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VOL. I. PART ir.
Number XVII.
* The Confession of John Tyhall, a Lollard ; charged ivith
Co7ifessio Johannis Tyhall de Bumstede ad Turrim^ facta et
recognita per eundem Johannem coram reverendo in
Christo patre Dno. Cuthberto London. Episcopo, in ca-
pella infra palacium London, xxviii. die mensis Aprilis,
annoDni. millo- qicingen^'^o- xxviii. Quampostea signavit.
Foxii MSS. EXAMYNED, he saithe, that abowght vii. or viii. yeres
Cutbfrt. past, he had certaine bookes of the iiii. Evangelistes in Eng-
llshe, of one holie John, and certayne Epistoles of Peter and
Paule ; which he brent the same day at night, as he saithe,
that Sir Richard Fox [a Priest] was tached. And so in con-
tinuans of tyme, by reading of the said bookes, and spe-
cially by a chapter of Poule which he wrot to the Corynthyos,
which he doth not now remember, fel into those errors and
hci-ysies. That sum tynie he thowght, that in tlie blessed
Sacrament of thauker is not the very body of Christe, but
bred and wine, and done for a remembraunce of Christes
passion. And he thowght and behevyd, that a Prieste had
no power to consecrate the body of Christe.
Also, he confesseth, that he hath saidc, affirmed and be-
levyd, that every Prieste and Bishop owght to have a wiff
upon the chapitour of Poule, where he saithe theis wordes,
Every B'lSsJiop ouzogt to be liusbond of one xo'if^ and to hryng
Jbrthe cMldern.
Also, he saithe, that he hathe sayd, affirmyd and belevyd,
that yt was as good for a man to confesse himself alone to
God, or els to any other layman, as to a Prieste, upon the sai-
yng of Saynt James, where he saythe, Sheio your synncs
one to another. Which error he shewid and tawght Robert Robert
Faire of Bumstede abowght a twelve monethe past. ^^^^'
Also, he saythe, that he hathe thowght that pristhode was
not necessary. For he thowght that every layman myght
mynister the sacramentes of the Churche, as well as any
Also, he confessithe, that pilgremagcs to images were not
profitable ; and that men shold not worshippe or knele to
images in the churche; nor set up candles or lights before 36
them : for they be but stockes and stones.
Also, he saythe, that he hath sumtyme doubted, whether
the Pope or Bysshopp had power to graunt pardon. For
sumtyme he thowght, that they had power, and sumetyme he
thowghte the contrarie, becaus they liad so myche mony for
it. And he sayd, he thowghte, that yt were better, that
their myters, crosses, ringes and other precious stones shuld
be gyven to poore and nedy pepuU, then so to were them ;
according to the saiynge of Poule, where he saythe. Were
ye no gold, silver nor perils, ne precious stones.
Also, he saythe, that sayntcs, as Peter, Poule and other,
be in hevyn : but as for other soules of good men, which de-
partithe this world, he thinkithe, that they go not to hevyn
before the general resurrection ; but be in some place of joye
and plesure, except they be helpid to hevin by good prayer.
And the sowlcs of synners and y veil doers go to purgatory ;
and there remayne tyll they be dely veryd by prayers.
Sir Richard Also, he saythe, that abowght a twelve moneth agon he
did reason and dispute with Sir Richard Fox, that ther was
no purgatory ; and did hold the same for a season. How-
beit he sayth, he thowght that there was a purgatory or-
Also, he hath sayd and affirmed, that ^^^iw^ was not
profitable for a man ; so that he did absteine himself from
Also, he saythe, that he thowghte, that the water of the see,
and other rennyng water, to be of as moche power and ver-
tue as the holy ivater : movyd by theis reason, that when
Criste made the worlde, and the water, and other thynges,
he hlessyd them. Which blessing he thowght to be suffi-
cient. And so lykewise, he thowghte, that the blessing of
Criste to be sufficient for brede, and [for] al other ceremo-
nies of the Churche.
