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the N. Testament to me appeared most true, not only by a

decree of Melchiades, De Consecrat. Dist. v. c. 2. cum allis

ibidem. And many oder great and antient authors; S.

Jerome contr. Lucifer. Basil. De Sp. Sancto. Euseb. in

Hist. Ecclesiastica, lib. vi. c. 34. But also by the universal

consent and use of the holy Catholick Church ; so receiving,

observing, and even from the beginning to this present time

continuing; and finally, for that, meseemeth, it is hole

graunted without controversy of this honorable Council.
And that fui'dermore it is institute by Christ, I take it ;

thinking verily that none oder might institute a sacrament,

as we hei-e take and use the name of a sacrament, Xjo be a

sensible sign, having an infallible assistance of grace of the

H. Ghost : and so hath both the sign and the very cause


To the second. The outward sign of this sacrament is

the sign of the cross in the childs forehead by the Bishops

[hand] with holy creame ; and the form of the words, viz.

Ego conjirmo te. Sic. then spoken, as more evidently ap-

peareth and fully in ca. - - Sacr. Unctionc : according in al

parts to some parts of the Scripture.

Where also is declared the invisible grace given therby.

And I believe verily the seven yefts of the H. Ghost.

To the third question. Meseemeth, that the general pro- 23/

mise that our Saviour made to his disciples, might for an

answer suffice every good Christian, although there were no

oder, as indeed many is. For the general promise is this,

\^The rest is wanting.^
The judgment of Dr. Wolman, ArcMeacon of Sudbury,

and after-wards Dean of Wells.

Urbanus. Omnes fideles per manuum impositionem Epi-

scoporum Sp. Sanctum post baptismum accipere debent, ut

pleni Christiani - - - mantur quia cum Sp. Sanctus in-

funditur - - - ad prudcntiam et constantiam.

Melchiades. Sp. Sanctus, qui super aquas baptisrai sa-

lutiferas descendit, lapsu tribuit ad innocentiam in confir-

matione, a\igmentum pra?stat gratiae. Et quia in hoc mundo


victuris tota aetate inter visibiles hostes et pericula gradien-

clum est, in baptismo regeneramur ad vitam, post baptis-

mum confirmamur ad pugnam. In baptismo abluimur : in

confirmatione roboramur. Et quamvis continue transituris

sufficiant regenerationis beneficia, tamen victuris necessaria

sunt confirmationis auxilia. Regeneratio per se salvat mox

in pace baptismi vel seculi recipiendos. Confirmatio armat

ad agonis hujus mundi praelia reservandos. Qui vero post

baptismum acquisita innocentia immaculata pervenerint ad

mortem, confirmantur morte, quia jam non possunt peccare.

Quidam. Sacramentum non ab aliis, nisi a summis sa-

cerdotibus perfici possit. Nam si aliter praesumptum fuerit,

irritum habeatur et vacuum, et inter ecclesiastica nunquam

reputabitur sacramenta.

Rabanus. Baptizatus vmgitur in capite et fronte : in

capite per Sacerdotem, in fronte per Episcopum. Prima est

in summitate capitis; et per eam significatur super ipsum

Spiritus Sancti descensio ad habitationem Deo consecran-

dam : et hoc in baptismo. Secunda per impositionem ma-

nuum Episcopi ; per quam septiformis gratia per Sp. Sanc-

tum cum plenitudine sanctitatis et scientise et virtutis venire

in hominem declaretur.

Amhrosius de Sacramentis. Accepisti mysterium, hoc

est, unguentum super caput. Quare super caput ? Quia

sapientis sensus in capite ejus. Sequitur spirituale signa-

culum, quod audisti legi hodie, quod post fontes superest,

quo perfectio fiat, quum ad invocationem sacerdotis Sp.

Sanctus infunditur.

The judgment of Dr. Marshal, Archdeacon of Notting-


Confirmatio est sacramentum novae legis a Cln-isto insti-

tutum, et traditum Ecclesias per Apostolos.

Datur per impositionem manuum, hoc est, consignationem;

confert septiformem gratiam, et praecipu^ robur, ut resista-

tur peccato.
Habet et promissionem generalem, qua Christus adsistit

suis sacramentis.


The judgment of Dr. Cliff, Chantor of Yorl\ cftcrxmrds 238

Dean of Chester.

1. Est sacramentum novae legis, institutum a Christi

Apostolis id tradentibus.

