these papers in detail. Further research is suggested in Section VIII Conclusions and future works. Explore this.

Design/implement/simulate digital rights management (DRM) for H.264 codecs (video streaming/VOD/DVD etc). See C.C. Jay_Kuo’s tutorial on DRM. ISIMP2004, Oct.2004. Also review the paper WMV9 by Microsoft.
AVS China

  1. see the paper W. Gao et al, “ AVS – The Chinese next-generation video coding standard”, NAB 2004, Las Vegas, NV, April 2004.

  2. See Special issue on “ AVS and its applications” Signal Processing: Image Communication, vol. 24, pp. 245-344, April 2009.

  3. (I have several files related to AVS China.) This deals with Audio-Video standard of China similar to H.264. It also claims high coding efficiency compared to MPEG-2. There are also several papers in the special session on AVS in ISIMP2004 held in Hong Kong (Oct. 2004). The MPL has the proceedings on CD. One paper deals with AVS-to-MPEG2 transcoding system. It is designed for transcoding from AVS coded bitstream to MPEG-2 coded bitstream applicable to MPEG-2 decoders. Develop similar transcoding schemes between H. 264 and MPEG-2.

I have also projects/papers by Sahana, Swaminathan and others.
latest version AVS China software
RM52k_r2 for AVS Part2 Jizhun profile at avs ftp://incoming/dropbox/video_software/P2_software/JiZhun Profile/
T. Qian et al, “ Transform domain transcoding from MPEG-2 to H.264 with interpolation drift free compensation”, IEEE Trans. CSVT, vol. 16, pp. 523-534, April 2006.
Research topic VC-1 to AVS China video transcoding with reduced complexity

Video transcoding from H.264/AVC to MPEG-2 with reduced computational complexity
Sandro Moiron, Sérgio Faria, António Navarro, Vitor Silva, Pedro A. Amado Assunção
 Preview   PDF (381 K) | Related Articles vol.24, issue 8, pp. 637-650, Sept. 2009.(Signal processing: image communication) Science Direct.


J-B. Lee and H. Kalva, “An efficient algorithm for VC-1 to H.264 video transcoding in progressive compression”’, IEEE ICME   pp.53-56, 2006. (see the references cited in this paper)

Rochelle Pereira has completed her thesis MPEG-2 Main Profile to H.264 Main Profile transcoder EE Dept. UTA, Dec. 2005.Her research opens up a # of related thesis topics. I have her M.S. Thesis, pp slides and software.

  1. MPEG-2 various profiles to H.264 various profiles transcoders and the reverse

  2. An immediate and relevant topic is H.264 Main Profile to MPEG-2 Main Profile transcoder. 

 (M. Bosi and R.E. Goldberg, “ Introduction to digital audio coding standards”, Norwell, MA: Kluwer, 2002).
H.264 and MPEG-2 (CONSIDER ALL LEVELS AND PROFILES). see also L. Yu et al, “ Overview of AVS-Video: Tools, performance and complexity”, SPIE VCIP2005, pp.. ,Beijing, China, July 2005. I have pp slides related to AVS China. FILES ispacstutorial2 and ispacsks1
(2) see the paper “Enhanced intra-prediction algorithm in AVS-M”, There are also several papers in the special session on AVS in ISIMP2004 held in Hong Kong (Oct. 2004). MPL has the proceedings on CD. Propose and evaluate similar techniques for H.264-M (here M is mobile. this is not the designation by ISO/IEC/ITU).

(3) See the paper “ Architecture of AVS hardware decoding system”, develop similar architecture for H.264 decoder at several levels/profiles.


AVS China systems software.
“Rate-Distortion Optimization using Structural Information in H.264 strictly Intra-frame Encoder," EE5359 Babu Ashwathappa Fall 2009. Submitted to JEI 10117 (July 2010)
Extend this to H.264 inter frame encoders.


free-viewpoint video (FVV, almost free navigation), Omni directional video (look around views) MPEG-4 2D/3D scene and object models are some of the research areas proposed by Jens-Rainer Ohm (file vicaohm). These can lead to innovative research topics. Also MPEG EXPLORATION ON WAVELET VIDEO CODING.


(1) Y-C. Hu “ Multiple images embedding scheme based on moment preserving block truncation coding”, Real-Time Imaging (under review)
Embedding multiple secret images in grayscale cover image using BTC (compression of secret images) followed by DES encryption is proposed. Extensive literature survey is very helpful (read review papers)
Extend this to color images RGB ----- YCBCR). Consider embedding in Y, CB, or CR with different combinations. Follow this by DES encryption (robustness). Consider compression schemes other than BTC for the secret images. (see Figs. 3 and 4). Consider schemes other than LSB substitution for embedding secret images. Evaluate capacity, robustness, complexity etc, (Review the theses by Ramaswamy and Sally. Their software will be very helpful.) Consider embedding secret images in JPEG or JPEG2000 (see conclusions of the above paper).

