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Я.С. Мелушева

Республика Беларусь, Брест, БрГУ имени А.С. Пушкина

Научный руководитель – И.В. Повх


Distribution of drugs in public places presents a major problem nowadays, because in almost every country drugs are becoming an integral attribute of social life.

The drug distribution issue is becoming more and more urgent for the modern society. It is not difficult to buy drugs in the streets, in clubs or other public places, which makes drug use nearly unrestricted. Soft drugs such as marihuana (hashish, hemp) are taken by young people, by the middle-aged and even by the elderly, and this is no longer regarded as something out of the ordinary. Today people of any financial position can find affordable drugs easily, as cheap drugs flood the market.

Why is drug trafficking so terrible in general? At first, it presents a huge financial loss for every state. Enormous sums are spent to strengthen the police and judicial systems or to create treatment programs to rehabilitate addicts. Secondly, there is a direct connection between drugs, crime and violence. Drug cartels undermine the government and corrupt legitimate business. The income from drug trafficking is used to finance more bloody conflicts. In addition, there are other social problems, such as the growing number of people living with HIV and AIDS, hepatitis and other serious physical and mental diseases. Besides, it is important to pay attention to the families to which addicts belong.

According to the statistics, more than 110 million people in the world use drugs, at least, once a month and nearly 25 million are addicts. Addiction starts with the use of drugs with friends, in various companies in clubs or other entertainment establishments. Everything starts from seemingly safe and widespread ecstasy or some other psychotropic drugs, which are sold illegally in the clubs or by people in the streets. Today, 8% of clubs just in Moscow trade in drugs illegally. Moreover, these data were published and there were clubs registered as performing this type of activity only. According to the Governments and experts from different countries, such illegal business facilitates the growth of addiction among the population.

Punitive measures are taken all over the world to combat drug trafficking. The UN is trying to solve the problem of drugs at different levels. The Commission for drugs – a functional commission of ECOSOC – is the main intergovernmental agency, which develops the drug controlpolitics and coordinates the corresponding activities. The commission comprises 53 states, which analyze the problem of addiction and trafficking of drugs and put forward proposals to strengthen the international control of drugs. The Commission monitors the international drug controltreaties as well as major principles and arrangements adopted by the General Assembly. The drug spread and use prevention is mainly the task of non-government organizations and the peculiarity of Western countries, although this phenomenon appeared a few decades ago. However, the law enforcement agencies of all levels and special commissions combat drug addiction in our country as well.

What measures should be taken to struggle with the distribution of drugs in public places?

Of course, first and foremost it is toughening sanctions against drug distribution. In some countries, such measures have already been applied and they are in force. The criminal and administrative responsibility increases. Besides, there are new laws, different anti-addiction and addict rehabilitation programs underway. Secondly, anti-drug promotion programs shall be implemented for all social layers and age categories, including both grown-ups and children.

It is necessary to remember that this problem is a large-scale one, however, the struggle with drug distribution and its use has been successful lately. Furthermore, drug distribution directly depends on the demand of population.

  1. Ответственность за распространение наркотиков [Электронный ресурс] // Федеральная служба Российской Федерации по контролю за оборотом наркотиков. – Режим доступа: http://fskn.gov.ru/pages/main/ prevent/26168/26418/26449/26454/index.shtml. – Дата доступа: 12.03.2015.

  2. Распространение наркотиков [Электронный ресурс] // Страна живых. – Режим доступа: http://life-way.info/page/rasprostranenie-nar kotikov.php. Дата доступа: 10.03.2015.

В статье рассматривается проблема распространения наркотических веществ в общественных местах как одна из наиболее острых на сегодняшний день. Автор указывает факторы, способствующие незаконному обороту наркотиков, и угрозу, которую представляет данное явление для личности и государства. Особое внимание уделяется действующим и перспективным мерам борьбы с незаконным распространением наркотических веществ.

Н.В. Мосевич

Беларусь, Пинск, ПолесГУ

Научный руководитель – В.В. Ширяев


The budget plays an important role in life of each state. It can be defined as article of the income and expenses of the state which excites each citizen and has impact on welfare of everyone. For a long time its formation and distribution causes disputes and continuous discussions.

It is obvious that the success of economic reforming in our country to a large extent depends on in what directions transformation of a financial system of society will go, how budgetary policy of the state will meet the requirements of time.

The most important purpose of the financial organizations connected with construction and application of the budgetary classification is the account, classification of the income and expenses, and if the budget is not enough - the sources of its funding.

In this regard, an objective of this research is the principles of formation of the state budget, and also the main actions accepted by the state and increasing its revenues [5, p. 217].

As well as in recent years taxes are the main source of the income of the state budget.

In 2014 individuals transferred 5.8 trillion rubles in taxes to the budget (3.5% of total revenues controlled by tax authorities).

Tax revenue from sole traders up 2.2% in Belarus in 2014. The contribution of sole owners to the national budget made up 2.2%, down 0.1% from 2013.