2. Exterius signum est impositio manuuin Episcopi sig-

nantis confirmanduni sigiiaculo sanctffc crucis in fronte cum

3. Per hoc sacramentum anima fitlelis roboratur ct con-

fortatur adversus inimicos spirituales per septiformem gra-

tiam Sp. Sancti time confirmato infusam.
The judgment of Dr. Edmunds, Master of Peter house,

in Cambridge.

Confirmation is not a sacrament of the new law, insti-

tuted by Christ by any expressed word in h. Scripture, but

only by the tradition of the Fathers.
Confirmation hath not any outward sign expressed by h.

Scripture. But Doctors saith, That the holy chrisme, and

certain words said by the Bishop, that is to say, Consigno

te signo crucis, Confrmo te chrismate salutis in nomine

Patris et Filii et Sp. Sancti, be the outward signes.
Confirmation hath no promise of any invisible grace by

Christ, by any expressed word in h. Scripture. But Doctors

saith. By it is received strength to fight ayenst the spiritual


There be no promises of grace made by Christ to them

that receive confirmation.

The judgment of Dr. Doiones, Chancellor of the cliinrh of

Confirmatio est sacramentum nova? legis, institutum a

Christo, traditum per Apostolos.
Et per illud confertur septuplex Sp. Sancti gratia, et

praecipu^ robur, ut resistamus peccato.

Cui signum est impositio manuum, et consignatio.
Promissio generalis, quod Christus assistit iis qui per ip-

sum instituti sunt.



The judgment of Dr. Marmaduke.

Whether this sacrament, &c.

This is a sacrament of the N. Testament : institute of

What is the ovtward sign? &c.

The outward sign is imposition of hands, and the sign of

the cross with holy oyl in the forehead. And the graces

23.9 invisible is the H. Ghost, in whom is al graces, and espe-

cially consolation and strength.

What promises be made? &c.
Christ promiseth the Church to be with them, and to as-

sist them to the end of the world. And in the 8th cap. of

the Acts, was by the Apostles given the H. Ghost ; and also

in the 19th of the Acts. Which places and Christs pro-

mise no Christian men need doubt, but ought to believe

the graces and gifts of the H. Ghost to be given in this

The judgment of another Divine, nameless.

The first article.

Whether this sacra^nent, &c.
That authority that it hath must needs be of the N.

Testament, or else it could have no place among Christen

men. Forsomuch as al ceremonies of the Old are abrogated.

And as to the second, necessarily it followeth, that needs it

must have its institution of Christ. For the New Testa-

ment is only of Christ. The institution of Christ may be

either by express Scripture, or else by the authority of

Scripture it may be institute, though that the Scripture by

expres words do not institute the same. And this appear-

eth not only by al the old Fathers in divers matters, but

also by the words of Melancthon, in his article of the bap-

tism of children. When as he hath for the proving of the

said article this formal rule, that is to say, Tho that by ex-

pres Scripture it be not instituted, yet it is received and

used by the authority qf Scripture, joining with the same

the pcrpettial consent qf the universal Church : ivhich in al


things hath been at al times of a great esiimat'ion hy the

doctrin of al the Fathers, as Mclancthon approves before,

not dissenting from the old Fathers, as he protestes divers

The place of Scripture, that giveth authority to this sa-

crament, seemeth to be the viiith chapt. of the Acts, as

Bede expresly understandeth the same, and Rabanus after

him, and Erasmus also.
Wherfore tho it have not so great mystery, nor yet be

not of so great necessity and vertue as the other sacraments

are, yet is it reverently to be observed.

The second article.

What is the otttward sign? &c.
The outward sign is the imposition of the hand, for that

is expressed in Scripture. The oil or the chrism are the

institutions of the Fathers, as I suppose, for the good signi-

fication that oyl hath in Scripture, that is to say, comfort,

gladnes, the H. Ghost, and the gifts of the H. Ghost.
The invisible graces are gifts of the H. Ghost ; gifts of

constancy, strength, and such other: but in what mesiu'e is

only in the knowledg of Almighty God. The H. Ghost, 240

that is to say, gifts of the H. Ghost, were given by the im-

position of the hands at that time visible ; as gifts of tongues,

and such other. As at that time it was necessary to have

extern gifts and miracles, to teach expresly, and confirm the

ftiith, which now are not necessary. The imposition of the

liand with prayer of the Bishop, (as without fail in my opin-

ion there was never imposition of hands without prayer,) by

virtue of Gods word, giveth the former gifts.
And, as I suppose, to give a form of a sacrament, be-

cause there shoidd not want elementum, required perad-

venture in such a sacrament, as in baptism water, the Fa-

thers added oyl.

