Revised power of prayers by Mustafa Hajji Ahmed Khaki

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25th Day:

It is an honourable day today. Surah-e-Hal-Ataa was revealed today in honour of Ahlul Bayt. They had Fasted for three days but at the time of Iftaar they broke their Fasts with water only because a needy, an orphan and a prisoner respectively had come at their door to ask for food, so every member of the family of Ahlul Bayt gave away his portion of food, in spite of themselves being in need of it.

Some A’amal for today:

  • In the eve of this night give alms to the needy and deserving.

  • On this day it is recommended to observe Fasting.

  • Recite Ziyaarat-e-Jaamiah.

  • Recite Duaa-e-Mubaahila.

The Last Day Of Zilhajj:

Today is the last day of the year. Pray 2 rak’at Namaaz, after Al-Hamd recite 10 times S.Ikhlaas and 10 times Aayatul Kursee, and after Namaaz recite this Duaa:

Bismillaahir-Rahmaanir-Raheem. Allaahumma Maa Amiltu Fee Haadhihis-Sanati Min Amalin Nahaytahu Anhu Walan Tardhahu Wa Naseetuhoo Walam Tansahoo Wa Da’awtanee Ilat-Tawbati Ba’adajtiraaee Alayka Allaahumma Fa Ainnee Astaghfiruka Minhoo Faghfirlee Wamaa Amiltu Min Amalin Yuqarribunee Ilayka Faqbalhu Minnee Walaa Taqtwa’a Rajaa’i Minka Yaa Kareemu.

Merits: When you have recited this much the accursed Shaytan shall be disappointed and flees away disgraced.


This is a month of great sorrow and mourning for the Ahlul Bayt and their followers. This is because of the brutal killings of Imaam Husayn and his companions on the plains of Karbalaa by the multitude army of accursed Yazid. Imaam Hussain (A.S.) and his followers had no any fault nor did they commit any offence except that they were the truth-loving people on the right path. The Yezidites wished them all to be on their evil guidelines abandoniong the truthful Shariah laid down by the Almighty Allaah and brought by the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W.) While Imaam Husain (A.S.) stood steadfast on the preservation of the Islamic Shariah, Yazid and his henchmen wanted the Imaam to endorse on their own beastly and unhuman ways of life. But Imaam Husain (A.S.) being the inheritor of the bringer of Shariah did not give a nod to those wild Yezidites and thus he willingly agreed even to pay heavily by sacrificing the invalueable lives of his family members, companions, and his own self. Thus the Imaam saved Islaam for ever upto the day of Qayaamat. They were kept thirsty for three consecutive days and brutally massacred one by one, from age-olds to infants.Even then the merciless forces were not at rest, they imprisoned the holy innocent and helpless ladies and children of the Holy Household and tortured them for a long time. And this is why we expess our affection towards Imaam Husain and hatred towards Yezidites by commemorating the sorrowful event of the tragedy of Karbala in Muharram.There are some A’amaal in this month as follows:

First Night:

  • Pray 100 rak’at Namaaz, after Al-Hamd recite S.Ikhlas once only.

  • Pray 2 rak’at Namaz in which recite S.An-Aam after Al-Hamd in the first rak’at and S.Yaaseen in the second.

  • Pray 2 rak’at Namaaz in which recite 11 times S.Ikhlaas after Al-Hamd in each rak’at.

The First Day:

  • Obserrve Fast and then beseech Allaah for your Haajat, I/A you shall be successful. It is Mustahab to observe Fasting for the first nine days.

  • Pray 2 rak’at Namaz and then a Dua from Mafaatihul Jinaan.

The Third Day:

  • Whoever observes Fasting today his problems shall be eased, and will come out of tribulations, and his Duaa shall be granted.

The Tenth Night –SHAB-E-AASHOOR

  • Pray 100 rak’a Namaaz and in each rak’at after Al-Hamd recite 3 times Surah-e-Ikhlaas. Then recite this Duaa: Sub’haanallaahi Wal Hamdu Lillaahi Wa Laailaaha Illallaahu Wallaahu Akbar Walaa Hawla Walaa Quwwata Illaa Bilaahil Aliyyil Adhweem.

  • Recite Namaaaz-e-Ameerul Mu’mineen: 4 rak’at Namaz in which recite 50 times S.Ikhlaas after Al-Hamd in every rak’at.

  • At the end of this night pray 4 rak’at Namaaz, in each rak’at after Al-Hamd recite 10 times S.Ikhlaas, 10 times Aayatul Kursee, !0 times S. Al-Falak, 10 times S.An-Naas. After Namaaz recite 100 times S’Ikhlaas.

  • Night vigil is highly recommended for Ibaadaat. Recite Duaas, Salawaat, and send as many curses as possible on the enemies of Ahlul Bayt. Tonight’s worship carries Sawaab of 70 years’ Ibaadaat.


Today is the day of Martyrdom of Imaam Husayn (A.S.) It is a great day of sorrow and mourning for the Shiahs. Do not busy yourselves in worldly matters today. Hold Majaalises and commemorate Aashoora with utmost sadness. Invoke curses on the enemies of Imaam Husayn (A.S.)

