Riverview Park Community Association

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Riverview Park Community Association


February 21, 2018

Maplewood Retirement Residence
Members Present: Kris Nanda, Bob Perkins (arrived for item 4), Bryan Orendorff, Craig Cormier, Anne Stairs, Liz Smith, Kirsten Fraser and David Hood

  • Councillor’s Office: Jean Cloutier and Erin Loney

  • Dymon Storage: Miguel Tremblay and Bliss Edwards

  • Community Members: Raylene Lang-Dion, Karl and Lorella Piirik

Regrets: Marilyn Minnes and Dianne Hoddinott,
Updated Action Items from February 21, 2018 Meeting (see Annex A)

  • Draft a statement for RPCA (Bryan) to present at Planning Committee on February 27. Regarding Dymon development at 851 Industrial (Bob/Kris/Bryan)

  • Follow up with Perley Rideau Veterans Hospital re: participating at October 2018 AGM (Kris)

  • Update on Governance (Bob)

  • Circulate debrief of Winter Carnival to members (Kirsten)

  • Bring info cards with RPCA Board member contact info (Liz)

  • Invite Marty Koshman, Controlex Corporation’s President, to share the Trainyards high-rise residential building project proposal (Councillor Cloutier)

  • Bryan to follow up with Kevin Kit (Elmvale Acres CA) regarding flooding issue

  • Discussion items at the next RPCA meeting on March 14, 2018

    • Purchasing park benches.

    • Proposal on the unused building at Dale

  1. Agenda approval

Motion to Approve:

      • First moved – Bryan Orendorff; Seconded – Anne Stairs

      • Approved by all

  1. Approval of Minutes from last meeting (January 10, 2018)

Motion to Approve:

      • First moved – Craig Cormier; Seconded – Anne Stairs

      • Approved by all

3. Business Arising from January 10, 2017 Meeting

Proposal for 851 Industrial (Dymon Storage)

    • Presentation by Miguel Tremblay and Bliss Edwards provided some background into Dymon storage proposal. This include the following points:

      • location is ideal for this business (arterial road, low traffic, but proximity to existing businesses for both exposure and amenities for employees)

      • Proposal requests 15,000 square feet of storage with 750 meters for retail on the ground floor

      • Indicate the facility would be full within an estimated six months and that the business only sees more growth in the industry

      • The new building has no windows or balconies and would have cut off lighting at 11pm

      • Proposal is for a 5 storey building (currently only zoned for four storeys)

  • Key points raised by participants during the discussions:

    • Councillor Cloutier indicated that he was a satisfied customer with the business, however is not supportive of the additional height request

    • Questions raised about the number of employees hired at the site and how the business assesses employment usage at the facility

    • Concern about precedent it would set on Industrial and fears of “canyon” along Industrial.

    • The 3D drawing presented by proponents showed what it would look like if everything else on Industrial was built to maximum permissible height whereas RPCA had asked to see 3D rendition of proposal compared to existing buildings

    • Given the businesses proposal for retail space, discussed how the business might fit within the “complete street” concept regarding Industrial Avenue.

Action Item: RPCA Planning and Development members to draft submission at Planning Committee regarding opposition to exemptions for height and retail space. Bryan will try to present the letter at Feb 27 Planning Committee with three key areas of concern:

  1. 750 square meters for retail space,

  2. zoning precedent that it would set along Industrial, and

  3. Insufficient reasoning for the additional height re-zoning request.

Please note that Councillor Cloutier has indicated a willingness to support the RPCA in this decision and bring it to council.
Follow up with PRHVC re: participating in Fall AGM – Kris has not approached them yet. Given that LRT opening is now delayed until at least November 2018, it may be better to have speaker from Rideau Transit Group talk instead
Update on Governance Items – Tabled to March meeting as Bob had not arrived yet
4. President’s Report (see Annex B)
-Trainyards high-rise development proposal – Steamline Street Discussion. Six buildings to be constructed ultimately (Across from Main Post Office Building)

