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the preachers in al doctrin and disciplin instruct the people,

and be such, who, for our Lord Christs sake, and the preach-

ing of the gospel, wil be ready to leave al ; and that by

these mens ministry we bring the people to the kingdom of

Christ. And let us appoint to every flock thereof faithful

shepherds, who may labour no les to cal again the true notes

and marks of Christianity, as to abolish utterly the marks

and notes of Antichristianity : which I would so abolished,

that there remained not so much as the memory of them in

any mens hearts. But seing that these things cannot be

brought to pas without Christs kingdom be fully received, I

would wish that al we should to that end bestow al our

streno-th unto the which work. Forasmuch as we need

many workfellows, I would wish, with al such as truly love

the Lord Jesus, that we set apart all dissension, and joyn in

one perfect concord, to endeavour our selves to set upon the

common adversary.
We se now, being taught by the experience of so many

years, that the Lord granteth but to a few to depart from

that sentence which they have once fastened themselves in ;

especially if they have also contended for the same : so that

we shal he enforced either to dissolve Christian communion

with many whom the Lord hath received, or else we must

give place one to another ; to the intent that either of them

may rest in their own judgment, tho the other dissent. It

is a very hard thing indeed, yea to most holy men, to deny

themselves; and he is seldome found among men, which

would not be content rather to yield in his patrimony, than


in the opinion of his wit. Now then, when as wc see Al-

niiglity God bear this our infirmity in ns so mercifully, fy

on the hardncs of our hearts, if the example of our Lord

and God cannot encline and mollify our hearts to the like

mercy and patience.
Wherfore I conclude that we ought to take great diligent

heed, first, that we take not upon us straitway to determine

al questions as they rise ; yea, let us stir none at al, which

throughly tend not to the kingdom of Christ : let us acknow-

ledg the weaknes of our wit and judgment ; let us stand in

fear of our natural arrogancy, and our peevish self wil in our

own inventions. Al things necessary unto salvation are set

unto us openly, clearly, and plenteously in the holy Scrip-

tures ; and in the study and perfection therof every one of

us wanteth very much. Let vis labour then to fulfill, and

once to make up our imperfections with godly studies. Of

al other matters let us dispvite most warily, let us define most

slowly or never, let us contend at no time. If at any time

through craft of Satan, or our own neglegence, variance shal

124 rise in these things, let us betimes leave off from the same,

as soon as we can, by whatsoever way we may ; or els let us

make some truce in them : seldome is there any victory ob-

tained, yea, never whole victory gotten.

Hereby, most godly Sir, you se undoubtedly what is best

to be don, both in this controversy of vestures, as also of the

liberty of other ceremonies. I had rather than much goods

this question had never been moved : but now scing it is

moved, I wish it to be given over, and deferred to some

other time. These your two argvnnents, " It is a piece of

" Aarons priesthood, and therfore contumelious towards

" Christ now exhibited, as then glorious when he was to be

" exhibited." Secondarily, " These are notes of Antichris-

" tianity, and therfore not to be used of men given to

" Christianity." These reasons, I say, conclude not, in my

judgment, that which you took in hand : for we borrow

many things godly from the order of Aaron''s priesthood to

the glory of Christ now exhibited. So many things which

the Antichrists have made marks of their impiety, may be


made tokens of the kingdom of Christ ; as the signes of

bread and wine, the water of baptism, the laying on of the

hands, preachings, churches, holy days, and many other

things. Also these places of Scripture are of great scope ;

The earth and the f nines therof is of the Lord; not of the

Devil, not of Antichrist, not of the wicked, not against the

Son of man. Lord of his sabboth : and, The sabbath is made

Jhr tnan, and not man for the sabhoth : and, Al things are

pure to the pure : and. Every creature of God is good, nor

can be defiled by good men, by the abuse of evil men. The

word of God must be followed in al respects, as wel in our

private actions as public : for al things are to be don in the

name of the Lord Jesus, and to the glory of God. Then

such liberty as we grant to our selves in our private use of

external things, let us not deny in public. The true Spirit

of Christ going about to overthrow Antichrist, overthroweth

first those things which are chief and peculiar unto him : for

first the Spirit of Christ endeavouring the restitution of

Christ's kingdom, restoreth first doctrin and disciplin, which

be the chief and peculiar points of Christs kingdom.

This colourable craft of Satan also must be taken heed of,

by the which he bringeth to pas oftentimes, that either we

reckon those things sins which are no sins, and those that be

sins indeed we seem not to regard them in our selves ; or els,

ao-ainst those sins which our conscience defines to be sins in-

deed, we use no such severity as we ought.

