Chantry of St. Maries 44 8 7.
within the parochial church 5 4 11
of Chard, count. Somerset,
and other lands.
College of S. Joh. Bap- 3 6
tist of Stoke, juxta Clare
in com. Suffolk, &c.
2 ob
Capital messuage and te- y8 6 ob.
nemeut called Calfnrd, ly-
ing in Lewisham in Kent,
lately belonging to the coll.
of Corpus Christi, near the
church of S. Laur. Pount-
uey. Loud. &c.
Chantry in the parochial
church of S. Mich. Coslam,
in the city of Norw. &c.
The college of the name
of Jes&, in Bury S. Edm.
Suff. &c.
The messuage and house
called the Trinity hul, o-
therwise the common hal
80 of ,the fraternity or guild
of the Trinity founded in
the ch. of S. Botolph with-
out Aldersgate. And 8
meases commonly called
the Trinity ally, &c.
Three messuages, teue- 4.')
meuts, &c. in S. Mary Al 1
dermary, London, belong-
ing to the chantry at the
altar of S. Joh. Baptist in
the chappel neer the paro
chial church of Alderniary
aforesaid, upon the char-
iiel there, commonly called
E.rportes chauiitry, nud di-
vers other lands, &c.
18 16
W7 4 Sob.
1417 19 9ob.
958 3 5ob.
2034 14 10
492 11 8
497 8
G89 7 4
John Peter and
John Bogau.
John Whitohorn
and John Bayly.
John Chekc and
Walter Movie.
Hen. Polstede and
Will. More.
Rdw. Warner, knt.
and Ric. Catliu.
Rich. Corbet.
Will. Hawy, alias
Walter Young and
Edward Young.
Oiantry, college, hospi- Yearly value,
tal, guild, ^c.
Al the channtty, called
Edmunds chauntry iu Bar-
riug-tou in Cambridg, &c.
The chauntry of S. Joh.
Evauf^elist,aud S.J. Baptist,
called Farnacres chutmtry,
in the parish of VVickham,
comitat. Durham.
The chauntry of Heding
ham, alias Heduiiigham Si-
ble in comitat. Essex, &c,
The chatmtr}' of Cobcr-
ley iu Glocestersh.
The free chappcl in Cas-
ter S. Trinity in the county
of Norf. cinn pertmcntiis.
Tvro chauutries in VVi-
venhoo iu Essex, and the
maner of Albins belong,
thereto, &c.
A messuaffe, tenement,
and burgage iu the comity
of Dorset, belonging to
the chauntry of S. Maries
founded within the church
of S. Trinity of Dorches-
ter, &c.
Al the sept, scite, circuit
and precincts of the college
of tlie New Work of Leic.
commonly called the N'ew
tVat-k College in the town
of Leic.
The chauntry of Harrow
founded in the church of
Harrow upon the Hil iu
Middlesex; and divers o-
ther lands, &c.
Messuage and tenement
called the Bel, and other
houses and tenements, &c.
iu the parish of S. Kuthariu
Creechurch, given to main-
tain a priest to celebrate
('ogseshal chauntry iu
Great Badow, in the county
of Essex, &c.
G9 6 2q.
17 19 6
8 14 .5
2 15 4
8 12
2 13 4
13 9
6 7
8 7
21 10 4
9 6
10 18 8
10 10 10
1 9 4
2 18
1 12
1 6
13 f>
The chauntry in the pa-
rochial church of Kirkeby
in comitat. Lane.
The chauutiy of Great 12 10 8
8 06.
6 15
958 17 7 ob
In cousidera-
tiou of service.
324 6
206 8
3.39 18
149 11 8
453 6 4
742 8 6
219 7
562 12 1
148 10
Thomas Wendy
and John Barton.
Alex. Pringel.
lohu Lucas, esq.
Wil. Bridges, kt.
Will.Paston, kt.
Walter Cely.
Fraun. Samwel
nd John Byll.
Joh. Beaumont,
esq. aud William
William Gyes and
Michael Purefey.
314 19 10
Giles Harrison.
John Mildmay.
Thomas Stanley.
iTliomas Tyrrel.
17 1 11
Chantry, college, hn.tjnkilAYcarly value. \
guild, 6j'C.
Sampford in Essex, &c. and
the chauntry of Iselhani in
the county of Cnmbr.
The guild or fraternity of 14 17 'd
S. Trinity and 8. Joh. Bap-
tist, in the parochial ch. of
Sheptou Mallet inSoincrs.
The messuage and tene-
ment, and al shops, cellars,
&c. situate within Christs
church within Newgate,
Lond. for the sustentation
of a priest to celebrate in
the church of Hackney in
Middlesex, &c.