- Kris had written Councillor Cloutier earlier in the month expressing concern over lack of notice and asking for public meeting and more time to provide comments and inviting Marty Koshman (Trainyards) to AVPG. Kris was interviewed by Erin McCracken for article on proposed project in Ottawa Community Voice paper to appear last week of February

- Kris, Bryan, Bob and Craig met on Feb 16 to discuss proposal that had arrived on Feb 8 and site application in Feb 14 email

-Info has been shared with other CAs in the area who are also concerned about traffic impact

Key Points raised:

- Prior to Feb 8 email from City, RPCA had received minimal details from Controlex Corporation’s President Marty Koshman in anticipation of the development. Marty had only said that demolition of truck depot at 1435 Sanford Fleming was taking place and that there would be residential units constructed


- Scope of the project remains unclear on areas such as

  • Rentals or condominium, number of potential residents (possibly 6k)

  • Actual height of the six buildings

  • Traffic impacts

  • Impact on building a required and adequate pathway between Train yards and VIA train station. The residential units arguably trigger the requirement to build this link (i.e. preferred option of RPCA and Councillor Cloutier is overpass which is currently having additional costing study).

  • This link has support of federal and provincial elected officials (MP and MPPs) and would suit the Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Zoning that covers this proposal.

Discussed infill and density impact on the neighbourhood; including the development would provide adequate connectivity to the rest of the neighbourhood (including existing Riverview Park community) and amenities, as well as creating a liveable, functional, urban (self-contained) community

Action Items: (1) RPCA would like to invite Marty Koshman, Controlex Corporation’s President, to share the proposal’s status, opportunities and thoughts on its impact to the area with either the Board or through an open house.

(2) Given the size of the proposal, Councillor Cloutier agreed to invite Marty Koshman and Sean Moore (City Planner for project) to the next Alta Vista Planning Group (AVPG) on Feb 19 that Kris/Bryan usually go to. Bob Perkins asked to attend as well and Councillor Cloutier agreed to the request.

Kris also briefly summarized items in his report (Annex B), including external meetings with other area CA presidents on development and election debate and flooding issues, OCDSB school accommodation review, AVTC traffic flow, new coyote problem in area since construction of AVTC Hospital Link, and reiterated previous RPCA position opposing expanded gambling and casino at Racetrack (that apparently will be taking place now).
5. Councillor’s Update

  1. Transit Committee passed a motion to allow pets and bikes on the new LRT at all times.

  2. LRT opening has been delayed until November 2018. Councillor will be looking at ways to allow better cycling and pedestrian connectivity during the delay including opening up some current blocked off underpasses and overpasses in the neighbourhood. He is seeking meeting with John Manconi re: reopening bike-path over LRT/Transitway Bridge across Rideaur River between Hurdman and Lees stations.

  3. Upcoming Timber Creek Visioning Workshop at Featherstone Public School – February 24 for Herongate Development

  4. Successful discussions were held at a community safety meeting on the evening of February 20, 2018. (St. Genevieve School)

6. Treasurers Report (see Annex C)

7. Committee Reports

  1. Communications (See Annex D)

  1. Parks and Recreation

    • Winter Carnival Debrief (Kirsten)

      1. Overall the event was a success with over a hundred attendees

      2. Lessons learned included:

        1. Don’t need as much equipment

        2. Activities could be lessened (e.g. keep marshmallows and shoot to win, no need for snow shoeing)

        3. Increase Advertising

        4. Could use music

        5. Seek more sponsors, possibly from some of the businesses with the train yards

        6. Increase the size of the committee to organize the event

        7. Prepare a better timeline for coordination

Action Item: Anne asked to have discussion about using RPCA investment funds to purchase park benches at the March 2018 Board meeting

  1. Planning and Development – met on Feb 16 to discuss 851 Industrial (Dymon) and Steamline Drive (Trainyards high-rises).

8. Other Items

  • Motion to approve $370 to pay for face painting and balloon making services at the Alta Vista Shopping Plaza Family Day event in May 2018.Carole Moult had asked RPCA for support this event again (as it did in 2017)

      1. First moved – Bob Perkins; Seconded – Anne Stairs

      2. Approved by all

  • Anne attended Federation of Citizens Associations (FCA) meeting of Jan 17 but indicated that these were not always worthwhile attending. Much depends on subject matter and location (meeting rotates around the city).