(2) MPEG is considering the need for development of a new voluntary standard specifying fixed point approximation to ideal IDCT (also for DCT) 8x8 (see ISO/IEC/SC29/WG11/N6915, Hong Kong , Jan 2005)

This document provides all details including evaluation criteria. Develop this 8x8 INTDCT/INTIDCT that can meet the evaluation criteria and integrate with MPEG codecs.

(3) One-day workshop on MPEG International Video and audio standards, 22 Jan. 2005, HKUST, Hong Kong,( Right after 71st MPEG meeting in HKUST) Several thought provoking R&D topics have been suggested in this workshop. (lecture notes in our lab). Some of these are

H.264 Scalable video coding

Multiview coding 3DAV

Scalable audio coding

Spatial audio coding

Joint speech and music coding

H.264 Scalable video coding (new project Jan.2005) temporal/SNR/spatial

Topics in this workshop are as follows:

  1. The MPEG Story

  2. Past, Present and Future of MPEG video

  3. New Technologies in MPEG audio

  4. Recent trends in multimedia storage :HD-DVD

  5. Recent trends in multimedia IC and set-top box

  6. Panel discussion: Where is MPEG going ?

  7. The China AVS story

  8. AVS 1.0 and HDTV for 2008 Olympic Games AVS-M and 3G

  9. Hong Kong ITC Consumer Electronics R& D Center under ASTRI

  10. Recent trends of Digital video broadcast and HDTV in Greater China

  11. Recent trends of IC industry in Greater China

  12. Recent trends of mobile multimedia services in Greater China

  13. Panel discussion :Challenges and opportunities of AVS and MPEG in the telecommunication and consumer electronics market in Greater China

For encoded/decoded audio quality evaluation refer to
ITU-R BS 1387-1 “Method for objective measurements of perceived audio quality”, (I have the document). FastVDO’s H.264 High Profile decoder

Due to demand for HD test data, FastVDO is pleased to provide a consolidated

10-bit HD data set (mostly 1080p) for the research community. Content

includes a rich set of both film and non-film data. The data is from a

variety of sources, which retain data rights; usage rights are limited to

testing, research, standards development, and technical presentation.

Please check the site below, where some preliminary information on this is

Included are:

1. some brief descriptions, including scene selections, provided by Dolby

and FastVDO when this data was first made available to this community

(JVT-J039 and JVT-J042), and

2. some instructions for obtaining this data


More information will be added shortly.
Dr. Pankaj Topiwala Voice: 410-309-6066

President/CEO FastVDO LLC Fax: 410-309-6554

7150 Riverwood Dr., Mobile: 443-538-3782

Columbia, MD 21046-1245 USA Email:

The document reference is ETSI TS 101 154 V1.6.1 (2005-01), "DVB: Implementation guidelines for the use

of Video and Audio Coding in Broadcasting Applications based on the MPEG-2 Transport Stream".

DVB specifies H.264 Main profile level3 for SDTV and High profile level 4 for HDTV.

(4) The following information about the Joint Video Team (JVT) and its work may be helpful to some of you.

The primary work of the JVT currently consists of:

1) scalable video coding (SVC) extension development, and

2) maintenance of the existing Advanced Video Coding (AVC) standard ITU-T Rec. H.264 & ISO/IEC 14496-10, e.g., including errata reporting and maintenance of reference software and conformance specifications.
The JVT currently has 3 active email reflectors.

You can subscribe to two of them (the general JVT reflector and the conformance/interop bitstream exchange activity reflector) through and

To subscribe to the 3rd JVT reflector (which is devoted to SVC work), send email to "" containing "subscribe svc" in the body of the message.

JVT and VCEG documents can be found at No password is required for access to nearly all documents. A select few documents (such as integrated-format standard drafts) require password access, using a password given only to formal JVT members.