But, I suppose, as in the sacrament of Penance, witnessing

so Melancthon, the absolution which is don by imposition

of the hand with the word, is the sacrament in that case ;

so in this case the imposition of the hand, with the prayer

of the Minister, is the sacrament.

A d ^l

The third ai'ticle.
What promises, &c.
I know none other promises than are made in the said

viiith chap, of Acts, supposing the Apostles executed that

thing. By the which there were at that time apparent

tokens of the gifts of the H. Ghost, so taught by Christ

their Master, that it might remain a perpetual doctrin to

their successors in like maner to use the same.

The Judgment of Dr. Robinson.

Confirmationis institutio.

Confirmationem, consignationem, sive sacramentum chris-

matis, a Christo institutum esse, autores Fabianus Martyr,

et Clemens comes Pauli, Dionysius Pauli discipulus, Aug.

15. De Trin. cap. 26. Bed. Act. 10. Cyprianus in sermone

De Unctione Chrismatis, et aliis sacramentis.

Sigma eocterna confirmationis.

Oratio, impositio manuum, signum crucis impressum

fronti, adhibito etiam chrismate.


Signum quid sit docet Aug. 2. De Doct. Christian,

cap. 1.

Quomodo datur Sp. Sanctus per orationem docet idem

Aug. lib. 15. De Trin. cap. 26.
Impositio manuum.

Haec multiplex fuit. Nam imponebantur manus confir-

mandis. Act. 8. Ordinandis Presbyteris, 1 Tim. 4. Infirmis

curandis. Marc. 16. Et Haereticis redientibus ad Ecclesiam;

et correctis, ut est apud Cyprian, et Aug. Et haec traditio

apostolica est.

241 Impositio manuum in conjirmandis.
Per manuum impositionem gratiam dari satis declarant
loci. Act. 8. et 19. Origenes, lib. 1. Usp) 'Ap^^v, cap. 3.
Aug. lib. 15. De Trin. cap. 26. Beda, Act. 10. Chrysost. et
Theophylactus super initio 6. cap. ad Hebraeos.
Signum crucis infronte.
De hoc Aug. in Dialogo Ecclesiae et Synagogae. A quo


vocatur signum salutis, ex Ezech. 9. et A})ocal. 7. 13 et 14.

et Hieron. super Ezech. 9-

Sacrum chrisma.
Hoc a %p/^fiv nomen habet, quod significat tcnffo. Uncle

et Cliristum dictum esse au tores Cypriauus in sermone De

Unctione Clirismatis, et Aug. lib. 2. contr. literas Petiliani

Donatistae. Ubi et confii-mationem chrismatis sacramentum

apjiellat. Quin et gratia Sp. Sancti 1 Jo. 2. ter vocatur

Xp'^<^l^oL. Christus ipse docuit fieri chrisma, ut est autor Fa-

bianus Martyr in Epistola ad Orientales Episcopos : Cy-

prian, in sermone De Unctione Chrismatis ; et Dionysius

de Ecclesiastica Hierarchia, cap. 4.
Christum aut Apostolos usos fuisse chrismatis unctione,

nee constanter, aut convinci potest aut negari, quando in

sacris hteris non habeatur expressum ; quum tamen Fa-

bianus Martyr, et Dionysius asserant se ab Apostohs per

manus accepisse. Testatur et Joannes, cap. ult. Miilta esse

qua'/ecH Jesus, quce non scripta sunt. Praeterea, quae Lucas

in Act. apostohcis ab Apostohs gesta scribit, acta sunt ante

annum 30""^ a passione Christi ; cum tamen ahquot ab

Apostohs superstites erant post excidium Hicrosolymita^

num. Ad haec Damascenus, hb. 4. cap. 13. Orthodoxae

fidei ait multa esse tradita ab Apostohs, quae non sunt

scripta ; ut est adoratio ad orientem, &c. Quin et Cyprian,

in ablutione pedum ; Aug. ad Januarium ; Tertulhanus in

hb. De Corona Mihtis, astringunt nos ad traditiones Aposto-

lorum, ad Conciha universaha rite coacta, ad legitimas ac

reccptas consuetudines, non minus quam ad ipsas sacras

Efficacia et vb-tus confirmatioms.
Vis liujus sacramenti est exhibitio gratia' Sp. Sancti ad

robur ac constantiam in bono, ad reluctandum malo, ad cx-

tinguendinn fomitem, ad augmentum gratia^, &c. Clemens

ait in lioc sacramcnto dari septlformem gratiam Sp. Sancti ;

Cyprian, sapientiam, intellectum, consilium, fortitudinem,

scientiam, pietatem, timorem, per hoc sacramentum, divini-

tus, coelitus, et supernis inspirationibus infundi testatur.