Action Item: Bob Perkins to update status of former Little League of Canada HQ (on Dale) at the next RPCA Board meeting.

9. Approval to adjourn meeting

      1. First moved – Bob Perkins; Seconded – Craig Cormier

      2. Approved by all

Next Meeting: March 14, 2018
Board Members: Craig Cormier, Kirsten Fraser, Dianne Hoddinott, David Hood, Karen Keyes-Endemann (Ex-officio), Marilyn Minnes, Kris Nanda, Bryan Orendorff, Bob Perkins, Liz Smith, Anne Stairs



Month Identified

Item #

Item Description

Person(s) Responsible





RPCA to revisit how to manage charity related presentations

All Members



Governance Team to explore a process to review how the RPCA manages charity related requests. A meeting is planned in the coming months to discuss updating the RPCA governance process.

Bob Perkins and Governance team

Members asked o review the current committee by laws in advance of a discussion at the next RPCA meeting in January 2018. (Open)


Volunteer Extraordinaire update to Dianne for posting on website

Kris Nanda





Follow up with City on status of toboggan hill

Kris Nanda



Explore options for ordering for 100 – 500 pens

Dianne Hoddinott



Explore possibility of asking city council to designate the former minor league baseball building as a future spot for a habitat for humanity project.

RPCA Planning committee

Status Update to be provided at the February 21, 2018 meeting


Link for commenting on provincial educational accommodation review consultations to be posted on the RPCA website

Dianne Hoddinott

Completed (Dec 2017 deadline for public input)

January 2018


Address concerns to improve the toboggan hill.

All Board Members



Contact the Perley Rideau VHC as a potential guest speaker the next AGM in October 2018.

Kris Nance and Marilyn Minnes



Review RPCA By-law and Constitution Items prior to next meeting.

Governance Committee


February 2018


  • Discuss a statement on the Dymon proposal for RPCA to make at City Planning Committee on February 27.

P & D Committee

City Planning Committee Meeting held on February 27, Bryan Orendorff attended Committee meeting. Majority of councillors voted in favour of proposed Dymon amendments for increased height.


  • Invite Marty Koshman, Controlex Corporation’s President, to share the Trainyards high-rise residential building project proposal.

Jean Cloutier / Kris Nanda

Jean invited Marty to February 19 Alta Vista Planning Group meeting (AVPG)


Kirsten Fraser


  • Purchasing park benches.

Anne Stairs

To be discussed at the March 14, 2018 RPCA meeting.


  • Follow up with Kevin Kit (Elmvale Acres CA) regarding flooding issue

Bryan Orendorff


  • Bring info cards with RPCA Board member contact info

Liz Smith


  • Proposal on the unused building at Dale

Bob Perkins

To be discussed at the March 14, 2018 RPCA meeting.


Month Identified

Item #

Item Description

Person(s) Responsible


November 2017


Link for commenting on provincial educational accommodation review consultations to be posted on the RPCA website

Dianne Hoddinott

Completed (Dec 2017 deadline for public input)




RPCA Planning committee to submit concerns to the City of Ottawa planning committee

Kris Nanda



RPCA Members to provide updated contact info to Liz S before January 2018 Board Meeting

Liz offered to produce pocket size list of Board names and contact info once Board members have submitted updates

All Members



Follow up on whether or not advertising could be acquired for the newly refurbished RPCA website.

Kris Nanda

Completed; Yes

January 2018


Set up a meet with Dymon Storage to discuss proposal of the new facility.

Planning Committee

Meeting held with Dymon in January and they were invited to present at the February 21, 2018 RPCA meeting.


