It is recommended to make Ghusl in running water on this night and then pour 30 handfuls of water over the head; one who does so shall not be affected with skin disease till the next Maahe Ramadhaan and shall remain in the state of cleanliness.
Recite Ziyaarat of Imaam Husayn (A.S.)
Recite 2 rak’at Namaaz in which recite Surah-e-An’aamafter Al-Hamd, then beseech Allaah that you be safe from every disease you fear of.
Recite the Duaa of the last day of Sha’abaan.
Recite 44th Duaa of Saheefa-e-Kaamilah.
Rasoolullah (S.A.W.W.) was reciting this Duaa on the first night and first day: Bismillaahr-Rahmaanir-Raheem. Allaahumma Innaho Qad Dakhala Shahru Ramadhaan, Allaahumma Rabba Shahri Ramadhaanal-Ladhee Anzalta Feehil Qur’an Wa Ja’altahoo Bayyinaatin Minal Hudaa Wal Furqaani. Allaahumma Fa Baarik Lanaa Fee Shahri Ramadhaan Wa A’innaa Alaa Swiyaamihee Wa Swalawaatihee Wa Taqabbalhu Minnaa.
Bismillaahir-Rahmaanir-Raheem. Allaahumma Rabba Shahri Ramadhaan Munazzilal Qur’aan, Haadha Shahru Ramadhaanal-Ladhee Anzalta Feehil Qur’aan, Wa Anzalta Feehi Aayaatin Bayyinaatin Minal Hudaa Wal Furqaan. Allaahummarzuqna Swiyaamahu Wa Ainnaa Alaa Qiyaamihi. Allaahumma Sallimhu Lanaa Wa Sallimna Feehi Wa Tasallaamhu Minna Fi Yusrin Minka Wa Muaafaatin Waj’al Feemaa Taqdhee Wa Tuqaddiru Minal Amril Mahtoom, Wa Fee Maa Tafruqu Minal Amril Hakeem Fee Laylatil Qadri Minal Qadhaail-Ladhee Laa Yuraddu Walaa Yubaddalu An Taktubanee Min Hujjaji Baytikal Haraamil Mabroori Hajjuhumul Mashkoori Sa’ayuhumul Mukaffari Anhum Sayyiaatuhum Waj’al Feemaa Taqdhee Wa Tuqaddiru An Tutweela Lee Fee Umree Wa Tuwassia Alayya Minar-Rizqil Halaal.
Duaa Of The First Night:
Bismillaahir-Rahmmaanir-Raheem. Allaahumma Innahu Qad Dakhala Shahru Ramadhaan, Allaahumma Rabba Shahri Ramadhaanal-Ladhee Anzalta Feehil Qur’aan Wa Ja’altahu Bayyinaatin Minal Hudaa Wal Furqaan, Allaahumma Fa Baarik Lanaa Fi Shahri Ramadhaan Wa Ainnaa Alaa Swiyaamihee Wa Swalawaatihi Wa Taqabbalhu Minna.
Duaa Of The First Night:
Bismillaahir-Rahmaanir-Raheem. Al-Hamdu Lillaahil-Ladhee Akramanaa Bika Ayyuhash-Shahrul Mubaaraku Allaahumma Fa Qawwinaa Alaa Swiyaaminaa Wa Qiyaaminaa Wa Thabbit Aqdaamanaa Wansurna Alal Qawmil Kaafireen. Allaahumma Antal Waahidu Falaa Walada Laka, Wa Antas-Swamadu Falaa Shib’ha Laka, Wa Antal Azeezu Falaa Yu’Izzuka Shay’un, Wa Antal Ghaniyyu Wa Anal Faqeeru, Wa Antal Mawlaa Wa Anal Abdu, Wa Antal Ghafooru Wa Anal Mudhnibu, Wa Antar-Raheemu Wa Anal Mukhtwiu, Wa Antal Khaaliqu Wa Anal Makhlooqu, Wa Antal Hayyu Wa Anal Mayyitu., As’aluka Bi Rahmatika An Taghfiralee Wa Tarhamanee, Wa Tajaawaza Annee, Innaka Alaa Kulli Shay’in Qadeer.
Perform 2 rak’at Namaaz in whch recite Surah-e-Fat’h in the first rak’at after Al-Hamd and any Surah in the second rak’at, this will keep you safe from all evils for this year.
After Sub’h-e-Saadiq of the FIRST DAY recite this Duaa: Bismillaahir-Rahmaanir-Raheem. Allaahumma Qad Hadhwara Shahru Ramadhaan Waqadif-Taradhta Alayna Swiyaamahoo Wa Anzalta Feehil Qur’an Hudan Linnaasi Wa Bayyinaatin Minal Hudaa Wal Furqaan. Allaahumaa Ainnaa Alaa Swiyaamihee Wa Taqabbalhu Minna Wa Tasallaamhu Minnaa Wa Sallimhu Lanaa Fee Yusrin Minka Wa Aafiyatin Innaka Alaa Kulli Shay’in Qadeer.
Recite that Duaawhich was directed by Imaam Mosa Kaadhim (A.S.) He said that who ever recites this Duaa sincerely for the pleasure of Allaah only, will be safeguarded by all those problems which were decreed to come on him / her. Refer to M.Jinan for this Duaa starting with these words ‘Allaahuma Innee As’auka Bismikal-Ladhee Daana Lahoo…’
13th, 14th, and 15th nights:
13th, 14th, and 15th nights are the nights of BEEZ:
Perform Ghusl;
Perform 4 rak’at Namaaz in which recite S.Ikhlaas 25 times in each rak’at;
Recite those Namaaz described in Rajab section to be prayed in Beez nights (consisting the reciting of S.Yaaseen, S.Mulk, and S.Ikhlaas);
Recite Duaa-e-Mujeer in these nights for the forgiveness of sins;
Pray the Namaaz of the night of Beez already mentioned above),
Pray 100 rak’at Namaaz reciting 10 times S.Ikhlaas in every rak’at after Al-Hamd, - it is narrated by Imaam Ameerul Mu’mineen that whoever shall pray this Namaaz, Allaah will send ten angles towards him to protect him from his enemies, be it from humans or gennies, and at the time of his death thirty angels shall keep him away from the fire of Hell.
Whoever is fortunate to be present in Karbala by the blessed grave of Imaam Hussain should perform 10 rak’at Namaaz in which to recite 10 times S.Ikhlaas in every rak’at, and then beseech Allaah to save him from the Hell. Inshaa’Allaah the Merciful Allaah will save him from Hell and he shall not die until he will see some angels in his dream giving him good tidings of Paradise and soothing news of safety from the fire of Hell.