A a 3

Sic Aug. lib. 15. De Trin. cap. 26. Orig. Vlsp) 'Ap%«3v, lib. 1.

cap. 3. Chrys. et Theophyl. vi. ad Hebraeos.

Siquis objiciat donum linguarum, et prophetiam, casto

raque dona Sp. Sancti, quae olim per Apostolos dabantur,

cessasse, et proinde gratiani, per impositionem manuum,

jam non dari, respondeat Aug. lib. 3. De Bapt. contra Do-

natistas, his verbis : Neque eriim temporalibus et sensibilibus

miracidis attestantibiis per manus imjjositionem modo datiir

242 Sp. Sanctus, sictit antea dabatur, ad commendationem rudis

Jldei, et Ecclesice primordia d'llataiida. Quis enim nunc

expectat, ut hi, quibus manus ad accipiendum Spiritum im-

ponitur, repente incipiant linguis loqui .? Sed invisibiliter et

latenter intelligitur, per vinculum pacis eorum cordibus

divina charitas inspirari, ut possint dicere, Quoniam cha-

ritas Dei diffusa est in cordibus nostris per Sp. Saticttim,

qui datus est nobis.

Necessitas conjirmationis.
Quantum expediat hoc sacramentum omnibus exhiberi
patet [ex] Fabiano. Ex Epistola Cornelii de onato. Ex
Clemente. Ex Dionysio. Et ex Aug. lib. 2. contr. Literas

Petil. cap. 104.

Traditiones non scrqitcv. necessari(E ad salutcm.
Baptismus infantium, autore Augustino. Non rebap-

tizandum, qui ab haeretico baptizatur. 'Oju-oioucr/oy. Perpe-

tua virginitas Marise. Apostolos fuisse baptizatos. Quod

tamen scriptum non est.

The judgment of Dr. Richard Smith, sometime Public Pro-

fessor of Divinity at Oxford.

The first question.

Whether confirmation he a sacrament? &c.

I affirm that it is so, and that by the word of Christ

Avritten. Not the tables of stone, nor yet the skins of parch-

ment, or any other semblable thing ; but in the hearts of

the Apostles. The which strait after their Masters ascen-

sion used the said sacrament, and left it to the Church


without writing. For these Apostles of Christ, fully and "

perfectly instructed by him, left sundry and many things

to the Church, not putting them in any maner of writing.

The which universally received, and alwayes used in the

Church, from that time even to these dayes, must and

ought to be believed as firmely and stedfastly as any part

of the Gospel written; or else these articles subscribed were

necessary to be ceased ; which to defend is heretical :

I. Parvnlos hapt'izatos consequi 7-cmissionem peccatorum.
II. Transiibstantiari panem et vinuiti in Eucharistia.
III. Quod F'dius in divinis sit consubstantialis Patri.
IV. Perpetiia virginitas Deiparce Virg'inis.
V. Quod sint tres Personam in Divinis.
VI. Quod Pater sit ingenittis.
VII. QuodJudcBi conversi non debcrent observare legalia.
VIII. Quod missa sit sacrificiiim.
IX. Quod mains Sacerdos potest ministrare sacramenta.
X. Quod ab hcereticls bnptizati non sunt rebaptizandi.
Cum id genus aliis multis.
The second question, 243
The outward sign is the imposition of the hands of the

Bishop, and the unction of creame used therin. The invi-

sible grace is the sevenfold grace of the H. Ghost, as wis-

dom, fear, with the rest; and encrease of the grace justifi-

cation received by Baptism, or the sacrament of Penance, if

the taker be in grace.

The third question.

This is not apertly put in writing, but taught the Apo-

stles by Christ, and the Church by them.
The judgment of Dr. Buckmaster, Vicechancellor of Cam-

bridge in 1528, 1537, and 1538.

Sacramentum Coti/irmationis.