The Lord grant that you, right worshipful friend, may

religiously weigh these things. I know you seek the glory

of Christ, and I have heard of you, wherin I rejoice, that

you are careful of your judgment, so that you dare not

straitway reckon the same for sure and certain, tho"" you seem

to follow plainly the Avord of God, thinking with your self

that you are a man, and that you may slide out of the way :

therfore I desire and beseech you, by the cross of the Son of

God, by the salvation of the churches, which are at this day

overwhelmed with calamities, by the desired consent that we

should seek to reign in al churches, by the peace that is in

Christ Jesus ; again, I desire and beseech you, that you do



nothing rashly in this question of cereincniies. You have

135 seen weak members in the churches of Saxony; you have

seen also many things, for the which you give God thanks.

Let no man therfore, except it be upon great necessity, cast

off those whom the Lord hath so notably taken to him. O !

would to God the state of the churches of France, Italy,

Poland, were brought to this point. Let us in this realm

take godly heed, that we suffer not unawares the Devils in-

tent, who throweth in among us sundry qviestions and con-

troversies ; lest we should take in hand to hinder the question

of setting forward the doctrin of the gospel, and restoring

of disciplin ; and therby to remove al drones from ecclesias-

tical and scholastical ministries : this Satan, when he cannot

retain the order of bishops wholly in service unto him, he

goeth about utterly to abolish this order ; and by that occa-

sion so to spoil the churches, that while due stipends want,

the holy ministry may be committed to the vilest of the

rascal people.

Let us take heed of these cogitations of Satan, and let us

withstand them as much as we can, by the power of the

Lord ; and by no means unadvisedly to help them forward :

for we are, who sincerely profess the Lord Jesus, and none

of us there is, which is not opprest with much infirmity.

Therfore let us receive one another as the Lord hath re-

ceived us : let us yield mutually one to another, as the Lord

hath yielded to us : which sincere and dutiful love, if it bear

stroke among us, we shal be able with one spirit and one

mouth, and with our whole might, to discomfit the body

and substance of Antichrist. And so afterward, without any

offence of the good, and with certain edification of faith

among the children of God, we may bring to pas the vittcr

defaceing of al the marks, steps, and shadows of Antichrist.

Oh ! Lord Jesu, thou our only peacemaker, as wel with

the Father, as between our selves, banish out of our minds

whatsoever draweth us insunder, whatsoever darkneth the

clearnes of judgment among our selves, whatsoever by any

way hindreth tlie absolute concord in thy ministers, in de-

fence of thy kingdom, and in destroying the tyranny of Anti-


Christ. Pour into our minds thy Holy Ghost, which may

lead us into al truth : who grant us to se and take in hand

al one thing ; but first of al that which is chiefest : wherby

the strength of thy kingdom may be restored unto us, and

al things pertaining to Antichrist may clearly be blotted out

of al mens hearts and memories. The goodnes and love of

the Son of God, for his infinite love sake towards us, vouch-

safe to give us these things, to the glory of his name, to the

salvation of the elect, and that the wicked say not stil. Where

is their Christ ? Amen.

Deditissimus tibi in Domino,
Martinus Bucerus.


MM. 126
Hoper to Martin Bucer, for his Judgment concerning wear-

ing the habits.

To Mr. Martin Bucer, D. D. his xoorthy reader., and

master most reverend, grace and peace from the

Lord, S^c.

FOR what cause I am now in trouble, most reverend, yeE Bibiioth.

shal understand by this messenger m writmg. I pray you ^y^^^^

that you would vouchsafe once to give it the reading: and

if that you shal espy any error therin, I desire you to sig-

nify it unto me by your letters. If any thing hath been

uttered too darkly, and with fewer words than the cause re-

quireth, I pray you that you would set it out in the margin

with more light and apter words. If ye se the cause just

and meet for a godly minister, subscribe therunto in the end,

I heartily pray you.
I send you al that I have written before, three years ago,

upon the Ten Precepts; that your worthines may know

what my judgment is in the case of divorse. I pray you,

vouchsafe to read it, that if I have erred in this part by hu-

mane oversight, I may be advertised by your learning and

fatherly admonition, that I may reform the same. I pray

your fatherhood therfore, and I doubt not but I shal soon
G g 4


obtain, that you would help the Church in her conflict liy

the great and most notable gifts of God undoubtedly be-

stowed upon you. I require the same of Mr. Doctor [Peter]

Martyr. To whom, after your sentence and prudent judg-

ment is known, this messenger which I send, shal repair.