Furthermore he saythe, that by the space of iiii. yeres
Ebb alias past, old Father Hacker, alias Ebb, resorted to this respond-
entes house, and dyd commyn together of al the forsayd ar-
ticles. Also he saythe, that afterward he fell in hand with
Sir William Stryngar, and Sir Arthur, parishe Pristes of
Bumstede ; to brynge them into the herysies and errours
aforesayd ; and reasonyd uppon Scripture, diverse tymes
with them for the same intent. For he thowghte, that yf
he might bring a Priste once into his learning and heresies,
he were suer and strong enowghe. Howbeit he saythe, for
al his labour and reasoning with them he did perseve, that
they went abowght to deceive him. And therefore he cast
them upp.
Also, he saythe, that by the space of iii. yeres past John
Jo. Smyth. Smyth of Bumstede did likewise resort often to this respond-
entes company ; and this respondent to hym : which did
commyn of the sacramentes of thaulter, and of other articles
before rehersed.
Furthermore, he saythe, that abowght ii. yeres agon he
company ed with Sir Richard Fox Curate of Bumstede, and
isliewid liym al his bookys that he had : that is to say, the
New Testamente in Enghshe, the Gospel of Matthew and
Mark in Enghshe : which he had of Jolin Pykas of Col-
chester : and a book expoundyng the Pater Noster, the Ave
Maria, and the Credo ; certain of Powles Epistoles in Eng-
hshe, after thold translation; the iiii. Evangelists in Eng-37
lishe. The which iiii. Evangelists and Powles Epistoles he
brent, as he sayd before ; and the residew] he cannot tell
wher they be ; except Sir Richard Fox, John Hilles, or
John Chapman, servantes to Christofer Ravyn of Wytham,
have them. And so in processe of tyme by reasonyng of
thynges, contayned in the sayd bookes, and disputing and
instructyng, he browght Sir Richard Fox to his lerning and
Also, he saythe, that afterwards, that Sir Richad Fox
was infected with his errors and heresyes, this respondent,
Sir Rich. Fox, and John Smyth, this last yere went to Col-
chester-ward : and the first night lay at Mother Beckwythe : Mother
. . Beckwythe.
and the morrow after dyner, at William Beckwythe : which
were both of kynde to this respondent. And thither came
old Cristmas of Bockyng; and another woman with him. o'*! tirist-
And where there were any communicacyon of any articles
in the sayd places, or where the sayd Mother Beckwith,
William Beckwith or old Cristmas be of the same secte, he
cannot tell. And afterward they Avent to Colchester ; and
souped at John Pycas hous. Wheras they iiii. communyd
together of many and diverse articles, which he doth not
now remember. And at the same nyght lay at Thomas
Matthew, Where as William Pykas in ther chambre be- w. Pykas.
fore this respondent, John Smythe, and Sir Rich. Fox, did"^- Smyth.
reherse by hart a disputation made, betwixt a Gierke and a
Furthermore, he saythe, that in somer last, when he was
first in Johnson's house in Boxstede, the sayd Sir Rich. Fox
did openlye rede in a booke, called The Wicket, which he had
ther as he belevythe, before this respondent, John Smythe, Joh"son de
T , J . • ¦/ • , • 1 Boxstede,
Johnson and his wit, sometyme gyving hering to yt, as he ejus uxor,
rembrethe. Which book the sayd Sir Richard had to Bum-
stede with him. And afterward, that they red in the same
book. A question was movyd by Johnson, or his wyf, as he
remembred, of the Father, the Son and the Holie Gost.
The question he cannot tell, ne of the answere made ther-
imt9 by Sir Rich. Fox. And he saithe, that he belevythe,
that the sayd Johnson and his wif be of the same lernyng
and sect. And Johnson is taken for a lernyd man among
them. Also, he saithe, that John Pykas, William Pykas,
Joh. Gyr- John Gyrling, John Bradeley, be of the same sect and lern-
j'ojf. Brad- y^S- -^"^ ^^ f*'^ Thomas Mathwes wif he cannot tell,
ley- Item, he saithe, that a yere past, or more, he resorted ons
Alice Gar- |^ Alice Gardiner, his godmother, to her owne house.
Which Alice asked this respodent, whether he wold go to
Ipiswiche with her. And this respondent sayd, Nay, nay.