We should express Pursa (condolenses) to each other in these words:

A’azamallaahu Ujooranaa Bi Muswaabinaa Bil Husayni Alayhissalaamu Wa Ja’alnaa Wa Iyyaakum Minat-Twaalibeen Bi Saarihi Ma’a Waliyyehil Imaamil Mahdiyyi Min Aali Muhaammadin Alayhimus-Salaam.

Anyone who is fortunate today to be present at Karbala near to the Blessed Grave of Imaam Husayn (A.S.)should freely give water to the people, its merit is such as he gave the water to the army of Imaam Husayn (A.S.) and was with them on the day of Aashoora.

There is tremendous Sawaab in reciting 1000 times Surah-e-Ikhlaas today.

Recite Duaa-e-Asharaat. (ref. M.Jinaan)

Today we ought to behave as much sorrowfully and gloomily as possible, expressing our paramount disgust for the outrageous event of Aashoora in which Imaam Husayn (A.S.) and his bend of few thirsty and hungry companions were innocently slaughtered with the most animalstic brutality by the so-called Muslims of the army of Yazid L.A.

Today Fasting is not allowed but we should not eat or drink anything until at late afternoon partaking the simplest food.

Allama Majlisi says that it is better not to observe Fasting on the Ninth and Tenth of Muharram because Bani Umayya and their followers used to rejoice on the event of Karbala, they considered these two days to be very much good for them and thus they observed Fasting on this fateful event., and they also accumulated their needful things for the year.

Therefore Imaam Ali Radhaa (A.S.) said that anyone who leave his worldly business Allaah shall accomplish all his works and undertakings, and one who will pass this day in sadness, sorrow, and tears, and encourage his household members also to the same, Allaah will make the day of Qayaamat a happy event for him. Whoever accumulates worldly things for peace and pleasure Allaah will take away His Barakat from them and shall gather them on Qayamat with the Accursed Yazid bin Muawiya, Uubaydulla bin Ziyad, Umar bin Saad, and their associates (may Allah’s everlasting curses be on them and remain in greatest tribulation forever). Aameen.

Today we should not even laugh or pass the time in playing games, but for the whole day and night we should behave like a bereaved people. We should ponder over the reasons of such a great event that for what cause it occurred and now what is our duty towards it, how should we live our lives so as to be in line with the cause of Imaam Husayn (A.S.)

Recite 1000 times:

Allaahumal’An Qatalatal Husayn Alayhissalaam.

False Traditions:

There are some false traditions manufactured by Bani Umayyas such as {{(“giving credence of merits of Fasting on Aashoora, beseeching Allaah for your Haajaats being Mustahab, every Prophet was blessed with some good this day, the fire of Namrood went off today, Nabi Nooh’s ark came to a safe halt today, army of Firown drowned today, Nabi Isa was rescued from Jews, Tawba of Nabi Adam was accepted today, Nabi Yunus came out of the belly of the fish today, accumulating the necessities for the next year, hadeeth to beautify oneself and rejoice, and some false Duaas such as ``` Sub’haanallahi Mil’al Meezaani Wa Muntahal Hilmi Wa Mablaghar-Ridhaa Wa Zinatal Arshi, then- Yaa Qaabila Tawbata Adama Yawma Aashoora Yaa Raafi’a Idreesa Ilas-Samaai Yawma Aashoora Yaa Musakkina Safeenati Noohinn Alal Joodiyyi Yawmi Aashoora Yaa Ghiyaasa Ibrahima Minan-Naari Yawma Aashoora……``` etc.”}}} All this sort of material does not make any sense, history has authentic records to every event of Prophets against what they claim to happen on Aashoora.

Therefore we should be careful in it. Their main intention was to cover this great issue of Karbala so that people should not come to know the actual matter that the so-called Muslim rulers were actually worse then infidels and they wished that Imam Husayn (A.S.) may give his consent to the un-Islamic and un-humanly ways of their lives so that it gets a permanent seal of Islaam and thus a thick veil may cover their misdeeds and their predecessors’ misdeeds also., consequently burying the religion of Islaam from its very foundation. This was the main cause to demand Bay’at but nevertheless they were defeated in their cause but Imaam Husayn (A.S.) came out victorious even though by the greatest sacrifices, he won the battle which was actually between the causes, he won in his cause, which is obvious to all the world tday, a proof being his magnificient Shrine and his follwers all around the globe commemorating Muharram. While his enemies are wiped out and became extinct species of oppressors, looters, and debauches. Nobody knows and cares of the whereabout of their unclean remains.

However, in the evening of this day we should recite Ziyaarat-e-Tahiyyat, i.e. the Ziyaarat to convey our condolences to the Holy Prophet and Ahlul Bayt Alayhimussalaam. For this Ziyaarat please refer Mafaatihul Jinaan. It was on this same evening of 61 A.H. that the cruel and brutal army of accursed Yazid took captive the respected and honourable ladies of Ahlul Bayt and still denying them even some water to drink. It was a dreaful evening for those holy ladies lamenting for their dead ones on one side and on the other side being subjected to tortures by setting their camps on fire. The intense Zulm on them is enough to melt the hardest heart.

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