Open and Shut, 14 November 2011,
222 See
223 DEEWR, Submission No 8, p 1.
224 DoD, Submission No 13, p 2.
225 The Global Mail, Submission No 22, pp 1–3.
226 The Global Mail, Submission No 22, p 2.
227 The FOI Guidelines address these matters at paragraphs 6.112–6.186.
228 The Office of the Information Commissioner, Queensland, notes in the Right to Information Guidelines,‘Administrative release of information’ at p 1, that the term ‘administrative access’ is generally understood to refer to access to information, in full or in part, in certain types of administrative or operational records.
229 ALRC-ARC report, 1995, paragraph 4.18.
230 ALRC-ARC report, 1995, paragraph 4.19.
231 Commonwealth Ombudsman, Needs to Know: Own motion investigation into the administration of the Freedom of Information Act 1982 in Commonwealth agencies, (1999), p 2.
232 Commonwealth Ombudsman, Department of Immigration and Citizenship: Timeliness of decision making under the Freedom of Information Act 1982, Report No 6, (2008), pp 8–9.
233 OAIC, Freedom of Inforamtion Act 1982: Annual Report 2010–2011, (2011), p 4.
234 OAIC, Freedom of Information Act 1982: Annual Report 2010–11,(2011), p ix.
235 Australian Government, Declaration of Open Government, (2010),
236 See, for example, and Advisory Group on Reform of Australian Government Administration, Ahead of the Game: Blueprint for the Reform of Australian Government Administration, (2010),
237 The Australian Administrative Law Policy Guide, which is intended to assist policy makers to identify administrative law issues in draft legislation or proposals, provides that internal review processes should be implemented in almost all cases – see Australian Administrative Law Policy Guide 2011, paragraph 4.2.2 available at
238 See Part 2 of the Civil Dispute Resolution Act 2011.
240 DIAC, Annual Report 2007–08, (2008) and Annual Report2008–09, (2009).
241 The Guidance for agency websites (issued under s 93A of the FOI Act on 22 March 2011, and available at recommended that an agency’s FOI page should include a plain English explanation of documents available from the agency outside the FOI Act. The guidance aims to promote access to government information by ensuring that agency websites assist members of the public to easily locate information published by the agency and to make requests under the FOI Act. It notes that agencies are obliged under s 15(3) of the FOI Act to take reasonable steps to assist any person who wishes to make an FOI request.
242 Required by s 30 of the AIC Act.
243 See s 15(6) and 15(7) of the FOI Act.
244 OAIC, Annual Report 2010–11,(2011), p 15. Most of these (834) were notifications of extensions by agreement with the applicant under s 15AA of the FOI Act.
245 See discussion paper, Appendix B, p 39.
246 Note that similar protections do not apply to administrative access schemes in Queensland, although the Right to Information Act 2009 (Qld) promotes release of information under such schemes.
247 Explanatory Memorandum to the Freedom of Information Amendment (Reform) Bill 2010, p 46.
248 See also FOI Guidelines, paragraph 3.2; and OAIC Agency resource 1: Freedom of Information- Twelve tips for decision makers, August 2011, available at
249 See FOI Act s 12(1)(c).
250 FOI Guidelines, paragraph 3.28.
251 See the Explanatory Statement to the Freedom of Information (Fees and Charges) Regulations (Amendment) 1991, no. 320. See also Commonwealth, Parliamentary Debates, House of Representatives, 27 October 2010, 1824 (Brendan O’Connor, Minister for Privacy and Freedom of Information) and the Hon Brendan O’Connor MP (Minister for Privacy and Freedom of Information) 2010, ‘Fees for Freedom of Information requests to be slashed’, media release, Canberra, 27 October, viewed 4 January 2011,
252 The Department of Finance and Deregulation submission noted at page 10 that it reduced or waived charges if the search and retrieval costs were low and the estimated decision making time is less than or close to 5-6 hours.
253 ALRC-ARC report, 1995, paragraph 14.8.
254 Freedom of Information (Access Charges) Regulations 2004 (Vic), regulation 6. See Appendix E for a summary of charging practices in other jurisdictions.
255 ALRC-ARC report, 1995, paragraph 14.20.
256 ALRC-ARC report, 1995, paragraph 14.20.
257 ALRC-ARC report, 1995, paragraph 14.18.
258 See Appendix E, specifically Queensland, Victoria and Northern Territory. In the ACT, the first 200 photocopied pages are free, thereafter they are charged at $0.30 per page. In South Australia photocopies are $0.15 per page.
259 ALRC-ARC report, 1995, paragraph 14.19.
260 The provision is expressed differently as it applies to ministers, viz, ‘substantially and unreasonably interfere with the performance of the minister’s functions’: s 24AA(1)(ii).
261 For example, Re Shewcroft and Australian Broadcasting Corporation (1985) 2 AAR 496; Re Swiss Aluminium Australia Ltd and Department of Trade (1986) 10 ALD 96; Re SRB and Department of Health, Housing, Local Government and Community Services (1994) 19 AAR 178; and Re Langer and Telstra Corporation Ltd (2002) 68 ALD 762.