Countrywide one self-employed businessman transferred 15.1 million rubles to the budget, up 2.1% in comparable prices from 2013. The bulk of the budget revenue was formed by single tax payers who transferred 1.6 trillion rubles, or 43.3% of the total tax payments from sole traders. As of 1 January 2015, the number of individuals – taxpayers totaled 2.8 million people across the country.

As of 1 January 2015, an estimated 248,952 self-employed businessmen were registered with the tax authorities, up 0.2% as compared with the same date a year earlier. The majority of them, 121,432 sole traders, or 48.8%, take the use of the simplified tax system. According to the data on the early 2014, their number increased by 17.3%. Single tax payers account for 41.6% of the total number of this category of taxpayers. 9.6% pay taxes in accordance with the standard procedure. These categories of taxpayers contracted by 5.6% and 32.3% respectively [1].

Sources of the income in the budget are also export of goods and contributions on insurance.

In 2014 Belarus’ export has raised by over $5 billion or 11.6% up from 2013. Export was slow due to several factors, including the slow economy growth in Russia, which is our main trade partner, and recession in the global economy. Belarus exported more oil products and potash fertilizers.

In 2015 Belarus’ state budget is expected to earn over $2 billion in oil export duties. The money will be spent on repaying the foreign-currency state debt.

In 2014 insurance companies transferred 935.8 billion rubles to the budget and extra-budgetary funds, up by 205.6 billion rubles over 2013.

The amount of insurance premiums on voluntary insurance plans was estimated at about 4 trillion rubles, up by 318.4 billion rubles over 2013. The amount of insurance premiums on mandatory insurance plans stood at 3.4 trillion rubles, up by 355.3 billion rubles compared to 2013. Voluntary insurance accounted for 54% of insurance premiums in 2014 (54.7% in 2013) [2].

According to the draft, the budget revenues in 2015 will amount to 156.7 trillion rubles, up 27.4% over 2014, expenses will total 141 trillion rubles (up 12.4%). Thus the budget surplus will be at the level of 15.7 trillion rubles [3].

To increase budget revenues in the Republic of Belarus hold a number of events. And one of such actions is increase in a rate income a tax on of 12% of to of 13%.

Excises become more effective instrument of attraction of additional resources in treasury that is connected with annual indexing. So, in 2015 rates of excises on alcohol are increased by 6%, by fortified fruit wine – for 36,2% and for cigarettes – for 15–30%. Thus the state considered a difficult financial position of producers of beer, having kept for them a former rate of an excise.

Besides, in the foreign financial markets of Belarus plans to attract about $1 billion in 2015. It can be bilateral, syndicated loans [4].

For increase in the income of the budget the rate of income tax for banks and insurance companies will be increased from 18% to 25% that will allow to find sources for financing of the state investments, increase of salaries to state employees. Economic growth in 2015 will depend on the opportunities to finance the deficit of the current account of the balance of payments.

The draft budget provides for pursuing a restraining fiscal policy in 2015 and lays down measures for budget consolidation. The planned growth of budget revenues and expenses is below the expected inflation growth. The budget rules out a deficit, which is particularly important in view of the lack of real sources to finance the deficit.

At the same time the budget bill for 2015 envisages less spending on science and technologies, innovative activities with regard to the implementation of innovative projects, the organization and development of the physical infrastructure of innovative infrastructure entities.

Thus, the increase in income tax, rates of excises, rates of income tax for banks and insurance companies, and also other measures will allow to expand resource base of budgets in 2015.

  1. Tax revenue from sole traders up 2.2% in Belarus in 2014 [Electronic resource] // Minsk Regional Executive Committee. – Mode of access: http://mrik.gov.by/en/republic-en/view/tax-revenue-from-sole-traders-up-22-in-belarus-in-2014-6497/. – Date of access: 12.03.2015.

  2. Insurance premiums [Electronic resource] / FPS. – Mode of access: http://forsecurity.org/insurance-premiums-101-belarus-2014/. – Date of access: 14.03.2015.

  3. Finance Minister: Oil at $83 per barrel budgeted in Belarus for 2015 [Electronic resource] // Belsat TV. – Mode of access: http://www.www.belsat. eu/en/articles/finance-minister-oil-83-barrel-budgeted-belarus-2015/. – Date of access: 14.03.2015.

  4. Аналитическая информация о бюджетe Республики Беларусь [Электронный ресурс] // Национальный Интернет-портал Республики Беларусь. – Режим доступа: http://minfin.gov.by/rmenu/budget/analytic. – Дата доступа: 16.03.2015.

  5. Сорокина, Т. В. Государственный бюджет : учебное пособие / Т. В. Сорокина. – Минск : БГЭУ, 2012. – 289 с.

В статье рассмотрены вопросы о государственном бюджете, его важности и сущности. Также представлен анализ бюджета страны в 2014 году. Описана роль государственного бюджета в экономике. Особое внимание уделено основным мероприятиям, которые предусмотрены в 2015 году в целях увеличения доходной части бюджета Республики Беларусь.

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