The rectory and free
chappel of S. Leonards in
the parish of Iloliiugton in
Sussex ; and the chauntry of
Lewtou founded in Awton
GifTord in Devon, &c.
Messuages, lauds, and
tenements, &c. situate in
the parishes of Cluisale
in Essex, and Edelmeton,
lately belonging to the
chauntry of S. George the
90 Martyr, within the cathe-
dral church of Hercf. and
divers other, &c.
Messuage and tenements
called the P/oui;/t, and o-
ther lands, houses, &c. ly-
ing in Faiter lane, Lond. be-
longing to the fraternity of
S. Sithc in the church of
S. Andrews, Holborn.
The chauntry of Sprot-
ton in the county of North-
ampton, and ai the mes-
suages, mills, (SiC.
House in Bunbury in
the county of Chester, call-
ed the dLaiintn/-h
longing to the chauntry or
chauntries of two priests!
or clarks, lately founded
in the parochial church of
Bunbury, called Sir Rafc
Egei-tnns chaunfri/.
Lands and pastures, &c.
lying in Wcstham in Essex,
and al that land, contain-
ing by estimation an acre
and hjdf, in Layton, Essex,
given to the sustentation of
an anniversary, &c.
31 15 6
19 16 8
12 15 1
;?57 4
894 4
85 15
5 4
1154 15
:ui h;
7 ob.
643 16 10
448 7 4
435 Ifi 8
1924 10 1
lohu Horner.
i'ho. Persse
lud William
oh. Keynie and
Richard Keymc.
Tho. Crawley.
rhom. Bartlet
and Rich. Modye.
Silvester Taveruer
and J. Hvudc.
Iho. Bromcley,
Tho. Golding and
Walter Celye.
Chantry, college, hospiud,
guild, &fc.
A chauntr}' in Seveiioke
iu Keat, aud the messuage
and tenement called Hw
cluni nhj/-hnuse , &c.
Mansion and tenement,
called the mansion-liouse
of the college or new-lial
in the monutrey within the
city of Wells, &c.
A ruinous chappel, called
the Rood chappel of Green-
The college of S. John
Baptist, of Shotesbrokc iu
Berks, &c.
Manor and rectory of
'W'inkbourn in Nottingh.
belonging to the priory or
hospital of S. Johns of Je-
rusalem in England.
The manor of Colbridge
iu Kent, belonging to the
college of S. Ste. Westm.
aud divers, &c.
The manors of Awbery,
Winterbonrn, and Charle-
tou iu \\'ilts; parcel of the
possessioH and rents of the
college of 8. Mary and Al-
Saints of Fotheringhay in
Northauipt. &c.
Messuages and tene-
ments called Jirnjcs, \\\ Tal-
cot and Toleshuut Knights,
in Essex ; parcel of the guild
or fraternity of S. George
of the parish of S. Mary tlie
Virgin iu Walden, &c.
Clianntry of Pensehurst
iu Kent, &c.
Al that messuage or te-
nement in Chanon-row,
We;>tni. belonging to the
Yearly value.
39 8 8
2 13
8 9
3 10
1 6
4 13
28 9 2
2/ 19 7
23 2 6
5 \ Woh
2 16 4 oh
1 18
Non patet.
1 E
947 17
728 2
Will. Twisden
and John Brown.
John Ayleworth
and Will. Lacye.
In considera-
tion of service.
963 8
In considera-
tion of the rec
tory of East
bech, aud ii
performance of
K. Henry VIII.
his will.
749 17 \oh.
2808 4 10 fl/^,
and in con side
ration of an ex-
change of woods
lands, &c, ir
Essex, and ii
[)erformance of
!<.. Henries wil
346 4 10
Rob. Hockeliiud.
riiomas W^eldon
Wil. Biirnel.
Edward Wotton,
\\ il. Sharingtou,
John Wells.
8 18 87.
214 8 6
1477 15 8
George Harper,
kt. and Rich.
Sir Michael Stan-
hope and John
D d3
Chantry, coUep:e,linsplta I, Yearly value,
guild, &;c.
college of S. Stephuns, iuid
divers other lands, &c.
The free chappcl of
Tilnc in the parish of
Haytou in Nott. &c.
The chauntry or free
chappel of S. Mary of Wit-
ney, Ox. &c.
The fraternity or g-nild
of Luton iu Bedf. and
91 Hert. and al the guild iu
Hitchyu in Hertf. and the
whole house and mansion,
commonly called t/ic Jirn-
therhed house, situate iu
Hitchyn, &c.
The chauntry of Swyu-
ford in Leic. and al the
messuage called the chaun-
try house, &c.
The capital house and
scitc of the college of Whit-
tington in the parish of S.
Michaels Pater Noster,
London, &c.