The Lord Jesus long preserve your worthines. At London,

the 17 Octob. 1550.
Yours in heart and prayer al whole,
John Hoper.

— ^

Martin Bucer to John Hoper, in answer to the foregoing
Ubi supra. GRACE and peace from the Lord. Reverend Sir, I

have diligently perused over your letters and writings con-

cerning apparel: and verily this controversy, which so

grievously hindreth your ministry and other, maketh me

exceeding sory. I could have wished to have given a great

127 deal, that cither it had not been moved at al, or els that it

were speedily removed and taken away : for by these lets

and stays, Satan prolongeth his ful banishment from among

the people of God. How much I desire, good Sir, to have

ai things reduced as wel to the apostolic simpHcity in ex-

ternal things, as also to the ful and perfect religion of ad-

vancing Gods glory, not only in matters internal, but also

external, I trust, you doubt nothing at al : for whcrsoever

the congregations have heard me speak, as at Argentine,

Ulma, Augusta, Casella, and many other places, I never

procured to have a special kind of apparel in the administra-

tion of the sacraments. And that abuse which I se of these

garments remaining stil in England in many places, (the

more pity,) I would gladly suffer some great torment in my

flesh that they were wel taken away, not only with al the

marks and badges of Antichrists profession, })ut also with al

the sinews and peculiar detriments which as yet in most hor-

rible sort bear sway every where in England : for church


robbers do stil hold and spoil the chief parish churches, and

commonly one man hath four, or six, or more of them. And

it is reported, that there are many which bestow two or three

benefices upon their stewards or huntsmen ; and yet on that

condition, that they may reserve a good portion of the

ecclesiastical profits unto themselves alone, and cause vicars

to serve the cures, such as they may hire best cheap, not

such as are most fit for that office. Both the Universities,

out of which meet persons ought to be taken, are miserably

troubled by many, which either are Papists or epicures.

Hereof it is that there are so few gospellers, that ye shal

have many churches which in five, six, or more years, have

heard no godly sermon. Al divine service is so coldly, dis-

orderly, and blindly uttered of the counterfeit parish priests

or vicars, that it is as wel understood of the people, as if it

were read in the Afric or Indian tongue. Baptism is mi-

nistred in the presence of a few light women, that have more

mind of dallying. When mariages are solemnized, they

prattle and play. The Lords supper in many places cele-

brated as a mas, from which the people know not that it any

thing differeth, but that it is used in the mother tongue ;

and some one hired for money receiveth the sacraments. As

for Christs flock, there is no due regard of it. They make

no conference of the Catechism with the ignorant sort.

There is no public nor private admonition given to them

which be slack in their duty, or otherwise offend, wherby the

grievous offenders might be bound to repentance ; and they

which have don penance might be absolved ; and they which

stubbornly despise the congregation, might be accounted for

infidels. How many of them knoweth that God hath so

commanded .? They whicli have made no confession of their

faith either in word or deed before the congregation, are ad-

mitted to al things belonging to Christ. They come with

empty hands before the face of God into the holy congrega-

tion. There is no due regard of the poor. The Church

hath no patrimony. The churches are common for ungodly

tales and bargains; and at service time the most part are

trifling, or occupied with worldly affairs. The law of the


H. Ghost concerning apparel set forth by Paul and Peter,

that our women, (nmcli rather men,) should be attired with

comely apparel, with shamefastness and modesty, not with

1 28 broydred hair, gold, pearls, &c. is not observed in the

churches, where the gospel of Christ crucified is preached,

and the communion ministred: so where the disciplin is

neglected, yea, rather it is unknown what the Church is,

what the communion of saints is, what the kingdom of

Christ is ; it cometh to pas, that al fear of God falleth out

of the hearts of men. Hereof arise so many complaints of

perjuries, of adulteries, of thefts, of lyes, of divers and most

impudent deceits, and of usuries most monstrous.

These mischiefs which I have rehersed we do know,

reverend Sir, that they are the chief members of Antichrist,

his bones, flesh, and sinews, wherof he altogether con-

sisteth : which if we with mutual force, with common and

continual travail, and with the aid of the H. Ghost do seek

to overthrow, the abuse of apparel and of al other things

wil be utterly abandoned, and al the badges and shadows of

Antichrist would vanish away. But if these principal mem-

bers of Antichrist, his substance and whole body, be not cut

oflp, and the kingdom of Christ thorowly established, by re-

storing the pure doctrin and diligent disciplin, by fiiithful

and meet ministers of Christ, in vain shal Ave labour to put

the marks and shadows of Antichrist to flicht.
My desire therefore is, good Sir, that we, following Clu-ist

our Saviour, and his disciples, labour above al things tliat

faithful and meet pastors of the Lords flock may sj)cedily

be appointed to every parish, as neer as may be ; that al

church robbers be deprived ; and that the people being in-

structed in Christ, tlie whole participation and disciplin of

Christ may be restored ; even as is described. Mat. xviii.