If you have any Avast money, give yt to poore pepull : and
tarye at home : for it shal not skyll to go on pilgremagcs to
Ipiswiche. For there ys money enowghe. To the which an-
swere sche did not greatly speke ayenst, nor gretly holde
withal, as he saythe.
Also, he saythe, that abowght a iii. yeres past, he communyd
with Thomas Parker of the Gospellys in Englishe, in the
said Thomas Parkers house. And otherwyse he cannot
Also he saythe, Thomas Hilles taylour, John Chapman,
John Wyggan of Wytham, Robert Fay re, and John Smythc
of Bumstede, hath commyned with this respondent in al the
forsayd articles ; and be of the same sect and lernyng.
38 Furthermore, he saythe, that at Mychaelmasse last past
tonr ^*' ^^^ twelve monethe this respondent and Thomas Hilles
came to London to Frear Barons, then being at the Freers
Augustines in London, to buy a New Testament in Eng-
lishe, as he saythe. And they found the sayd Freer Barons
in his chamber ; wheras there was a merchant man, reading
in a boke, and ii. or iii. more present. And when they came
in, the Frear demawnded them, from whence they cam.
And they said, from Bumstede ; and so forth in communi-
cation they desyred the sayd Freer Barons, that thy myght
be aquaynted with hym ; because they had herd that he was
a good man ; and bycause they wold have his cownsel in the
New Testament, which they desyred to have of hym. And
he saithe, that the sayd Frear Barons did perseve very well,
that Thomas Hilles and this respondent were infected with
opinions, bvcause they wold have the New Testament. And
then farther they shewyed the sayd Frear, that one Sir
Richard Fox Curate of Bumstede, by ther means, was wel
entred in ther lernyng; and sayd, that they thowghte togett
hym hole in shorte space. Wherfore they desyryd the sayd
Frear Barons to make a letter to hym, that he wold conti-
new in that he had begon. Which Frear did promyse so to
wryte to liym a letter at afternoone, and to gete them a New
Testament. And then after that communication, the sayd
Thomas Hilles and this respondent shewyd the Frear Ba-
rons of certayne old bookes that they had : as of iiii. Evan-
gelistes, and certayne Epistles of Peter and Poule in Englishe.
Which bookes the sayd Frear dyd litle regard, and made a
twyte of it, and sayd, A poynt for them, for they be not to
be regarded toward the new printed Testament in Englishe.
For it is of more cleyner Englishe. And then the sayd
Frear Barons delyverid to them the sayd New Testament in
Englyshe : for which they payd iii^. nd. and desyred them,
that they wold kepe yt close. For he wolde be loth that it
shold be knowen, as he now remembreth. And after the
delyverance of the sayd New Testament to them, the sayd
Frear Barons dyd lyken the New Testament in Latyn to a
cymball tynkklyng, and brasse sowndyng. But what farther
exposytion he made uppon it, he cannot tell. And then at
aftemone they fett the sayd letter of the sayd Frear ; whiche
he ^vTote to Sir Richard ; and red that openly before them :
but he doth not now remember what was in the same. And
so departed from hym ; and did never since speke with hym,
or write to hym, as he saithe.
Also, he saithe, that abowght a half year agone, he dely-
verid the sayd New Testament to Frear Gardyner : which
he never had ageyne.
Farthermore he saith, that Elene Tyball his mother, and
Alice Tyball his wif, be gyltie in al the foresaid articles :
except his wif is not giltie in the Sacrament of thaulter :
which both he tawght and instructed.
Frear Me- Item, he saith, that about v. yere agon he was confessid
apostasia of one Frear Medow, beyng a Grey Frear of Colchestre, and
existent. ^^^^ professed, and borne in Essex. Which Frear, after he
herd his confession, desyred the respondent to help hym owt
of his religion. And so at last the sayd Frear came home to
the respondents house, in a secular man his rayment, whose
hed this respondent dyd then shave : and kept him in his
house by the space of iiii. days, or ther about : and then de-
parted from hym, and went to Amersham. And synce this
39 respondent hath herd say, that he is marry ed to a may den of
Colchestre. Whose servant or dowghter she is, he cannot
Also, he saith, that he hath communed with Edmund
Tyball, and shewid hym his lernyng often tymes.