The chauntry called
£arkeleyschfti(n/ry, found-
ed in the parochial church
of Meere in Wilts, &c.
Manor of Bettiscomh in
the county of Dorset, he-
longing to the college of
S. Stevens, Westm.
The farm and harton of
Eyuston in the parish of
Hcnx-street in Somers. be-
longing to the chauntry of
S. Katharins in llminstcr
in the said county, &c.
Five messuages in Be-
verly in the county of York,
called t/ie mansion houses
of the late prebendaries of
the prebends of S. Peter,
S. James, S. Stephen, S.
J^2 Katiiarine, and S. Martin,
founded in the late col-
1 l,j
3 4
25 3 575 1
7 3 Gq. 427 ly
2 13 4
16 16 8
23 11 9
7 16 II
2 2
10 16
2 17 5
2 14 5
3 10 4
10 6 8
4 6 8
22 11 2
7 12 2 06
3 1
2 2 2
3 2
3 14 10
2 12 3
77 11
28 2 4 ob.
36 3 11
25 13 4
23 13 1 y.
4 1 8
1036 14 4
404 12
92 2
2731 8 9 oh
661 8 Oq.
Tho. Swifte and
William Swifte.
Will. Boxe.
Ranul. Burgh and
Rob. Beverley.
William Parker.
Armagil Wade.
John Tliynue, kt.
and Laurence
Hyde, gent.
Ricli. Randal.
1297 10 iTIiomas Bell, kt.
and Rich. Duke,
506 9 11
Mich. Stanhope,
kt. and Job. Bcl-
Chantry, college, hospital,
guild, i^'c.
lege of Beverly, and di-
vers, &c.
The messuage aud te-
ncm. known by the name
of Holmes college in tlie
parishofS. Gregory, Lond.
and belonging to the
chauntry commonly called
Holmes chunntry.
Three cottages or tenem.
and three gardens belong-
ing thereunto, in East Kir-
by in the county of Line,
late in the occupation of
the chanterists of the
chauntry of East Kirby,
Manor of Chedworth in
the county of Glouc. and
the scite of the college of
Pcnkrich in Staff. &c.
Chauntry of Aston in
Aston neer Brymiugham
in Warw. and the house
and mansion of the cliaun-
try; and the manor of
Yngton, &c.
Chauntry called Hotosts
chauntry in Orset in the
county of Essex, &c.
Chauntry of S. Mary
Magdalen in Sprouston in
the county of Norf. aud di-
vers other lauds, &c.
The free chappel called
Milkhouse chappel in the
parish of Cranebroke in
Kent, and the whole scite,
sept, com pas, aud circuit
of the said chappel, &c.
House and scite of the
priory of Snelleshal in
Bucks, aud al the manor
of Harlingtou, &c.
Tlie chauntry called
Batemans chauntry in
Borough in the county of
Camb. and the chauntry
called Jene.t Childs, alias
Yearly value.
72 4
8 2
21 15
9 3
1 10 8
1 10 6
3 3 y
.38 16 10
5 7
17 1
72 14
3 7 7
2 17 10
1 14 4
18 5
9 6
2 19 6
3 6 8
3 10 10
78 4 oh.
146 7 9 oh.
11 II
9 12 5
1289 7 6
606 9 oh.
1286 5 7
1522 16 3
532 13 4
262 3 8
Partly in ex-
change, and
partly in ful-
filling of tlie
will of K. Hen
508 2
John Hulson and
Wil. Pendred.
Rich. Goodrick &
Wil. Breton.
John Earl of War-
wic, Ric. Forset,
and otliers.
Rich. Pallady and
Frauncis Foxhal.
Clement Cysley &
John Leeds.
and John Corbet.
John Baker, kt. 9^
Thomas Palmer,
Gilbert Claydon &
Rob. Barker.
D d 4
Chantry, college, hospital,
guild, 8fc.
the cliiiiintiy of S. Mary
tie Witthani in Essex.
The chamitry of S. Anne
de le Gou iu Shaftou in
Dorset, and tiie free chap-
pel of Little Alayne in
Dors, and the chauntry
of Laiigton, called GiUhm
channtrij, founded in the
parochial church of Lang-
ton, &c.
Chauntry of Pepingbury
in Kent, &c.
The church of Bablack
in the city of Coventry,
parcel of the guild of the
said city, called Trinity
The free chappel called
S. Margarets chajipel in
Tadingston, Suff. and the
chauntry called Depden in
Kent, &c.
The chauntry called our
^4 Lady chauntry in Acton
in SufF. and the manor of
Bowerhal in Essex, be-
longing to Mills chauntry
in Melford in Suif. &c.