JVT meeting in Poznań Poland, 23-29 July 2005. 16-21 October 2005 in Nice, France and 15-20 January 2006 in Bangkok, Thailand). 30 March – 4 April, Geneva, Switzerland.. (16-21 July 2006 in Klagenfurt, Austria and 22-27 Oct. 2006 in Hangzhou China).
The JVT has two parent bodies, which are MPEG (ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29/WG 11) and VCEG (ITU-T SG 16 Q.6). Participation in the JVT is open to anyone who is qualified to participate either in MPEG or VCEG, and to those personally invited by the chairmen. We are liberal in granting invitation requests.
To progress the work of the JVT between meetings, the JVT has created the following ad-hoc groups, and has appointed the following listed chairpersons for that work. The discussions involved in the work of those ad-hoc groups will be conducted on the above-listed email reflectors. 1. JVT Project Management and Errata Reporting (Gary Sullivan, Jens Rainer Ohm, Ajay Luthra, and Thomas Wiegand) 2. JM Description and Reference Software (Thomas Wiegand, Karsten Sühring, Alexis Tourapis, and Keng Pang Lim) 3. Bitstream Exchange and Conformance (Teruhiko Suzuki and Lowell Winger) 4. SVC Core Experiments (Justin Ridge, Ulrich Benzler) 5. JSVM software improvement and new functionality integration (Greg Cook) 6. JSVM Text and WD Text Editing (Julien Reichel, Heiko Schwarz, Mathias Wien) 7. Spatial Scalability Resampling Filters (Gary Sullivan) 8. Test conditions and applications for error resilience (Ye Kui Wang) 9. Test conditions for coding efficiency work and JSVM performance evaluation (Mathias Wien, Heiko Schwarz) 10. Study of 4:4:4 video coding functionality (Teruhiko Suzuki)
In the work on scalable video coding (SVC), the JVT is conducting the following core experiments (CEs). A document describing each of these CEs is available on the JVT ftp site in the 2005_04_Busan directory as document number JVT-O3xx, where "xx" is the number of the core experiment as listed below. The appointed core experiment coordinator, some participating companies, and some relevant documents (prefix the numbers below by "JVT-O" for the complete document number) are also listed below.

CE1: MCTF memory management (009, 026, 027, 028) (Visiowave, Panasonic, Nokia) Julien Reichel

CE2: Improved de-blocking filter settings (non-normative?) (RWTH, FTRD) (067) Mathias Wien

CE3: Coding efficiency of entropy coding (SKKU, ETRI, Samsung) Woong Il Choi, (021, 063)

CE4: Inter-layer motion prediction (Samsung, LG) Kyohyuk Lee (058)

CE5: Quality Layers (FTRD, Nokia, ...) (044, 055) Isabelle Amonou

CE6: Improvement of update step (015, 030, 062) (Samsung, MSRA, Nokia, FhG-HHI) Woo-Jin Han

CE7: Enhancement-layer intra prediction (Thomson, FhG-HHI, Sharp, Huawei, Samsung) (010, 053, 065) Jill Boyce

CE8: Region of Interest (NCTU, ICU, ETRI, I2R) (020) Zhongkang Lu

CE9: Improvement of quantization (046, 060, 066, 069) (FTRD, Panasonic, Siemens, RWTH, FhG-HHI, Microsoft, Sharp) Stéphane Pateux

CE10: Extended spatial scalability (Thomson, FTRD, Sharp, LG) (008, 041, 042) Edouard Francois

CE11: Improvement of FGS (055) (Nokia, FhG-HHI, NCTU) Justin Ridge

CE12: Weighted prediction from FGS layers (054) (Nokia, Visiowave, FhG-HHI) Yiliang Bao
On the ISO/IEC side, our standards are published as part of the ISO/IEC 14496 suite of standards, which is available for purchase at:
Anyone can get copies of 3 ITU-T standards for free by using the following link:
The links to the JVT's standards at ITU-T are as follows:


Title: H.264 (03/05) : Advanced video coding for generic audiovisual services



Title: H.264.1 (03/05) : Conformance specification for H.264 advanced video coding



Title: H.264.2 (03/05) : Reference software for H.264 advanced video coding


Best regards,
Gary Sullivan

Many of you may not be aware that published ITU-T standards can now be obtained for free (at least on a trial basis). I believe the old limit of 3 texts has been removed, at least for PDF format texts.

For example, see
where ITU-T Rec. H.264 can be obtained for free in PDF form in English, Spanish, and French.
Best Regards,
Gary Sullivan


jvt-experts mailing list

(5) DIRAC CODEC (comparison/evaluation with H.264)
Dirac is a conventional hybrid motion-compensated

(overlapped block motion compensation is used) video

codec. Dirac uses arithmetic coding.
Main difference from MPEG: Dirac uses a wavelet

transform rather than the DCT – or DCT-like,

I am still reviewing/evaluating codec from the point

of view of D-Cinema (DCI spec, 2k-4k scalability,

etc.) Software etc can be accessed from the web site below.
--- Jean-Marc Glasser wrote:
> Dear JVT experts,


> Please find here the link to an alternative CODEC :


> I wonder if it fits within the JVT framework and how

> it compares to H.264.
DIRAC Pro (Adopted by SMPTE as VC-2) Intra frame coding only in DIRAC.