The mark of John Tyball.
Abjuratio istius sequitur infol, prox. sequent.
Number XVIII.
The Abjuration of Thomas Bowgas, before Tunstal Bishop
of London.
Mss. Foxii. IN the name of God, Amen. I Thomas Bowgas of the
Cuthb parishe of Saynt Leonards of the towne of Colchestre, of the
diocesse and jurisdiction of London, fuller : before yow,
right reverent Father in God, Lord Cuthbert Byshop of
London, my Ordinary, confessyng and knowlegyng the true,
catholycke, and apostolique faith of holy Church ; intend
by the grace of God, hereafter ever to persever and abyde
in the true doctrine of the same : and do detest and abjure
al maner of heresies, contrary to the same : and most espe-
cially those heresies and articles followying : wheruppon I
am now detected, vehemently suspected and convicted. That
is to say,
That a man shuld have no neede to go on pilgremage
to Saynt Thomas of Canterbury, or to owr Lady of Grace.
Also, that there is no other Churche of God, but man his
conscyence. Also, that I had as leve be buryed in my
own house as in the ehurche. Also, that I wold that owr
Lady of Grace were in my bakehouse. Also, that when it was
demaunded of me, whether it was evyll or wel done, to sett a
taper before the sepulchre ; I awnswered and said, it was
nothing, but to sett a candell before the Devyll, for vayne
glory of the worlde, as I and many other foolis doth. Also,
that if I had the crucifix, the image of our Lady, and other
sayncts and crosses set by the way, in a ship, I wold drowne
them every one in the see.
And in these articles, and al other, I here expresly con-
sent unto our Mother, the holy Churche ; and to the true
doctrine of the same. And do knowledge, that whosoever
hereafter doth hold or affirme any of thies articles, or eny
otlier heresies, contrary to the determination of holy Church,
is worthy to be excluded from the communion of the same.
And in case hereafter I do speke, hold, or affirme any of
thies foresaid heresies, errors and opinions, or other, con-
trary to the determination of holy Church, which by the grace
of God I intend never to do, I submytt my self unto the
correction of my Ordinary, accordyng to the holy canons.
And for thies my trespasses and offences, I desire you of 40
penaunce : which I promyse by thies holy Evangelies,
here by me bodyly touched, truly to do, observe and full-
fyl. In wittenes whereof to this my present abiuration, I
have subscrybed my name, and set the signe of the crosse.
Be me Thomas Boges off Colchester.
Number XIX. 4j
The Abjuration of WiU'iam Bochci\ before Cuthbert Bishop
of London.
IN the name of God, Amen. I William Bocher of theMss.Fox.
})arish of Steplc Bumstede, of the diocesse and jurisdiction" ' *"'"^*'
of London, plowwright, before the right reverend Father
in God, Lord Cuthbert Bishop of London, my Ordinary,
opynly confesse, that I have belevyd, that in the blessed
Sacrament of thaulter is not the very body of Christ, but
done for a remembrance of Cristes passion. Also, that par-
dons cannot profit, ne help a man. Also, that a man shal
liave no nede to go pilgremage.
AVherfore I do now professe and knowledge, that in the
blessed Sacrament of the Aulter is the very body of Crista
in form of bred. And farthermore in that, and al other, do
consent to our Moder, the holy and catholyck Churche.
Intendyng hereafter for evermore fastly to abyde in the
faithe of the same. And do detest and abiure thies fore-
sayd heresyes in special : and al other in general. ^
And in case hereafter I shal hold, affirme, or beleve any
of thies heresies, or other, contrary to the determination of
our Moder, the holy Churche aforesayd, I do submitt my
self to the correction of the holy canons : and do promyse
unto Almyghty God, our Moder the holy Churche, and
you my said Ordinary, and swere by thies holy Evangelies,
here by me bodyly touched, that I hereafter shal not hyde,
or kepe close any heresies, or dampnable opinions, nor ther
auctors, in tyme to come, nor be conversant, or familiar
wyttyngly with any person, or persons suspect of heresie.