The messuage, tene-
ment, and inn, called the
Helmet iu Kings-street,
Westm. and an house of an
inkeeper within the said
messuage belonging to S.
Stephens coll. Westm.
The chauntry of Hat-
field Broad Oak in Es-
sex, &c.
The cliauutry of S. Mary
Magdalen in the parochial
church of ('ross Thwaite
iu Cuniberl. (S;c.
The chapjiol and scitc
of the chappel of the As-
sumption of the Bl. Virgin
Mary, upon the bridge" of
the town of Bristol, &c.
Tlie chauntry of S. Mary
in Alfrctou in the county
Yearly value.
2 19 4 ob. 569 2 10
3 6 8
1 10
2 5
11 9 Qdiq.
Non patet.
14 19 6 ob.
19 6
6 13 4
13 8
8 3 1
5 5 8
1 6 8
5 13
31 14
6 8 11
6 19 2
3 2
59 3 1
8 ob
7 8 8
2 17
253 8
342 2 2
562 5 4
B21 11 9
1696 14 10
347 10
Thomas Boxley &
Rob. Reve.
John Revers.
The city of Co-
ve ntiy.
John Earl of Ox-
ford, and The. Al-
Thomas Pastou,
Rich. Audcley and
Job. Rede.
Walter Farre and
Rafe Standish.
Thoni. Breude.
The niaior and
commonalty of the
city of Bristol.
Thorn. Babiugton.
Chantry, college, hospitul,
guild, i)-c.
of Darb. and the scite of
the hospital of Castletou
in the said county, and di-
vers other lands, &c.
Farnham chauntry in
Surrey, &c.
The chauntry called
T'f^haplodes in the parish
of Chalfouts S. Peters in
The free chappel of Ar-
ley Whiteknights in Son-
nyng in Berks, &c.
Three messuages in
Totehil-street, Westmin.
parcel of the land of the
fraternity or guild of S.
Mary, founded in the
church of S. Margaret,
Westm. &c.
Yearly value.
21 3 4
10 17 6
1 13 4
1 3 4
1 16
12 18 10
31 3 2
407 4
382 7 8
674 3 6
John White and
Stev. Kyrtou.
Robert Drnry, kt.
Henry Polsted and
William More.
Will. Chester and
Christopher Nede-
Archbishop Cranmer's Treatise of Unwritten Verities.
MSS. D. IN the day of Pentecost, whan the Holy Ghoost de-
£pj's'gEjjg„ scended upon the apostles and diseyples of Chryst, they
receyved suche grace and goostly knowlege, that they hade
forthwith the gyfte of the understandynge of Scrypture, to
speak in the tonges of al men : and also that upon whomso-
ever they layde theyr handes, the Holy Ghoste should de-
scend upon them : and therupon they by theyr preachyng
and good doctryn converted in short tyme great multitudes
of people unto the fayth of Christ. And after that, dyvers
blessed men in strength of the fayth, Avrote the lyfe, mi-
racles, doctryne, passion, death, and resurrection of our
mayster Chryst : but four of those writings were only re-
ceyved by al the whole Church of Chryst, that is to say, of
Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. And they receyved them
to be of such auctoryty, that it should not be lawful to any
man that would confess Chryst, to deny them. And they
were called the four Gospels of Christ. And the Epystles of
Paul, the Acts of the Apostles, the Epistles that be called
cananyke^ and the Apocalyps, were receyved to be of lyke
auctoryty as the Gospels were. And thus by assent as wel
of the people as of the clergy, was the New Testament
afFyrmed to be of such auctoryty as it is now taken to be of,
and as it is of indede : so that it is not lawful to deny any
ihyng tliat it affirmeth, ne to affirme any thyng that it deny-
cth. And it is no mervayle though it be taken to be of such
strength. For it was auctoryscd, whan the people that were
newly converted to the fayth were ful of grace and of devo-
tion, replenished with vertues, desyryng al way the lyfe to
come, and the helthe of theyr own souls, and of theyr
Than also were blessed bishops, blessed preestes, and
other blessed persons of the clargy. And what could such
men ask of God ryght wisely, that sholde be dcnyed them .''
And who may thynk, but that they, and al the people at the
said auctorlzing of the Scripture, prayed devoutly for the
assistaunce of the Holy Gost, that they might have grace to
auctoryze such as shold be to his honour, to the encrease of
his fayth, and to the helth of the souls of al his people ?
The time also that thys auctoryzing of the New Testa-
ment, and the gatheryng it togyder was made, was, as I
suppose, the tyme of the moost high and gracyous sheddyng
out of the mercy of God into the world, that ever was from
the begynnyng of the world unto thys day : and I mean the
tyme that was from the incarnation of Christ unto [i. e. until]
the sayd auctorysyng of the New Testament was accom-
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