Riverview Park Community Association President’s Report - February 21, 2018

  1. Trainyards Redevelopment at 200, 230 and 260 Steamline

    1. Received notification on Feb 8 and Feb 14 regarding plans to develop first phase (2 high-rise residences (15 and 22 storey) with 414 units. Ultimate build out of 7 high-rises with 1884 units

    2. Notification info forwarded to other CAs in Alta Vista Ward and Overbrook

    3. Concerns about traffic impacts, height, placement of buildings, lack of notice (No details received on proposal prior to Feb 8/14 – in any previous emails from Marty K)

    4. Could it trigger the requirement for the link to Train Station?

    5. Secondary Plan has already been approved so limited ability to influence outcome- official deadline for comments is March 14. Some flexibility

    6. Though no requirement for pubic consultation, given the impact of development, request to extend deadline for comments and hold public info session made to Councillor Cloutier

2. Closure of Community Newspapers – New Community Paper

a. Met on January 18 with other CAs and publisher for new Ottawa Community Voice Paper prior to mid-Feb 2018 launch.
3. Outreach/External meetings/Approaches from other CAs or external groups

a. Met with other CAs regarding dates for All Candidates Meeting in Provincial election (May 29 at Hillcrest HS chosen; also mid-May Open house at Hunt Club/SE Ottawa HC. CAs will be asked to chip in to cover costs (likely about $200 per CA)

b. Elmvale Acres CA expressed interest in getting Riverview Park feedback on flooding and sewer issues (Bryan is following up)

c. Feb 20 meeting on Community Safety at St. Genevieve School

d. Feb 24 visioning workshop on Herongate development

4. OCDSB Update Accommodation Review

a. Budget Zone Meeting Feb. 28, 7pm

b. Ministry of Education released Draft Revised Pupil Accommodation Review Guideline. Feedback for second phase of the consultation until March 23, 2018.

c. Riverview School is now back on the review list
5. Communications with Elected Officials and City Staff

a. Email to Chris Ellis re: Accommodation Review for clarification – no response received

b. Emails to Jean Cloutier and City staff with concerns/comments about proposed Dymon Complex at 851 Industrial, Trainyards Developments and re-opening path on LRT Bridge over the Rideau River
6. Other concerns received from residents
a. Alta Vista Corridor Traffic speed, illegal turns

b. Coyotes along the AVTC and near Balena Park

c. Implications of LRT opening at Hurdman (letter from David Knoeckart)

d. Opposition to OLG expansion at Racetrack – in principle (previously opposed by RPCA in 2013) and due to costs of road expansion to service

Treasurer’s Report
RPCA Cash Flow October 2017 – February 2018

Communications Report

  • Signed up to "Mail Chimp" which is allows us send out our mass email much more easily!  We have 311 email addresses, and the first report that I received showed that over 50% of the emails that I sent out were opened.  Better than I thought. If anyone wants to add an address just email it to me and I'll add it to our list.  Any feedback on the new format?

  • Acquired 250 newly purchased that were ordered.

  • 14 new posts to the website.  Website traffic was down in January, but still had 200 visitors.  The site has already attracted 261 visitors in February and would assume that this number will rise as people become more aware of the Proposal for the new buildings.

Federation of Citizens Associations (FCA) General Meeting

January 17, 2018

The focus of this meeting was “Promoting Arts and Culture in our Neighbourhoods”

We had a carousel of presenters as seen below.

1. Program Manager, Arts and Heritage Development Unit, Recreation, Cultural and

Facility Services, City of Ottawa

- Public Art Program-City of Ottawa

2. Cultural Development, Initiatives, Arts & Heritage, Ottawa

3. Crime Prevention Ottawa - Youth Paint it Up

4. Supervising Librarian, Ottawa Public Library

5. Stakeholder Relations Coordinator, Public Outreach & Communication unit, Public

Works & Environmental Services Department, City of Ottawa

6. AOE Arts Council

7. Ottawa Music Industry Coalition (OMIC)

8. Community Arts Based Facilitator

9. Bear and Co. Theartre

10.Overbrook Musical

11.Ottawa Storytellers

12.Ottawa Community Immigrant Services Organization

13.Multicultural Arts for Schools and Community

The City has a $50,000 mural project to reduce graffiti on buildings. Ottawa Public

Library now lends musical instruments. Public Works offers vinyl wrap on things like

electrical boxes to help beautify neighbourhoods. Youth Paint It Up have young people in public housing contribute to painting art on their walls and taking ownership of the space where they live.

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