But when that I shal know any such person or persons, I
shal truly detect them with ther heresies and opinions to
ther Ordinaries, assonc as I conveniently may. Submyttyng
me most mykely to our Moder holy Churche, and you my
said Ordinary : and desire absolution and penance for thies
my offences ; which I promyse to do, observe, and fulfill.
In witncs wherof to this my present abiuration, I have set
to the sign of the crosse.
^2 Number XX.
The Confession of Robert Hemsted.
Undecimo die mensis Maii, anno Dni. mill"- quingenti"'"-
xxviii"* coram reverendo in Ch?'isto Patre, et Dno. Dno.
Cuthbcrto, permissione Divina, London. Epo.judicialiter
sedent. in capella infra manerium reverendi Patris Nor-
wic. Epi. juxta Charyng Crosse, London, comparuit
Robertus Hemstede parochie de Bumstede ad Turrim,
London, dioc. de herctica pravitate suspectus et de-
lectus. Et submisit se correctioni diet, reverendi Patris :
et asseruit se plene et fdeliter respondisse articulis eid.
objectis, Juxta tenorem responsionum sequen. quas coram
eo presente lectas recognovit. Et delude legit abjura-
MSS. Fox. HEE confessith, that in somer last past, Sir Richard
ubi supra, p^^^ j^j^^ Tyball, John Smyth, and Frere Topley, came
to this respondent's house; and caused hym to go with
them to a grene, called Hersted Grene. And there they
told this respondent of many thyngs, which he doth not
now remember. And Frear Topley sayd to this respondent,
if he did not beleve as they did teche, he was no true
Christen man.
Also, he saithe, at Lent last, he was confessid of the sayd
Sir Rich. Fox, Curat of Bumstede. And when the said Sir
Richard had herde this respondentes confession, he axskyd
hym, how he did beleve in the Sacrament of thaulter : and
then this respondent awnswered, and said as other men doth.
That in the blessed Sacrament of thaulter is the very body
of Criste. To whom the said Sir Richard said. Nay, thou
must not do so. For that is not the best way ; but beleve
tliou in the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, and not
in the Sacrament of thaulter. And then this respondent
said to tlie forenaniyd Sir Richard, I fear me ye go about
to bryng me in the takyng, that the men of Colchester be
in. To whom the said Sir Richard awnswered, What, man,
art thou afrayde ? Be not aferd. For those serve a better
Maister, then ever thou diddest. And so at last, by the
motion and techyng of the said Sir Richard ; and because
he was Prist, this respondent thought, and belevyd, that in
the blessed Sacrament of thaulter is not the very body of
Also he confessith, that by the space of this iij. yeres last,
or thereabout, this respondent hath thowght, that pardons
are of no effect, ne cannot prefect.
Number XXI. .„
The Confession of Thomas Hemsted.
Undecimo die mensis Maii MDXXVIII, in capella infra
manerium reverendi Patris Norwicen. SfC. ut supra.
HE confessith, that abowght a yere and half past, this MSS. Fox.
respondents wif tawght hym, the Paternoster, Ave Maria, '''" '"P""*'
and Credo, in Englishe. Which sche lernyd of Gilbert
Shipwright, being ded ; and councelyd hym, that he shold
kepe it close. And in a while after he was chosen Church
Warden of Bumstede with John Tyball. And then used
the company moch of Sir Richard Fox, and the said Tyball. Fox.Tyball.
And when the sayd Sir Richard and Tyball had percevid
that his wyf had towght hym the Paternoster, Ave Maria,
and the Credo, they did call this respondent brother in
Crist, and a knowne man. And so by the space of a yere,
or more, last past, he have ben conversant and famylyar,
and usyd ther company, and have herd ther lectures,
redyngs and techyngs ; and hath at no tyme disclosed them,
nor ther counsell.
T. Hiiies. Also, he confessith, that abowglit Schroftyde last, Thomas
Hilles tawght and shewyd this respondent, that pardons
were nowght, and not profitable for a man. The which
this respondent saithe, that sumtyme he thowght and be-
levyd, that it was trew.
Also, that abowght Fastyngham last. Sir Richard Fox
shewid this respondent, that in the blessid Sacrament of
thaulter is not the very body of Criste ; but doon for a re-
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