John XX. Act. ii. 4, 5, 20. Rom. xii. 1 Cor. xii. Eph. iv.

1 Tim. V. and in such like places. Neither would I have

any ceremony either retained or newl}^ ordained, unles it

might be thought by the better part of the congregation to

further the holy and worthy comelines and order of those

that glory in the cros of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to the


true edification of faith. And if any of the churches would

give ear to me, surely they should retain none of these gar-

ments which the Papists have used in their superstitious ser-

vice. But this would I have for these causes, that they

might therby more plainly confes and declare, both that

they had renounced al fellowship with the Romish Anti-

christ, and also surely acknowledge the liberty of external

things ; and that herein they are occupied to restore those

things, especially wherin the disciplin of Christ doth chiefly

consist, and which are commanded us by God. For these

causes, I say, and also lest any occasion of strife should re-

main among the weaker, either for these things, or such

like ; and upon condition beside, that al those things which

are any part of the disciplin and participation of Christ be

received together, I could wish those garments wherof we

speak to be utterly removed.

But to say that these garments are so defiled by the

abuse of Antichrist, that no church may use them, albeit

how much soever some one of them worship their Saviour

Christ, and know the liberty of al things, I dare not be so

bold ; neither do I se any piece of scripture, wherby I may

defend this condemning of the good creature of God : for

the scripture in al places saith, that every creature of God

is good unto the good, that is, to those which truly believe 1 29

in Christ, and use his creatures godly ; and that it is good,

not only in respect of these effects which we cal natural, as

bread is good for his operation of feeding and strengthening

the body, and wine for his effect of drinking and heating ;

but also they are good in respect of sundry significations and

admonitions. For godly men stir up to themselves, and con-

tinue the memory and consideration of many of Gods bene-

fits, by occasion of al things, as they are Gods creatures.

Wherof come these things which are in the psalms and songs

of the saints touching the praise and celebration of God,

wherunto they allure al the works of God.
That any ceremony is wickedly Aaronical or Antichristian,

standeth not in any creature of God, in any garment, in any

figure, in any colour, or any work of God, but in the mind


and profession of those which abuse Gods good creatures to

wicked significations. For what scripture doth teach that

the Devil or wicked men have the power, that by their

abusing they can make any good creature of God, and such

a one as is good, (to signify and admonish simply,) evil and

wicked ? Wherfore nothing can be truly said to appertain

to the priesthood of Aaron, as touching that it is abolished,

(for neither the holy ministry of the church, which is taught

us by the precepts of the priesthood of Aaron, is yet abo-

lished,) but for that it is used with that superstition, as tho"*

it were so necessary unto salvation, now that Christ is re-

veled; or that it were profitable of it self; or that therby

occasion might be given to any man to take this superstition

to himself, either to retain it, or to trouble the unity of the

brethren : so then it cannot be called a ceremony of Anti-

christ, unles some profession or participation of Antichrist

therby be shewed, or that serve for such profession or par-


Now who can deny that the Lord granteth to many of his

elect, to take unto themselves only significations and admo-

nitions out of al things, (beside the natural use of them,)

both of the benefits of God, and also of their own duties,

but not of any evil thing ? And so they should detest from

the bottome of their hearts al things which are contrary unto

Christ, that no occasion at al may be given unto them by

any thing, howsoever other men have abused it, of any su-

perstition or fellowship with darkness, either disturbing of

brotherly love. Now if such true Christians (of whom there

soon would be great plenty everywhere, if that, with the pure

doctrln of Christ, his whole comnuinion and disciplin did

flourish in their churches) did think it would help some-

what to the setting forth of the holy ministry among simple

men and children, that ministers should wear some special

kind of apparel in their ministration ; (yea, and that which

the Papists have abused ;) truly I se not Scripture teach the

contrary, why I should not leave such Christians to their

own judgment. And why I ought so to do, I doubt not

but it is clearly taught, Rom. xiv. 1 Cor. viii. and ix. And


also in many other places we are taught concerning the li-

berty and the good use of creatures, not of meats only, but

also of al other things.
It is certain also, that our Lord Jesus Christ prescribed

unto us in his words the substance only of the holy ministry

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