Materia liujus sacramenti est duplex, pj'opinqua et re-

Materia propinqua est unctio facta in fronte in figura

crucis cum chrysmate sanctificato.

Materia remota est chrisma composita ex oleo oliva» et

A a 4

balsamo, sanctificatum specialiter ab Episcopo, vel ab alio cui

talis sanctificatio committi poterit. Quippe omnia sacra,

quae requirunt ministrum determinatum et sacratiim, re-

quirunt etiam materiam sanctificatam, saltern in illo sacro,

ubi requiritur materia sensibilis.
Per oleum, quod aliis liquoribus supereminet, designatur

charitas. Per balsanunn suaviter fragrantem, odor bona?

fama*, qui in confirmato esse debet.
Forma hujus sacramenti est talis: Consigno te signu crii-

cis, et conjirmo te chrysmate salutis, in nomine Patris et

Filii et Sp. Sancti.
Signata in parte determinata, nempe in fronte, in sig-

num quod deponeret omnem erubescentiam ad audactcr

confitcndum Christum.
And here it is to be noted, before the death of our Sa-

viovu- Christ, there was no confirmation sacramental vised.

For as S. John saith in his Gospel, Nondum erat Sjp.Sanc-

tus datiis, quia nondum erat Jesus glorificatus. And in

another place he saith on this wise, Expedit vobis, ut ego

vadam. Si non abicro, Paracletus non veniet ad vos. Si

autem abiero, mittam vobis ilium. And albeit that the

Apostles received the H. Ghost before the day of Pentecost,

yet did they then first receive him in signum sacramenti

Conjirmationis ; that is to say, in token of the sacrament of

Confirmation : what time the H. Ghost appeared to them in

fiery tongues. Which fiery tongues were a visible and sen-

sible sign of the H. Ghost then sent, and given unto them

to confirm and establish them in Christs faith, &c.

And the reason why that the Almighty God used this sign

here in this sacrament was this. First, he used the sensible

sign of a tongue, signifying by the same, that they should

be liberal of their tongues to preach the faith of Christ.

And again, this figure of a tongue appeared in fire, to sig-

nify to them, that they should be hot and fervent in cha-

244 1'ity ; and they should not preach and teach the faith of

Christ for any lucre or worldly promotion, but only for the

love of Christ, and for the health of their neighbours. And

thus did Christ coirfirm his Apostles, giving unto them his


manifold inward graces; and not only outwai'd, as it was

then expedient for that time, by such an outward and sen-

sible form or scene, that is to say, a fiery tongue.
But after this, forasmuch as fire cannot be applied unto

a mans body without hurt, therfore in his place was taken

oyl : which is a thing and a matter next unto burning, and

draweth most ny unto the nature of fire ; having in it also a

mervclous cleannes, which is a quality appropriate unto the

fire. Furthermore, in the stead of a tongue, the Church

useth balm : and that for this coimsil. For as balm hath a

good and a sweet savour, and preserveth from corruption,

so by the manifold graces, which be here conferred in this

sacrament, they that lyveth and worketh according unto

the same, hath a sweet and a good savovu', of a good name

and fame before God, either by confessing and preaching of

Christs faith, or else by the strong resistings and vanquish-

ing of his enemy es, the devil, the flesh, and the world. And

so is also preserved from the corruption of sin.
And as touching these two, that is to say, oyl and balm,

which we called before mater'iam Imjus sacramenti, with

the holy consecrations of the same, which may be called

mijstcria sacramenti, no doubt but that, as the most ancient

Doctors doth write, the Apostles of Christ, by Christs au-

thority, did institute and ordain the same ; or else, to speak

better, Christ did institute them by the Apostles : although

that in the beginning, for a certain season, he might dis-

pense with them, that they should not need to use such

matter, but only prayer and imposition of their hands upon

such as they did confirm. And although mention of these

and such other things, rites, and ceremonies, which our mo-

ther the Church useth, not only in the ministration of this

sacrament, but also in many of the other, is not had expresly

in Scripture ; yet be al such to be observed and fulfilled by

the order of apostohcal tradition. For as S. Aug. writ- De Fid. et

eth in a certain place. Those things be not mentioned in ^ledliin" ^

Scripture xchich were commonly don, and yet by some things

there they may be understanded in the word. Wherfore

S, Greo-ory, lib. 7. Registr. Epla. 16. saith, That the order


ofantient custom^ and the canons of the Church, is an inter-

preter of al doubts that be not expressed in Scripture.

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