For more info on DiracPro, check out this link:

Ravi Aruna Subramanian has implemented DIRAC and compared with H.264 based on test sequences at different bit rates, video formats etc (CIF, QCIF, SDTV etc ) as part of her thesis. She passed the thesis defense on 17 July 2009.I have soft copies of her thesis and ppt slides. Also a paper sent to J.VCIR.

There are some conformance test sequences and software on

Emails from July11, 2009

Dirac is only a video codec. When we started the project I also had some audio engineers on the team and we would have liked to have produced a royalty free audio codec too. Unfortunately we simply didn't have the resources to do both. However there are a number of audio codecs that can be used with Dirac such as AAC or MPEG Layer 2. I say layer 2 because I think it is royalty free and, for high quality audio, it has similar performance to mp3 (at lower bit rates mp3 is better of course). But people who looking to use Dirac often want a royalty free codec and the Xiph organisation's Vorbis codec is quite good.

In order to use audio with Dirac it has to be wrapped in some container format. We have registered the use of Dirac in MPEG-2 transport streams with the SMPTE. This means that you can put Dirac into transport streams with any audio format supported by MPEG-TS. These include, uncompressed audio, MPEG layer 2, MPEG layer 3, AAC and probably others. I'm not sure whether Vorbis is supported in MPEG-TS. We have also written specifications for Dirac in mp4 files (.mov files) which allows associated audio. And we have written a spec for Dirac in Ogg wrappers, which allow it to be used with Vorbis. Ogg is a popular media container with those who wish to use open source, royalty free media. We are supporting Ogg by integrating Dirac into the libogg play library.

In case you did not know we have integrated Dirac decoding into VLC media player and encoding will be added in future releases (it is already in nightly builds I believe). So, soon with VLC media player (which is cross platform open source) it should be possible to transcode to Dirac and wrap in a variety of containers with a range of audio codecs. On the Linux only side Dirac has been integrated into gStreamer.

Most of our stuff is on the web site. We're standardizing the intra frame version of Dirac, for professional use, with the SMPTE, so there are some conformance test streams for that on

This opens up # of thesis topics. Multiplexing/demultiplexing coded bitstreams (video- Dirac, audio MP2, AAC,AC-3, Vorbis etc) and achieving lip synch.
Dirac Pro is another name for SMPTE VC-2, which is the intra frame version of Dirac, currently being standardized by the SMPTE to become SMPTE S2042. Latest draft specs attached (not for distribution). I am hoping that, after several years of work, the VC-2 specification will be accepted this year before end September (but, given the way standards committees work this can never be guaranteed).

To put this in context: As you know VC-2 is the standardized version of Windows Media Video, VC-3 is Avid's DNxHD and between them is VC-2 a.k.a Dirac Pro. I have the documents on SMPTE VC-2.

Dirac Pro is aimed at professional applications not end user distribution. Typically it would be used for compression ratios up to about 20:1. In this space it competes with motion JPEG2000. Compare DIRSC PRO with other still frame image coding standards such as JPEG, JPEG-2000, JPEG-XR and JPEG-LS.

Vorbis I specification, Foundation, June 2, 2009


Embedding Vorbis into an Ogg stream


This document describes using Ogg logical and physical transport streams to encapsulate Vorbis compressed audio packet data into file form.



Vorbis audio: MDCT, VQ's Vorbis software CODEC implementation is distributed under a BSD-like license. BSD licenses represent a family of permissive free software licenses. The original was used for the Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD), a Unix-like operating system after which the license is named.

Latest audio codecs
Add DTS, DTS-High Definition High Resolution Audio, DTS-High Definition Master Audio coding standards to the list of Audio Coding Standards list on slide 13. These are the latest audio codecs developed by DTS and are using in the Blu-Ray discs.
A MODEL AIDE CODER BASED ON MODEL-BASED CODING AND TRADITIONAL HYBRID CODING (mc-transform/prediction) is proposed by Thomas Wiegand (file: vicawiegand). This involves considerable original research to develop/design/implement this coder.
(7) AIC (ADVANCED IMAGE CODING) Convener Dr. Daniel Lee
This has been standardized as JPEG-XR based on HD-Photo by Microsoft.
I have several files on this. Radhika has implemented/compared several image compression standards including JPEG-XR.
ISO/IEC/JTC 1/SC29/WG1 has called for proposals ( I have some files on this.) for developing a standard beyond JPEG 2000.

Application Requirements

  • Development software, test environment, browsers integration

  • Forward compatibility with previous standards (decoding previously encoded images)

  • Network protocols/effects integration

  • Image processing integration

  • Image analysis/understanding/documentation integration

  • Sensors parameters independence (geometry, response, sensitivity)

  • Content and context aware encoding/decoding

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