262 This decision is currently subject to appeal.
263 See the Access to Justice (Federal Jurisdiction) Amendment Bill 2011, Schedule 1, which proposes amendments to the Federal Court of Australia Act 1976, s 43(3). This implements a recommendation in ALRC, Managing Discovery: Discovery of Documents in Federal Courts, (2011),Report 115.
264 FOI Guidelines,paragraphs 3.33–3.42.
265 For example, DEEWR suggested that more guidance on the public interest provision was needed because of perceived inconsistencies between OAIC guidance, which appears to suggest that charges should be waived in cases where disclosure would be in the public interest, and the OAIC’s Besser decision, where charges were reduced by 50% rather than waived altogether: Besser and Department of Infrastructure and Transport [2011] AICmr 2 (17 March 2011).
266 Unless the decision was made by the principal officer of the agency or a minister.
267 See FOI Act ss 54, 54L and 57A.
268 Freedom of Information Act 1982: Annual Report, (2011), p 18.
269 FOI Guidelines, paragraph 9.4.
270 Access to Justice Taskforce, A Strategic Framework for Access to Justice in the Federal Civil Justice System, (2009),, recommendation 10.1.
271 Access to Justice Taskforce Report, chapters 7 and 10.
272 ARC, Better Decisions: Review of Commonwealth Merits Review Processes, Report No 39,(1995), paragraph 6.64.
273 ARC, Internal Review of Agency Decision Making, Report No 44, (2000). The ARC pointed to empirical evidence to support the claim that ‘if an agency’s review officers spoke to the applicant prior to making a decision, there were fewer appeals to external tribunals’: at paragraph 5.4. In this report and the Better Decision report the ARC recommended strengthening internal review by encouraging better communication, acknowledging the important role internal review played in ensuring quick and timely resolution of administrative matters: see Better Decisions report, recommendation 75; and Internal Review of Agency Decision Making report, recommendation 21.
274 FOI Act s 55L.
275 FOI Guidelines, paragraph 9.29.
276 The FOI Act s 55G provides that an agency can vary a decision that is the subject of IC review by making a fresh decision that is more favourable to the applicant.
277 AIC Act, s 25(e).
278 ARC, Internal Review of Agency Decision Making, Report No 44, (2000), recommendation 18.
279 ‘Section’ refers to a section of the FOI Act. ‘Regulation’ refers to a regulation in the Charges Regulations.
280 The Attorney General (Fees) Determination 2011 (ACT) applies in relation to the current financial year. A new determination is issued at the commencement of each financial year.
281 The current Freedom of Information (Fees and Charges) Regulations 2003 were issued on 1 July 2011 and have an expiry date of 1 September 2014.
282 The way fee units are set and calculated is set out in the Fee Units Act 1997 (Tas). The Fee Units Act provides for the automatic indexation of most Tasmanian Government fees in line with movements in the Consumer Price Index for Hobart. For more information see
283 The way fee units are set and calculated is set out in the Monetary Units Act 2004 (VIC). The value of one fee unit is currently $12.22. The Victorian Government has a policy of automatically indexing certain fees and fines each year for inflation so that the value of those fees and fines is maintained. For more information see
284 The Freedom of Information (Access Charges) Regulations 2004 will sunset 10 years after the day of making on 29 June 2014 (see s 5 of the Subordinate Legislation Act 1994 (Vic)).
285 From November 2010, the Office of the Information Commissioner of Canada is waiving the $5 application fee for access requests as part of a pilot project for a 6 month period. This pilot project has been extended into 2011–12. See
286 The Access to Information Regulations (SOR83/507) are current to 21 September 2011.
287 The Principal Act was amended by the Freedom of Information (Amendment) Act 2003 (Ireland).
288 See FOI Central Policy Unit, Department of Finance, CPU Notice No. 11: Charges at
289 Government information can also be accessed under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987.
290 The Ministry of Justice Charging Guidelines for Official Information Act 1982 Requests, 18 March 2002 replaced those approved by the State Sector Committee in January 1992 (STA (92) M 1/3) and set out in the Department of Justice memorandum of 26 February 1992. See
291 Government information can also be accessed under the Environmental Information (Scotland) Regulations 2004 (environmental information) and the INSPIRE (Scotland) Regulations 2009 (spatial datasets).
292 The Promotion of Access to Information Act 2000 allows access to information held by public and private bodies. Only prescribed fees in respect to public bodies are covered in this discussion paper.
293 The Promotion of Access to Information Act 2000 Regulations Regarding the Promotion of Access to Information were gazetted as Regulations 187 on 15 February 2002. Regulations 187 replaced the previous Regulations 223 of 9 March 2001.
294 Government information can also be accessed under the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 (environmental information).
295 The Office of Management and Budget issued the Uniform Freedom of Information Act Fee Schedule and Guidelines in 1987. This uniform schedule is not a unitary schedule of fees, but rather recognises that the Act requires each agency’s fees to be based upon its direct reasonable operating costs of providing Freedom of Information Act services. Instead the uniform schedule creates categorical limitations on what fees could be charged.